Michael's marriage with Lisa Marie was another hoax?!?An interesting VIDEO

PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
edited August 2011 in General Hoax Investigation
I've never seen this before and WOW! They found really very interesting things. Now this explains why all of the names were wrong in the marriage certificate. Plus Michael's name. It was written as Michael JOSEPH Jackson. <br /><br />


  • Oh man, this is good! Mike specifically wanted Jugo Alverez to perform the wedding ceremony out of his jurisdiction so that the marriage would SEEM real but in fact be fake. Mike, you got us again! This hoax takes me somewhere I have never been before. We really are seeing a different side of MJ and I really really like this side ;)<br /> <br />
  • This is really interesting. You can definitely tell the magistrate is lying. I wonder if their divorce papers were leaked and what names were on those because obviously if the marriage was fake they wouldn't need anything. I am confused though because to me the marriage seemed real. Otherwise, why would they still act like they were together after they divorced? I mean there are pictures of them holding hands and kissing while he was with Debbie.
  • there is a vidoe somewhere of ( i think) a geraldo show where joe espisito said that if elvis were alive there would never be any marriage between lisa and michael. he also said that they (meaning michael and lisa ) were friends and that she might have done it to help him out.
  • Thanks for posting the video. Really interesting find.
  • [size=12pt]While the video is no doubt "interesting"...I sumbit that it's what's in your heart that matters...not what's on paper.  Unless someone was interested in taking the other to the cleaners financially (which wasn't the case here)...they may have just opted for convenience and not been concerned with jurisdiction.[/size]
  • I remember this statement about Elvis.  I’ll help you find it if it’s still out there.
  • That magisrate is definitely lying.  OMG what a farce :shock: 
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think the MJ/Elvis correlation in this whole hoax is much more significant than just the "death" parallels.  A while back, the majority of the TIAI re-directs (for a while) focused on Elvis and that he is still alive, a lot of it to do with the Eliza case.  The "death" parallels were brought up way before the re-directs but our attention was brought to back the connections, in a big way.<br /><br />If nearly everything on June 25th and after is part of the hoax script, why wouldn't before as well, going back years and years?  If the marriage was for the script, why would it need to be real?  I can't say I know whether their marriage was real or not but I do believe that they had (and still have) a loving and understanding relationship.  My point is that if Michael can fake his death, he can fake a marriage too.
  • skywaysskyways Posts: 745
    I remember Donald Trump said, they was stayng on his hotel shortly after getting married and Michael with Lisa was not leaving room for days@
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    VERY interesting...great find PureLove.  Any idea when this was aired?  I've never seen it before and it must not have received much publicity or it would have been discussed extensively on many boards (or maybe I just missed it altogether...wouldn't be the first time lol).  <br /><br />If we've learned anything about MJ over the last two years, then we know he didn't do anything half-assed, so to speak.  There is nothing I've come across to suggest that he was forced or coerced, in any way, to marry LMP...so chances are that he was in control of his actions and chose that path.  Maybe it really was for love and they didn't care about having it on paper, as Love4Michael suggested...who knows?  But nothing with Mike is ever that simple...it's never black or white.<br /><br />Andrea makes a good point reminding us of the  MJ/Elvis connection...but we also know that that connection extends even beyond LMP.  What is the link in the MJ/Elvis parallels that would connect with LMP...specifically, the need to marry her?  If it was for the 'script,' why the need to make it appear as if they were married to everyone, when they really weren't?  <br /><br />The only other link... that jumps out at me...which would possibly require them to be married, is Scientology.  Now, I've just recently started looking deeper into Scientology (due to the 'anonymous' videos)...but what I've researched so far didn't include membership rules/requirements.  Maybe some of you are more versed in that and can shed some light on whether or not the 'church' would've required that Mike marry LMP in order to become a member.  Just thinking out loud here, but I think I recall Elvis being VERY against Scientology...which could be another 'branch' in the MJ/Elvis parallels.<br /><br />IDK...I could be way off...but I'm seeing ALL kinds of 'dots' lately and a lot of them lead me to believe that Mike found a way into Scientolgy, for very specific reasons...and when he got what he went there for, the script changed.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • <br /><br />it just makes me think of the elvis and pricilla quicky wedding.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1312581065:
    <br />there is a vidoe somewhere of ( i think) a geraldo show where joe espisito said that if elvis were alive there would never be any marriage between lisa and michael. he also said that they (meaning michael and lisa ) were friends and that she might have done it to help him out.<br />
    <br /><br />I wonder why he said something like Elvis would never allow them to get married. I think this is just their assumption that Elvis wouldn't love Michael. I don't believe Michael would need such a "help" of any woman to "look" like a heterosexual man. But it is also possible that the marriage was made to eliminate all the "MJ is gay" rumors. I don't know but anything is possible when it comes to Michael Prankster Jackson.  ::P
  • ELVIS would have been against the marriage because he is a racist. He did not like black people, this I have read it, and he has said it from his own mouth. Even if Michael became white due to vitiligo he is still and African American man, and that is a no no for Elvis. I have always said it Michael used Lisa Marie, to find out more information how her father hoaxed his death. In reality they both used each other.  Thank you purelove for this interesting video.. So his marriage was a sham, we say not to listen to tabloids, but the tabloids were right this time.  Do not underestimate Michael, he is a very clever man...
  • on 1312588626:
    <br />I remember Donald Trump said, they was stayng on his hotel shortly after getting married and Michael with Lisa was not leaving room for days@@ and Donald was absolutly sure that our sweethearts is having there very good time .  He just answering there same Q we answering now. So i believe him. TAKE CARE EVERYBODY.@<;br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]You are perfectly right  :),here is the video ,where Donald Trump confirmed this:<br />[/size]<br /><br />Donald Trump on Michael and Lisa Marie Marriage Oct 1997<br />
    " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
    <br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]LOVE[/size]
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    pale/ Michael did what he wanted and he fooled the world (or let's say, gave the dreams to those who prefer dreaming including the gamblers).<br /> :lol: <br />I really like that.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    When I was looking up articles on Elvis's attitude towards blacks, I found this article which at first I thought said Elvis WAS a racist, but then tried to say that was a myth and not true. What I really found interesting was a comment from an african-american who felt that Elvis absolutely was racist. And at the end he makes the comparison with MJ's true reciprocated love by and for ALL people groups and colors of the world.  Myself personally, I think it's one thing for white people to say that Elvis is not racist, but quite another for black people to say he is because most white people have no clue how subtle racism continues on, and they think everything's perfectly fine.<br /><br />
    http://www.elvisinfonet.com/spotlight_racist.html<br /><br /> So you see, even though you show a picture of Jim Brown a famous football player, Johnny Mathis, or some other super star of their era (standing next to Elvis) doesn’t mean Elvis wasn’t a racist or shouted racist remarks at negro, blacks, African Americans’ (wasn’t alive) or Africano.  Elvis could care less about Jim Brown the man.<br /><br />And if you really wanted to find out the truth, ask Jim Brown or other blacks who had run-ins with your king.<br /><br />When Elvis shouted his infamous remarks at his concert to that black lady and called her a nigger and then bought her a Cadillac isn’t something an non racist does.  What’s really disappointing is, when I was kid I thought Elvis was so cool, until I started hearing rumors and then proof.<br /><br />Although it’s a free country to write and say what you want, you can’t hide the truth from those who seek the truth.  Elvis was indeed a racist as is both President Bush’s.<br /><br />To say Elvis didn’t imitate Blacks is like saying Pat Boone didn’t steal from Little Richard, or didn’t that happened. Or like the Stones Stealing from Bo’ Diley.  Look…emulation is the highest form of flattery but, Elvis was not trying to give credit to blacks he was simply M&M of his day.  The difference from the two is, M&M will admit that he is his own person, but he emulated Africano style rappers. <br /><br />Also to just so we are clear about the two kings.  MJ was loved by all races.  Elvis was only loved by Europeans. The reason why Elvis won’t die is due to economics in terms of white people having enough money to continue feeding into his death.  MJ will never die as well, but he will be considered on a higher platform because of genuine love he had for all races.<br />
    <br /><br />Also, just another reason why Back is probably MJ, is that Elvis had a record named Elvis is Back.  http://www.elvisinfonet.com/ftdreview_elvisisback2.html  I don't think the name Back was chosen randomly, and only Michael was competitively aware of Elvis' fame, and wanted to surpass him, just as he did the Beatles and Prince. I also think for Michael there was also the desire to forage into the surpassing anything white man could do, since he got his videos into MTV as the first black performer and faught hard for black musicians to not get taken advantage of by white producers, etc.  MJ and Katherine (I heard her say it) claimed that many of the lies in the media about MJ were because of racism and jealousy, with the intention of bringing down a black man who dared surpass white musicans.<br /><br />Also just a thought on the video clip on the marriage between MJ and Lisa being not legal -- isn't it true that the only witnesses were 2 people from Lisa's Scientology church? Perhaps they were there to make sure that it was NOT a legal marriage, because MJ was not a member and/or didn't want to become a member, or perhaps Lisa knew that a legal marriage to a black man would anger her mom and/or 'dad' (perhaps also why she didn't want to have his bi-racial children).  Perhaps that was the only way she would 'marry' him. Just wondering.
  • on 1312578788:
    <br />I've never seen this before and WOW! They found really very interesting things. Now this explains why all of the names were wrong in the marriage certificate. Plus Michael's name. It was written as Michael JOSEPH Jackson. <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Thank you for this video PureLove,wow very rare!!!!<br />If we all agree this was wow ,then please watch part 2 , afraid/,OMG !!![/size]<br /><br />The Greatest Show On Earth - More than 1 hoax? Part 2<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Lisa went after Michael begging to take her back,we already know this because Michael told Boteach.<br />We all remember the confusion about Katherine Jackson being on June 26, 2010 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel for the presentation of her book:Never can say goodbye.In in the end we find out she was in another place ,lol  8-)and that place is Encino  :o.LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES.<br />The reason I bring this subject is because I want to tell once and for all what I think about THE PLACE where the interview with Oprah and Lisa was in fact. I think the real place was NEVERLAND not ENGLAND :shock:.Pay attention to the video above,starting with 7:39.Lisa says she was in England when she find out Michael died ::).But isn't England the place where she is supposed to be in that moment,giving a interview to Oprah ?If that was the truth she had to say :<br />I WAS HERE ,IN ENGLAND,no????? :? 8-).The reason I say all this is because I kept this in me for a long time,and now I had to do it.Some people will say Im crazy but after watching many ,many videos of Neverland I know for sure that place is not England !!!!!!<br /><br /><br />LOVE[/size]
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Interesting.<br /><br />This marriage being fake just lends more credibility to my theory that the Pepsi burn was a hoax as well. <br /><br />One more reminder that everything is not as it seems.<br /><br />
  • I believe the Pepsi burn is real.  MJ has been wearing hair pieces since that time.  I don’t think he would vouch to wear them unless it was necessary.  Just my opinion on that.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1312621514:
    <br />[size=12pt]Thank you for this video PureLove,wow very rare!!!!<br />If we all agree this was wow ,then please watch part 2 , afraid/,OMG !!![/size]<br /><br />The Greatest Show On Earth - More than 1 hoax? Part 2<br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for posting the second part of the video applehead. This is really getting more and more interesting to me. After you watch this video, you get an impression like LMP was obsessed with Michael. And on the other hand, it was really weird where she says she was trying to understand her relationship with Michael.   :?
  • on 1312615271:
    <br />When I was looking up articles on Elvis's attitude towards blacks, I found this article which at first I thought said Elvis WAS a racist, but then tried to say that was a myth and not true. What I really found interesting was a comment from an african-american who felt that Elvis absolutely was racist. And at the end he makes the comparison with MJ's true reciprocated love by and for ALL people groups and colors of the world.  Myself personally, I think it's one thing for white people to say that Elvis is not racist, but quite another for black people to say he is because most white people have no clue how subtle racism continues on, and they think everything's perfectly fine.<br /><br />
    http://www.elvisinfonet.com/spotlight_racist.html<br /><br /> So you see, even though you show a picture of Jim Brown a famous football player, Johnny Mathis, or some other super star of their era (standing next to Elvis) doesn’t mean Elvis wasn’t a racist or shouted racist remarks at negro, blacks, African Americans’ (wasn’t alive) or Africano.  Elvis could care less about Jim Brown the man.<br /><br />And if you really wanted to find out the truth, ask Jim Brown or other blacks who had run-ins with your king.<br /><br />When Elvis shouted his infamous remarks at his concert to that black lady and called her a nigger and then bought her a Cadillac isn’t something an non racist does.  What’s really disappointing is, when I was kid I thought Elvis was so cool, until I started hearing rumors and then proof.<br /><br />Although it’s a free country to write and say what you want, you can’t hide the truth from those who seek the truth.  Elvis was indeed a racist as is both President Bush’s.<br /><br />To say Elvis didn’t imitate Blacks is like saying Pat Boone didn’t steal from Little Richard, or didn’t that happened. Or like the Stones Stealing from Bo’ Diley.  Look…emulation is the highest form of flattery but, Elvis was not trying to give credit to blacks he was simply M&M of his day.  The difference from the two is, M&M will admit that he is his own person, but he emulated Africano style rappers. <br /><br />Also to just so we are clear about the two kings.  MJ was loved by all races.  Elvis was only loved by Europeans. The reason why Elvis won’t die is due to economics in terms of white people having enough money to continue feeding into his death.  MJ will never die as well, but he will be considered on a higher platform because of genuine love he had for all races.<br />
    <br /><br />Also, just another reason why Back is probably MJ, is that Elvis had a record named Elvis is Back.  http://www.elvisinfonet.com/ftdreview_elvisisback2.html  I don't think the name Back was chosen randomly, and only Michael was competitively aware of Elvis' fame, and wanted to surpass him, just as he did the Beatles and Prince. I also think for Michael there was also the desire to forage into the surpassing anything white man could do, since he got his videos into MTV as the first black performer and faught hard for black musicians to not get taken advantage of by white producers, etc.  MJ and Katherine (I heard her say it) claimed that many of the lies in the media about MJ were because of racism and jealousy, with the intention of bringing down a black man who dared surpass white musicans.<br /><br />Also just a thought on the video clip on the marriage between MJ and Lisa being not legal -- isn't it true that the only witnesses were 2 people from Lisa's Scientology church? Perhaps they were there to make sure that it was NOT a legal marriage, because MJ was not a member and/or didn't want to become a member, or perhaps Lisa knew that a legal marriage to a black man would anger her mom and/or 'dad' (perhaps also why she didn't want to have his bi-racial children).  Perhaps that was the only way she would 'marry' him. Just wondering.<br />
    <br /> <br />I am a white person, and I am appalled that people up to this century are still  racist. We are all equal in this world.  I am trying to look for the interview of Elvis who said it from his mouth that he is racist, he did not like black people.  Thats why if he were here Lisa Marie would have never married Michael. Believe me Elvis was or is a racist... 
  • on 1312621514:
    <br />
    on 1312578788:
    <br />I've never seen this before and WOW! They found really very interesting things. Now this explains why all of the names were wrong in the marriage certificate. Plus Michael's name. It was written as Michael JOSEPH Jackson. <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Thank you for this video PureLove,wow very rare!!!!<br />If we all agree this was wow ,then please watch part 2 , afraid/ ,OMG !!![/size]<br /><br />The Greatest Show On Earth - More than 1 hoax? Part 2<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]Lisa went after Michael begging to take her back,we already know this because Michael told Boteach.<br />We all remember the confusion about Katherine Jackson being on June 26, 2010 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel for the presentation of her book:Never can say goodbye.In in the end we find out she was in another place ,lol  8-)and that place is Encino  :o .LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES.<br />The reason I bring this subject is because I want to tell once and for all what I think about THE PLACE where the interview with Oprah and Lisa was in fact. I think the real place was NEVERLAND not ENGLAND :shock: .Pay attention to the video above,starting with 7:39.Lisa says she was in England when she find out Michael died ::) .But isn't England the place where she is supposed to be in that moment,giving a interview to Oprah ?If that was the truth she had to say :<br />I WAS HERE ,IN ENGLAND,no????? :? 8-) .The reason I say all this is because I kept this in me for a long time,and now I had to do it.Some people will say Im crazy but after watching many ,many videos of Neverland I know for sure that place is not England !!!!!!<br /><br /><br />LOVE[/size]<br />
    <br /> <br />Applehead you are up to something, It could be she was in neverland, plus look at the sunflower flowers on the table next to Oprah???
  • Wendy Moira Angela Darling :In the novel Peter Pan, and its cinematic adaptations, she is an Edwardian schoolgirl. The novel states that she attends a "kindergarten school" with her younger brothers, meaning a school for pre-adolescent children. Like Peter, in many adaptations of the story she is shown to be on the brink of adolescence. She belongs to a middle class London household of that era, and is the daughter of George Darling, a short-tempered and pompous bank/office worker, and his wife, Mary. Wendy shares a nursery room with her two brothers, Michael and John. However, in the Disney version, her father decides that "it's high time she found a room of her own" and kicks her out of the nursery for "stuffing the boys' heads with her lot of silly stories", but changes his mind at the end of the film after he returns home with his wife after the party.<br /><br />Character<br />Wendy is the most developed character in the story of Peter Pan, and is often considered the central protagonist. She is proud of her own childhood and enjoys telling stories and fantasizing. She has a distaste for adulthood, acquired partly by the example of it set by her father, whom she loves but fears due to his somewhat violent fits of anger.
  • I do agree that this was at Neverland. I said it way back when --- that Michael set the stage for <br />So that he could go back there and be safe. <br />He said he would never go back there again. that would make it the best place. <br />NO ONE WOULD THINK TO LOOK FOR HIM THERE<br />And I still think of all the cement trucks :O)))<br /> <br />Michael you’re so clever.<br /> <br />I do believe with all my heart that he is alive and enjoying his Neverland once again.<br /><br /><br /> :) :) :) :) :) :) :) <br />love you more
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1312655625:
    <br />
    on 1312615271:
    <br />When I was looking up articles on Elvis's attitude towards blacks, I found this article which at first I thought said Elvis WAS a racist, but then tried to say that was a myth and not true. What I really found interesting was a comment from an african-american who felt that Elvis absolutely was racist. And at the end he makes the comparison with MJ's true reciprocated love by and for ALL people groups and colors of the world.  Myself personally, I think it's one thing for white people to say that Elvis is not racist, but quite another for black people to say he is because most white people have no clue how subtle racism continues on, and they think everything's perfectly fine.<br /><br />
    http://www.elvisinfonet.com/spotlight_racist.html<br /><br /> So you see, even though you show a picture of Jim Brown a famous football player, Johnny Mathis, or some other super star of their era (standing next to Elvis) doesn’t mean Elvis wasn’t a racist or shouted racist remarks at negro, blacks, African Americans’ (wasn’t alive) or Africano.  Elvis could care less about Jim Brown the man.<br /><br />And if you really wanted to find out the truth, ask Jim Brown or other blacks who had run-ins with your king.<br /><br />When Elvis shouted his infamous remarks at his concert to that black lady and called her a nigger and then bought her a Cadillac isn’t something an non racist does.  What’s really disappointing is, when I was kid I thought Elvis was so cool, until I started hearing rumors and then proof.<br /><br />Although it’s a free country to write and say what you want, you can’t hide the truth from those who seek the truth.  Elvis was indeed a racist as is both President Bush’s.<br /><br />To say Elvis didn’t imitate Blacks is like saying Pat Boone didn’t steal from Little Richard, or didn’t that happened. Or like the Stones Stealing from Bo’ Diley.  Look…emulation is the highest form of flattery but, Elvis was not trying to give credit to blacks he was simply M&M of his day.  The difference from the two is, M&M will admit that he is his own person, but he emulated Africano style rappers. <br /><br />Also to just so we are clear about the two kings.  MJ was loved by all races.  Elvis was only loved by Europeans. The reason why Elvis won’t die is due to economics in terms of white people having enough money to continue feeding into his death.  MJ will never die as well, but he will be considered on a higher platform because of genuine love he had for all races.<br />
    <br /><br />Also, just another reason why Back is probably MJ, is that Elvis had a record named Elvis is Back.  http://www.elvisinfonet.com/ftdreview_elvisisback2.html  I don't think the name Back was chosen randomly, and only Michael was competitively aware of Elvis' fame, and wanted to surpass him, just as he did the Beatles and Prince. I also think for Michael there was also the desire to forage into the surpassing anything white man could do, since he got his videos into MTV as the first black performer and faught hard for black musicians to not get taken advantage of by white producers, etc.  MJ and Katherine (I heard her say it) claimed that many of the lies in the media about MJ were because of racism and jealousy, with the intention of bringing down a black man who dared surpass white musicans.<br /><br />Also just a thought on the video clip on the marriage between MJ and Lisa being not legal -- isn't it true that the only witnesses were 2 people from Lisa's Scientology church? Perhaps they were there to make sure that it was NOT a legal marriage, because MJ was not a member and/or didn't want to become a member, or perhaps Lisa knew that a legal marriage to a black man would anger her mom and/or 'dad' (perhaps also why she didn't want to have his bi-racial children).  Perhaps that was the only way she would 'marry' him. Just wondering.<br />
    <br /> <br />I am a white person, and I am appalled that people up to this century are still  racist. We are all equal in this world.  I am trying to look for the interview of Elvis who said it from his mouth that he is racist, he did not like black people.  Thats why if he were here Lisa Marie would have never married Michael. Believe me Elvis was or is a racist...  <br />
    <br /> <br /> <br />I was never a fan of Elvis and I never I want to read his life, and the few things that I had heard is that he was or is a religious man... and racism is not a Christian, I believe that we are discovering the true nature of Elvis without wanting to, the difference with Michael is enormous, is beloved around the world, by people of all races and religions.<br />
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