TIAI September 27



  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1317282246:
    <br />
    on 1317280992:
    <br />
    on 1317259081:
    <br />Before I forget, because I promised to post this, and IMO it's another proof of HOAX court. The seal the livestream is showing when the court is not in session, has 32 stars on is, instead of 31. As I understood it, it means that California was the 31st state, so that can't ever increase. Yet there are 32 stars (Minnesota is the 32nd state). So even the seal is fake. Details anyone?<br /><br />Credit to monstertooty in chat for counting the stars and noticing!<br /><br />seals.png<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I forgot to mention this one.<br /><br /><br />I think this proves hoax court beyond a reasonable doubt. It's undeniable. That's not the Official California State Seal. There is only one reason for this fake seal.<br />
    <br /><br />Round one to Bec and her Hoax Court!<br /><br />Also, look at the bear and the leaves at the bottom of the seal - it's mouth seems to be closed on the fake one and the 'leaves' appear to be missing on the fake, but are VERY familiar! Maybe it's just an optical illusion with one being a drawing and the other a photo ... maybe!<br />
    <br /><br />:lol:<br /><br />Agreed curls. And how interesting that there're no "leaves" on the fake one. Like we never talked about "leaves". :mrgreen:
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1317301490:
    <br /><br />Joe was even photographed with a seal back in March 2011:  :) <br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRBRoe97OUtpKDQ1_EIjeC1zfAEWKrz9mBZ9ltqdXeHSll5sc67otRAPGC_<br />
    <br /><br /> /bravo/  Nice catch runninggirl. So, that was the reason why Joe posed with that SEAL. :mrgreen:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1317114791:
    <br /><br />KC.jpg <br />[. . .]
    <br /><br />
    Is that a KANGAROO in Elvis' photo ? :lol:  :lol:<br /><br />26209817310962275332713.jpg
    <br /><br /><br />@ TS: I'm happy to see you back! chirolp_wink.gif<br /><br />elviskangaroo.jpg
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    @Bianca, I posted this earlier for you - think you might have missed it!<br /><br />
    on 1317281496:
    <br />@Bianca, they're doubled up with 23rd and 24th - a common thing to do on a calendar to save starting a 6th line.<br />
  • ^Thats a wallabe lol
  • on 1317317062:
    <br />Something has just hit me light a bolt of lightening......<br /><br /><br />This experience is amazing....I have the trial going online, I have HLN news going....I am pausing back and forth and using mute.  While the trial goes and goes, HLN takes breaks for commercials, then will interject from time to time their own thoughts/opinions.....making the public totally miss some of the trial points themselves.  The press fills in their thoughts.....it's not much time, but they take away moments only to fill in the public with their words.  The only way to really understand it is do both...you really get a sense of how the press manipulates/emphasizes things.....easily swaying public's opinions.  I hope I am making sense...........<br />I wonder just how much the public missed during the 2005 trial......what a different account we would have of public opinion if we could have been inside the courtroom then.  After experiencing this trial like this, I can totally see how easy it is for the media/press to sway opinions.  We are experiencing HIStory...truly.  <br /><br /><br />BTW....how would Michael have opened all that propofol...those little vials are not exactly screw top.  Did I miss something?  <br /><br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /> <br />About the media 'portrayal' of the trial...the saying "having his day in court" takes on a whole new meaning when you listen to these media mouth-foamers.  They've literally already tried and found Murray 'guilty' based on 4 prosecution witness accounts...and the defence has yet to even present its case.<br /> <br />Based on the first couple of days in court...sure, it doesn't look good for Murray.  And when ALL is said and done (if this were a real trial)...the evidence may overwhelmingly show that Murray is guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.  BUT we're on Day 2 of a trial that PRESUMES INNOCENCE until PROVEN GUILTY...with many more witnesses to come...and with the defence nowhere near presenting their case.  Yet, if it was up to the media...the trial could end right now cause they think he's guilty.<br /> <br />It's like deja-vu all the way back to 2005.<br /> <br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    This is a very interesting day so far, and we still get more!<br /><br />Okay, some notes before it starts again:<br /><br />According to the seal, I noticed that the judge but extra sympathy on exhibit 32. He mentioned it a lot, at least 5, or maybe even 7? lol times). The fake seal has 32 stars, which is not correct. Monstertooty called and was told they maybe made a mistake when they made it for TV??  WTF?? Okay...<br />But the judge mentioned it a few times, then said that exhibit 31 (31 starts) was the actual thing (911 call in this case) and 32 was a copy, written by someone else (transcript for the jury). I thought that was pretty interesting.<br /><br />When the DA asked Alvarez if June 24th (taking back MJ from rehearsal to house) was the last time he saw MJ alive, Alvarez responded: "That was the last time I saw him, sir." Without saying that it was the last time he saw him alive. Nervous? Maybe, but he could have just said "Yes, sir." which is a way easier and shorter phrase when you are nervous and want to get over with it. But after that of course he says that he saw him again on June 25th in that room when calling 911.<br /><br />Another thing which made me laugh out loud, is how he described the IV bag. It was cut open and there was a Propofol bottle thrown into it upside down, and he saw a milky white substance on the bottom of the bag. He saw Murray performing CPR on the bed with one hand and said that when they transported MJ to the ground, that Murray went on to do mouth-to-mouth while Alvarez took over CPR and murray said: "This is the first time I do mouth-to-mouth, but I have to because he is my friend.<br /><br />A review, real doctor against Murray:<br /><br />Real doctor: (aside from not administering propofol like this at all) would put the propofol in the bag itself, without bottle ofcourse, so that it will all stay sterile. <br />Murray: cuts open the bag, throws bottle he has had in his hands (and many others with him) in the once sterile bag to get the propofol dripped into MJ's leg. Bacterial infection anyone? If the propofol wouldn't have 'killed' him, an infection would have.<br /><br />Real doctor (and anyone else with a working brain and IQ higher than 0): performs CPR on a hard flat surface with two hands.<br />Murray: performs CPR with one hand on a soft bed.<br /><br />Real doctor: has at least done mouth-to-mouth at medical scholl, even if he never would have used it after.<br />Murray: never done mouth-to-mouth (so never went to medical school?)<br /><br />So they can call it manslaughter, abandonement or whatever, but if this would really have happened, as they want us to believe, the media should get off of their lazy asses, and at least investigate if Murray is a doctor at all. Why is no one questioning that? Why can stuff like that be said in a court of law and taken for truth? And this could be a good thing for Murray, because it's more likely that MJ would have done that himself out of frustration, not knowing how to get the propofol in the IV bag properly, than that a licenced doctor would have done it that way. This day seems to be a good one for Connie so far.<br /><br />Alvarez says he has been approached by the media to talk about the case, offered up to 500 grant, but he never did it. Then he says he has huge financial problems, that he doesn't have a full time job anymore, or the nice income he had. That other people only want to hire him to get information about the case etc. But if so, why is he offering Lindsay Lohan his services FOR FREE? Doesn't make sense in my book.<br /><br />Cross-examination is still on-going, but Ed is going to make an interesting point after the break I think. They are discussing the timeline in order to figure out when and how they were hiding the Propofol bottles (there they are again, nice hint TS. Seems like you knew that the bottles would become a big thing in this whole circus) and Alvarez is getting very nervous, because as far as I can see, there is no way he had time to even fart in between before calling 911.<br /><br />Also interesting, maybe nothing but it reminded me of the drawing that Chandler made (the penis aka mushroom) for the prosecution back in '93. The DA showed a drawing that Alvarez made of the IV bag, which he made in May 2011 (btw: no bottle in it). The defense though had another one, also made by Alvarez on August 31, 2009 and this drawing differed from the one made in 2011. It was said that the one made in 2009 was because the prosecution asked Alvarez for it. Alvarez said he could not recall drawing that picture. (Yet he could recall the tiniest detail of what happened in the room on June 25, up to the angle that the propofol was laying in the IV bag.)<br /><br />That's it for now. Can't wait for the rest.<br /><br />ps: off topic, but also not: I asked monstertooty in chat if she could call a coroner for me to ask if your legal name should be on your DC. The answer was yes. The legal name as it was at the time of your death, MUST be stated on the DC. It does not have to be the same as on the BC if you legally changed it somewhere in between, but if you never changed your name, it should be the exact name as listed on your birth certificate. If not, the DC is INVALID. We know from Jermaine's book that Michael's real name is Michael Joe, as stated on his BC. We also know he still had that name in 2005, when he was on trial. According Jermaine, the 'Joseph' name, is a rumour, and never does he mention that Michael changed his name to Joseph. So I think we can safely conclude (again) that the DC is INVALID, just like many other legal documents we have seen.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Real doctor: (aside from not administering propofol like this at all) would put the propofol in the bag itself, without bottle ofcourse, so that it will all stay sterile. <br />Murray: cuts open the bag, throws bottle he has had in his hands (and many others with him) in the once sterile bag to get the propofol dripped into MJ's leg. Bacterial infection anyone? If the propofol wouldn't have 'killed' him, an infection would have.<br /><br />Real doctor (and anyone else with a working brain and IQ higher than 0): performs CPR on a hard flat surface with two hands.<br />Murray: performs CPR with one hand on a soft bed.<br /><br />Real doctor: has at least done mouth-to-mouth at medical scholl, even if he never would have used it after.<br />Murray: never done mouth-to-mouth (so never went to medical school?)
    <br /><br /><br /> :lol:<br /><br />OMG Souza, this is hilarious really. I can not believe people believe this. And like you wrote, it is very interesting that NOONE asked if Murray is a real doctor. All these things are like putting a finger in the blind eye but still people are sleeping.  :?
  • on 1317317062:
    <br />Something has just hit me light a bolt of lightening......<br /><br /><br />This experience is amazing....I have the trial going online, I have HLN news going....I am pausing back and forth and using mute.  While the trial goes and goes, HLN takes breaks for commercials, then will interject from time to time their own thoughts/opinions.....making the public totally miss some of the trial points themselves.  The press fills in their thoughts.....it's not much time, but they take away moments only to fill in the public with their words.  The only way to really understand it is do both...you really get a sense of how the press manipulates/emphasizes things.....easily swaying public's opinions.  I hope I am making sense...........<br />I wonder just how much the public missed during the 2005 trial......what a different account we would have of public opinion if we could have been inside the courtroom then.  After experiencing this trial like this, I can totally see how easy it is for the media/press to sway opinions.  We are experiencing HIStory...truly.  <br /><br /><br />BTW....how would Michael have opened all that propofol...those little vials are not exactly screw top.  Did I miss something?  <br /><br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br />I agree - I noticed on the very first day of the trial - when HLN recapped the trial they played the so-called MJ recording and they stopped after the "Go. Go." section - they NEVER played the entire recording to show that MJ wanted to use the $ TO HELP CHILDREN!!!  Totally made me  >:( ...
  • It is obvious your legal name should be on your DC.  The same as on the BC if you didn't change it  legally.<br /><br />But I've never seen Michael's BC.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    <br />It's 32 stars and stripes, indicating that it's a U.S. affair and not Caliland related.<br /><br />800px-US_flag_32_stars.svg.png<br /><br /><br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    That's the seal, why would they modify it? It's  clear it's the seal of California, it's even clearily written it is. If they wanted, they could have used the US flag, not modify the seal. Makes no sense.<br /> <br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_of_California<br /><br /><br />"The Great Seal of the State of California was adopted at the California state Constitutional Convention of 1849 and has undergone minor design changes since then, the last being the standardization of the seal in 1937. The seal features the Roman goddess Minerva, the goddess of wisdom and war; a California grizzly bear (the official state animal) feeding on grape vines, representing California's wine production; a sheaf of grain, representing agriculture; a miner, representing the California Gold Rush and the mining industry; and sailing ships, representing the state's economic power. The phrase "Eureka," meaning "I have found it!" is the California state motto."
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I understand this as whispers for those reading between the lines.<br />Anything else would be blatant fingerpointing, would be boring, might cause unnecessary trouble and could be "un-wise" as well.<br />This is hoax court fitting into hoax concerts, hoax tributes, hoax interviews, hoax statements.<br />The seal is not the correct official seal. It is one that was placed there "as if".<br /><br />"stage prop" if you like.
  • Interesting site about state seals:<br /><br /><br />http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/Lists/state_seals.html<br /><br /><br />As if we don't already have much to read, lol.  Just a good link for those interested.....<br /><br /><br />Blessings
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    What TMZ posted is the seal and if they wanted to post the flag they would. It makes no sense to modify the seal as to have 32 stars when since ages it has 31. Itwas made by TMZ on purpose. I doubt anyone besides us, would look at how many stars are on the seal. Mistake? Yeah, sure. That's ridiculous. I suppose almost anyone is USA knows CA is the 31st state that was admitted in the USA, therefore on the seal there are 31 stars to represent it. Harvey was a lawyer. I am sure he know this, it's common knowledge  <br /><br />"The Great Seal of the state of California has 31 stars on the upper edge representing the number of states upon California's admission to the United states. A grizzly bear and grape cluster represent abundant wildlife and agricultural richness"<br /><br />http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/California/statesealCA.html
  • Lemme add something here and ya'll can do more research on it.<br /><br />I live in San Diego and heard a few days ago Murray had a San Diego connection, he was a DR at <br /><br />Sharp Memorial Hospital in San Diego which is in Kearny Mesa...<br /><br />Now I don't know after 1999 if he came back to California , BUT....Blanket's birth certificate lists<br /><br />Sharp Grossmont Hospital<br /><br />5555 Grossmont Center Drive, La Mesa, CA 91942<br /><br /><br />may or may not be something to look into....
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Alberto seems quite nervous, like he's afraid he'll slip up.<br /><br />I think him saying he never sold his story tells us a lot.  He is staying loyal to Michael and is remaining trustworthy. 
  • I think I heard that correctly, Tai slipped and said he "has a good or loving relationship with his children"...then said " he did"....
  • I don't understand what a real judge has to do with a hoax court.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1317330199:
    <br /> What TMZ posted is the seal and if they wanted to post the flag they would. It makes no sense to modify the seal as to have 32 stars when since ages it has 31. Itwas made by TMZ on purpose. I doubt anyone besides us, would look at how many stars are on the seal. Mistake? Yeah, sure. That's ridiculous. I suppose almost anyone is USA knows CA is the 31st state that was admitted in the USA, therefore on the seal there are 31 stars to represent it. Harvey was a lawyer. I am sure he know this, it's common knowledge  <br /><br />"The Great Seal of the state of California has 31 stars on the upper edge representing the number of states upon California's admission to the United states. A grizzly bear and grape cluster represent abundant wildlife and agricultural richness"<br /><br />http://www.statesymbolsusa.org/California/statesealCA.html<br />
    <br /><br />_Anna_, TMZ did NOT make that seal, it is on EVERY SINGLE LIVESTREAM. It is always shown when court is not in session, not just in this case.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Kai says he wanted healthy food for the children and himself. Well we already knew that but it is important because people "obsessed" with healthy food usually don't abuse drugs or do things that could damage their body. And Michael said in an interview he is pro natural healing, against durgs. So why would he took all that medication? <br />It doesn't make sense and actually reminds me of Front's ILLusional front.
  • on 1317327173:
    <br />This is a very interesting day so far, and we still get more!<br /><br />Okay, some notes before it starts again:<br /><br />According to the seal, I noticed that the judge but extra sympathy on exhibit 32. He mentioned it a lot, at least 5, or maybe even 7? lol times). The fake seal has 32 stars, which is not correct. Monstertooty called and was told they maybe made a mistake when they made it for TV??  WTF?? Okay...<br />But the judge mentioned it a few times, then said that exhibit 31 (31 starts) was the actual thing (911 call in this case) and 32 was a copy, written by someone else (transcript for the jury). I thought that was pretty interesting.<br /><br />When the DA asked Alvarez if June 24th (taking back MJ from rehearsal to house) was the last time he saw MJ alive, Alvarez responded: "That was the last time I saw him, sir." Without saying that it was the last time he saw him alive. Nervous? Maybe, but he could have just said "Yes, sir." which is a way easier and shorter phrase when you are nervous and want to get over with it. But after that of course he says that he saw him again on June 25th in that room when calling 911.<br /><br />Another thing which made me laugh out loud, is how he described the IV bag. It was cut open and there was a Propofol bottle thrown into it upside down, and he saw a milky white substance on the bottom of the bag. He saw Murray performing CPR on the bed with one hand and said that when they transported MJ to the ground, that Murray went on to do mouth-to-mouth while Alvarez took over CPR and murray said: "This is the first time I do mouth-to-mouth, but I have to because he is my friend.<br /><br />A review, real doctor against Murray:<br /><br />Real doctor: (aside from not administering propofol like this at all) would put the propofol in the bag itself, without bottle ofcourse, so that it will all stay sterile. <br />Murray: cuts open the bag, throws bottle he has had in his hands (and many others with him) in the once sterile bag to get the propofol dripped into MJ's leg. Bacterial infection anyone? If the propofol wouldn't have 'killed' him, an infection would have.<br /><br />Real doctor (and anyone else with a working brain and IQ higher than 0): performs CPR on a hard flat surface with two hands.<br />Murray: performs CPR with one hand on a soft bed.<br /><br />Real doctor: has at least done mouth-to-mouth at medical scholl, even if he never would have used it after.<br />Murray: never done mouth-to-mouth (so never went to medical school?)<br /><br />So they can call it manslaughter, abandonement or whatever, but if this would really have happened, as they want us to believe, the media should get off of their lazy asses, and at least investigate if Murray is a doctor at all. Why is no one questioning that? Why can stuff like that be said in a court of law and taken for truth? And this could be a good thing for Murray, because it's more likely that MJ would have done that himself out of frustration, not knowing how to get the propofol in the IV bag properly, than that a licenced doctor would have done it that way. This day seems to be a good one for Connie so far.<br /><br />Alvarez says he has been approached by the media to talk about the case, offered up to 500 grant, but he never did it. Then he says he has huge financial problems, that he doesn't have a full time job anymore, or the nice income he had. That other people only want to hire him to get information about the case etc. But if so, why is he offering Lindsay Lohan his services FOR FREE? Doesn't make sense in my book.<br /><br />Cross-examination is still on-going, but Ed is going to make an interesting point after the break I think. They are discussing the timeline in order to figure out when and how they were hiding the Propofol bottles (there they are again, nice hint TS. Seems like you knew that the bottles would become a big thing in this whole circus) and Alvarez is getting very nervous, because as far as I can see, there is no way he had time to even fart in between before calling 911.<br /><br />Also interesting, maybe nothing but it reminded me of the drawing that Chandler made (the penis aka mushroom) for the prosecution back in '93. The DA showed a drawing that Alvarez made of the IV bag, which he made in May 2011 (btw: no bottle in it). The defense though had another one, also made by Alvarez on August 31, 2009 and this drawing differed from the one made in 2011. It was said that the one made in 2009 was because the prosecution asked Alvarez for it. Alvarez said he could not recall drawing that picture. (Yet he could recall the tiniest detail of what happened in the room on June 25, up to the angle that the propofol was laying in the IV bag.)<br /><br />That's it for now. Can't wait for the rest.<br /><br />ps: off topic, but also not: I asked monstertooty in chat if she could call a coroner for me to ask if your legal name should be on your DC. The answer was yes. The legal name as it was at the time of your death, MUST be stated on the DC. It does not have to be the same as on the BC if you legally changed it somewhere in between, but if you never changed your name, it should be the exact name as listed on your birth certificate. If not, the DC is INVALID. We know from Jermaine's book that Michael's real name is Michael Joe, as stated on his BC. We also know he still had that name in 2005, when he was on trial. According Jermaine, the 'Joseph' name, is a rumour, and never does he mention that Michael changed his name to Joseph. So I think we can safely conclude (again) that the DC is INVALID, just like many other legal documents we have seen. <br />
    <br /> <br />"Maybe they made a mistake when it was made for TV?"<br />But I thought it was a real courtroom? lol <br />They have spelt his name wrong. I just.....man.<br />I feel bad for those missing out.<br />As La Toya said "Listen to every word and read between the lines!"<br /> <br /> /judge/ <br /> <br />Hey, Mike if you're reading this: I love you very much first of all, and I hope you are crying tears of hysteria. This trial is your justice like the picket signs out front say. Justice for all the BS you have courageously endured.<br />I know you wouldn't go out like a punk! Michael Jackson is legend and this is HIStory in the making!<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />BAM!<br />haha
  • BTW, HLN says the children are leaving the country. "Maybe for the MJ Tribute". <br />???? It isn't until October 8.<br /> <br />hmmmmm. I think Prince will not testify
  • HLN correspondent (I do not know her name, the woman in the yellow if you watch HLN right now): The children do not need to be there (in the trial). They are Alive in that trial."<br /> <br />Not making any assumptions, just pointing out what i hear.<br />lol ok maybe i am making assumptions. She is the woman who also speaks positive about CM.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    on 1317327829:
    <br />
    Real doctor: (aside from not administering propofol like this at all) would put the propofol in the bag itself, without bottle ofcourse, so that it will all stay sterile. <br />Murray: cuts open the bag, throws bottle he has had in his hands (and many others with him) in the once sterile bag to get the propofol dripped into MJ's leg. Bacterial infection anyone? If the propofol wouldn't have 'killed' him, an infection would have.<br /><br />Real doctor (and anyone else with a working brain and IQ higher than 0): performs CPR on a hard flat surface with two hands.<br />Murray: performs CPR with one hand on a soft bed.<br /><br />Real doctor: has at least done mouth-to-mouth at medical scholl, even if he never would have used it after.<br />Murray: never done mouth-to-mouth (so never went to medical school?)
    <br /><br /><br /> :lol: <br /><br />OMG Souza, this is hilarious really. I can not believe people believe this. And like you wrote, it is very interesting that NOONE asked if Murray is a real doctor. All these things are like putting a finger in the blind eye but still people are sleeping.  :? <br />
    <br /> <br />I found Murray on Vitals.com<br />http://www.vitals.com/doctors/Dr_Conrad_Murray.html<br /> <br />Anybody knows if this is a reliable/real existing site?<br />
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