911 CALL NUMEROLOGY - 12:20, OR 12:21??



    @applehead you're a dreamer....but you're not the only one lolol/!!<br /><br />Of course we are all one, essentially speaking.<br />Of course God is Love and Love is the most important thing and Love each other is the most important command.<br /><br />But I will be honest and confess if Michael wouldn't have been so damn desirable, I probably wouldn't have cared about his message of love that much. His story is the most unbelievable in the last 2000 years /white flag/.<br /><br />See, he is a messenger of God. He had a mission, he wasn't given so much fame for nothing. <br /><br />ps: I am so scared he is dead because I am very "talented" in sustaining lost causes, that's what I did all my life, why would this time be different?
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    I think the 911 call was totally staged just like these were staged/prerecorded: ambulance photo, the autopsy photo, the dead MJ on the hospital gurney photo.<br /><br />All staged to fit in perfectly with Michael's planning, numerology, timing. It meant MJ had total control of it without the risk of outside interference. <br /><br />The intricate details of the "how" we may never find out, as TS stated:<br /><br />  "Also, a magician does not give away all of his secrets.  Again, I am not saying that TS is MJ; I’m just saying that if the MaJician himself could have some    secrets about how it was done, and yet not be fake, then just as much or more someone who is not MJ."<br />
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1320957888:
    <br />mjj4ever who waits for TS to give answers?<br />We can see Michael's messages very well, we are not that dumb. His messages are all over his music, one has to be quite thick not to understand the messages, even if it's  to pick them up only from songs like They don't care about us, Man in the mirror, Cry, We've had enough, Jam and I could go on like this with many other masterpieces.<br />But this has nothing to do with him being dead or alive. <br /><br />
    <br />Exactly Gina...this has NOTHING to do with him being dead or alive...it is about US, believing in ourselves, it's about US Loving ourselves. It's about finding your spirit , and letting it soar, it's about stopping all of the negativity and having a positive outlook in  YOUR life. It's about  finding the real you, and being truly happy in YOUR life, it's about Change....It is all about LOVE!!<br /><br />Know that you are very Loved Gina!<br /> bearhug
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    #1. The 911 Calls Were Staged<br /><br />This one sounds very plausible to me. A call was made for real but it wasn't made to BHPD or LAFD. It was staged and it was made to make people listen it. To give more reality to the event.<br /><br />#2. MJ Was Gone to the Airport<br /><br />This one doesn't sound plausible to me. Michael could be gone to the airport before the 911 call made BUT he is a perfectionist and I do not believe that he would allow some poeple who are not in on the hoax to rush things and ruin the plan. This is a very long term plan and I'm sure he prepared everything perfectly.<br /><br />#4. “The Caller” Was Not Alvarez<br /><br />This sounds very very possible that the caller was someone else and not Alvarez. <br /><br />#7. Think For Yourself<br /><br />This one is the BEST! This is such an amazing ILLUSION and I'm watching it with a big admiration. Why would I want to learn where the MaJician hides the bunny and how he puts it into the hat? The entire illusion would be ruined FOR BOTH SIDES if I learned the secrets of the trick and I don't want to learn it. I LOVE mystery and I love magic!
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1320965141:
    <br />I am with you again MJJ4ever777 !!!!!  My mind is not on debunking something.  It's on "why" this was done.  It's to heal the world.  First we had to see that everything is an illusion and we are controlled and brain washed.  We just have to face the truth because that's the only way to change it.  We were shown that we can think for ourselves and we have power in numbers.  We are all connected.  <br /><br />We can have peace and love in the world if we all put our minds to it and work together.  So, come on "army" and let's do it.  <br /><br /><br /><br />LOVE<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />God Bless You Don'twalkaway! Yes, we are all responsible for the energy we put out into the universe and it our duty to make sure that that energy is positive. This means that we must make a "conscious" effort to be LOVING, and stop being so negative and living your life in Fear.<br /><br />We need to stop playing the "Blame game" and we need to stop thinking that there isn't anything WE can do, to change the world, because it is too far gone. It breaks my heart knowing that Michael has been trying to get us to Believe in ourselves for so long, yet most, don't really hear his pleas. If we aren't completely happy in our lives, then we really have no one to blame but ourselves, but it seems we have lost the ability to stand on our own two feet, because we have been so "conditioned" by FEAR! We are always running from some kind of "Boogie man", when in reality, fear is just something that we have created in our minds.<br /><br />Most people don't realize just how powerful the mind is, but they will soon. Soon everyone is going to have to make a choice once and for all. Live in fear and hate your life, or Live in LOVE and enjoy all of the beauty and wonderment of  Life.<br /><br />Bottom line...we all have a choice of what path we decide to take, no one else can make that choice for you. How YOU decide to live your life is yours and only your responsibility. It is our choice and ours alone! <br /><br />I chose to live my life with LOVE and I will never change my course!! I LAUGH in the face of fear, because I am LOVE and LOVE always wins in the end!<br /><br />Sending you much LOVE!!!! Keep posting and BE LOVE, for we are ONE!!!<br /> bearhug<br />
  • #5. The Beverly Hills Hotel<br /><br />This scenario is essentially the same as #4, except for the following. Nobody from the BHPD was in on it at the time, and no calls went through them—either on regular lines, or on a cell phone. This would therefore reduce the chances of any police showing up at the scene who were not in on the hoax; and it would also reduce the chances of the situation being broadcast on police radios—which paparazzi could hear on their police scanners, and show up at Carolwood, making it more difficult for Chris to get the magic picture. So instead of calling BHPD, Alvarez called someone waiting at the Beverly Hills Hotel; this person then transferred the call on to LAFD at 12:21:04, much like the description above in #4.<br />
    <br /><br />
    Also, why doesn’t the latitude/longitude on PPP match the LAFD call screen, or the cell tower list?<br />BHPD (PPP): 34.08167100, -118.414228 (Beverly Hills Hotel)<br />LAFD call screen: 34.08118800, -118.425086 (100 N Carolwood)<br />Cell towers: http://www.city-data.com/towers/lmobile-Beverly-Hills-California.html#ixzz1bjAH4jKU<br />
    <br /><br />TS, yesterday and today, I’ve been reading your challenging post and I admit I’m not a numerology fan and for that reason I've no intention to jump into the number theories (I wouldn't dare .. yep, I'm a coward :mrgreen:). Still, I can’t resist to take the challenge to go for one of the possibilities. Considering the lack of the latitude/longitude match and your scenario, I’ll go for #5. Maybe a tad of #7 because I’m thinking of the exposure purpose of the hoax as well, referring to “Nobody from the BHPD was in on it at the time, and no calls went through them—either on regular lines, or on a cell phone.”, which could indicate that there are inconsistencies or failures in the emergency calls system and cell phones and this should be brought under attention. http://articles.cnn.com/2010-09-08/tech/emergency.numbers_1_cell-phone-wireless-carriers-psap?_s=PM:TECH<br />And this scenario is most hoax convenient, no police and no paparazzi at the scene. <br />Just my thoughts<br /><br />
  • /pull hair/
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think some are missing the point. Is it important to know how he pulled it off if you look at the bigger picture? I don't think so. But there is a reason TS puts so much time in posts like this and I think they are highly misunderstood. <br /><br />It's not important in the end to know how he did it, and as TS says: we probably never get all the answers anyway. So why is he encouraging us to figure it out? Well maybe because he wants to learn you how to think different, how to open your mind and think for yourself. We can all scream in here that it's all for love, but do we really understand what he means by that? What is the bigger picture and will we be able to understand that bigger picture? Will we be able to truly support him, will we be there? We might, if we let him teach us how. <br /><br />Should we all love our neighbours as we love ourselves and should we all forgive our enemies? Sure we should, but do you honestly need a death hoax for that? Do you think that if MJ pops up, that the whole world will instantly love each other? If you really think that, then it's time to wake up, because that is not going to happen. There is too much evil in this world and until evil is completely ceased out, there will be no peace, or global love for humanity. <br /><br />A small army can be victorious over a large army, but only if that small army is better armed. That means you have to educate yourself, so that when the time is there to fight, you will know what you are talking about, that you will know what to do and most important: that you know what you're fighting for and that you may know it's worth the battle.<br /><br />What TS is trying to accomplish (just my opinion, TS may correct me if I'm wrong) is to make us all use our minds to the fullest. If we may understand or at least TRY to understand how MJ pulled off this hoax, our minds will be open to more than just that. You should not just question the 911 call, or the AR, or anything else in this so called 'death' story, but you should question EVERYTHING you have ever been taught in your life. You should look at every event, or every history book exactly the way as you look at this hoax. MJ said it himself, our history books are false. And after 2,5 years of research and study, I KNOW he is 100% right about that, and I have just started. He wants you to wake up and smell the coffee. And TS is trying to make you see how you can wake up, i.e. by using the brain God has given you. <br /><br />Let me give you some examples first...<br /><br />Example 1:<br />I have a horse. I have him since he was a baby and I taught him all he knows. When I move my leg in a certain direction, he knows exactly what I am asking of him. I worked on that for years and it required a lot of patience, but my horse will do exactly what I ask of him, because he knows it's worth it. He has a clean stable, his daily food and a treat every day, because he worked so hard. Besides that (and that he does not know, yet is a fact) his body is stronger and he has less injuries because he uses his body the right way.  Mission accomplished with lots of patience and lots of love. End result: a damn fine and sweet horse that will allow a baby on his back.<br /><br />Example 2:<br />I know someone who has a lot of horses. He is not very patient with them and only has them to sell quickly and earn money. His horses do exactly what he asks them to do, because the know that if they don't, he will beat the livin' daylights out of them. They know it's NOT worth the fight, instead of knowing it is worth the work. They will just do as being told, without understanding why they have to do it. Their bodies are build the wrong way which makes them weak and cause lots of injuries. But the buyers don't see that and think they buy a well trained horse, until they take it home and try to treat it with love and patience. Mission 'accomplished' by fear, pain and humiliation. End result: butcher.<br /><br />Example 3:<br />My friend has a child. When her kid is behaving badly, she will send him to his room for half an hour, let him scream and shout until he gives up, then asks him down and talks to him. She explains to him why he was sent to his room, what he did wrong and what he should do to be a good boy. On the other hand, when her kid is behaving well, she will tell him that and tell him what a good boy he has been for (for example) helping his mother with the dishes without her having to ask him. This boy knows the different between good and bad, because he has been taught what good is and what bad is. He knows that when he behaves well and helps out his mother, or simply gives her a hug once in a while, that he will get the love and respect from his mother. He also knows that when he behaves badly, that he will have to go to his room without watching Sesamestreet. He's no angel, he still behaves badly once in a while, but he knows pretty damn well what he does wrong and mostly he will say sorry himself now. He's just a normal kid and will see the difference between good and evil later on in life, because his mother taught him how. Mission accomplished with love and patience. End result: a loving and caring person who knows how to think for himself.<br /><br />Example 4:<br />I know someone else (who was reported to authorities a few years ago) who has/had a kid. It didn't matter if the kid behaved well or not, when he was in a bad mood, the kid got beatings. There were days when the kid was black and blue, and when I asked her what happened, she said she didn't know and started to cry. She did not know the difference between good or bad, and therefore did nothing at all, she was like a walking zombie, too afraid to say something that might piss her dad off. If he asked her something, she would RUN for him, because if she didn't, he would beat the shit out of her 8-year-old body. She doesn't know the difference between good or bad, because she got disciplined for both, yet she does everything her father tells her and for the outside world, she seems to be the perfect child. Mission accomplished with fear, pain and humiliation. End result: loverboys and drug addiction if no one steps up to save her.<br /><br />Example 5:<br />My old theology teacher. I was quite the rebel when I was young, along with 90% of my class and we kicked against everything and everyone. If a teacher didn't have his story straight, he better find another class to teach. We weren't violent, we were simply thinking that school was BS and that they didn't have anything new to tell us. We thought we knew it all (if only I knew then what I know now). If he told us something about one of his lessons, and we questioned the things he told us, he would get angry. We simply had to believe what he said or else he would give us an F and wish us straight to hell. If one of us asked just a little more than the rest, that person would be sent to the principal and had to clean toilets all afternoon (you figure out who in that class saw the most toilets...). End result: a student that had no idea what the lessons were about since she wasn't allowed to question anything, didn't care at all about what the teacher said and had to cheat through her exam.<br /><br />Example 6:<br />My old math teacher. I loved math (still do) but I had other things on my mind back then. That resulted in bad grades and more toilet cleaning. But my teacher had seen that I was good at math, and that I liked it IF I only took the time to actually show up. One day I had to go to the principal (again). I always liked that, since he had the best candy on his desk, lol. But this time my math teacher was there and I thought I was in major trouble. Turns out that my math teacher was there to help me. He said he wanted to do some extra classes with me after school was out and that he wanted to give me a chance to redo my exams and undo my bad grades. He explained to me why it was so important to graduate, that I might not understand it then, but I would thank him later. He said that he wanted me to do good in life and that he wanted to help me by at least making sure I would get my diploma. All I had to do for that chance was show up for the extra lessons. For months he gave me extra lessons and let me redo my exams. Whenever I had questions, I could call him at home (we had no email back then, I feel old). Not only did he make sure I graduated, but he also earned my deep respect. End result: A student with an A- for her final exam without cheating.<br /><br /><br />All the above examples I stated are forms of 'mind control', or conditioning as I always called it. Are all wrong? No. Everyone conditions their pet or child or student for that matter. It's a way of teaching them to know the difference between good and bad and to teach them how to become smarter and by patiently explaining to them why something is good or bad or why they should always do their very best. When we do our jobs well, our pets and children will learn how to treat others and how to love others, and our kids will learn how to become good, caring and loving people who will hopefully raise their kids with the same love and patience. <br /><br />So there we have good ol' TS. TS with us reminds me of me and my horse, my friend and her son, and my old math teacher with me.... to the power of 10. Never have I seen a person so dedicated, so patient and so caring for other people. Not only has he taught us how to look differently at things, he told us how to treat each other, by always showing grace under fire, never having a foul mouth when addressing opposers, but backing up his claims, hoping they would see the light. If there is anyone who has shown patience, love and unconditional dedication to the members of this forum for their own good, it's TS. I never made it a secret that I have supported him from the start, and I will continue to do so til the bitter end and beyond. If some think that there is an evil agenda because of that, or that TS and I are conspiring to create some mind controlled cult, then either back up your claims or forever hold your peace. If you think that you can wait this whole thing out and are not interested in trying to figure it out so that you might understand that bigger picture (as TS said: we have only scratched the surface), then simply go back to your normal lives and wait for the big BAM. If you want to spread the love, go do that. But if you want to make sure you're well armed, you better hang on and crack your brain some more.<br /><br />I know how people think about me defending TS too much and I don't care. I mean every single word of it and I am trying to balance it since there seem to be so much resistance and the opposers are harsh. They make no sense and have lame arguments, but man are they mean. I know TS is a tough one and I know he can defend himself and will probably just roll his eyes at the haters and debunkers, but after all he has done for us, even though some might not realise that (yet), he deserves love and respect instead of hate and ridicule. If you think you're someone's puppet, then think hard and try to see who your real puppet master is. Once you have found your answer, you will understand what I just wrote.<br /><br />@TS: I might be ass kissing a little too much here and don't let it get to your head, but I had to disprove one of your statements here.  :lol: :lol: God knows I meant every single word.  bearhug

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I think it's more possible that the 911 call was fake. In the trial as we saw, Alverez story didn't match up, when Chenoff did the timeline from 12:19 to 12:20 when Alverez supposedly made that phone call, it seems impossible that he could do all that in less than a minute (although Walgren said he did them simultaneously), but maybe he could of done that within 12:19-12:20 (if he did really make the call).<br /><br />Also because this is a hoax, then calling 911 is not necessary, as it isn't a real emergency, or an emergency at all. <br /><br />Alverez probably didn't make his '911 speech' at 12:20/21 anyway...in his testimony he said that he an Murray moved MJ to the floor during the 911 call, he said something like he was holding the phone with his shoulder against his ear and moved MJ during the call, medics got there 2 min later...then when the medics arrived they said MJ was on the bed and they themselves had to help move him...so I doubt he even called 911 then, especially when he lied about moving MJ to the floor....I mean you would think if you are on the phone trying to save someone's life, you would do as your told and not lie about it...like wth?
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    Well, after reading all that, gotta say...Souza just might be TS  :lol:  I am just joking, of course, because I don't think for one second that they are the same person...but man, Souza hit that one outta the park  /bravo/ (I had to stop reading for a bit after reading Example #4 cause it made me cry).<br /><br />I 'get' what others are saying about the 'big picture' and the need to focus on it....most of us have been saying that for a very long time now...i.e. we 'got' the importance of it very early on in the hoax.  And the reason why it went from "he must have done it for a very good reason" to "he DID do it for a very good reason...and here's a few" is because we studied the details.  And the ONE person who taught us to do that is TS (as S.T.U.D.Y. initially).  Did he 'condition' us in order to teach us?  Sure, as any good 'educator' would/does....whether that be a parent, a teacher, a preacher, a mentor, or a coach.  The 'truth' is we have ALL been 'conditioned' mentally, physically, and spiritually in SOME way by SOMEone...every second of our lives.  The second you step out of your little 'bubble', wherever that may be in the world...you are being 'influenced', 'conditioned', and (for the most part) "controlled" by everything and everyone around you (i.e. the matrix)...even if you are unaware of it.  And most of the world isn't....BUT they are waking up.<br /><br />WE have been awakened by Mike's 'death'....but we're not the only ones who are waking up.  People are taking to the streets all over the world and I would bet that most of them are not 'MJ death hoax investigators'.  I would also bet that ALL the groups out there fighting for a 'better world' had someone who got them thinking, a 'guide' so to speak...it didn't just 'hit them' all at once lol.  And just like they all have their 'guide(s)', we have ours.  TS isn't 'forcing' anyone, nor ever has, to 'take his course'...all he's ever done is give US an alternative to the type of 'conditioning' we've had all our lives.  No one is exempt from 'conditioning'...and you'd be naive to think you are because none of us live in a 'bubble' (although sometimes I wish I did).  <br /><br />TS, through his teachings (which is what I think of his posts as and yes, I look forward to every single word he writes...because this world is greatly lacking in REAL teachers)...has helped us peel the cobwebs from our eyes and shown us just how conditioned we really are.  He didn't just tell us and he didn't just show us....he HELPED us see it for ourselves, he guided us to see it for ourselves.  If you believe that Mike is speaking to us through TS (and I cannot understand how people can doubt that!)....then it is MIKE'S lessons we are learning and his guidance we are CHOOSING to accept.  <br /><br />I stated awhile back that, through this adventure, Mike has--in the most intimate of ways---shared himself with us.  He has invited us into his mind....the most intimate, sacred, and most powerful part of himself....in order to 'teach' US how to awaken ours.  YOU can choose to read his every word and try to learn something from it....or if that doesn't interest you, then YOU can choose to ignore it.  But to ignore, undermine, or worse yet bash, TS...just might end up being your real 'wake-up call' come BAMsday....when you realize you're not ready cause you've missed half the lessons.<br /><br />Mike just might have figured out a way to 'bring love back into the world'..to 'awaken' people to the 'truth' of WHO we all are....at minimum, I believe he's got a 'plan' that he thinks could work.  But he told us long ago that he can't do it by himself....hence his 'army of love'.  Feeling LOVE/spreading LOVE...IS a great thing that everyone should condition/teach themselves to do, if it doesn't come naturally...but it's gonna take more than 'feeling' and 'spreading' love to get through what I can see coming...it's gonna take strength, alertness, passion, dedication, perservence, and a shitload of knowledge to win the battle.  Through TS, Mike has 'taught' us to discover and build-upon these skills within ourselves....skills that can NOT be handed over or spoon-fed...they must be learned.  <br /><br />Take it or leave it....Mike's given us the freedom to choose.  And as along as TS keeps posting...class has not been dismissed lol.  My advice...well, MJ's really  :lol:: "Study the greats, and [try to] become greater".<br />  <br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    I've been watching this thread and hesitating to remark....So here goes nothing. :? <br /><br />Please be kind  :oops:<br /><br />smiley_spider.....Timeline: a sequence of events as related to specific moments in time....so the correct timeline will establish what is true, what is false, and what is logical.<br /><br />So if there is a predetermined time to call 911, then the 7 scenarios given are merely variables to explain the end result. ex. (1+1=2) (3-1=2) (2+0=2) (2-0=2) etc...<br /><br />Most of what we see in the world is like a magic trick.  The secret to most "magic" tricks is that the brain naturally trains the eyes to follow "motion/activity". The brain focuses on the moving object, and ignores what is stationary or in the background, thus creating the "illusion". <br /><br />There is the illusion of the world we've created and then the actual world that exists.  So what is being seen/heard and what is actually happening are not one in the same. There are two reality's. Nothing is real unless it is observed.<br /><br />....okay...I think I just took a wrong turn and leaped off into the quantum physics pool....I'll just have to let this marinate some more :-\
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Snoopy, I like where you were going with that. I'll look forward to your elaboration when you're ready.<br /><br />Comment in general to the community: I wonder if MJ foresaw our ability to dig into every little detail in our attempts to "prove" the hoax. He covered his tracks so well it is virtually impossible to do so. You could even drop the "virtually" from that statement and still be safe.<br /><br />I guess the answer is "yes". He did foresee it. That's incredible.<br /><br />In regards to our current assignment, I am learning more every day that I need to trust my instincts as it is only the second guessing that seems to be steering me off course.
  • First, I am just loving this thread in general. The variety of thoughts is so refreshing. I wish I can meet people everyday that discuss things this way at least sometimes. (Sadly, it's very hard to have casual deep conversations... they typically just end up casual) Second, I just wanted to quote a very important point that TS written in the original post in this thread that seems to be getting overlooked through most of this thread so far (with the exception of a few). <br /><br />
    Actually, when you have really learned your lesson well, you will question EVERYTHING that you have been taught from a child (news, science, history, religion, etc)—not merely the things which are directly related to MJ and/or this hoax.
    <br /><br />I think the above quote is one of the major lessons of this adventure. It's the awareness portion. There appears to be a pattern of sorts with HIStory (whether it's news or science or religion) where there's a story that is told and we believe it as truth because it was taught to us as a child. However, what Michael pointed out in the title is that history is not necessarily FACT, it is a perception of FACT which makes history really HIS story since a lot of these stories are probably conjured up by men. <br /><br />This adventure is only the beginning of awareness. It is so layered but Snoopy, I think you covered the deeper levels of it. If you think about it: if there was no television or no form of media, no outside influence from parents or peers, the world would be incredibly different because we would be basing our truth on our experience and our experience alone. Everything else would be a non-factor to our own reality. <br /><br />I am very tired so I am really hoping that something makes sense here. If not, then my apologies and I'll try again tomorrow. I could go on and on but I think it will really sound like babble after awhile so I'll end it here. <br />
  • Forgive me for the long post but yep the 911 call was fake and here's why:<br /><br />  To call 911 for any purpose other than to report an emergency could result in criminal penalties. Each state has different penalties for 911 miss use, but in most cases, abuse can lead to jail time and stiff fines. In California it is a misdemeanor under California Penal Code Section 148.3 for any person to willfully use the 911 system for any purpose other than reporting an emergency. It is a felony if someone is injured or dies as a result of emergency service response to a false call.<br /> <br />Using 911 Anywhere in Los Angeles County<br /> <br />The 911 emergency telephone system is in place to assist citizens with POLICE, MEDICAL or FIRE emergencies. It should be realized that non-emergency calls to the 911 system can create delays in handling other very serious emergencies that require immediate attention.<br /> <br /> Don't assume the 911 center that answers your cell call will be the agency closest to you. This is especially true when calling from a cell phone. Triangulation (pinpointing a cell call by the nearest local cell tower) is relatively new and only a few locales have this technology in place. Therefore, most emergency calls from cell phones are routed to a central communications center. There, the nature and location of the incident is ascertained and the 911 caller is either transferred to the appropriate agency or the gathered data is disseminated to the agency needing to respond.  <br />When you dial 911 from a cell phone, don't blurt out a street address and then expect the 911 operator to know which town or city you are in. Chances are they cover a wide area and will need to know your exact location. They will then transfer you to the communications center best suited to help you.<br /> <br /> The following are guidelines for the proper use of the 911 system for FIRE and MEDICAL emergencies.<br /> <br />DO NOT CALL 911 FOR NON-EMERGENCY TRANSPORTATION:<br />Instead, use taxi cabs or call a PRIVATE AMBULANCE listed under AMBULANCE in your local telephone directory.<br />Examples of NON-EMERGENCY situations are:<br /> MINOR illness or injury not requiring immediate help<br />
    Flu/common cold[/li]<br />[li]Chronic (ongoing) aches and pain[/li]<br />[li]Minor cuts[/li]<br />[li]Broken fingers or toes[/li]<br />[li]EMOTIONAL UPSETS[/li]<br />[li]ROUTINE TRANSPORTATION to medical offices, clinics and hospitals[/li]<br /> Remember, these are general guidelines - If there is any doubt, do not hesitate to call the paramedics.<br /> <br />CALL 911 FOR A LIFE-THREATENING EMERGENCY SUCH AS:<br /> Breathing difficulty/shortness of breath/ breathing has stopped.<br />
    Choking (can't talk or breathe).[/li]<br />[li]Constant chest pain - in adults (lasting longer than two minutes).[/li]<br />[li]Uncontrollable bleeding / large blood loss.[/li]<br />[li]Drowning.[/li]<br />[li]Electrocution.[/li]<br />[li]Drug overdose /poisoning.[/li]<br />[li]Gunshot wounds, stabbings.[/li]<br />[li]Vomiting blood.[/li]<br />[li]Sudden fainting /unconsciousness[/li]<br />[li]Convulsions / seizures (uncontrolled jerking, movements the patient may fall to the floor).[/li]<br />[li]Severe allergic reaction (difficulty breathing / unresponsive)[/li]<br />[li]Major burns (white or charred skin: blisters and redness over large area).[/li]<br />[li]Someone who will not wake up, even when you shake them.[/li]<br />[li]SEVERE injuries from:[/li]<br />[li]Traffic accidents[/li]<br />[li]Head Injury[/li]<br />[li]Significant falls[/li]<br />[li]Physical entrapment (i.e. car accident with victim trapped in the vehicle)[/li]<br /> <br />WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU CALL FOR EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES ON 911?<br />911 should only be used when a true emergency exists, "POLICE", "FIRE", or "MEDICAL". Identify your call as a MEDICAL or FIRE emergency and it will be automatically transferred to the appropriate dispatch center. The dispatcher will ELECTRONICALLY RECEIVE the address and telephone number OF THE CALLER.<br /> However, if you are calling for someone else at a different location, be sure to make that known to the dispatcher.<br /> <br />CRITICAL INFORMATION THE DISPATCHER NEEDS TO KNOW:<br /> What's the emergency? What's wrong?<br />
    Where is the emergency? Give the address, include building number, apartment number, nearest cross street.<br /> The name of the building is also helpful.[/li]<br />[li]Who needs help? Age/ number of people.[/li]<br />[li]Are they conscious? Yes or no.[/li]<br />[li]Are they breathing? Yes or no.<br /><br />[/li]<br /> The accuracy of all telephone numbers and addresses must be verified again by the dispatcher.Note: DO NOT HANG UP until the 911 dispatcher tells you to do so. Remain calm and give direct answers to the questions asked. Speak slowly and clearly. You will be asked additional questions so the dispatcher can send the right type of help. All questions are important, even if repetitive.[size=0pt][/size] <br /> <br />The dispatcher may also provide you with CRITICAL PRE-ARRIVAL INSTRUCTIONS, such as CPR (Cardio- Pulmonary Resuscitation) or the Heimlich Maneuver.[size=0pt][/size]Understanding what happens when a 911 call is placed will help the system run more efficiently and will bring you the emergency medical service you need in the shortest possible time.[size=0pt][/size]<br /> <br />HOW YOU CAN HELP BEFORE FIRE DEPARTMENT EMERGENCY RESPONDERS ARRIVE:[size=0pt][/size]<br /> Assure the patient that help is on the way.[size=0pt][/size]<br />
    Keep the phone line clear after the 911 call is made.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Direct someone to wait out front to meet the ambulance and lead the way.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Wave a flashlight or turn on flashers of a car or porch light if it's dark or visibility is poor.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Consider having an interpreter if the patient does not speak English.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Secure pets, especially dogs, in a separate area.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Have a visible address, easily readable from the street.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br />[li]Gather or make a list of medications that the patient is using and give to emergency personnel.[size=0pt][/size][/li]<br /> <br />START FIRST AID[size=0pt][/size]<br /> Apply direct pressure to the wound if the victim is bleeding.<br />
    Perform the Heimlich maneuver if a choking victim can't breathe or talk.[/li]<br />[li]Begin CPR if the victim has no pulse and has stopped breathing.[/li]<br /> <br />Above material adapted from the Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.[size=0pt][/size]<br /> <br />  Aldas, Beannu, Benedizione, Benediction, Bendicion, Bencao, Valsignelse, Zegen, Segen, Palaima, Blessings, my friends! <br /><br /><br />OnTheWingsOfLove<br /><br />
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    on 1320891910:
    <br />
    on 1320888583:
    <br /> According to Jermaine in his book, Michael's name in nimbers is 777. I wonder if and how we can work this in here.  8) /pull hair/<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]The only name that will give you 777=21 is this  8-):[/size]<br /><br />[size=10pt]MICHAEL =7<br />BRANDON=7<br />JACKSON= 7[/size]<br />
    <br /><br />I pulled out my book and I'll quote what he said about #7 in Michael's life, here it is:<br /><br />Page 43 at the bottom of the 1st paragraph:  "Joe was his middle name as recorded on his birth certificate. His first name was almost Ronald...."<br />Page 43 beginning of 2nd paragraph:  "Michael was the 7th child with 7 letters in his 1st name and "7" was his favorite number. So, numerically, his name is "777".  And then right away the next sentence is this: "That's the jackpot there. The Lucky 7s. A number that appears only once in the Bible. .......  But "7" was central to his identity. .....  When he doodled on paper, "7" was tagged all over."<br />This whole page, 43 that is, is very interesting.  I cant help but feel there's something there for us but I cant figure it out. Maybe together we all can.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    <br />I posted this on the docu thread but since it's relevant here...<br /><br />
    <br />Dr. Murray cried in court.  So that proves he knows MJ is dead, and he started having some regrets for being part of this colossal murder plot.<br /> <br />Speaking of Dr. Murray, Elsa said: "You have won the murder theory TS? Then -like Dr Murray- you have incriminated yourself. The foreknowledge you have shown proves you must be in on the murder plot and this elaborate hoax cover-up."<br />http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php/topic,20587.msg360454.html#msg360454<br /> <br />Well, perhaps I have incriminated myself like Dr. Murray BECAUSE I AM DR. MURRAY!?!?!        <br />
    http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=20587.msg365475#msg365475<br /><br />
    Murray cooperated with the mystery person.  And what if I confess that I am Con-rad Murder-y, and I want to turn myself in—would the court accept that, or dismiss it as hearsay?   
    http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=20587.msg366252#msg366252<br /><br />
    <br />2:20-2:22 Murray: "I AM THE SOURCE"<br /><br /> geek/ smiley_spider<br /><br />Nice one.<br />
  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    Wow! This thread is good! Thank you all for the contributions and your heart felt messages. I can really take a lot from these posts and I'd be interested to know what particular things you think we should be looking at to prepare ourselves. Then again, in saying this I am not really thinking for myself am I if I'm letting others tell me what to do. I guess I just want to know about what I should know about so I can truly be apart of the Army of LOVE. I have been a hoaxer mainly from the start and forgive me as I do struggle to understand certain things in life, that's just me, but I am not going to let anything stop me from spreading Mike's message. So I'm sorry if this in itself is shying away from what I should be doing but what exactly should I know and be researching to help support Mike?<br /><br />L.O.V.E
    I'm speaking only for myself but I believe there are others in this situation too.<br />It's not like this hoax/"hoax" awakened me to the realities of this world or to God.I knew it from before, we talked about it in our families many times.<br />The fact that now it is debated here is just an extension of my/ours previous thoughts.<br />One of my uncles was a secret services general, retired now, but when we were children we prefered to stay and listen their discussions instead of playing. It's not that now we are waking up. It's a long time since we don't believe too much of what's reported.<br /><br />It is not random that I and probably others like me are here.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Souza, Bethechange, Lookingfortruth, Bec...I could jump through this screen and plant the biggest kiss on you right now!!!!! All I can say is "Thank you", it is a tough crowd and I'm just glad that we are finally moving to the next level. I have been bursting at the seams, with this "energy", and well you know...I'm just glad to have the company. God Bless you guys!!<br /><br />TS...what I can I say to you that you don't already know? I am so humbled by your Grace, You are the greatest "Teacher". My husband and I are growing stronger and more "perceptive" every second and we welcome the "change" with open arms .Because of my strong belief in LOVE, I somehow  always knew that this would end with LOVE. I have nothing but the deepest respect and Love for you as you are truly "another part of me". You know WE LOVE YOU!<br /><br />I have so much more to say on this subject, but it is time for me to recharge,as I have been expending a lot of energy lately, and I know that "Balance" is important. <br /><br />I would like to say that, the gift of LOVE is a gift that will keep on giving. LOVE is who we are, and it is the only thing that IS real! I hope that our other family members will take the time, now that they know how to use their "investigative" skills, and  search for the Truth...The truth that lies within each and every one of you. You are truly "divine" beings of God and Light...You are LOVE, so please, BE LOVE and understand, that we are ONE!!!<br /><br />I LOVE YOU all so very much.<br />Blessings on your spirits...may you finally set yourself FREE!!<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Souza and BeTheChange thank you so much for your posts! /bravo/  <br /><br />[size=9pt]Bec,  Conrad Murray-- “The Source”, love it!  Good eyes/ears! The hints and whispers are getter louder![/size]<br /><br /> TS
    [size=9pt]This is not level 7 (this information will be of some value, though, when it’s time for level 7). [/size]..<br /><br />[size=9pt]Unfortunately, even after nearly two and half years, some still have not learned their lesson: “Just because it’s in print, doesn’t mean it’s the gospel”—and that INCLUDES things in print shown at court trials!  After all, do we really believe everything that was shown in court during the 2005 trial?  And if not, then why are some so gullible and accept without question everything stated in this 2011 trial?  Actually, when you have really learned your lesson well, you will question EVERYTHING that you have been taught from a child (news, science, history, religion, etc)—not merely the things which are directly related to MJ and/or this hoax.[/size][size=9pt]<br /> <br /> Some eagerly accept everything that they see and hear in this trial, without thinking for themselves and questioning the reliability of the evidence presented.  So let’s do some REAL investigation, rather than slapping an “investigation” label on that which is actually nothing better than assuming it’s impossible for documents to be falsified.[/size]<br />
    <br />Level 7 is coming!  /woohoo/  <br />For those of us working on the MJ puzzle, I guess this 911 call is another important piece!<br /><br />I agree with Gina, that most of us here had already been on the journey of questioning already before we came here, or we would probably be in the J4MJ camp of non-beLIEvers.  Almost all the people around me including my family believe what they hear on the news, in church, and believe what their history books tell them. <br />Since we were children we had to learn the rules and protocol of society and its structure, so naturally we process all the hoax info with pre-existing ASSumptions. I'm grateful for the many professionals in their fields who have helped our understanding on the many advanced topics scrutinized here. We're in this together!<br /><br /><br />TS is making the lessons more in depth than ever before so maybe that's a good sign.  We know that MJ was in complete and utter control of every facet of carrying out the death scene, trial and so much more.  Part of his TAKEOVER is having all these professionals such as judges, lawyers, LAFD, telephone companies etc., do their part in making this hoax possible, making fake documents galore--WHATEVER the master wanted them to do.  I think he had them under his spell!  /cook/  (Me too afraid/ !)<br /><br />About TS, from the very first redirects and posts in Oct 2009, I have LOVED and deeply RESPECTED everything he has said, because EVERYTHING he said (to me) was the EXACT same message I was knowing/sensing that Michael was saying/living (from his words/lyrics/videos, etc).  He has my FULL love and appreciation!  Though rotten stuff has been thrown at him, and the toughest critics tried to dismantle him, he has remained kind, patient and unbeatable.<br /><br />Reveron1958
    What puzzles me is why all this attention to the numerology of everything?  I have enough trouble trying to fit everything I need to do for work/house/family into the day.  Just imagine you had to check what you were doing to the precise millisecond to make sure the numbers were right.  <br />What are the benefits of doing everything by numerology? 
    <br />I know eh!  :lol:    But somehow TS manages!<br />clown.jpg
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1320976298:
    <br />I think some are missing the point. Is it important to know how he pulled it off if you look at the bigger picture? I don't think so. But there is a reason TS puts so much time in posts like this and I think they are highly misunderstood. <br /><br />It's not important in the end to know how he did it, and as TS says: we probably never get all the answers anyway. So why is he encouraging us to figure it out? Well maybe because he wants to learn you how to think different, how to open your mind and think for yourself. We can all scream in here that it's all for love, but do we really understand what he means by that? What is the bigger picture and will we be able to understand that bigger picture? Will we be able to truly support him, will we be there? We might, if we let him teach us how. <br /><br />Should we all love our neighbours as we love ourselves and should we all forgive our enemies? Sure we should, but do you honestly need a death hoax for that? Do you think that if MJ pops up, that the whole world will instantly love each other? If you really think that, then it's time to wake up, because that is not going to happen. There is too much evil in this world and until evil is completely ceased out, there will be no peace, or global love for humanity. <br /><br />A small army can be victorious over a large army, but only if that small army is better armed. That means you have to educate yourself, so that when the time is there to fight, you will know what you are talking about, that you will know what to do and most important: that you know what you're fighting for and that you may know it's worth the battle.<br /><br />What TS is trying to accomplish (just my opinion, TS may correct me if I'm wrong) is to make us all use our minds to the fullest. If we may understand or at least TRY to understand how MJ pulled off this hoax, our minds will be open to more than just that. You should not just question the 911 call, or the AR, or anything else in this so called 'death' story, but you should question EVERYTHING you have ever been taught in your life. You should look at every event, or every history book exactly the way as you look at this hoax. MJ said it himself, our history books are false. And after 2,5 years of research and study, I KNOW he is 100% right about that, and I have just started. He wants you to wake up and smell the coffee. And TS is trying to make you see how you can wake up, i.e. by using the brain God has given you. <br /><br />Let me give you some examples first...<br /><br />Example 1:<br />I have a horse. I have him since he was a baby and I taught him all he knows. When I move my leg in a certain direction, he knows exactly what I am asking of him. I worked on that for years and it required a lot of patience, but my horse will do exactly what I ask of him, because he knows it's worth it. He has a clean stable, his daily food and a treat every day, because he worked so hard. Besides that (and that he does not know, yet is a fact) his body is stronger and he has less injuries because he uses his body the right way.  Mission accomplished with lots of patience and lots of love. End result: a damn fine and sweet horse that will allow a baby on his back.<br /><br />Example 2:<br />I know someone who has a lot of horses. He is not very patient with them and only has them to sell quickly and earn money. His horses do exactly what he asks them to do, because the know that if they don't, he will beat the livin' daylights out of them. They know it's NOT worth the fight, instead of knowing it is worth the work. They will just do as being told, without understanding why they have to do it. Their bodies are build the wrong way which makes them weak and cause lots of injuries. But the buyers don't see that and think they buy a well trained horse, until they take it home and try to treat it with love and patience. Mission 'accomplished' by fear, pain and humiliation. End result: butcher.<br /><br />Example 3:<br />My friend has a child. When her kid is behaving badly, she will send him to his room for half an hour, let him scream and shout until he gives up, then asks him down and talks to him. She explains to him why he was sent to his room, what he did wrong and what he should do to be a good boy. On the other hand, when her kid is behaving well, she will tell him that and tell him what a good boy he has been for (for example) helping his mother with the dishes without her having to ask him. This boy knows the different between good and bad, because he has been taught what good is and what bad is. He knows that when he behaves well and helps out his mother, or simply gives her a hug once in a while, that he will get the love and respect from his mother. He also knows that when he behaves badly, that he will have to go to his room without watching Sesamestreet. He's no angel, he still behaves badly once in a while, but he knows pretty damn well what he does wrong and mostly he will say sorry himself now. He's just a normal kid and will see the difference between good and evil later on in life, because his mother taught him how. Mission accomplished with love and patience. End result: a loving and caring person who knows how to think for himself.<br /><br />Example 4:<br />I know someone else (who was reported to authorities a few years ago) who has/had a kid. It didn't matter if the kid behaved well or not, when he was in a bad mood, the kid got beatings. There were days when the kid was black and blue, and when I asked her what happened, she said she didn't know and started to cry. She did not know the difference between good or bad, and therefore did nothing at all, she was like a walking zombie, too afraid to say something that might piss her dad off. If he asked her something, she would RUN for him, because if she didn't, he would beat the shit out of her 8-year-old body. She doesn't know the difference between good or bad, because she got disciplined for both, yet she does everything her father tells her and for the outside world, she seems to be the perfect child. Mission accomplished with fear, pain and humiliation. End result: loverboys and drug addiction if no one steps up to save her.<br /><br />Example 5:<br />My old theology teacher. I was quite the rebel when I was young, along with 90% of my class and we kicked against everything and everyone. If a teacher didn't have his story straight, he better find another class to teach. We weren't violent, we were simply thinking that school was BS and that they didn't have anything new to tell us. We thought we knew it all (if only I knew then what I know now). If he told us something about one of his lessons, and we questioned the things he told us, he would get angry. We simply had to believe what he said or else he would give us an F and wish us straight to hell. If one of us asked just a little more than the rest, that person would be sent to the principal and had to clean toilets all afternoon (you figure out who in that class saw the most toilets...). End result: a student that had no idea what the lessons were about since she wasn't allowed to question anything, didn't care at all about what the teacher said and had to cheat through her exam.<br /><br />Example 6:<br />My old math teacher. I loved math (still do) but I had other things on my mind back then. That resulted in bad grades and more toilet cleaning. But my teacher had seen that I was good at math, and that I liked it IF I only took the time to actually show up. One day I had to go to the principal (again). I always liked that, since he had the best candy on his desk, lol. But this time my math teacher was there and I thought I was in major trouble. Turns out that my math teacher was there to help me. He said he wanted to do some extra classes with me after school was out and that he wanted to give me a chance to redo my exams and undo my bad grades. He explained to me why it was so important to graduate, that I might not understand it then, but I would thank him later. He said that he wanted me to do good in life and that he wanted to help me by at least making sure I would get my diploma. All I had to do for that chance was show up for the extra lessons. For months he gave me extra lessons and let me redo my exams. Whenever I had questions, I could call him at home (we had no email back then, I feel old). Not only did he make sure I graduated, but he also earned my deep respect. End result: A student with an A- for her final exam without cheating.<br /><br /><br />All the above examples I stated are forms of 'mind control', or conditioning as I always called it. Are all wrong? No. Everyone conditions their pet or child or student for that matter. It's a way of teaching them to know the difference between good and bad and to teach them how to become smarter and by patiently explaining to them why something is good or bad or why they should always do their very best. When we do our jobs well, our pets and children will learn how to treat others and how to love others, and our kids will learn how to become good, caring and loving people who will hopefully raise their kids with the same love and patience. <br /><br />So there we have good ol' TS. TS with us reminds me of me and my horse, my friend and her son, and my old math teacher with me.... to the power of 10. Never have I seen a person so dedicated, so patient and so caring for other people. Not only has he taught us how to look differently at things, he told us how to treat each other, by always showing grace under fire, never having a foul mouth when addressing opposers, but backing up his claims, hoping they would see the light. If there is anyone who has shown patience, love and unconditional dedication to the members of this forum for their own good, it's TS. I never made it a secret that I have supported him from the start, and I will continue to do so til the bitter end and beyond. If some think that there is an evil agenda because of that, or that TS and I are conspiring to create some mind controlled cult, then either back up your claims or forever hold your peace. If you think that you can wait this whole thing out and are not interested in trying to figure it out so that you might understand that bigger picture (as TS said: we have only scratched the surface), then simply go back to your normal lives and wait for the big BAM. If you want to spread the love, go do that. But if you want to make sure you're well armed, you better hang on and crack your brain some more.<br /><br />I know how people think about me defending TS too much and I don't care. I mean every single word of it and I am trying to balance it since there seem to be so much resistance and the opposers are harsh. They make no sense and have lame arguments, but man are they mean. I know TS is a tough one and I know he can defend himself and will probably just roll his eyes at the haters and debunkers, but after all he has done for us, even though some might not realise that (yet), he deserves love and respect instead of hate and ridicule. If you think you're someone's puppet, then think hard and try to see who your real puppet master is. Once you have found your answer, you will understand what I just wrote.<br /><br />@TS: I might be ass kissing a little too much here and don't let it get to your head, but I had to disprove one of your statements here.  :lol: :lol: God knows I meant every single word.  bearhug<br />
    <br /><br />Just brilliant.<br /><br />Souza, you make me proud being a part of "the Army of Love".<br /><br />Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this!<br /><br /> bearhug
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Yep  "The Source"  ...  I laughed loud when I heard Dr M say that - gotta love that bit in the van in the doco<br /> <br />"I am The Source" ... or Dr Con-rad Mur-der-y<br /><br /> :lol:
    Conrad Murray can't post now, he's in custody errrr
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1321020948:
    <br />Conrad Murray can't post now, he's in custody errrr<br />
    <br /><br />Do you REALLY believe that Dr M is in custody? If that is the case then you must think MJ is really dead?
    on 1321021589:
    <br />
    on 1321020948:
    <br />Conrad Murray can't post now, he's in custody errrr<br />
    <br /><br />Do you REALLY believe that Dr M is in custody? If that is the case then you must think MJ is really dead?<br />
    <br />But they took him in custody on Monday, I saw it on TV albino/
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