911 CALL NUMEROLOGY - 12:20, OR 12:21??



  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    70_mj_10.jpg /cook/
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1321058251:
    <br />I loved this well written enlightening words!<br />But be careful so you don't get tossed outta here, some people are not welcomed in here for some reason.  ???/<br /><br />
    As long as you are looking for someone else, (TS, Front/back, etc), to give you the answers, you are NOT "thinking for yourself"! <br /><br />Think about this for one minute family... As soon as TS or Front post, everyone can't wait to see what they have to say,so you "flock" to their posts, as fast as you can! This thread has already had 1000 views in the last 24hrs, yet the information that TS is giving you is stuff that has no bearing on the BIG PICTURE!! Have you learned anything "new", or is this just the same information in a different Package??? TS is showing you how easy it is for you to be controlled and that you are still letting FEAR and EGO control you!! You are digging yourself deeper and deeper into the hole of "control" by others. <br /><br />If you are still trying to figure out "HOW" Michael pulled off this hoax, instead of "WHY" Michael did this, then you are just running in circles and you will NEVER break free!! You will not be thinking for yourself!<br /><br />Of all of the Millions and Millions, if not Billions of Michael Jackson "Fans" in this world...who really, truly understands Michael's "message"?<br /><br />If you are still concentrating on trying to "solve" the Hoax, then you are not understanding what this is truly about. If you need Michael Jackson to "physically" return to you in order for you to feel complete, or happy, then you are not understanding "WHY" Michael has done this!! If you are not happy in your life, it is up to you and ONLY you, to change that...Michael can't do this for you...that is only an "Illusion" that you yourself has created in your mind!! Think about it...If you still need to see Michael in the flesh in order to  "validate" that he is truly alive, then you aren't really a "Believer".If you think that somehow Michael reappearing is going to "Magically" change everything in your life for the better, you are deceiving yourself, because Michael CAN"T change your life!!! You are the master of your own being...You and ONLY you, and until you can see this and break free and take back control of your life, you are NOT making a change and THINKING for yourself!!<br /><br />I truly LOVE you guys, and LOVE is the only thing I KNOW is real! Michael has taught me that LOVE is what is going to change the world, and it starts with US Learning to LOVE ourselves again and when you are living your life with Love, you are making a true difference!!<br /><br />Please, I posted a video on this thread called Michael's message, and Not One person has made a comment on it, because they are trying to figure out what  TS's long, long message is about, when in fact, there is nothing NEW in those messages...You are banging your head against a wall!! What is it that you hope to learn from TS's messages??? Everything has already been PLanned and executed, you aren't going to find anything "Valuable" in these messages...honestly..<br /><br />Michael's message is bring LOVE back into our lives and believing that we have the "MIND" power to change the world, not that he wants you to figure out HOW he executed this world wide hoax!!!<br /><br />Mark my words family... the end result is that, "It's all for LOVE"...Nothing else matters!!<br />Tomorrow is 11/11/11 and I have a "feeling" that more of you will start to understand...because it has already been "written".<br /><br />I will be here to help any of you in any way I can...I will never give up on trying to help you understand that LOVE is soooooo important, and I KNOW that this is what Michael is trying to get us all to realize.<br />If you want to help Michael and show him how much he means to you look to LOVE, but instead of doing this for Michael...do it for yourself and your family...do it for the betterment of Humanity, because until we all find the "Humanity" inside of us, and start living our lives with LOVE,  we are just "Human beings" being controlled by "OTHERS" and controlled by FEAR!!<br /><br />It is your turn to SHINE!!!!!! Break free, "Make a change", "LIVE LOVE", BE LOVE...We are ONE!<br /><br />I LOVE YOU ALL, and I won't give up on you, so please, don't give up on yourself..your "soul" is begging you to "set it free" with LOVE!!!!!!<br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Thank you magic! I am not afraid of being kicked off the site, because I have absolute LOVE and Respect for Souza, Ts, Front,Back, Michael, and every single person on this forum. I appreciate all of the hard work that has been done by the "staff" and the members of this site. If it wasn't for people like them, I wouldn't have discovered "My" TRUTH. This site and all of the "clues" is the reason, "why" I can write a post like the one you have referenced above. I just seemed to take a different "Path" then most here, but I am very aware that each individual has to find their own Path, but I can try to help give them a little "guidance", as long as it is done with LOVE.<br />Michael led me down the path of LOVE, because I was already on that Path my whole life, so it was the one thing that "resonated" with me, above anything else in this hoax, and because of that path,  I am now happier then I have ever been in my life! I started on the Path of LOVE, and I will never waiver from that path, because I have found the answers I was searching for. I still feel it is important to read everything though, but I use my "perception" to weed out the "nonsense" and at the same time, I am able to find "validation"  of what "I" already  know as "My" truth",in some of the posts. So it is a win win situation for me. But my heart does truly ache for some members here, that are struggling so much...sigh...I honestly Love every member of this beautiful family here, and I truly hope that each and every one of you knows how much I LOVE You!<br />Blessings on your night Family, see you all tomorrow!<br /> bearhug
  • Why is 1332 divided into 4 and not 3 or 5?? <br /><br />i. 1998 autograph; 1998 - 666 = 1332 / 4 = 333 + 666 = 999<br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    on 1321436459:
    <br />Why is 1332 divided into 4 and not 3 or 5?? <br /><br />i. 1998 autograph; 1998 - 666 = 1332 / 4 = 333 + 666 = 999<br />
    <br /><br />Because Michael wrote 4 on that DVD cover, and not 3 or 5.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Thanks for explanation :)
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1321383057:
    <br />70_mj_10.jpg /cook/<br />
    <br /><br /> /bravo/<br /><br />Thank you for posting this Paula. It's a good reminder. :lol:
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Info from Kittcat youtube channel about 911 call:<br /><br />Let's look at the cell phone that made the 911 call. Yesterday I was reading some info at MJDHI. They had a photo of the call screen inside the firetruck that was large and clear enough to see the address of the Beverly Hills Hotel as associated with the phone making the call, and the phone number that made the call, so I called it. (if you've been reading this channel for a while, you knew I would). Keep in mind the monitor in question was in the firetruck that was left unattended on the street in front of MJs house, window down, so paps got a clear shot. Against HIPAA regulations at the least according to mmlevyjones, MD. I got this recording - "Welcome to Verizon Wireless...the number you have dialed has been changed, disconnected or is no longer in<br /><br />service". Wait a minute -- wouldn't "disconnected" imply land line, or is that just part of any "no longer in svc" message? Luckily for me I have a friend who once worked for the phone company. She is the same one who sent the info on Carolwood. So I asked her about it. Here is our conversation:<br /><br />Me: How long would you say it would take to get from the BH Hotel to the Carolwood house? I'd rather have your estimate than MapQuest's. (She sent a map showing BH Hotel, Fire Station 71, Carolwood and UCLA all in a line, each just minutes from the others—UCLA is at one end, the Hotel at the other<br /><br />Her: At that time of the day - less than 3 minutes. Speed limit is 35 but they race through those turns on Sunset - it's not a straight road there - it bends around. I don't remember exactly - but there are I think 2 traffic lights between the hotel & Carolwood, no light at Carolwood. I can't believe you called the number - oh wait, yes I can. So the message says it's a dead number, not associated with anyone??? Wonder how long they'll keep that # dead? Good thing you never got a hold of MJ's cell # - - -<br /><br />Me: I'd sent the following from MJDHI - "We've all been told that there is a Cell Phone Tower at 9641 Sunset blvd which is the common explanation as to why the 911 screen cap has that address.<br />According to this site there is no Cell Phone Tower at 9641 Sunset Blvd.<br />http://www.cellreception.com/t­owers/towers.php?city=los%20an­geles&state_abr=ca<br /><br />The location of the phone will be tracked using triangulation - by taking 2 or more readings, it is possible to calculate where the signal is coming from by working out the triangle that fits the signal strengths. The 3rd point is the location of the phone. (Meaning they don't pinpoint towers, they pinpoint the most likely physical location of the cell phone by determining the signal strengths it sends out in multiple directions) However, when the person who has the phone has made an emergency call, this GPS transmission will always be sent. This is designed to ensure that the police can always track a cell phone location, in order to get help to people who need it."<br /><br />Her: There's a high probability that there is a tower or an antenna on top of the hotel: see this website - it could be unregistered so it wouldn't show up on the website you<br /><br />ttached. http://www.antennasearch.com/s­itestart.asp<br />More than likely they have their own tower or antenna. It's a five-star hotel which hosts meeting rooms that have to be equipped for business travelers and high-end business locals who all carry blackberries. The call more than likely originated from the hotel. Would explain why Murray never used his cell from the house to call 911 - just those 3 non-emergency calls - and never used the land line in the house. There is no way that house did not have a working land-line - and absolutely no way he didn't know the address. (You can see in some photos, the black mailbox has 100 in brass numbers on it) With cell phones it's not an exact science with location, it's an approximate location but with a land line there is a reference point - exact to the line used in the house.<br /><br />Me: I'll call again and get the exact wording, see if it tells you anything--"Welcome to Verizon Wireless...the number you have dialed has been changed, disconnected or is no longer in service" Hold on horsie--wouldn't disconnected imply land line, or is that just part of any "no longer in svc" message?<br /><br />Her: I didn't work on the cell-side but cell numbers change hands fast - they don't languish out there for 14 months unless the person still owns the acct. but it's inactive. That is the standard line used for land-lines, not cell lines. Disconnected doesn't make any sense for a cell - they wouldn't retire the number - it would just go to a new customer if that account is closed. So apparently Alvarez still owns the account and the number, just doesn't use it.<br />You know - anyone can record that as their incoming message and sound like the phone company's standard message service - unfortunately it's the wrong standard telecom message to use for a changed cell phone. Duh...<br /><br />Her: To answer your question about how long it takes to trace a call - you watch too many movies from the 80's. Think Caller ID - instant name & address on a land line. If 911 is dialed on a land line - the exact address comes up - cell is a bit different - depending on where trunk is but it's basically the same time frame.<br />GPS on new cell phones can also pinpoint exact location.<br /><br />Well then, the exact location is the Beverly Hills Hotel.<br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/user/kittycat10100<br /><br /><br /><br />http://www.igroops.com/members/httpfairycom/comm/READ/00000778/Members-comments-on-From-911.html#00000778
  • on 1321087607:
    <br />Hey TS just wanted to say thanks for all this amazing information (which honestly I haven't reviewed yet  lolol/ ) but wanted to clarify.... was this thread a redirect or just something you posted on here.  Just want to keep the redirect list at www.lilwendy.wordpress.com up to date! <br /><br />Thanks love!<br /><br /> bearhug <br />
    <br /><br />Yes, the redirect for 11-9 (911 backwards) was to this thread.  Then level 7 on 11-11-11.<br /><br />Thanks so much for keeping the TIAI redirect log!<br /><br /> respect/    bearhug
  • NyukiNyuki Posts: 70
    on 1321929958:
    <br />Info from Kittcat youtube channel about 911 call:<br /><br />GPS on new cell phones can also pinpoint exact location.Well then, the exact location is the Beverly Hills Hotel.<br /><br />http://www.youtube.com/user/kittycat10100<br /><br /><br /><br />http://www.igroops.com/members/httpfairycom/comm/READ/00000778/Members-comments-on-From-911.html#00000778<br />
    <br /><br />Does Kitcat know if Alvarez had a (new) cell phone which was supported by GPS? .......Apperently not. So, I rather stick to my own truth in my post # 145 in this thread.  geek/
  • [size=10pt]lilwendy<br />Reply #137 on: November 12, 2011, 04:46:47 PM »<br />Hey TS just wanted to say thanks for all this amazing information (which honestly I haven't reviewed yet  lolol/ ) but wanted to clarify.... was this thread a redirect or just something you posted on here.  Just want to keep the redirect list at www.lilwendy.wordpress.com up to date!<br /><br />Thanks love![/size]
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Hy lilwendy  :) !!!! <br />If you have time can you please explain me about Thisisalsoit on Twitter – V for Vendetta with Celebs ????[/size]<br /><br />watch.jpg<br />http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/01/04/thisisalsoit-on-twitter-v-for-vendetta-with-celebs/<br /><br /><br />[size=10pt]There are some things that I don't understand,and for things to be crazier something totally unexpected happened this days.Betewn those celebs you wrote is Natalie Wood  :? ,and she was/is the wife of Robert Wagner no???<br />Why the police has re-opened this case now, after 30 years  afraid/ ????? What is the point,I don't understand honestly  :? .<br />Was there a conspiracy or what??? And what Robert Wagner has to do with Michael ,David Guest , O.J. Simpson and Liz Taylor :????[/size]<br /><br />cusl12_newman0809.jpg<br /><br />bg4why.jpg<br /><br />[size=10pt]Thank you for your time  :)!!!![/size]<br /><br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    The name of this thread is "911 CALL NUMEROLOGY—12:20, OR 12:21??", please stay on topic.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • on 1322130206:
    <br />The name of this thread is "911 CALL NUMEROLOGY—12:20, OR 12:21??", please stay on topic.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Hy Souza!!!<br />I apologise ,I know is not the right place,but I didn't knew where to post it,and since I saw lilwedy and TS posts ,I did it here .Can you please help me or give me some advice,where to put this???? <br /><br />P.S. My husband is still slepping ,after job,but when he wake's up I will ask about that problem.Thank you[/size]
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Twitter, V for Vedetta, conspiracy theories? Anywhere but here.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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