911 CALL NUMEROLOGY - 12:20, OR 12:21??



  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1321021785:
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    on 1321021589:
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    on 1321020948:
    <br />Conrad Murray can't post now, he's in custody errrr<br />
    <br /><br />Do you REALLY believe that Dr M is in custody? If that is the case then you must think MJ is really dead?<br />
    <br />But they took him in custody on Monday, I saw it on TV albino/<br />
    <br /><br /> :lol:  you are funny Gina
    on 1321022115:
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    on 1321021785:
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    on 1321021589:
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    on 1321020948:
    <br />Conrad Murray can't post now, he's in custody errrr<br />
    <br /><br />Do you REALLY believe that Dr M is in custody? If that is the case then you must think MJ is really dead?<br />
    <br />But they took him in custody on Monday, I saw it on TV albino/<br />
    <br /><br /> :lol:  you are funny Gina <br />
    <br /><br />yeah I'm funny as hell :evil:<br />Let's see how funny I'll be when I'll put my hands on that crazy kid who caused me so much pain by faking his death :twisted:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I don't really believe TS is Murray. But I do believe Murray is Michael metaphorically and so therefore...<br /><br />well, you follow me.
  • [size=10pt]GINA:<br />@applehead you're a dreamer....but you're not the only one  lolol/ !!<br /><br />Of course we are all one, essentially speaking.<br />Of course God is Love and Love is the most important thing and Love each other is the most important command.<br /><br />But I will be honest and confess if Michael wouldn't have been so damn desirable, I probably wouldn't have cared about his message of love that much. His story is the most unbelievable in the last 2000 years  /white flag/.<br /><br />See, he is a messenger of God. He had a mission, he wasn't given so much fame for nothing. <br /><br />ps: I am so scared he is dead because I am very "talented" in sustaining lost causes, that's what I did all my life, why would this time be different?[/size]
    <br /><br />Gina my friend YES I am A DREAMER,and also a ROMANTIC FOOL  lolol/ ,but please don't forget that Michael is also!!!! Michael DREAMED of a better place for you and for me,and all the children in the world  :cry: . Let's MAKE IT HAPPEN ,Gina,let's SPREAD LOVE and UNITE our families!!!! Michael NEVER gave up,NEVER gave up his DREAMS    8-),so why we should GIVE up??? WHY,tell me???? Because of a STUPID FEAR  :x????<br />I will never give up to Michael and his dream  :)!!!<br /><br />
    Robert F.Kennedy:<br />But I dream things that never were; and I say, 'Why not?'"
    <br /><br />The Jacksons - Dreamer<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1320873584:
    <br />[ . . . . ]<br />[size=13pt]After all, do we really believe everything that was shown in court during the 2005 trial? [/size]<br />[. . . . . ]<br />
    U_JUMP%7E1.GIF<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Sorry, I just felt the urge to jump for joy when reading TS ' question! ;)
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    on 1320978707:
    <br />Alverez probably didn't make his '911 speech' at 12:20/21 anyway...in his testimony he said that he an Murray moved MJ to the floor during the 911 call, he said something like he was holding the phone with his shoulder against his ear and moved MJ during the call, medics got there 2 min later...then when the medics arrived they said MJ was on the bed and they themselves had to help move him...so I doubt he even called 911 then, especially when he lied about moving MJ to the floor....I mean you would think if you are on the phone trying to save someone's life, you would do as your told and not lie about it...like wth?<br />
    <br /><br />EMT-Report.jpg<br /><br />"50 year old found supine on floor" Senneff just didn't remember that right, Alvarez wasn't lying.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    I think I'm tired... 'cause I'm lost in the reading of Timing Discrepancies presented by TS.<br />Too many numbers, too many details, too many names, abbreviations....sorry it's impossible for me to follow that much info , especially those exact tiny little details.<br />But in great lines, the main idea is that there are indeed so many discrepancies for their testimonies to be true!!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    My mind is going in circles while reading the 7 scenarios!! assome-etoiles.gif<br /><br />I am again and again amazed by the genius mind who was able to conceive all this plan ! and also put IT into "the above entitled ACTION" [sorry I needed to say that, I just loved listening to the "ALLEGED" verdict over and over again!! %21fou.gif :lol: ]<br /><br />All that planning, the numerology, the 7 possible versions, the logical explanations...<br />I just need to wait and reflect like half an hour for each of the 7 scenarios.... zinzin.gif I don't even want to think about how long would it take me to come up with an 8th !  :? and also 'debunk" the rest of the 7!??  :shock: lmao  :lol: i mean you need to be a genius just to fully understand what TS wrote in that message and then a DOUBLE-genius to be able to debunk that!!  champion.gif <br />I feel so small [not to say stupid], even frustrated because I can't get it all!! I may need to re-re-re-re-read all that and hopefully I will eventually manage to comprise the full understanding.<br /><br />So I just don't get it how can some people still talk like they know everything? and still dare say TS does not know what he's talking about?<br /> remains mystery to me....<br /><br />
    TS wrote:
    Nevertheless, think for yourself; and with the information that I have provided here, see if you can come up with a scenario that I have not specifically described—there is at least one more possibility (and probably several more).
    I feel like when I was in school and nobody in the class knew the answer to the teacher's questions! We were all like .... confus00003.png<br />This all seems to me like a mind exercise, a very difficult one!! I think not even the detective training department at the Police Academy comes up with such good training exercises for their students!  :lol: After this hoax is over, if I pass the "exam", I want my hoax-detective diploma!!  bounce/ 0016.gif<br /><br />I must confess I am so tired after a hard week [on all aspects], I can't concentrate and I'd really like to REALLY and FULLY understand , analyze, all the 7 scenarios. But in the end I wonder what would be the purpose? The 911 call is just a ONE piece of the puzzle, along with SOOOO many others! What's the point in breaking my head with a thousand scenarios when I know it's all a GIANT, GENIUS, GORGEOUSLY made HOAX !! and you can add all the G adjectives you may know!!  ;)
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1320923549:
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    on 1320923236:
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    on 1320922871:
    <br />What puzzles me is why all this attention to the numerology of everything?  WTF??  I have enough trouble trying to fit everything I need to do for work/house/family into the day.  Just imagine you had to check what you were doing to the precise millisecond to make sure the numbers were right.  /pull hair/<br />What are the benefits of doing everything by numerology?  errrr
    Numbers can not lie, 1+1=2 no matter what. So numbers can be used to send a clear message, that something is planned in advance. It's like a code, as simple as that. <br />The easiest way to send messages from beyond the "grave".
    <br />[size=12pt]So it is used to send us messages, is that the only purpose?[/size] [....]
    I'd like to try and answer to your question. I'm sure there are several possible reasons to explain the intense use of numerology both by Elvis and Michael. And my versions of answer may not be necessarily the correct ones, that's why I said I'd try...<br />But before I do that, I'd like to know if you believe in God.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1320959375:
    <br />So many BIG things spoken here.<br />You guys can all give lessons of love.<br />But Michael is the one who gives lessons without giving lessons. Simple and natural like breathing. Because he is the lesson.<br />
    I agree ! ;)
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @TS : I need to  say this again: You just killed my last neuron je-vole.gif with your post here! You gave us "thinking-homework/material" for undetermined period of time!<br /><br /><br />@Wishingstar, BeTheChange & MjonMind - I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  bearhug bearhug bearhug<br /><br /><br />@Gina: you intrigue me, you are a very interesting person ;) I think you are MORE clever than you're letting people know! You have more self-confidence than you're showing. I think your questions are not always expressing what you don't know/understand, but rather what you DO know/understand ;) Continue to ask questions and say what you think, in your own special way! ;) I think you have a different way of proving to yourself / others that Michael is alive and that is : by trying to prove the opposite! loll it's rather strange, but I think I now can get you! tell me if I'm wrong in believing this about you!
  • on 1321044367:
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    on 1320923549:
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    on 1320923236:
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    on 1320922871:
    <br />What puzzles me is why all this attention to the numerology of everything?  WTF??  I have enough trouble trying to fit everything I need to do for work/house/family into the day.  Just imagine you had to check what you were doing to the precise millisecond to make sure the numbers were right.  /pull hair/<br />What are the benefits of doing everything by numerology?  errrr
    Numbers can not lie, 1+1=2 no matter what. So numbers can be used to send a clear message, that something is planned in advance. It's like a code, as simple as that. <br />The easiest way to send messages from beyond the "grave".
    <br />[size=12pt]So it is used to send us messages, is that the only purpose?[/size] [....]
    I'd like to try and answer to your question. I'm sure there are several possible reasons to explain the intense use of numerology both by Elvis and Michael. And my versions of answer may not be necessarily the correct ones, that's why I said I'd try...<br />But before I do that, I'd like to know if you believe in God.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm an agnostic but brought up Catholic.
  • on 1321037494:
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    on 1320873584:
    <br />[ . . . . ]<br />[size=13pt]After all, do we really believe everything that was shown in court during the 2005 trial? [/size]<br />[. . . . . ]<br />
    U_JUMP%7E1.GIF<br />Sorry, I just felt the urge to jump for joy when reading TS ' question! ;)<br />
    <br /><br />Simpa I saw it also lol  lolol/ ,but believe me no one even NOTICED,because they "don't BELIEVE" in the first place.Second,they are to concentrated at what TS is telling them,lol  lolol/ ! It doesen't matter anyway because in THE END ,they will had no other option,but to WAKE UP  :)!!! By the way I want to SHOUT that I LOVE everyone here  :)!!!!!<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />[size=10pt][/size]
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1321046448:
    <br /><br />@Wishingstar, BeTheChange & MjonMind - I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU  bearhug bearhug bearhug<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Love you too SimPatty  bearhug<br /><br />Maybe you can join me, WishingStar and MJonMind for a little Experience dance-off  :lol:<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @BetheChange: be sure I already joined you guys in your Experience game, if not for real, at least in my heart and / or virtually! [I'm now dancing on Billy Jean, and you? ] :p  :lol:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1321047348:
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    on 1321044367:
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    on 1320923549:
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    on 1320923236:
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    on 1320922871:
    <br />What puzzles me is why all this attention to the numerology of everything?  WTF??  I have enough trouble trying to fit everything I need to do for work/house/family into the day.  Just imagine you had to check what you were doing to the precise millisecond to make sure the numbers were right.  /pull hair/<br />What are the benefits of doing everything by numerology?  errrr
    Numbers can not lie, 1+1=2 no matter what. So numbers can be used to send a clear message, that something is planned in advance. It's like a code, as simple as that. <br />The easiest way to send messages from beyond the "grave".
    <br />[size=12pt]So it is used to send us messages, is that the only purpose?[/size] [....]
    I'd like to try and answer to your question. I'm sure there are several possible reasons to explain the intense use of numerology both by Elvis and Michael. And my versions of answer may not be necessarily the correct ones, that's why I said I'd try...<br />But before I do that, I'd like to know if you believe in God.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm an agnostic but brought up Catholic.<br />
    You're answer confuses me.<br />Agnostic- means you don't believe in God<br />Catholic - means you do.<br />Which way is it? Believer or not?<br /><br />It's very important for me to know, because if you don't believe in God , than I'm afraid you will never understand numerology. It's closely related to God and believing in HIM !! to the way this world was/is created! based on numbers! The Bible is also structured based on that! Think about all the sciences that allowed the modern technologies: all based on exact [numbers] sciences! Even this HOAX is a science in itself!! created by a GENIUS mind based on divine numbers!! Nothing in this universe could exist without numbers. <br />I loved Gina's answer: numbers are a language in themselves! It is said mathematicians communicate in their own way, because they see the world different;y, they see it in numbers and exactities. There's so much more to say, things that I didn't have time to study myself either, since I began discovering numerology only since this hoax and TS comments, and Jesse [Elvis] letters. But after all that, the first I think about when Numerology is brought up, is GOD !!<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1320976298:
    <br />I think some are missing the point. <br />[....]<br />[....]<br />[....]<br />
    I loved reading your long post ! Thank you for sharing all that! respect-chapeau.gif
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1320984102:
    <br />[...]<br />[...]<br />[...]<br />TS, through his teachings (which is what I think of his posts as and yes, I look forward to every single word he writes...[size=11pt]because this world is greatly lacking in REAL teachers)[/size]...has helped us peel the cobwebs from our eyes and shown us just how conditioned we really are.  He didn't just tell us and he didn't just show us....he HELPED us see it for ourselves, he guided us to see it for ourselves.  If you believe that Mike is speaking to us through TS (and I cannot understand how people can doubt that!)....[size=11pt]then it is MIKE'S lessons we are learning and his guidance we are CHOOSING to accept.  [/size]<br /><br />I stated awhile back that, through this adventure, [size=11pt]Mike has--in the most intimate of ways---shared himself with us.  He has invited us into his mind....the most intimate, sacred, and most powerful part of himself....in order to 'teach' US how to awaken ours. [/size] YOU can choose to read his every word and try to learn something from it....or if that doesn't interest you, then YOU can choose to ignore it.  But to ignore, undermine, or worse yet bash, TS...just might end up being your real 'wake-up call' come BAMsday....when you realize you're not ready cause you've missed half the lessons.<br />[...]<br />[...]<br />[...]
  • on 1321048221:
    <br />@BetheChange: be sure I already joined you guys in your Experience game, if not for real, at least in my heart and / or virtually! [I'm now dancing on Billy Jean, and you? ] :p  :lol:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1321047348:
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    on 1321044367:
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    on 1320923549:
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    on 1320923236:
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    on 1320922871:
    <br />What puzzles me is why all this attention to the numerology of everything?  WTF??  I have enough trouble trying to fit everything I need to do for work/house/family into the day.  Just imagine you had to check what you were doing to the precise millisecond to make sure the numbers were right.  /pull hair/<br />What are the benefits of doing everything by numerology?  errrr
    Numbers can not lie, 1+1=2 no matter what. So numbers can be used to send a clear message, that something is planned in advance. It's like a code, as simple as that. <br />The easiest way to send messages from beyond the "grave".
    <br />[size=12pt]So it is used to send us messages, is that the only purpose?[/size] [....]
    I'd like to try and answer to your question. I'm sure there are several possible reasons to explain the intense use of numerology both by Elvis and Michael. And my versions of answer may not be necessarily the correct ones, that's why I said I'd try...<br />But before I do that, I'd like to know if you believe in God.<br />
    <br /><br />I'm an agnostic but brought up Catholic.<br />
    You're answer confuses me.<br />Agnostic- means you don't believe in God<br />Catholic - means you do.<br />Which way is it? Believer or not?<br /><br />It's very important for me to know, because if you don't believe in God , than I'm afraid you will never understand numerology. It's closely related to God and believing in HIM !! to the way this world was/is created! based on numbers! The Bible is also structured based on that! Think about all the sciences that allowed the modern technologies: all based on exact [numbers] sciences! Even this HOAX is a science in itself!! created by a GENIUS mind based on divine numbers!! Nothing in this universe could exist without numbers. <br />I loved Gina's answer: numbers are a language in themselves! It is said mathematicians communicate in their own way, because they see the world different;y, they see it in numbers and exactities. There's so much more to say, things that I didn't have time to study myself either, since I began discovering numerology only since this hoax and TS comments, and Jesse [Elvis] letters. But after all that, the first I think about when Numerology is brought up, is GOD !!<br />
    <br /><br />I don't normally discuss religion LOL but I will briefly explain that I was brought up as a practising Catholic (until about 13-14), but would now describe myself as an agnostic. <br /><br />An atheist does not believe in God, but an agnostic is someone who neither believes nor disbelieves there is a God.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @reveron1958: Ok I see...<br />I understand the difference between an atheist and an agnostic [the way you said it]<br /><br />But in my opinion, atheist=agnostic.<br />Because to me it's simple: you either believe in God or NOT.<br />There's no middle way here.<br />Faith in GOD exists or NOT.<br /><br />I believe agnostics like to consider themselves somewhere between believers and atheists.<br />But as I said , to me there is no difference.<br /><br />Don't misunderstand me please. I do not judge anyone. You're free to choose what you like to be: believer, agnostic, atheist, catholic or whatever.<br /><br />The point is that I strongly believe you need to have faith in GOD if you truly desire to understand what numerology is all about and why it has been used so intensely in this hoax. Since this where our discussion started: from your questions about numerology.  And I think I gave you an answer above. But if you are interested , do your own research, you are the one who can find the best answers to your questions. I'm telling you this from my own experience regarding numerology. I was also skeptic at start, until I started to search for myself what it was all about! of course in relation to the hoax and then you reach to deeper meanings too!!
    on 1321046448:
    <br /><br />@Gina: you intrigue me, you are a very interesting person ;) I think you are MORE clever than you're letting people know! You have more self-confidence than you're showing. I think your questions are not always expressing what you don't know/understand, but rather what you DO know/understand ;) Continue to ask questions and say what you think, in your own special way! ;) I think you have a different way of proving to yourself / others that Michael is alive and that is : by trying to prove the opposite! loll it's rather strange, but I think I now can get you! tell me if I'm wrong in believing this about you!<br />
    <br /><br />Simpatik please never say about me again I'm clever. Sometimes I am so stupid that I can not believe myself. But it's OK because this way I don't have to live up to the "clever" standard all the time and it feels so good sometimes, to be plain stupid, you know, it's relaxing. <br />But you are right about a few things above, you took me by surprise, really, you understand :shock:
  • Unfortunately written words are prone to misinterpretation, so it won't be much different in this case. <br /><br />Nonetheless I am sharing some of my thoughts with you once more. <br />I am in high spirits today and I'm glad to see an 'independent thinker' commenting occasionally. Some of you are willing to turn away from the mere hunt for the ultimate proof, you are trying to look beyond the "hows" and that is how it should be. In order to understand Michael's motivation for having done this, you don't need teachings based on numerology or meticulous detail, nor do you need to conjecture and believe that clues are hidden everywhere, it's unnecessary. You are well equipped to figure it out for yourself, even if you haven't read a single page on any forum, you also don't need any guide, who is going round in circles anyway.<br />The layout is simple and self-explanatory. I recognize that an added game/fun/education element (present especially in this forum) might be appealing to the younger ones of you or it might function as a self-protection mechanism to prevent pain, when you begin to see the bigger picture - Michael's truth.<br />You might like to ask yourself, who added this element and why. If you, as potential independent thinker, want to gain grounds again on this territory, you should "...question EVERYTHING...". Me quoting the member's favourite indoctrinator, who'd have thunk.<br /><br /><br />The main characters here, are so consumed with their own ego and with what they want to achieve; their propaganda speaks volumes, and they think this is going unnoticed. They are missing out on the most important matter(s), while putting all their time and effort into their own game, sorry aim. <br />Some bubbles are in danger of bursting.... <br /><br />If you are not quite sure, what I am talking about, I recommend you to read my other posts, won't take long, there aren't that many ;) before they'll get deleted.<br />You'll understand then, I hope.<br />For the ones, who think that post-count equals rookie, I assure you, that ain't correct. I've been on that journey from day one, literally. Saw and learned a lot !<br /><br />There is just one other little thing that I want to mention. <br />The forum-innate informers like to disguise their intention with the noble cloak of initiating awareness and awakening in people using Michael's 'death' for it. Their conduct seems impeccable, or should I say slick, their words are well chosen and the things they say seem plausible, but beware, their methods are shady. Why aren't they putting ALL their cards on the table, for everyone to see ? For the sake of creating mystery, gathering followers maybe ? Adulation makes you feel good, right ? <br />Oh, of course, they can't reveal themselves, they must be Michael Jackson so. <br />You wish !<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Best<br />JMseesMJ<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />P.S.: Souza, I suggest you rename your forum soon, your current title is misleading, it still has the name Michael Jackson in it. Presumptuous.<br />Here are some suggestions:  "Education Hoax, WE think for Yourselves" or "Our Masterclass in Life, The Universe and Everything", maybe "Numerology - The Answer You Were Looking For" or how about "Free Brainwash, Unnoticed Manipulation Guaranteed", you know, something along those lines.<br />FYI, I don't need to back up anything, my words are true and you know it.   <br />You might like to tell the new members, what I am referring to. Just some keywords: the beginnings of TIAI, mysterious informer "Bob" and the TMZ connection, the fall out between you and Mo, alleged forum 'hacks' and the list goes on...  <br /><br />Some keywords are touched upon in TIAI update # 6.5 from pg. 6 onward http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=16148.125<br /><br />The beginnings were good Souza, but then you took the wrong turn, chose the wrong team; dead end, time will tell.<br />If through your methods people really discover themselves and who they are, then I am just speechless and think it is a sad reflection of our society. It's in a state worse than I thought.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1321031944:
    <br />I don't really believe TS is Murray. But I do believe Murray is Michael metaphorically and so therefore...<br /><br />well, you follow me.<br />
    <br /><br />EXACTLY bec! Yes, TS wrote in the previous thread that he is Murray and now Murray says he is The Source but it is written and said metaphorically. I do also believe that Murray represents Michael in this case.
    on 1321053661:
    <br /><br />Oh, of course, they can't reveal themselves, they must be Michael Jackson so. <br />You wish !<br /><br />
    <br /><br />So where's Michael Jackson Je bangbang?<br />Anybody knows?<br />Souza knows? Or maybe TS?<br />You know where he is Je?<br /><br />Anybody in this wide world knows /pull hair/?
    But I should calm down and relax because the truth will FINALLY prevail. I strongly believe this.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1321053661:
    <br />Unfortunately written words are prone to misinterpretation, so it won't be much different in this case. <br /><br />Nonetheless I am sharing some of my thoughts with you once more. <br />I am in high spirits today and I'm glad to see an 'independent thinker' commenting occasionally. Some of you are willing to turn away from the mere hunt for the ultimate proof, you are trying to look beyond the "hows" and that is how it should be. In order to understand Michael's motivation for having done this, you don't need teachings based on numerology or meticulous detail, nor do you need to conjecture and believe that clues are hidden everywhere, it's unnecessary. You are well equipped to figure it out for yourself, even if you haven't read a single page on any forum, you also don't need any guide, who is going round in circles anyway.<br />The layout is simple and self-explanatory. I recognize that an added game/fun/education element (present especially in this forum) might be appealing to the younger ones of you or it might function as a self-protection mechanism to prevent pain, when you begin to see the bigger picture - Michael's truth.<br />You might like to ask yourself, who added this element and why. If you, as potential independent thinker, want to gain grounds again on this territory, you should "...question EVERYTHING...". Me quoting the member's favourite indoctrinator, who'd have thunk.<br /><br /><br />The main characters here, are so consumed with their own ego and with what they want to achieve; their propaganda speaks volumes, and they think this is going unnoticed. They are missing out on the most important matter(s), while putting all their time and effort into their own game, sorry aim. <br />Some bubbles are in danger of bursting.... <br /><br />If you are not quite sure, what I am talking about, I recommend you to read my other posts, won't take long, there aren't that many ;) before they'll get deleted.<br />You'll understand then, I hope.<br />For the ones, who think that post-count equals rookie, I assure you, that ain't correct. I've been on that journey from day one, literally. Saw and learned a lot !<br /><br />There is just one other little thing that I want to mention. <br />The forum-innate informers like to disguise their intention with the noble cloak of initiating awareness and awakening in people using Michael's 'death' for it. Their conduct seems impeccable, or should I say slick, their words are well chosen and the things they say seem plausible, but beware, their methods are shady. Why aren't they putting ALL their cards on the table, for everyone to see ? For the sake of creating mystery, gathering followers maybe ? Adulation makes you feel good, right ? <br />Oh, of course, they can't reveal themselves, they must be Michael Jackson so. <br />You wish !<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Best<br />JMseesMJ<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />P.S.: Souza, I suggest you rename your forum soon, your current title is misleading, it still has the name Michael Jackson in it. Presumptuous.<br />Here are some suggestions:  "Education Hoax, WE think for Yourselves" or "Our Masterclass in Life, The Universe and Everything", maybe "Numerology - The Answer You Were Looking For" or how about "Free Brainwash, Unnoticed Manipulation Guaranteed", you know, something along those lines.<br />FYI, I don't need to back up anything, my words are true and you know it.  <br />You might like to tell the new members, what I am referring to. Just some keywords: the beginnings of TIAI, mysterious informer "Bob" and the TMZ connection, the fall out between you and Mo, alleged forum 'hacks' and the list goes on...  <br /><br />Some keywords are touched upon in TIAI update # 6.5 from pg. 6 onward http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/smf2.0/index.php?topic=16148.125<br /><br />The beginnings were good Souza, but then you took the wrong turn, chose the wrong team; dead end, time will tell.<br />If through your methods people really discover themselves and who they are, then I am just speechless and think it is a sad reflection of our society. It's in a state worse than I thought.<br />
    <br /><br />Excuse me but why don't you go and keep on playing with that naughty doggy? It looks like that odd couple washed your brain so well or perhaps you are one of them. After two years, why need to waste your "precious" time with us and tell that TS is a fake and Souza is playing with us? It is your decision to close your eyes to see the truth but you can not come to our home where we are a family here and try to ruin it for us. You can not achieve your goal here. It's too late for that! And I can easily say that you will be so so ashamed one day for the things you wrote on this forum. But that will be too late for you! 
    Oh no, please, no FIGHTI_G you guys, please bow/ bow/ bow/
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