TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • on 1354299823:
    <br />Not sure what else there is to discuss?<br /><br />3 years and 5 months of discussion resulted in us knowing nothing at all. The FBI involvement means we do not have access to the truth.<br /><br />I seriously wonder if he is really dead after all and this has all been just fantasy land because every little bit of "evidence" we have is based on half-truths and partial knowledge. Like we are so much smarter then the rest of the world. Please.<br />
    <br /><br />Just revisit the emotional state of the family and the children (or rather the lack thereof) over the same 3 1/2 years...especially in the hours/days/weeks immediately following 6/25.  If you're right that we've been living in Fantasyland...then they'd have to be the most cold-hearted and ruthless bunch on the planet.  I'm pretty sure that nobody here believes that to be the case.  The only real, visible sign of emotion has come from Ms. Katherine and I can totally understand.  I think she genuinely grieves for Michael...not because he's "gone" but because of the separation and stress...and the safety of those she loves.  There's nothing that hurts a Mothers heart more than one of your children being in pain (or in a dangerous situation) and you can't do anything to make it better.  :icon_e_sad:
  • I have a feeling of complete emptiness... It feels strange to see this 3,5 years investigation "end" this way - with no real answers and even more confusion than before... I have very mixed feelings - i feel disappointed with TS revelations, and sad as i feel it's all coming to an "end" but not necessarily a happy one... I only hope for a bam to reveal the entire truth - can we count on you Michael? :S<br />
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    on 1354283223:
    <br />Does everyone on here believe in the DWD theory? I think it STILL can go either way...<br /><br />...I mean some points for Live MJ and some points for the DWD can be used for the opposite theory. But what I still do not see is how the patient would get into the house undetected, I mean Live MJ guarantees that there is no need for a risk in bringing this patient in. What if the patient chose to back out at the VERY LAST MINUTE while he was in the house? Yeah maybe a second person would do it, but then you'd still need to get  the first patient out of the house without arousing suspicion.<br />
    <br /><br />Funny enough, I know exactly what you mean UYI.  Until I hear it from the 'horse's' mouth, whether that be Mike himself or someone from the FBI, I will not be convinced of any theory 100% (perhaps even after hearing it from the horse's mouth lol).  However, once all the dots started connecting for me...the picture became very clear, in my mind, that 'someone' DID die that day.  Regardless of whether or not this is, in fact, what happened....ALL signs point to it being true, everything 'fits' when you consider someone actually dying that day...so much so, that I just couldn't see the logic of those that couldn't see it.  But, even having said that...perhaps due to my hoax brain...I will still hold open the possibility that something else took place that day.  Based on what we do know, though, 'logically' it makes perfect sense...and has so for some time now.<br /><br />For those suggesting/insinuating that TS gave us all the answers....my response would be that perhaps MANY posts by MANY members were missed along the way.  When Level 3 began (and btw, the corpse theory was discussed well before Level 3 AND before TS even mentioned it)....TS didn't support ANY of the options, and the 'corpse' theory was only ONE of 5 possibilities given.  Many members researched ALL the options and came up with theories based on the all the info we had (sure, some info from TS but MANY other pieces from MANY other sources)....many of which pointed to/supported the 'corpse' theory.  It's ALL there....anyone is free to take a look back to see just how much people thought for themselves and didn't just rely on TS for answers....this should be evident since TS only 'confirmed' the corpse theory very recently.  To suggest otherwise, not only undermines the countless hours and energy put in by MANY to try to figure out what happened that day....but it is also something that is highly inaccurate and presumptuous.<br /><br />Anyone feeling sorry about being 'wrong' or, worse yet, feeling like everything else is now up in the air (which, IMO, makes no sense AT ALL  if you can see the logic in the corpse theory...i.e. it proves Mike didn't die)....I'll just say that every contribution was/is valuable, even if not accurate...it drove others to search for the 'truth' and dig a little deeper, even if only to find the evidence to 'debunk' inaccuracies.  Not to mention the fact that ALL of this was never about any one person or any one of 'us'....it's primarily been about Mike and whatever/whoever the FBI is investigating.  Our role has been as 'observers' invited to observe...and the goal was to become greater than when we began the journey.  No matter what our reasoning along the way....right or wrong (and we've all been wrong at different junctures along the way)....we have ALL become greater for the experience.<br /><br />Still....I'll be waiting for that press conference...or whatever BAM entails lol<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    When TS starts out by saying he'' debunk " stuff proved just to keep us on our toes , then we can't end up depressed can we? He's basically telling us again not to believe everything he says right? <br />Someone , think it was wishing star said about not believing mj would "use" a DWD patient like that but TS said even MJ did not know everything about how it would go down so possibly FBI made this decision?<br />If FBI is truely involved than this surely must rule out any "artistic" reasons for hoax such as outdoing Elvis, or greatest show on earth etc<br />If FBI is truely involved would we seriously have clues or at least what we categorized as clues?<br />Lost as always...
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    I guess it's time that mr. TS and/or mr. Front come here and give a little reaction on what's happening now..<br />
  • The DWD does not have to paint any negativity on Michael’s part.  There are scenarios as I po:inted out earlier in this thread, that could actually show Michael’s unselfishness in allowing this person to die in his home a true act of compassion.  We don’t know who nor how this person was chosen to be there, so that leaves a lot of avenues open.  Michael could have chosen him or he might have chosen Michael, an act of total kindness.  I know that we don’t know what Michael would or would not do, but it feels right to me when I think of the Michael I’ve come to know, to believe that he would choose compassion and love over being politically correct. That the FBI was already involved would only make it easier to help this mane die with dignity without any negative repercussions from it.  Maybe the acts of kindness were  give and take as in he offers the sanctity of his home to live out the man's last days and to die in dignity, which affords Michael the opportunity to live the rest of his life in peace.    :icon_e_sad:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    [size=12pt]I just simply can't believe you guys are actually depressed and confused  :icon_eek:  :suspect: :animal0017: WTF!? :animal0017: [/size]<br /><br />I guess I am the only one happy here, as I said in my long reply here to TS posts, to me there are many things that I understand better now, yet there are still some unclear things! mostly due to the FBI involvement and to the fact that as TS himself said it: [size=12pt]not even MJ knows everything that happened "that day"![/size]<br /><br />So what more do you want? It's very clear! We won't have ALL the answers regarding what exactly happened on June 25th! <br />[size=12pt]So what!??[/size]<br />That doesn't change the fact that Michael is alive and he's gonna BAM sooner or later by January 2013!<br /><br />Come on guys cheer up!!<br />We've even had Front & TS acknowledging themselves on this same thread!! With TS blatantly telling us that Front = MJ!!<br />Isn't that reason enough to PARTY!!??  :penguin: :multiplespotting: :beerchug:
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354296122:
    <br />Well if we are supposed to in any way serve as prevention for entrapment by being able to discern the truth from the deception, I at least personally failed MJ in this mission and I'm sorry.<br /><br />Without TS_comments we never would have figured this out so I'm not sure how this serves as preventing an entrapment defense. He just handed us all the answers on a silver platter and all that training and guidance regarding how to conduct a proper investigation and evaluate a reliable source from an unreliable one, and legitimate information from hearsay/gossip was all for naught. <br /><br />My brain must work incorrectly. I apologize for trying to make others believe my bullshit.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />Do not believe that there is to apologize, no one was in the house of MJ to know exactly what happened, all here we had our theories, hypotheses  nothing in reality we could prove.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    many people through their way of life and its usual conduct parameters reflect its belief that this life is all there is. If the disease brings to the life of a human being pain unbearable, if living becomes unbearable and miserable, if appears old age with a costly weight and meaningless, and this life is all there is, you need to escape. Many say that they have the right to leave through the medium they create more lawful. They are based on the principle that is well what humans choose freely, explain its decision on unrestricted autonomy. The goodness of the acts is the result of the free choice of every human being.
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1354305451:
    <br />[size=12pt]I just simply can't believe you guys are actually depressed and confused  :icon_eek:  :suspect: :animal0017: WTF!? :animal0017: [/size]<br /><br />[\quote]<br /><br /><br />+1
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354033305:
    <br />Sometimes I think that lately TS play with us ... i am going to lunch ::)<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I must apologize to TS by this post :icon_redface:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354298625:
    <br />I have a hard time thinking Michael would have plainly "used" a DWD person for his hoax, [...] I see Michael more the smoke-and-mirrors type of guy....pure illusion.  [size=12pt]If a DWD person was used, there must have been a reason....a really good reason. [/size] I just don't see it with all this.
    <br />The really good reason is that probably it was FBI decision and Michael had NO say in it! <br />It was either THEIR way or NO way! So he complied! JMO!<br /><br />And it was also FBI decision to protect Michael by not allowing him to know ALL the details about the "technicality" of "that day"! JMO again!
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    I want to read sooo bad. I just got back from school and started reading, but only finished the first one now I'm almost late for work!!  :icon_lol:<br /><br />Also I 100% agree with this post:<br /><br />
    I just want to say that I feel we all owe the biggest honor to the DWD person who assisted the FBI and Mr Jackson in this endeavor. As the criminal element of the sting becomes revealed, I am sure that the part this person played in donating their death to this cause.  I believe BAM celebration should  be an honorarium to this individual. God Bless.
    <br /><br /><br />God Bless him.
  • mjptdmjptd Posts: 45
    on 1354305992:
    <br />many people through their way of life and its usual conduct parameters reflect its belief that this life is all there is. If the disease brings to the life of a human being pain unbearable, if living becomes unbearable and miserable, if appears old age with a costly weight and meaningless, and this life is all there is, you need to escape. Many say that they have the right to leave through the medium they create more lawful. They are based on the principle that is well what humans choose freely, explain its decision on unrestricted autonomy. The goodness of the acts is the result of the free choice of every human being.<br />[<br />quote] I'm not saying  that I'a against the death sweet, anything. I do not see Michael to use the suicide of anoyher human being as a way out or for artistic purposes or for any other purpose. I think it's immoral.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1354305451:
    <br />[size=12pt]I just simply can't believe you guys are actually depressed and confused  :icon_eek:  :suspect: :animal0017: WTF!? :animal0017: [/size]<br /><br />I guess I am the only one happy here, as I said in my long reply here to TS posts, to me there are many things that I understand better now, yet there are still some unclear things! mostly due to the FBI involvement and to the fact that as TS himself said it: [size=12pt]not even MJ knows everything that happened "that day"![/size]<br /><br />So what more do you want? It's very clear! We won't have ALL the answers regarding what exactly happened on June 25th! <br />[size=12pt]So what!??[/size]<br />That doesn't change the fact that Michael is alive and he's gonna BAM sooner or later by January 2013!<br /><br />Come on guys cheer up!!<br />We've even had Front & TS acknowledging themselves on this same thread!! With TS blatantly telling us that Front = MJ!!<br />Isn't that reason enough to PARTY!!??  :penguin: :multiplespotting: :beerchug:<br />
    <br />you said/wrote it right Sim, there is no reason to be sad, confused or in depression. It is not over yet! we are not in the end of hoax tunnel, some time still lefts..please be patient and we will see the result of Michael`s master plan.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    To all those who base their judgments on religious/spiritual/emotional beliefs, remember what TS said more than once: leave emotions aside! use logic and existent evidence to reach to a correct conclusion, closer to reality ! <br />Whether we like or not that reality!<br /><br /><br />And IMO, the reality is this: <br />- A DWD patient was indeed involved (GOD bless his soul!)<br />- FBI had the major say in this!<br />- The whole thing is perfectly covered up with a lot of info that will remain classified long time after!<br />- Michael had little to say in the sting operation, but he was left full authority regarding most part of the hoax (memorial, funeral, TII, Murray trial & all the the adjacent hoaxy artistic activities)<br />- we can't possibly ever have the answers to all our questions about this elaborated PLAN that started years ago and involved Government officials!<br />- those who expected to know everything and those who are disappointed in the use of a DWD patient, have 2 options: deal with it and accept the situation OR continue to whine about it.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    on 1354297970:
    <br />You guys are all very sweet, as always, supportive, I thank you.<br /><br />But here's the problem.<br /><br />In regards to what we know: I think I know a lot of things. I use the same logic and same common sense methods to evaluate a lot of information, and the same brain that thought it knew what was up with Level 7 is the same brain that I use when I say I (think) I know that MJ is not dead. Same methods, same investigation skills, same access to same information.<br /><br />You follow?<br /><br />Doesn't bode well for my ability to discern truth in anything.<br /><br />Evidence for DWD patient is same evidence for Dead MJ.<br />
    <br /><br />Hey bec, don’t be so quick now! Remember.. MJ is a prankster! He is not going to give away all the answers just like that… <br />I am sure he wants to play us a little bit as well! <br /><br />Some surprises saved for BAMsday (and after) I am sure…  :D
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1354305451:
    <br />Come on guys cheer up!!<br />We've even had Front & TS acknowledging themselves on this same thread!! With TS blatantly telling us that Front = MJ!!<br />Isn't that reason enough to PARTY!!??  :penguin: :multiplespotting: :beerchug:<br />
    <br /><br />Exactly!<br /><br />
    on 1354303945:
    <br /><br />... Not to mention the fact that ALL of this was never about any one person or any one of 'us'....it's primarily been about Mike and whatever/whoever the FBI is investigating.  Our role has been as 'observers' invited to observe...and the goal was to become greater than when we began the journey.  No matter what our reasoning along the way....right or wrong (and we've all been wrong at different junctures along the way)....we have ALL become greater for the experience.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes! I believe there is so much more to the story, perhaps we'll never know some things, especially with FBI involvement...or if they're trying to catch a whole string of 'gangsters'.  Whatever the case - it's about money, injustice, media manipulation... 'they' are all in it together. <br />And as he stated in TII  'It's an adventure, it's a great adventure'  :Michael_Jackson_dancing_smile<br />It's been an amazing journey. I've had doubts along the way, but something in me says... hang in there.  :icon_e_biggrin:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1354308921:
    <br />Hey bec, don’t be so quick now! Remember.. MJ is a prankster! He is not going to give away all the answers just like that… <br />I am sure he wants to play us a little bit as well! <br /><br />Some surprises saved for BAMsday (and after) I am sure…  :D<br />
    <br /><br />It's all for LOVE he said.  And for justice.<br />I agree, a Thriller is full of suspense, twists and turns. Expect the unexpected... all can do now is wait and watch. <br /><br /><br />
  • IMO, nothings changed just because we are still waiting for TS to respond.  I don't think we will find out every detail anyway.  Maybe TS just needs more time ?  IDK  Maybe there's a lot more to the story.  Just be patient and we'll see what happens.  "Keep the Faith",  "Keep Your Head Up".<br /><br /> :icon_albino:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1354311398:
    <br />IMO, nothings changed just because we are still waiting for TS to respond.
    We shouldn't wait for TS to respond anymore. He clearly said that he would rarely if never write here until the BAM!<br />And I think he has already given us everything that he COULD give us in terms of explanations and clues!<br />We should rather wait/focus on the BAM now and hopefully, we'll have some more "after-BAM" explanations! if there will be any! Because there's definitely MORE to find out, but who knows if we'll ever find out more than we were allowed so far!<br /><br />I also hope...that TS & Front will continue to post now and then...even if it's ONLY to "drop" some more "mini-BAMs", like TS did today  :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br /><br />
    on 1354311398:
    Just be patient and we'll see what happens.  "Keep the Faith",  "Keep Your Head Up".
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Please can everyone really read TS's posts - I see already some people are re-hashing points he has supposedly cleared up today.<br /><br />Having said that, he's always said for us not to blindly believe him, because he doesn't know, MJ doesn't know, FBI are the only ones who know - so what chance have we got then - seriously?<br /><br />I feel for you bec, but TS has always shown great respect for you and your analytical thinking - I'm sure he wasn't tricking you or trying to show you up.  :bearhug:
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    on 1354291524:
    <br />Sorry to say this, but........<br /><br />at the moment I have mixed feelings! I am sad, sort of disappointed from the FBI, and also happy because finally we have all puzzle pieces put together.<br />I am sad because according to my religious beliefs the guy who died in Michael's house committed suicide. I am sure many would disagree with me, of course. That's why I will not discuss in details why I see it this way. I'm disappointed from the FBI  because they chose someone who volunteered for this DWD program. There must have been so many other ways to get a dead body. What about people who are sentenced to death? What about people who already died in accidents, or in hospitals! Getting any corpse form UCLA could have been easier in my opinion and the whole act could have been completely different. <br />I am not a genius, like Michael to put such a plan. But I'm sure that this DWD thing could have been prevented somehow. <br />Anyway, the guys is dead. I guess we should all pray for him, as many of you have posted! I just wonder how did his family feel while he was all alone determined to leave our world for good? I wonder how every body in Michael's house felt after seeing this guy dead, after he was talking to them maybe an hour before he died! It must have been a sad scene! Did this guy suffer while dying? Did anyone know how he was feeling while dying? I am sure it was not the case because he had to be left alone! In all the cases I know people prefer to die among their families because they will never see them again.<br />But again, who cares! His death is legal, no doubt! <br /><br />Once again, thank you TS for the information given to us. Now we can move on ...........<br /><br />Blessings<br />
    <br /><br />I can empathise with you @diggyon and tbh I don't feel good about this - it doesn't feel right. Also where are the children in this situation? I can't see Michael involving them in this scenario - very sorry
  • If a DWD patient died in Michael Jackson's house, does this mean Michael Jackson is alive?
  • on 1354278305:
    <br />
    on 1354277913:
    <br />Yes may God bless this person’s soul. <br /><br />Thank you TS and bravo. Finally the puzzle picture is complete.  :woohoo2: :smiley_abuv:<br /><br />I bet Front will give you an “N” for Neat or should I write _eat , we’ve been given food on a silver platter after all so I guess that fits perfectly.  :icon_lol:<br /><br />image-of-A-paper.jpg<br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121: nice one sarahli !!!<br />
    <br /><br />[size=12pt]+1[/size]<br /><br />May this person rest in peace, respect.<br /><br /><br />Thank you TS, for explaining and showing us the completed puzzle. Indeed _eat food for thoughts.<br /><br />LOVE & faith<br /><br /><br />
  • Anyone familiar with the term “catfish” in reference to online relationships?  I’d be careful not to put 100% trust in anyone who claims to always know more than anyone else about just about everything.  I’m just saying be careful how much influence you allow what someone else thinks to have over you.  Mind games are played everyday sometimes to the detriment of innocent people.  It’s cool to listen to other reasoning and give people the benefit of the doubt SOMETIMES.  But no one is right ALL THE TIME.  Don’t be misled.  Know who you are and live by your own truth.<br /><br /><br /> gamblers.gif
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