TIAI November 11 (11-11-11)



  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Just simply.........Thank you TS for the whole 3+ years. You stuck it out with us the whole way. <br />Love and Blessings to you and yours my brother.
  • All we gotta do is now wait for the BAM. <br /><br />Like TS said he won't post now but will AFTER bam. <br /><br />Thank you TS for the journey and adventure. What a great adventure as Michael said. <br /><br />Now is the time for patience for Michael to return before the 1st January 2013. <br /><br />Patience is a virtue.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354307354:
    <br />
    on 1354305992:
    <br />many people through their way of life and its usual conduct parameters reflect its belief that this life is all there is. If the disease brings to the life of a human being pain unbearable, if living becomes unbearable and miserable, if appears old age with a costly weight and meaningless, and this life is all there is, you need to escape. Many say that they have the right to leave through the medium they create more lawful. They are based on the principle that is well what humans choose freely, explain its decision on unrestricted autonomy. The goodness of the acts is the result of the free choice of every human being.<br />[<br />quote] I'm not saying  that I'a against the death sweet, anything. I do not see Michael to use the suicide of anoyher human being as a way out or for artistic purposes or for any other purpose. I think it's immoral.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />In these cases the decision to die is the person who is sick, I do not believe that all this was done with artistic purposes , and I do not know what MJ is capable of doing or not why I dont know him personally.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well I guess it couldn't have gone any other way, really, what other response from TS could I realistically expect?<br /><br />But let it be a lesson to me that negative thoughts do not serve the self well as I went to work today like any other but feeling very down in the dumps and had a horse fall on me and now my foot is terribly injured. I have no health insurance and so cannot afford to see a doctor so I better change my attitude and hope it heals naturally. God Bless America.
  • on 1354304764:
    <br />When TS starts out by saying he'' debunk " stuff proved just to keep us on our toes , then we can't end up depressed can we? He's basically telling us again not to believe everything he says right? <br />Someone , think it was wishing star said about not believing mj would "use" a DWD patient like that but TS said even MJ did not know everything about how it would go down so possibly FBI made this decision?<br />If FBI is truely involved than this surely must rule out any "artistic" reasons for hoax such as outdoing Elvis, or greatest show on earth etc<br />If FBI is truely involved would we seriously have clues or at least what we categorized as clues?<br />Lost as always...<br />
    <br /><br />That's what I think too, you are right TS said (if my memory serves me right) that Michael only decided the date and the time the rest was just FBI's issues so we can't blame it on Michael.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    We can speculate for months and even years as to why Michaels life was in such danger.  <br /><br />The family has told us more than once that MJ was afraid for his life..<br /><br />So what has changed in the last 3+ years???<br /><br />Have the FBI apprehended any one yet??<br /><br />Is there a pending investigation still ongoing??  Is it the estate that are fraudsters or is there something more going on that we do not know about??  <br /><br />All these cases must be closed before a safe BAM could happen...and as far as I can read and see, nothing has been achieved yet...<br /><br />So I don't think a BAM is in the making this year..  Just my honest opinion.  God bless to all.  <br /><br />PS.  The house may have been rented for the DWD patient and MJ just used it as a decoy.  CM could have ordered the drug that killed the patient as many alias were used.....<br /><br />I will refer to the DWD patient as Soule Shaun
  • I mis spoke before.  I though TS did not respond last night but never mind.  I found it.  I guess I didn't go back enough pages. My Bad.<br /><br />Thanks TS for explaining.  Thank you for all your hard work during these years.  <br /><br />Love You    :moonwalk_:
  • on 1354305451:
    <br />[size=12pt]I just simply can't believe you guys are actually depressed and confused  :icon_eek:  :suspect: :animal0017: WTF!? :animal0017: [/size]<br /><br />I guess I am the only one happy here, as I said in my long reply here to TS posts, to me there are many things that I understand better now, yet there are still some unclear things! mostly due to the FBI involvement and to the fact that as TS himself said it: [size=12pt]not even MJ knows everything that happened "that day"![/size]<br /><br />So what more do you want? It's very clear! We won't have ALL the answers regarding what exactly happened on June 25th! <br /><br />[size=12pt]So what!??[/size]<br />That doesn't change the fact that Michael is alive and he's gonna BAM sooner or later by January 2013!<br /><br />Come on guys cheer up!!<br />We've even had Front & TS acknowledging themselves on this same thread!! With TS blatantly telling us that Front = MJ!!<br />Isn't that reason enough to PARTY!!??  :penguin: :multiplespotting: :beerchug:<br />
    <br /><br />You have just put my thoughts on your post  :th_bravo: today is being one of the happiest days in my life and I don't have the feeling for a second that Bec or any of us have failed in our investigations you know why? it's very easy because the most important thing is that Michael is alive and well and how he pulled this hoax off is another story that sooner or later we will get to know although not with all details because I really want Michael to clear his name and I am very happy for him furthermore I am freaking out after knowing he has been posting here in between us and have been one more member of this forum although a VIP member :icon_lol: 
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />Sorry to hear about your foot bec, that really sucks.  Do what you can, a positive attitude will definitely help.  Don't forget what happened before TS started posting his counter-arguments that resulted in me swearing and you choking.  <br /><br /><br />There has been a lot of dualism within this hoax and so dueling theories of that day seems appropriate.  Or a hoax within a hoax-type scenario.  The argument could go back and forth almost endlessly with the information we have now.  <br /><br />TS:<br />
    If all of this is merely the result of MJ trying to create an illusion, that it was a DWD patient—when in reality it was a dummy or live MJ—what would be the purpose?  Can someone with an active imagination come up with a far-fetched explanation, for this slight possibility?  No doubt.  However, can anyone come up with solid evidence to support this idea—which is based neither upon imagination, nor upon far-fetched explanations?  Not likely.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Oooh I've got far-fetched explanations.  :icon_lol: 
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    on 1354320621:
    <br />Well I guess it couldn't have gone any other way, really, what other response from TS could I realistically expect?<br /><br />But let it be a lesson to me that negative thoughts do not serve the self well as I went to work today like any other but feeling very down in the dumps and had a horse fall on me and now my foot is terribly injured. I have no health insurance and so cannot afford to see a doctor so I better change my attitude and hope it heals naturally. God Bless America.<br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I'm sorry bec, take care i hope you feel better soon
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    on 1354320621:
    <br />Well I guess it couldn't have gone any other way, really, what other response from TS could I realistically expect?<br /><br />But let it be a lesson to me that negative thoughts do not serve the self well as I went to work today like any other but feeling very down in the dumps and had a horse fall on me and now my foot is terribly injured. I have no health insurance and so cannot afford to see a doctor so I better change my attitude and hope it heals naturally. God Bless America.<br />
    <br /><br />Here is a great big Hug for you Bec!~!  :bearhug: Try not to dwell on any negativity as it will only "grow" if you continue to "feed" it. I am sending you some Healing energy and Prayers Bec. I know we haven't really gotten to know each other here much, but I want you to know that you are LOVED and appreciated! <br /><br />Keep The Faith sister!! I LOVE you...Better times are coming, don't give up now!!! That goes for everyone!! Hugs and LOVE for all!<br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />There is sooooooooo much more to be revealed...the TRUTH WILL set us ALL free, but it will be up to "US" to do the "Internal" work needed to really "free" ourselves from our "Historical enslavement." We need to open our eyes, and our Hearts to each other and help each other to see the "TRUTH" that Michael has been trying to reveal to us. The "dots" are all there waiting to be found, and once you find them, it's like BAM, everything just starts to fall into place! <br /><br />I will never stop Believing that LOVE and L.O.V.E (Law Of Vibrational Energy, or Look Observe, Verify, Evolve) are what we need to be focusing on now, but that is just my opinion. I came here 3,5 yrs ago, knowing that my only connection to Michael was the fact that we BOTH are extremely strong Believers in the power of LOVE, and that we are born 1 day apart, so "astrologically" we have very similar "traits"...Coincidence...well I use to think so, but after this journey, I now know that somehow, someway, Michael called me to this site many moons ago, because he knew I would take a different approach to this "hoax/mission etc" then most, and well, he was right!! I am not sad, mad, or anything negative at this point in the mission and I don't need Michael to Bam physically for me to Believe anything that he has already taught me. On the contrary...I have never felt more, at peace within and I have never been this sure of who I am and what my "purpose" here on earth is and when I look in the mirror now, I see the "real" me smiling back!! <br /><br />I spent many, many, many years caught up in all the BS and negativity, Believing whatever was spoon fed to me, but not anymore!! Michael and this Hoax/mission, has given me so much HOPE for a future that will bring Humanity, LOVE and Compassion back to the human race, but we will all need to work on ourselves in order for this to happen! <br /><br />To me, this journey isn't about HOW Michael pulled this off, but WHY???!!! I think that there will be many many of our very own MJ Family here that will be totally shocked, when they finally realize just how massive of an undertaking this has been. This is truly going to effect the whole world...an AWAKENING of the masses on a Global scale!! this is when the "Army of LOVE" will truly be put to the "test", and when all is revealed, EVERYTHING will change, because there will be no going back to the "old" ways of thinking!! <br /><br />I could be totally wrong and this is of course is just my opinion, and I am in no way downplaying any of our investigations of the last 3.5 yrs...Michael has helped us to "hone" our skills for further use, when ALL is revealed!! I still Believe that the BIGGEST Bombshell is yet to come, but if for some reason I am wrong, well hey, I am still a much better human, and a much Happier and Positive human today, then I was 3.5 yrs ago! So I have already reaped my reward. so to speak!<br /><br />Sorry family, I had actually only planned on giving Bec a hug, but I got a little carried away...please forgive me for that!!  :LolLolLolLol:<br /><br />Anyway...I LOVE you all so very much, and I hope that everyone stays positive!! It's not over yet...the best is yet to come!! :bearhug:<br /><br />Happy 30th Anniversary Michael...this certainly has been a "real life Thriller", and I am honored to have been a part of this journey! I will be forever grateful for your LOVE and Guidance, my Beautiful Brother in LOVE!! My LOVE to the family too!!! "Thank you" BIG HUG for you!!<br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />The answers are written in The Sun and The Stars, and The Signs, are everywhere!!! It's all for L.O.V.E!<br />Blessings!
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    TS<br />
      For the record, I’m not saying that a dummy was never used during the hoax; for example, La Toya perfectly described a dummy in the casket, that continued for weeks just as good as new!  :suspect:    :animal0017:  :suspect:  :icon_lol:    So we have to be careful not to apply clues to the wrong time or event.
    <br /><br />I thought a dummy could have been used as well, but makes sense only after or different time/place.  :icon_albino:<br /><br />TS<br />
    <br />#2.  Direction could also be run on the scene by the FBI.  In fact, 6-25-09 was the day that FBI had primary say over how things would be run; MJ picked the day, and time, and most of the rest was arranged by the FBI.  The memorial (7-7-09) and burial (8-3-09) were events that MJ was the primary director (these were also the events with the Liberian Girl pictures).  And even on 6-25-09, MJ could give remote directions, if needed, via encrypted e-mail {www.hushmail.com}.<br />
    <br /><br />burial date typo TS  :icon_geek:<br /><br />And also Dave Dave on Larry King. <br />Probably been discussed many times elsewhere, but I always wondered about the guy sitting behind mr. hat man at the (9-3-09) burial.... thought the guy behind him looked familiar. FBI? or actor idk but he's watching him.  :suspect:<br /><br />watchaia.jpg<br />2:32 <br />
    <br /><br />Bec take care of yourself, I wish you a quick recovery. sending positive energy your way!  :icon_e_biggrin:
  • Ouch bec...sorry to hear about the injury.  No doubt that made your already trying day just that much worse.  :icon_e_sad:  Is the horse alright?  Just use your common sense (which I'm certain is as good as any doctors advice and WAY more inexpensive) and the healing wishes and energy that all of us here are sending your way.  It wouldn't be right to have our fearless Reserve Minion on the DL...especially not now. 
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    So I finished reading all of the posts by TS_coments from lastnight. It may be because I'm reading them on my phone, or cause I'm exhausted. But I'm very confused! Will someone please answer my questions? Which exactly is TS supporting? The DWD, the dummy, or live MJ? I've thought for a while he was going with the DWD patient, but then it seems like he's not at some parts? ... I'm just confuzzled! Also, if he is implying that a DWD patient was used, did this patient look like Michael??  I'll have to re-read on my laptop when I finally get home..<br /><br />
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Bec, you are a strong person, and your foot will heal.  <br /><br />In Australia, we can seek medical treatment immediately without paying a cent.  We have Bulk Billing and Medicare system, which we just pay a levy for at tax time..and this depends on your income.<br /><br />What's up with USA??  How many injured people die due to untreated injuries??  That makes me sad  :icon_e_sad:<br /><br /><br />God Bless America and Bec... :icon_e_sad: :icon_e_sad: :icon_e_sad: :icon_e_sad: :icon_e_wink:<br />This is for you Bec....MJ ...An Officer and a gentlemen...<br /><br />2896_4ffb.jpg?c=f5a2
  • @BTC hahaha its nice to read your posts they are very intellectually written and funny and the same time, so thanks.<br /><br />I'm going to add to what Sim said and say that I find it naive that it was ever thought we would get the answers to what really happened that day. Even if what TS says was true, do you really think he would hand us all the information and evidence? Think about it, if the FBI is involved and 'if' there is some kind of investigation going on, why would we be the ones to get all the info? Also it isn't only us reading here, if we got the info of what happened that day you can guarantee that those who are on the other side of the fence know it to and wont just sit on info. This board isn't just exclusive to us you know, anyone can be reading here.<br /><br />Having said all that, some of us were expecting more and we didn't get what we wanted and there is nothing wrong with that unless we let disappointments get to us and allow negativity to seep in. I'm not telling anyone to be all positive and to keep up your morale, because that stuff about thinking positive all the time, doesn't help in the slightest, sometimes its false sense of security, and doesn't allow you to think realistically.<br /><br />Now I hate to be a downer, but if we can have our expectations this high and get all down because we didn't get what we expected, then the BAM to me would just be a curse. I'm not saying I know what the BAM will entail but I am not going to expect anything. I mean look at the reaction to the end of Lvl 7, or the fact that the FBI might be involved, who's to say they don't have control over how MJ comes back? Who's to say the FBI won't announce it themselves and we will never see MJ again? I know TS said something about a physical BAM but people can just give you what you want to hear because that's what they think you need. Not saying for sure that TS is misleading us in that respect, because I think TS' intentions are good, ARG aside.<br /><br />BAM could go either way, the way we expect it or the way we don't, so we shouldn't have a definite set of expectations, although again nothing wrong with that, but if we expect that we will be disappointed if the outcome is not our own then we might not want to write our expectations in stone, but the sand.<br />I mean if you expect everything, you'll get disappointed by anything.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1354303945:
    <br /><br />...............<br /><br />For those suggesting/insinuating that TS gave us all the answers....my response would be that perhaps MANY posts by MANY members were missed along the way.  When Level 3 began (and btw, the corpse theory was discussed well before Level 3 AND before TS even mentioned it)....TS didn't support ANY of the options, and the 'corpse' theory was only ONE of 5 possibilities given.  Many members researched ALL the options and came up with theories based on the all the info we had (sure, some info from TS but MANY other pieces from MANY other sources)....many of which pointed to/supported the 'corpse' theory.  It's ALL there....anyone is free to take a look back to see just how much people thought for themselves and didn't just rely on TS for answers....this should be evident since TS only 'confirmed' the corpse theory very recently.  To suggest otherwise, not only undermines the countless hours and energy put in by MANY to try to figure out what happened that day....but it is also something that is highly inaccurate and presumptuous.<br /><br />Anyone feeling sorry about being 'wrong' or, worse yet, feeling like everything else is now up in the air (which, IMO, makes no sense AT ALL  if you can see the logic in the corpse theory...i.e. it proves Mike didn't die)....I'll just say that every contribution was/is valuable, even if not accurate...it drove others to search for the 'truth' and dig a little deeper, even if only to find the evidence to 'debunk' inaccuracies.  Not to mention the fact that ALL of this was never about any one person or any one of 'us'....it's primarily been about Mike and whatever/whoever the FBI is investigating.  Our role has been as 'observers' invited to observe...and the goal was to become greater than when we began the journey.  No matter what our reasoning along the way....right or wrong (and we've all been wrong at different junctures along the way)....we have ALL become greater for the experience.<br /><br />Still....I'll be waiting for that press conference...or whatever BAM entails lol<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br /> :smiley_abuv:  I agree BTC.<br /><br />Personally I feel relieved we have some firm information. Plus I feel really excited about what is to come. Still, I guess not everyone here is going to accept it or believe it and that is their choice. TS only said he may (not will) play Devils' Advocate.... <br /><br />I also wonder how the BAM will go down..as in how it will happen. I have no idea what to expect. We still have quite a few weeks remaining of this year with still significant dates to come...like I out lined in my post below...so I'm gonna keep watchin':<br /><br />
    on 1353291122:
    <br />So there are definitely some interesting dates approaching that I thought would be fun to note here, starting with this week:<br /><br />11/22/12 - Thanksgiving and Spike Lee's BAD documentary being aired on prime time TV in the US  done<br /><br />11/30/12 - 30th Anniversary of release of Thriller album  done (almost  lol)<br /><br />12/6/12 - 1260 days from 6/25/09 (as per Sign #6 discussion)<br /><br />12/12/12 - 7 days from 12/6 and also just because it's a cool date and the last time we will have such a date for a very long time (TS also referred to this date in a post a while back - I need to locate it)<br /><br />12/21/12 - we are all pretty familiar with this date and it's relevance to the hoax<br /><br />12/25/12 - Christmas (wreaths on Carolwood gates)<br /><br />12/31/12 - New Years Eve and according to TS, MJ will BAM by this date  (up to & including the date).<br /><br />So starting from this week these dates fall pretty much within a week of each other (give or take a few days here and there)  which I think is pretty neat....and I've just realised it's 7 weeks starting with this week. So for the next 7 weeks there is an interesting date each week.  :icon_mrgreen:
    <br /><br />Not sure TS will answer - but I am still wondering why he listed the date of the burial as August 3rd 2009 (8-3-09) not September 3rd 2009 (9-3-09) which is when we were led to believe it occurred and was beamed around the world  :suspect:<br /><br />
    #2.  Direction could also be run on the scene by the FBI.  In fact, 6-25-09 was the day that FBI had primary say over how things would be run; MJ picked the day, and time, and most of the rest was arranged by the FBI.  The memorial (7-7-09) and [size=10pt]burial (8-3-09)[/size] were events that MJ was the primary director (these were also the events with the Liberian Girl pictures).  And even on 6-25-09, MJ could give remote directions, if needed, via encrypted e-mail {www.hushmail.com}.
    <br /><br />ohhh....and as for the sting element - I hope we find out what it is. I have a few ideas but will keep them to myself.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    on 1354303945:
    <br /><br />For those suggesting/insinuating that TS gave us all the answers....my response would be that perhaps MANY posts by MANY members were missed along the way.  <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yes you are right, BTC. I am glad you brought this up. Please forgive me for being short sighted.<br /><br />
    on 1354327547:
    <br /><br />Now I hate to be a downer, but if we can have our expectations this high and get all down because we didn't get what we expected, then the BAM to me would just be a curse. I'm not saying I know what the BAM will entail but I am not going to expect anything. I mean look at the reaction to the end of Lvl 7, or the fact that the FBI might be involved, who's to say they don't have control over how MJ comes back? Who's to say the FBI won't announce it themselves and we will never see MJ again? I know TS said something about a physical BAM but people can just give you what you want to hear because that's what they think you need. Not saying for sure that TS is misleading us in that respect, because I think TS' intentions are good, ARG aside.<br /><br />BAM could go either way, the way we expect it or the way we don't, so we shouldn't have a definite set of expectations, although again nothing wrong with that, but if we expect that we will be disappointed if the outcome is not our own then we might not want to write our expectations in stone, but the sand.<br />I mean if you expect everything, you'll get disappointed by anything.<br />
    <br /><br />Yes, UYI, you are right as well. I am telling myself I need to be prepared for nothing at all to happen and for our questions to remain forever unanswered, because this is a very real possibility.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1354328897:
    <br /><br />Not sure TS will answer - but I am still wondering why he listed the date of the burial as August 3rd 2009 (8-3-09) not September 3rd 2009 (9-3-09) which is when we were led to believe it occurred and was beamed around the world  :suspect:<br /><br />
    #2.  Direction could also be run on the scene by the FBI.  In fact, 6-25-09 was the day that FBI had primary say over how things would be run; MJ picked the day, and time, and most of the rest was arranged by the FBI.  The memorial (7-7-09) and [size=10pt]burial (8-3-09)[/size] were events that MJ was the primary director (these were also the events with the Liberian Girl pictures).  And even on 6-25-09, MJ could give remote directions, if needed, via encrypted e-mail {www.hushmail.com}.
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />Typo or intentional typo of the date?  A TMZ article from that date 8-3-09 says Katherine spoke out for the first time about her son's 'death' to Geraldo saying "My son is dead and I don't think he just died of natural causes. He's too young. Something happened."<br /><br />http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/03/katherine-jackson-michael-jackson-geraldo-natural-causes/<br /><br />
    <br />
  • Hello Hoax Family!!! Long time no see... me that is!! I've been checking in now and then but mostly busy with life and waiting for BAM! Haven't lost ANY faith in the hoax. I was expecting TS to post yesterday but my internet was down all night and didn't get fixed until this morning. Read from page 128 on in this thread went to work and just now got around to reading the new posts from this morning and replying! <br /><br />Front posting here is WOW!! Great!  :th_bravo:<br /><br />TS gave us alot to consider and I think it makes sense!<br /><br />@Bec when I was reading this morning your post of gloom, I got tears in my eyes feeling for you so! And now I read you got hurt by a horse also! Ouch! :screaming-7365: Hang in there, prayers and blessings to you in Jesus's name. <br /><br />So only three weeks to go, I'm so excited!  :abouttime: :multiplespotting:<br /><br />I have a very special wish for Christmas time, and that is that I could be with TS when BAM happens!! :icon_e_wink:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ps. the horsey is ok. I cushioned her fall. I am icing my foot just short of hypothermia status. Some days I wish I had a desk job.<br /><br />@GodhaschosenMJ, glad you were able to get back online. <br /><br />You know, Ps. TS_comments said at the beginning of the week or so that if both DWD patients backed out at the last minute they could just use a dummy as a back up plan. I asked him if that's so, why wouldn't they just use a dummy in the first place? That post probably got lost in all the pages since then so I don't blame him for missing it.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Does any of us even know what TS means when he says BAM? I'm just really interested in,  well, what our idea of bam is. If Michael will bam like most of us are hoping (real michael joe jackson saying he faked his death) i want to know HOW he will do this! Will Elvis join him?  :elvis-1405: :icon_lol: :suspect:<br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    @ katy.....I don't think anyone here knows (except perhaps 1 or 2 members *cough* Front *cough* TS) how Michael will BAM or what it will involve ... I suppose it's part of the suspense and the thrill.....we just have to keep watchin' a little longer I guess  :icon_albino:<br /><br />
  • Bec - sorry to hear about your foot. I'll be praying for you.<br /><br />TS - thanks for showing up :)  unfortunately I will still need to "keep watchin' " because I just don't believe the DWD theory. But I'm used to being on the other end of the spectrum so obviously if you are MJ,you and I think totally different. But that's what makes this all interesting, right? I have several pages to read yet but it looks like I'm in the minority.<br /><br />By the way, what has happened to Souza? No comment at all about all of this?<br /><br />Blessings
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    on 1354330145:
    <br />
    on 1354328897:
    <br /><br />Not sure TS will answer - but I am still wondering why he listed the date of the burial as August 3rd 2009 (8-3-09) not September 3rd 2009 (9-3-09) which is when we were led to believe it occurred and was beamed around the world  :suspect:<br /><br />
    #2.  Direction could also be run on the scene by the FBI.  In fact, 6-25-09 was the day that FBI had primary say over how things would be run; MJ picked the day, and time, and most of the rest was arranged by the FBI.  The memorial (7-7-09) and [size=10pt]burial (8-3-09)[/size] were events that MJ was the primary director (these were also the events with the Liberian Girl pictures).  And even on 6-25-09, MJ could give remote directions, if needed, via encrypted e-mail {www.hushmail.com}.
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />[size=14pt]Typo or intentional typo of the date?  A TMZ article from that date 8-3-09 says Katherine spoke out for the first time about her son's 'death' to Geraldo saying "My son is dead and I don't think he just died of natural causes. He's too young. Something happened."<br />[/size]<br />http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/03/katherine-jackson-michael-jackson-geraldo-natural-causes/<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=14pt]Does anyone remember?  Wasn't it shortly after this "phone call from Katherine" that Geraldo removed almost everything concerning "Michael Jackson" from his website and and didn't even talk about "Michael Jackson" for quite a while? <br /> http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/forum/index.php/topic,9416.25.html[/size]<br />
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