Keep Da Faith

I for one am glad (supervision) was called out. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. She has some nerve with the BS she's always posting about. Then she and a couple others try to lure people to that (visions) thread. I mean, doesn't she know by now that if people want to read that stuff she and others post in there, then they will. They need to stop trying to recruite people to that boring thread.

Who cares what visions she and others have about Michael? Those visions have nothing to do with Mike other than in their own heads and visions. Mike has enough to do to keep up with his own visions. Lol. Get over yourselves visioners. She was also rude to go into Serenity’s Dream Religious Symbolism thread just to pick a fight with her. She is so bitter and negative, and then she ends it with, I Luv u MJ, and other such BS. Rolls eyes.

Also people, MJ IS ALIVE. Some so-called believers should call themselves doubters just to be able to keep up with their positions. Some of us are KNOWERS. We know that MJ is alive, so that should no longer be the issue here. After 21 months, some people are still trying to find clues that he is alive? Come on people!

So....... MJ is alive. Let's start with that premise. Let's list all of the places some of us believe he has appeared, i.e., Dave-Dave on LKL, VMAs, BET Awards, Hat Man, Lady, and on and on. Then why do some people act as if he is living in a cave? He is the DIRECTOR/PRODUCER, Liberian Girl style, so why do some always pipe up with, MJ must now be alive or he is out of pocket, or else this or that wouldn't take place? His base is probably Las Vegas, as father and brother live there. Wonderland is there. Lol

Case in point, his sister-in-law being in the news a lot here lately Doesn't MJ own part of TMZ = The Michael Zone? Even if he doesn't, he is the one running things through TMZ, no question. I mean this is each and every day if he wants to. He many designate, but MJ is such a hands on kind of guy, in my opinion, everything we see come out of TMZ and I also think the website also, has Michael Joe Jackson's OFFICIAL STAMP on it. It would not be released unless he wants it to people. Why and at what point do some forget this fact? Why?

MJ wrote a song title Tabloid Junkie. TMZ = Tabloid Junkie. They were the first to announce his death. MJ is trying to prove how some people will believe any and everything TMZ puts out. Remember always how first the TABLOIDS tried to ruin him by lies and untruths. He was so hurt and disappointed that some people belived those lies and untruths from back in the middle eighties folks. I never believed that mess.

MJ owns the Encino property, so to keep his name in the news, HE prepares articles about Latoya owning it, his sister-in-law being a squatter and on and on. Mike is alive. He loves Genevieve and all of her brothers. He probably loves Alexandra also. There is no way he is trying to put her out. It is all a lie just to get people going, and for him to have documented proof how easy it is for people to believe anything they read. She has lived there for twenty years. She is the only other woman to live there along with her daughter, so I can't imagine that Mrs. Jackson would want or need for her to leave. It is a mansiona dn huge property.

Plus, it IS NOT any of our business what goes on in that house, and that is another thing MJ is documenting. He is probably shaking his heads at the ones that seem to get so indignant about something that they have zilch to do with. We need to worry about paying our own mortgages and rents. They reported over 239 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Is that why some people get so wrapped up, sound bitter and angry about Alexandra, because they are upset with their own circumstances? MJ has her back, in my opinion. She is following HIS DIRECTION. She is willing to be slammed in the Tabloids (TMZ) for MJ, because she knows that there is no truth to it and she is acting her part, IMO.

Didn't many people sign a Confidentiality agreement with MJ? This was with MJ, and not anyone else. It's just like some people get upset with the Estate. I mean really! The Estate is MJ. He is running things. He has a telephone. He probablyhas Skype (under another's name), and etc. Remember the Liberian Girl video. Those folks most likely signed one, and on and on.

Didn't the young Rap group that remade (by MJ's request) - I Wanna Be Where You Are, call it a movie? Has anyone ever stopped to think why this Rap group got up on TMZ for A- LIVE interview so fast? Who has pull to be able to make that happen that quickly?

Sometimes it may be hard to fathom that MJ may be behind all of these rumors, lies half-truths and etc, but when believing he is alive, we must also believe that HE is running the Greatest Show on Earth, filming, directing, producing, executing and documenting this Hoax. There should be no question. There is no one more brilliant than him as it pertains to the development and planning of this hoax. I mean no harm, but there are very few people even in this hoax that can reach MJ's Brilliance now or ever. He is just one of a kind.

I agree with Souza as it pertains to her saying that she is tired of all of the whining and what not, because it gets very tedious for one to have to sift through the non-believers and doubters.

Again, let's start with the Premise that MJ is Alive, and then everything else should fall into place. Don't beat yourselves up so much trying to figure out WHY MJ is doing this or that. When I hear some Controversy, and especially coming from TMZ, I just file it in my computer brain and pull it back up as needed. I have never gotten stressed over any TMZ article.

And please show MJ's mother some respect. See, this is what I mean. MJ is alive, so we need to back off of his mother and other family members. She is doing everything he is asking of her. Does anyone still have that (was it NBC) TV interview she gave for the anniversary on around 6-25-10. Notice that we never really hear who was interviewing her. Next thing we know, she is just answering questions. Questions that someone (MJ?) was leading her with. Was this the one when she introduced MJ's Table Book? I think MJ was interviewing her. I know they associated that Mann character with her at the time right? I think he was someone around, but he wasn't the one interviewing her.

I believe like someone on this forum wrote a long time ago. MJ learned a long time ago to keep his friends close but his enemies closer. In other words, he can work with people with checkered pasts, corrupt politicians, frenemies and etc as long as he feels it can aid him in whatever it is he needs to learn about or get done. No one does it quite like our MJ.

Just my humble opinions.


  • Please watch the J5 Hall of Fame Induction (1997) on youtube. You'll see how close MJ is to Jermaine. He cried and cried Jackie said on (Jackson Family Dynasty) the first time JJ didn't appear with the group onstage. The movie also shows MJ being extremely upset. Lol, he tells Jermaine, "I'm asking you to sing with us. C'mon bro, sing with us." Like he was all of that. Lol

    They are brothers people. Grow up! What kind of families do you all have that if you argue, then you don't ever make up? Your feelings mean nada concerning their relationship. They don't know us.

    Jermaine had the right to sing that song if he wanted to. It is his brother after all. He is older, and if he felt MJ was acting strange and being selfish, he had a right to say so. Putting it in a song might not have been the best thing to do, but right thing to do? Only God can judge his heart as he will judge all of ours. And MJ got over it. In retrospect, I'm sure they laughed about it. Sheesh.....

    Plus, what I don't understand is at what point and/or age do some of you think MJ was mind-controlled? Eh? Wouldn't the controllers try to keep him from his family? Remember, the family claimed that Latoya was brainwashed when she was married to that madman. Back then, that is what it was called? We understood that concept as to what they probably meant back then, but not like some of us understand what they most likely meant in today's terms, and whilst actually using the words Mind-Controlled, i.e., Marilyn Monroe. We learned of their comments mostly through black magazines back then , as it sure was reported on the news, if I'm not mistaken. They knew about that evil mand and about the fact that he wasn't the only one involved, but they didn't want to say too much. They were afraid for her. Randy finally went to New York and snuck her back home.

    He loves each and everyone of his siblings, as he related in the 2005 Geraldo interview. They all love each other very, very much. And nothing will change that fact.

    Quote: "Despite what the public and press people say, we're friends. We love each other very much." He also said after Geraldo asked him who were his best friends - "My children (Omer for years before Prince was born, and they probably were closer as Omer got older), my family and my brothers and sisters." And what about the answer he gave when asked if he was sick of Randy? Randy found tom Mesereau. I use Mesereau as one of my passwords in my job. Love the man.

    Some people need to get over themselves, and worry about their own relationships with their own family members. I mean really! Leave MJ and his family alone. How can people talk about his family so disrepectfully at times, and then think he reads the board? Weird indeed.

    After all, the GERALDO interview stands tall by itself as it pertains to this subjject. Read or listen to what the man said himself about how he feels about his siblings, and his father, for that matter. THOSE ARE THE LAST WORD WE GOT FROM MJ ON HIS FAMILY AND THEY STAND TALL BY THEMSELVES. Other than the last words in this post.

    "I'm very much like my father in a lot of ways." (Wow - not just some ways but a lot) He taught us to be courageous, confident and to believe in our ideals. And no matter what, no STAR is ever too far to reach, and you never give up." I wonder if all of our fathers taught us that and we believed it? See, even when some people hear MJ speak truth to power as he did in the Geraldo interview (Oxford Speech), etc, they still don't want to believe it, and they wish to put their own spin on it. It won't fly. You need to let the man own his family. He said it is what they were taught. He said it was L.O.V.E. He loves his extended family too, on both sides.

    Lol at the interview below. It's from about 1971 or 1972. MJ's laugh is so infectious, and Jermaine laughs like crazy when MJ says, "What else do I like about gals." Some of you will love it.

    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m -->
    <!-- m --> ... r_embedded<!-- m --> (full-rapping-with-J5)

    The Jacksons Are Coming.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Also people, MJ IS ALIVE. Some so-called believers should call themselves doubters just to be able to keep up with their positions. Some of us are KNOWERS. We know that MJ is alive, so that should no longer be the issue here. After 21 months, some people are still trying to find clues that he is alive? Come on people!

    Hello guest. Unless you are Michael Jackson, there will always be ups and downs in belief because of chaos with this "death" and ongoing controversies. We have to think logical, not blindly believe black or white.
    Case in point, his sister-in-law being in the news a lot here lately Doesn't MJ own part of TMZ = The Michael Zone? Even if he doesn't, he is the one running things through TMZ, no question. I mean this is each and every day if he wants to. He many designate, but MJ is such a hands on kind of guy, in my opinion, everything we see come out of TMZ and I also think the website also, has Michael Joe Jackson's OFFICIAL STAMP on it. It would not be released unless he wants it to people. Why and at what point do some forget this fact? Why?

    Above you say Michael controls TMZ at some point.
    Below you say how we can believe TMZ, it is tabloid junkie, MJ wrote the song about media. But then, Michael is trying to prove how people easy believe everything TMZ puts out.

    MJ wrote a song title Tabloid Junkie. TMZ = Tabloid Junkie. They were the first to announce his death. MJ is trying to prove how some people will believe any and everything TMZ puts out. Remember always how first the TABLOIDS tried to ruin him by lies and untruths.

    I want to get this straight. You are saying Michael has hand on everything that comes out from TMZ, but MJ says don't believe media that tried to ruin his life and wants to prove how people easy believe meda.
    Looks like Michael manipulates w/ people through media that he hates,i.e. MJ uses media to ridicule on people , his fans that mostly read & listen about him. That's what it is? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • AMEN!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • The people that think Jermaine is out to make a buck are just plain ignorant. Barely a wise gene in their souls. Jermaine is doing this for his brother Michael. MJ is running all shows, and HE is the one that asks everyone to do this or that. They follow his direction/requests. The message (words) will be one MJ wants to get out there in the Universe and public for Hoax purposes. You can believe that. They know that book isn't going to be no blockbuster. MJ is a BILLIONAIRE, many times over. He doesn't need the money. He needs REVENGE. Jermaine doesn't need the money. He needs to help his brother get Revenge and Justice. They are still trying to clear MJ's name concerning both allegations.

    Are some of you just plain dumb? MJ can give his siblings money if he wants to. It is his business. Who else is he supposed to share with if not family? Worry about your own broke butts and your lack of creative ability. The Jacksons are loaded with creative ability. Watch their Vareity Show on Tube.

    The people that believe the Jackson's are after money are being shortsighted and think that Mike is dead. Just fess up?

    Just like he used O-BEE to utter his words. No one can convince me that that wasn't MJ shown on O-BEE's video at 08-10 seconds. He probably sang his part live and fresh. Some folks are still "Stuck in the middle, in 3D." I think he spoke his part live in Jackie's song We Know What's Going On", also. And some of us think, he was on Janet's song, Nothing.

    Some people have not connected the DOTS, have no CRITICAL THINKING skills, and never will.

    MJ sees his family often. For all of the places some of us believe he has been, i.e, Hat Man, BET Awards, Planet Hollywood last October as a MJ impersonator, and so on, why wouldn't he see and talk to his family members? He is the main planner of this hoax. I think he runs some things by his Pops also. The children went to Las Vegas November 09 for Thanksgiving, and it was reported they went to visit Grandpa, but I bet it was probably to see MJ. MJ is probably there most of the time. T

    The family has vehicles with tinted windows, so MJ can come and go to Encino, Las Vegas, etc and therefore, he can use anywhere (in diguise) as a starting point, and travel - ALL Around the World. Hee-hee-hee!

    Again, some people are just jealous of MJ and his family. That's what it is. They hate the fact that MJ loves each and every one of his family members. He feels nothing for the ones that talk stupid about his family. They are close to being borderline evil human beings. God knows their hearts. They don't get what MJ stands for and never will. L.O.V.E. and not hate, people.

    That's what is going on in the universe right now as we speak, for real. People had better choose if they haven't already. Good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, Right vs. wrong, and so on. Don't even think that the words you write are not written in God's Book, that on Judgement day, He won't be able to weigh your hearts with a feather. Many of you (haters and losers) will be punished for your evil hearts and thoughts.

    Again, these folks don't think that MJ is alive and is directing his family members, to include his children, and everr-body else. Too bad.

    By the way, below are the words that B. Howard had on like 'Off The Wall', on his website back last summer and into the fall. It then went down, and he brought it back up in January of this year. He was in the picture standing with paintbrush in hand.


    There was as space, and second part had:



    GAME OVER. The letters were a mixture of big and small. That is how MJ writes many things. Remember Back does to? No question, those are MJ's words, his Game Plan, and one of the ways he's communicating. He is the only human being that needs a REVENGE. The boy is Brilliant. Too much!

    Listen to the below by B. Howard. He says that MJ was hands on when he recorded his CD. He said he promised his mother that it would only take him a year to complete it, and he completed it last June. So how was MJ hands on and what not?

    There is another part to this video. He has on same outfit, but the most important part is below.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    When his website came back up, the third picture had just - VICTORIOUS, ENTERTAINMENT REVENGE. Those Jacksons think they are slick because they left the other off. Then last month, he added all of the words to the background of his twitter page.

    If you haven't seen this one of Evan Ross, please watch it. Listen to the end. He made this after 6-25-09. The guy interviewing him is his friend, so this was a set-up/clue type of deal to me.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    So again, I'm a KNOWER. MJ is using all of his loved ones in all of his glory and brilliance. He wants it documented how much he was involved with them. He wants Payback and Revenge. And he trusts his family the most to get it don. And of course, he trusts some close friends and acquaintances, i.e, Teddy Riley and the like.

    For the haters of his family, you can talk to their hands, and you know what else you can do.

    MJ stated that he was obssessed with creating. Some of us believe you Michael. Keep on keeping on.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I for one am glad (supervision) was called out. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. She has some nerve with the BS she's always posting about. Then she and a couple others try to lure people to that (visions) thread. I mean, doesn't she know by now that if people want to read that stuff she and others post in there, then they will. They need to stop trying to recruite people to that boring thread.

    Who cares what visions she and others have about Michael? Those visions have nothing to do with Mike other than in their own heads and visions. Mike has enough to do to keep up with his own visions. Lol. Get over yourselves visioners.

    47831.gif 47831.gif 47831.gif
    Are some of you just plain dumb? MJ can give his siblings money if he wants to. It is his business. Who else is he supposed to share with if not family? Worry about your own broke butts and your lack of creative ability.

    Some people have not connected the DOTS, have no CRITICAL THINKING skills, and never will.


    That's what is going on in the universe right now as we speak, for real. People had better choose if they haven't already. Good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, Right vs. wrong, and so on. Don't even think that the words you write are not written in God's Book, that on Judgement day, He won't be able to weigh your hearts with a feather. Many of you (haters and losers) will be punished for your evil hearts and thoughts.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    So again, I'm a KNOWER
    lmao.gif <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> 47831.gif
  • Absolutely true. Michael is behind every one of the words of his mother Khaterine ... it is very true. She is his mother, and she always will be there beside him, and if necessary she will do whatever it takes for him. I adore Khaterine. And she is a sweet woman, but she is very intelligent. And next to her, his whole family. I am absolutely convinced that his sons, his brothers, and very few friends know that he still lives. And he's right next to his children now.
    And yes, we start having in mind ... Michael lives. I do not understand is how someone can doubt that Michael lives.
    I love Michael more than 30 years, and of course, Michael "played" a role. Michael invented a "character. " He is one of the most wonderful people of this world, but his best artistic quality is ... actor. More than any other. Michael has played the role of a lifetime. He plays a character, which he invented to hide his true personality. In some ways helped him his makeup, because the "role" not only played the front camera, but in front of certain people, and at times he wanted to do that. He is like Chaplin...(a silly way to explain)
    Michael is a born psychologist, has studied the reactions of people, and loves all that.
    Except for his family and certain friends, Michael always was "on stage" and when I say this I mean that he is "performing " this "role" continuously.
    And that his mind had to be very well appointed ..
    He is one of the smartest men ever set foot in this world, and certainly is one of the best actors.

    Michael lives. Michael planned all this practically since the birth of his children. He has for years been threatened. And he is protected now.
    Oh God .... 50 years ... 50 shows ... it's so obvious ...
    His family, always protect him and try to make it clear that he is dead.
    They are simply protecting him...
    But if he may appear, if ever really can, without endangering his life and his family.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    And yes, we start having in mind ... Michael lives. I do not understand is how someone can doubt that Michael lives.

    The proof that many fans, many more than "believers", are still mourning Michael and asknig for justice shows that is not easy to believe that he would fake his death.
    He plays a character, which he invented to hide his true personality. In some ways helped him his makeup, because the "role" not only played the front camera, but in front of certain people, and at times he wanted to do that.

    What if the "invented character" became the main personality?
    But if he may appear, if ever really can

    I don´t think that would be happening. Only a very little procentage of fans and supporters believe that he is alive. The reactions can be very negative.
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    @ flowergirl, are you the spokesperson of the family or of jermaine?

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> your title is misleading
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    No, Flowergirl is a very good marketing gal! a bit sectarian in the methods, but can pass.

    1st, let´s open the thread with a catchy message. Keep da faith.

    2nd, let´s start the post with a controversial subject (this takes hours of forum lurking..eeehhhh), ganging on the latest banns! it will catch the attention!

    3rd, create guilt: talk about the family and how stupid people can be not understanding what we all already know btw.

    4rd, inflict will be punished by no other than God..(well, God right now, looking at the world news, has more important issues to take care of than "connecting the dots with critical thinking")

    5th, go on with the flow, repeat what we all already know since the hoax started, gain trust

    6th, tell you are the one to trust, you are the knower

    7th,(the magic number) promote your forum at the end of the final post <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hopefully the catch will be a success

    Voilá...clicks are achieved!and with some luck, members as well.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Well, well then. I think your post could have been more readily accepted had you, yourself not thrown so many left jabs at people with different perspectives. Good points can be made without pointing fingers and labeling people. Stupid, etc. That happened to Michael all the time. Not good. As far as the family and Michael’s money are concerned, I beg to differ. Why should he give his money to family? If he chooses to do so, fine. If not, good for him. And why do you consider posters who speak out about Michael being used financially by his family members and other money grubbing leeches to be “broke butts” with “no creativity" <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> That’s presumptuous. You can never know from just reading posts to whom you might be speaking, not many of us know the real identities of the majority of people on this forum. TMZ could be anybody. And so could any number of other imposters. You just never know. So I would advise as your thread title imples that you too should "Keep the faith”. In the end, we’ll see where it all leads. Until then, your truth is no better than anyone elses.
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    No, Flowergirl is a very good marketing gal! a bit sectarian in the methods, but can pass.

    1st, let´s open the thread with a catchy message. Keep da faith.

    2nd, let´s start the post with a controversial subject (this takes hours of forum lurking..eeehhhh), ganging on the latest banns! it will catch the attention!

    3rd, create guilt: talk about the family and how stupid people can be not understanding what we all already know btw.

    4rd, inflict will be punished by no other than God..(well, God right now, looking at the world news, has more important issues to take care of than "connecting the dots with critical thinking")

    5th, go on with the flow, repeat what we all already know since the hoax started, gain trust

    6th, tell you are the one to trust, you are the knower

    7th,(the magic number) promote your forum at the end of the final post <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hopefully the catch will be a success

    Voilá...clicks are achieved!and with some luck, members as well.

    Gema you are cracking me up!!!hahahaha! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ROFLROFL Posts: 530
    No, Flowergirl is a very good marketing gal! a bit sectarian in the methods, but can pass.

    1st, let´s open the thread with a catchy message. Keep da faith.

    2nd, let´s start the post with a controversial subject (this takes hours of forum lurking..eeehhhh), ganging on the latest banns! it will catch the attention!

    3rd, create guilt: talk about the family and how stupid people can be not understanding what we all already know btw.

    4rd, inflict will be punished by no other than God..(well, God right now, looking at the world news, has more important issues to take care of than "connecting the dots with critical thinking")

    5th, go on with the flow, repeat what we all already know since the hoax started, gain trust

    6th, tell you are the one to trust, you are the knower

    7th,(the magic number) promote your forum at the end of the final post <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hopefully the catch will be a success

    Voilá...clicks are achieved!and with some luck, members as well.

    Gema you are cracking me up!!!hahahaha! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    hahaha same, 6th is hilarious hahaha you are the knower HAHAHA
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Flowergirl, you certainly know how to grab attention! Strangely familiar writing style though, I'm getting deja vu all over again! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Totally Trustno1 <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    It´s all for attention <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> A.T.T.E.N.T.I.O.N , attention <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Re;visions thread
    They need to stop trying to recruite people to that boring thread
    Who cares what visions she and others have about Michael?
    Get over yourselves visioners.

    The visions thread had too much attention?? <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> It has nothing to do with SV´s controversial posts <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> It has to do with all the attention that the thread and the members got -negative or positive- <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Tell them that his human natureeeee smiley_singing.gif
  • What gets me sometimes is that there is no Consensus for the most part concerning some issues of this Hoax on this board. A "Unbreakable" truth/fact thread should be started, or at least one where the true blue stick to their theories and guns.

    For instance, I'll start with one. How can the newcomers understand what most of the KNOWERS believe to be true when they seem so forgetful and wishy-washy, and not firm and true in their CORE beliefs? Are there any core ones?

    1. Did MJ live at Carolwood drive or NOT, folks? If not, then why would there be talk of surveillance tapes? Wouldn't MJ have planted that story? I mean really! The tapes and hard drive parts were made up to fit the hoax/movie.

    Case in point. Aren't some of the so-called believers truly acting like non-believers by believing anything TMZ dishes out and up? "Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on TV, don't make it factual." Haven't some gotten that thru their heads by now? MJ is planting EACH AND EVERY STORY from TMZ and in some cases, other rags also, and especially in the beginning (as it pertains to other rags).

    I don't think he EVER lived there (LA) at tall. I think the place was rented. He and children might have gone there for Hoax/movie/filming purposes a day or two, but that's it. But then we have some haters still trying to blame MJ's family for the latest story (tapes) on this from TMZ = The Michael Zone. Losers and slowpokes.

    2. Do most believe MJ runs TMZ or not? TS indicated that he does? Some of us felt he did before STUDY/TS even showed up, remember? If so, then why do some keep believing everything TMZ writes is the Gospel, and not printed as part of MJ's doing/HIStory? I just don't get it.

    Let's keep these two questions/points/wonders at the forefront. There are a few more of course.

    1. If MJ didn't live at said house, this talk of tapes/hard drive is fake and was planted by MJ.
    2. If MJ runs TMZ, then the premise should be that MJ is the one coming up with articles all of the time, to keep his name in the news, and because he is messing with folks (partly just because he can).

    Like O-BEE sung - "You ain't gonna stop MY TEAM. We gone roll like Bigfoot. Can’t stop. Nah I mean?" Btw, listen to the HEARTBEAT that begins their song/video "WBSS." Wonder what that is supposed to signify? Lol MJ probably recorded his LIVE heartbeat. (clue - duh!) I heard that some people do that.

    I can see why many newbies wonder what the majority believe to be true on this board. I know what Souza believes, and we believe alike in these examples. How 'bout the majority?

    Can not the ASTUTE amongst us understand my frustration, and I'm sure some others concerning the consistency or lack thereof of many issues?

    I mean no harm, but I really have to skip over certain comments in threads about a TMZ article/post. The DOTS are not being connected and staying so. Some keep trying to place round pegs into square holes.Btw, Evan Ross was quoted saying that MJ was the one guiding his career in music and with the his CD scheduled to come out before long. He said that late last summer. Well, first song is out. MJ been busy.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts, observation, and opinions. What I have read I have found very interesting. I'll need to finish reading later before giving any opinions.


    PS - I didn't see the GAME OVER...on B. Howard's site. Thank you for sharing that.

    L.O.V.E. is the answer...
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I for one am glad (supervision) was called out. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. She has some nerve with the BS she's always posting about. Then she and a couple others try to lure people to that (visions) thread. I mean, doesn't she know by now that if people want to read that stuff she and others post in there, then they will. They need to stop trying to recruite people to that boring thread.

    Who cares what visions she and others have about Michael? Those visions have nothing to do with Mike other than in their own heads and visions. Mike has enough to do to keep up with his own visions. Lol. Get over yourselves visioners. She was also rude to go into Serenity’s Dream Religious Symbolism thread just to pick a fight with her. She is so bitter and negative, and then she ends it with, I Luv u MJ, and other such BS. Rolls eyes.

    Also people, MJ IS ALIVE. Some so-called believers should call themselves doubters just to be able to keep up with their positions. Some of us are KNOWERS. We know that MJ is alive, so that should no longer be the issue here. After 21 months, some people are still trying to find clues that he is alive? Come on people!

    So....... MJ is alive. Let's start with that premise. Let's list all of the places some of us believe he has appeared, i.e., Dave-Dave on LKL, VMAs, BET Awards, Hat Man, Lady, and on and on. Then why do some people act as if he is living in a cave? He is the DIRECTOR/PRODUCER, Liberian Girl style, so why do some always pipe up with, MJ must now be alive or he is out of pocket, or else this or that wouldn't take place? His base is probably Las Vegas, as father and brother live there. Wonderland is there. Lol

    Case in point, his sister-in-law being in the news a lot here lately Doesn't MJ own part of TMZ = The Michael Zone? Even if he doesn't, he is the one running things through TMZ, no question. I mean this is each and every day if he wants to. He many designate, but MJ is such a hands on kind of guy, in my opinion, everything we see come out of TMZ and I also think the website also, has Michael Joe Jackson's OFFICIAL STAMP on it. It would not be released unless he wants it to people. Why and at what point do some forget this fact? Why?

    MJ wrote a song title Tabloid Junkie. TMZ = Tabloid Junkie. They were the first to announce his death. MJ is trying to prove how some people will believe any and everything TMZ puts out. Remember always how first the TABLOIDS tried to ruin him by lies and untruths. He was so hurt and disappointed that some people belived those lies and untruths from back in the middle eighties folks. I never believed that mess.

    MJ owns the Encino property, so to keep his name in the news, HE prepares articles about Latoya owning it, his sister-in-law being a squatter and on and on. Mike is alive. He loves Genevieve and all of her brothers. He probably loves Alexandra also. There is no way he is trying to put her out. It is all a lie just to get people going, and for him to have documented proof how easy it is for people to believe anything they read. She has lived there for twenty years. She is the only other woman to live there along with her daughter, so I can't imagine that Mrs. Jackson would want or need for her to leave. It is a mansion and huge property.

    Plus, it IS NOT any of our business what goes on in that house, and that is another thing MJ is documenting. He is probably shaking his head at the ones that seem to get so indignant about something that they have zilch to do with. We need to worry about paying our own mortgages and rents. They reported over 239 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Is that why some people get so wrapped up, sound bitter and angry about Alexandra, because they are upset with their own circumstances? MJ has her back, in my opinion. She is following HIS DIRECTION. She is willing to be slammed in the Tabloids (TMZ) for MJ, because she knows that there is no truth to it and she is acting her part, IMO.

    Didn't many people sign a Confidentiality agreement with MJ? This was with MJ, and not anyone else. It's just like some people get upset with the Estate. I mean really! The Estate is MJ. He is running things. He has a telephone. He probablyhas Skype (under another's name), and etc. Remember the Liberian Girl video. Those folks most likely signed one, and on and on.

    Didn't the young Rap group that remade (by MJ's request) - I Wanna Be Where You Are, call it a movie? Has anyone ever stopped to think why this Rap group got up on TMZ for A- LIVE interview so fast? Who has pull to be able to make that happen that quickly?

    Sometimes it may be hard to fathom that MJ may be behind all of these rumors, lies half-truths and etc, but when believing he is alive, we must also believe that HE is running the Greatest Show on Earth, filming, directing, producing, executing and documenting this Hoax. There should be no question. There is no one more brilliant than him as it pertains to the development and planning of this hoax. I mean no harm, but there are very few people even in this hoax that can reach MJ's Brilliance now or ever. He is just one of a kind.

    I agree with Souza as it pertains to her saying that she is tired of all of the whining and what not, because it gets very tedious for one to have to sift through the non-believers and doubters.

    Again, let's start with the Premise that MJ is Alive, and then everything else should fall into place. Don't beat yourselves up so much trying to figure out WHY MJ is doing this or that. When I hear some Controversy, and especially coming from TMZ, I just file it in my computer brain and pull it back up as needed. I have never gotten stressed over any TMZ article.

    And please show MJ's mother some respect. See, this is what I mean. MJ is alive, so we need to back off of his mother and other family members. She is doing everything he is asking of her. Does anyone still have that (was it NBC) TV interview she gave for the anniversary on around 6-25-10. Notice that we never really hear who was interviewing her. Next thing we know, she is just answering questions. Questions that someone (MJ?) was leading her with. Was this the one when she introduced MJ's Table Book? I think MJ was interviewing her. I know they associated that Mann character with her at the time right? I think he was someone around, but he wasn't the one interviewing her.

    I believe like someone on this forum wrote a long time ago. MJ learned a long time ago to keep his friends close but his enemies closer. In other words, he can work with people with checkered pasts, corrupt politicians, frenemies and etc as long as he feels it can aid him in whatever it is he needs to learn about or get done. No one does it quite like our MJ.

    Just my humble opinions.

    Hi Flowergirl,

    Man, I thought I had a sharp tongue, but, I can tell, it's not disrespect, it is all just exasperated, righteous indignation, and I feel your PASSION!

    I LOVE the way you paint MJ, so powerful and absolutely in control!! I see it all, too---in fact, when I got to the parts I magnified, it felt like your entire post would be something MJ would say about himself, if he weren't such a self-possessed gentleman (or waxing politic? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) You are either an exceptional Watcher, or you really are a Knower(I mean from up close). You get love. You get family. You get privacy. What a no-apologies, refreshing read!

    Pouncers and mockers aside, I LOVED
    reading this <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    (Just give me a LOUD heads up if you find you need to swing that tongue at me, ever!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )
  • Thank you for sharing your thoughts, observation, and opinions. What I have read I have found very interesting. I'll need to finish reading later before giving any opinions.


    PS - I didn't see the GAME OVER...on B. Howard's site. Thank you for sharing that.

    L.O.V.E. is the answer...

    Thank you - voiceforthesilent. You got me on B. Howard's website. I printed it out when he initially had those words on a picture on his website. I'll try to scan it.

    You're right though, for it is not there. There were five pics to correspond to those five dots upper right hand corner. Maybe MJ or close person told them we had discovered it, so they took it off. Lol.

    Meanwhile and like I said in earlier post, it was on third picture that came up. Now it is nowhere but on the background of his twitter page. Please look closely on page.
  • BRAVO¡¡¡:
    "MJ learned a long time ago to keep his friends close but his enemies closer"
  • @Flowergirl

    I haven't got much time at the moment, I'm giving you my first thoughts after reading your posts. I'm with you on many things. As a matter of fact you expressed a lot of thoughts, which are settled in a corner of my head but didn't come out. You wrote a sorta excerpt of thoughts and feelings I have concerning MJ. I'm glad about that, because sometimes I'm stuggling with the way how to express myself in English. Thank you. I'm coming back later to give a reaction on your post(s). '

    Blessings from a Dutch flowergirl <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    Good lord! I havent had the time to read the entire thread, but it seems the contradiction starts from the first words. How can anyone criticize someone else for jumping into another thread & providing their opinions & yet start this thread, not offering their opinion, but insisting they are not only correct, but that others would be "dumb" to think anything else.

    Luckily, Michael did not always listen to what others said!
  • It's her, I love your posts also. I especially loved the one you wrote many moons ago where you correlated some of the things MJ was doing or was about to a movie you saw as a child, as you loved to watch old movies. What was it again? Was it an animated character movie?

    I always want to come from "A place with (A) name", LOVE. I wish we all could love each other regardless of ethnicity. Aren't we learning as we speak that it has never been about race or religion, and that is should have always been about US, God and the Universe (Cosmos)? I hope so. I think many have awakened and are awakening to that fact now. Unity, Love and Co-Creation should be the keys to our (Humans) future.

    I love the article and opinion below. The website link is after it, and one needs to scroll down some to find it on website. I believe the Mayans as it pertains to US riding the 9th Wave - from 3-9-11 thru 10-28-11. It's not 12-12-12 thru 12-21-12 as some would lead us to believe, and live in fear of. I BeLIEve, we all will meet at the same time in our (Human) leap in the evolution of Consciousness. That's what it is about.


    "For those who think 2010 was a significant year of change, hang on! Before 2011 is over, we will look back at 2010 and think we were standing still.

    Many will rightly ask, "On what do you base this prediction?"

    According to the best interpretation of Mayan Calendar information, the entire ninth step in the evolution of consciousness will take place in 260 days: basically, from March through October 2011. Unlike most Mayan calendar teachers, Dr. Carl Calleman does not buy into the December 21, 2012 theories. He studied the information as a scientist, and came to a different conclusion, with October 28, 2011 being the completion date. Many other teachers who have looked at his information are in agreement. I am one of those, purely on the basis of resonance.

    Each of the nine steps in the evolution of consciousness has a theme. The theme for the eighth step that we are just completing is that ethics and integrity would overtake the lust for power and greed. I think it's fair to say that we have witnessed many examples that capture even mainstream attention in regard to the financial system of the world, a system rife with fraud and corruption. Once something becomes known, it can never again be stuffed back into the box. What is revealed is revealed; and the lies will no longer work. This is not to say that there are no longer any people who believe the lies. Many are so set in their ways that they would not recognize the truth if you beat them over the head with it. Their disillusionment will continue in 2011; at least until.... (We'll get to that soon.)

    The theme for 2011 is conscious co-creation. Together, we will be creating an entirely new system based on the paradigm of openness and transparency. It is also a paradigm of unity.

    Unity is difficult to imagine when you look at the world around us. Opinions are as diverse as the multitude of perspectives from which we view reality. How can we possibly attain unity within such a diverse field of experience and observation?

    There have always been unseen energies that impinge upon our visible reality. Many world religions have referred to these energies as angels. In more modern vernacular, these are referred to as extraterrestrials, or ETs for short. Those who look at the evidence, going way back in human history, come to the conclusion that there are many ancient records of Earth being visited by beings from the sky. Many cultures referred to these visitors as gods.

    Open-minded scientists and researchers in today's world recognize an exponential increase in the activity of beings from other dimensions that are involved in events happening now on planet Earth. Yes, there has been a strong desire to keep this information from the public on behalf of the powers that be – the proverbial Man behind the curtain. However, many nations have already released their UFO files to the public. The United States still has not followed suit, with its leaders grasping with great determination to prevent widespread disclosure from occurring. What are they afraid of?

    The truth is, our history, as we have been told it, is a lie. From the very foundations of world religions to the structures of modern governments, the truth has not been told. Irrefutable evidence and revelation of facts will transform everything. Perhaps that will be the big change in 2011. Disclosure, not only of the of the fact that we are not alone in the universe, but more importantly the reality of the deep involvement of ETs throughout our history, will shift the paradigm of reality virtually overnight. Faced with undeniable proof, mankind will have little choice but to see the world with new eyes. It will be the overwhelming display, often referred to as first contact, of ET presence that will create unity very quickly.

    Not everyone is ready to buy into this; nevertheless, the critical mass has already been exceeded. What is the critical mass? Scientists tell us it is the square root of 1% of the world's population. Rounded off to the nearest thousand, that would be a little over 8000 people*. That's all it takes to shift the entire human race. From a biblical perspective, perhaps it's the 144,000, that enigmatic number that brings the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. In truth, I think even that number has been exceeded. Whatever the number, we have crossed the threshold of the point of no return. The Word has been made flesh, and the manifestation of the Golden Age is here now, unfolding day by day.

    As a seer, I can sense the struggle taking place right now in the human population. I know how hard it is for people of many faiths to even consider the possibility that some of their precious doctrines may be in error. Nevertheless, incongruent beliefs will, of necessity, fall apart. So much that has been built into our belief systems has been included for a specific purpose: to disempower the average person and keep them subservient to the control of those who would be masters over them.

    The big lie has been easy to sell, since it coincides so well with our physical observation. That lie is separation. I look at my body; then I look at yours. Obviously, we are not one. I am me; and you are you. And every other person is also separate from me and you. However, this paradigm presupposes that only that which is visible is real. Modern mystics, called quantum physicists, have demonstrated scientifically that the world we see is only a small fraction of the world that exists. In other words, reality is mostly invisible to us.

    That which we have been unable – and in many cases unwilling – to see is going to be made abundantly clear to everyone as the invisible becomes more obvious. Can you see, or at least begin to see, how quickly this revelation will be able to shift everything? It will be as if higher compartments of our minds are suddenly opened, revealing our blind spots. Most of us will ask ourselves: "Why couldn't I see this before? It's so obvious!" ... Everything in its time!

    The hidden treasure within each of us will soon be revealed to all except the most hardhearted and stubborn minded individuals. That treasure is what the world religions have always pointed to. It is the Christ, or the Divine within each of us. Can you begin to imagine what we will be able to create together, knowing that the God Spirit is in everyone; and it has never had anything to do with one's religion? Whether you can imagine it yet or not, this is what will happen, or at least begin to happen on a large scale in 2011. This is why 2011 will make 2010 look as if it wasn't going anywhere; yet, in truth, each step in the evolution of consciousness builds for the next step. Everything that ever has been, has been building to a grand climax of ecstatic revelation: the revelation of Christ as ALL and in all.

    The promises of God are: Yes… and Amen (so be it). The Creator has always had a purpose for Creation. That purpose has not always been easy to determine, and even more difficult to see. As the plan has unfolded, most of us have only been able to see the chaos. Conflict has seemed to rule the day; and making sense of the whole thing has been well-nigh impossible. Yet, those who have been able to see from the other side have always told us that there was meaning. These were able to see, if only in flashing glimpses, that a grand plan was underway. We've called them prophets or shamans; and each of them with an honest heart always told what they felt, saw or heard. They have spoken in every culture and in every age. They were the Voice of God, inspired to speak to their generation.

    I'm not about to tell you that any of them were perfect – far from it. They were men and women, just like you and me, who had to deal with all of the perplexities of their individual lives and still make sense of their dreams and visions that often contradicted what they saw in the physical world. These are those that have held the dream alive within the human family. As the Spirit of the Living God brings these gifted men and women together, a new world will be born. These are the co-creators responsible for the time in which we live; for we are the ones that have searched for a city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. We are the ones who have often been despised and rejected of men.

    Yet, in a very real sense, we are only eyes in the body. We are important, yes, we are. However, we cannot do it alone. Everyone must find his and her part in this Body of Humanity that is being transformed, day by day, in ways that will manifest more clearly in 2011. We are talking about a new humanity here. That which was impossible before will be soon possible again. We're about to see the Son of God with new eyes; and as I look at this beautiful creature made without hands, my eyes fill with tears. The whole cosmos marvels at the magnificence of the Word Made Flesh, multiplied to infinity – a multitude that no man can number (or at least count). To me, this is the real meaning of the second coming of Christ. And all the world shall see Him, and be like Him.

    Let each with eyes to see and a heart to love rejoice. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. 2011 is our year. "Behold, I make all things new!" says the Lord Most High. Namaste.

    * The square root of 1% of 7 billion people is 8,367. The estimated population, however, is 6.67 billion; and the squart root of 1% is 8,167."

    © by Ron Van Dyke, Paradox Publications,Wednesday, December 29, 2010. All rights reserved.

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  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    It's her, I love your posts also. I especially loved the one you wrote many moons ago where you correlated some of the things MJ was doing or was about to a movie you saw as a child, as you loved to watch old movies. What was it again? Was it an animated character movie?

    How nice of you to say so! Thank you. It was called Once Upon A Time starring Cary Grant. I just realized I didn't explain that the only thing animated in the movie was the MJ-like Butterfly, "Curly".

    Too many coincidences, I KNOW young MJ saw this film. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=74&t=7872#p194103<!-- l -->

    Now...I gotta read the rest of your post, here. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • The people that think Jermaine is out to make a buck are just plain ignorant. Barely a wise gene in their souls. Jermaine is doing this for his brother Michael. MJ is running all shows, and HE is the one that asks everyone to do this or that. They follow his direction/requests. The message (words) will be one MJ wants to get out there in the Universe and public for Hoax purposes. You can believe that. They know that book isn't going to be no blockbuster. MJ is a BILLIONAIRE, many times over. He doesn't need the money. He needs REVENGE. Jermaine doesn't need the money. He needs to help his brother get Revenge and Justice. They are still trying to clear MJ's name concerning both allegations.

    Are some of you just plain dumb? MJ can give his siblings money if he wants to. It is his business. Who else is he supposed to share with if not family? Worry about your own broke butts and your lack of creative ability. The Jacksons are loaded with creative ability. Watch their Vareity Show on Tube. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    The people that believe the Jackson's are after money are being shortsighted and think that Mike is dead. Just fess up?

    Just like he used O-BEE to utter his words. No one can convince me that that wasn't MJ shown on O-BEE's video at 08-10 seconds. He probably sang his part live and fresh. Some folks are still "Stuck in the middle, in 3D." I think he spoke his part live in Jackie's song We Know What's Going On", also. And some of us think, he was on Janet's song, Nothing.

    Some people have not connected the DOTS, have no CRITICAL THINKING skills, and never will.

    MJ sees his family often. For all of the places some of us believe he has been, i.e, Hat Man, BET Awards, Planet Hollywood last October as a MJ impersonator, and so on, why wouldn't he see and talk to his family members? He is the main planner of this hoax. I think he runs some things by his Pops also. <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> RIGHT! <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> The children went to Las Vegas November 09 for Thanksgiving, and it was reported they went to visit Grandpa, but I bet it was probably to see MJ. MJ is probably there most of the time. T

    The family has vehicles with tinted windows, so MJ can come and go to Encino, Las Vegas, etc and therefore, he can use anywhere (in diguise) as a starting point, and travel - ALL Around the World. Hee-hee-hee!

    <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> Again, some people are just jealous of MJ and his family. That's what it is. They hate the fact that MJ loves each and every one of his family members. He feels nothing for the ones that talk stupid about his family. They are close to being borderline evil human beings. God knows their hearts. They don't get what MJ stands for and never will. L.O.V.E. and not hate, people.

    That's what is going on in the universe right now as we speak, for real. People had better choose if they haven't already. Good vs. evil, God vs. Satan, Right vs. wrong, and so on. Don't even think that the words you write are not written in God's Book, that on Judgement day, He won't be able to weigh your hearts with a feather. Many of you (haters and losers) will be punished for your evil hearts and thoughts.

    Again, these folks don't think that MJ is alive and is directing his family members, to include his children, and everr-body else. Too bad.

    By the way, below are the words that B. Howard had on like 'Off The Wall', on his website back last summer and into the fall. It then went down, and he brought it back up in January of this year. He was in the picture standing with paintbrush in hand.

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> Genesis

    There was as space, and second part had:

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> One


    GAME OVER. The letters were a mixture of big and small. That is how MJ writes many things. Remember Back does to? No question, those are MJ's words, his Game Plan, and one of the ways he's communicating. He is the only human being that needs a REVENGE. The boy is Brilliant. Too much!

    Listen to the below by B. Howard. He says that MJ was hands on when he recorded his CD. He said he promised his mother that it would only take him a year to complete it, and he completed it last June. So how was MJ hands on and what not?

    There is another part to this video. He has on same outfit, but the most important part is below.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    When his website came back up, the third picture had just - VICTORIOUS, ENTERTAINMENT REVENGE. Those Jacksons think they are slick because they left the other off. Then last month, he added all of the words to the background of his twitter page.

    If you haven't seen this one of Evan Ross, please watch it. Listen to the end. He made this after 6-25-09. The guy interviewing him is his friend, so this was a set-up/clue type of deal to me.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    So again, I'm a KNOWER. MJ is using all of his loved ones in all of his glory and brilliance. He wants it documented how much he was involved with them. He wants Payback and Revenge. And he trusts his family the most to get it don. And of course, he trusts some close friends and acquaintances, i.e, Teddy Riley and the like.

    For the haters of his family, you can talk to their hands, and you know what else you can do.

    MJ stated that he was obssessed with creating. Some of us believe you Michael. Keep on keeping on.

    Amen, Amen, Amen. You've got it going on with your posts, flowergirl. Thank you for a refreshing dose of righteous indignation. Michael is bold, beautiful and brilliant. That's clear to all who really BELIEVE in him as I do forever and always. MJ's family is awesome.

    I am so glad to see the Mayan info...I happened to have sent this same info to a friend just the other day. It's very enlightening. Thank you for posting.

    the critical mass has already been exceeded. What is the critical mass? Scientists tell us it is the square root of 1% of the world's population. Rounded off to the nearest thousand, that would be a little over 8000 people*. That's all it takes to shift the entire human race. From a biblical perspective, perhaps it's the 144,000, that enigmatic number that brings the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. In truth, I think even that number has been exceeded. Whatever the number, we have crossed the threshold of the point of no return. The Word has been made flesh, and the manifestation of the Golden Age is here now, unfolding day by day.

    Imma 'keep watchin' as Michael continues to show us the way to go...

    And for you, a song that reminds me of your name: [youtube:1203wofl] <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Ya'll have such vivid imaginations.....
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