Keep Da Faith



  • No, Flowergirl is a very good marketing gal! a bit sectarian in the methods, but can pass.

    1st, let´s open the thread with a catchy message. Keep da faith.

    2nd, let´s start the post with a controversial subject (this takes hours of forum lurking..eeehhhh), ganging on the latest banns! it will catch the attention!

    3rd, create guilt: talk about the family and how stupid people can be not understanding what we all already know btw.

    4rd, inflict will be punished by no other than God..(well, God right now, looking at the world news, has more important issues to take care of than "connecting the dots with critical thinking")

    5th, go on with the flow, repeat what we all already know since the hoax started, gain trust

    6th, tell you are the one to trust, you are the knower

    7th,(the magic number) promote your forum at the end of the final post <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> hopefully the catch will be a success

    Voilá...clicks are achieved!and with some luck, members as well.

    Nothing but full approval.

    Web 2.0 seems to encourage some individuals to strange behaviour. Hello ....!?!!
  • Kiddies, I'm not the only one that refers to myself as a Knower. Just because you all aren't knowers that MJ is alive and are still trying to figure it out, why should the ones of us that believe/know within our total beings that he is alive be called out? That's ludicrious. It is not an issue for me. I wish we could cut it with the is he alive or not stuff. Please!

    I've believed it since the beginning. I knew that nurse Cherylin (sp?) was lying when I saw her on LKL or wherever she first showed up. Of course, I was still reeling and trying to grasp it all, but hearing her put some faith in my heart and soul. I was like - bull-shyt. Lol

    In other words, I firmed it up by reading up on the old hoax forum, but since 18 months ago, I'm a knower. And just like many folks are all over the world.

    I mean, here is another thing. MJ SINGS ABOUT DOCTOR MURRAY - on his record Smooth Criminal, which I didn't notice until watching (MagicalXscapism's) video. Now, he must be on the inside IMO. See when I connect a dot, I keep it connected. C'mon now! Molasses is not my middle name.

    I'm just a friend of MJ's and family from 1969. That's how long I've followed them. Tis' all. I love them all. No one is perfect. God is our ultimate judge. And so on and so forth.

    On a very serious note. If anyone here is related to MJ and/or is close to him, (TS), please speak to the family about moving everyone to Las Vegas or somewhere. (MJ probably is on it) Radiation has already been detected on the west coast. And some are talking about a MAJOR quake happening in San Fran or LA by next week. They say some passengers arriving from Japan are making the detectors go off in Chicago and elsewhere.
    First I just have to get this out of the way....LMAO!!!

    What do you mean that the believers/knowers like you are being called out? Huh? Well ok I am a believer/Soldier/ sometimes knower and ok I am calling you out, now what?

    I was really being fair here when I started to read your initial post. I always give everyone the benefit of doubt; they start with a fresh blank slate in my book. I'm very tolerant when it comes to reading people's thoughts, opinions, theories, and what not.

    BUT I also have a limit. When I start to read (more than enough) that I personally feel is rude to the members here who have actually signed up on this forum; they have not hid behind a guest name and spouted off. If they have something to say they do. The members here work their issues out if they have one. It may not be perfect but it is a two way dialog not a bunch of pointing fingers and down talking to the others.

    You should take your own advice to heart. Practice what you preach; in other words stop throwing stones when you yourself are living in a glass house. You are not the only one who sometimes gets annoyed when reading back and forth wishy washy thoughts. One thing I do give credit to the Soldiers here is; No matter how much emotional rollercoaster ride they go on they are STILL here hanging on. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I might of been able to even tolerate your rude condesending posts had you not continued to berade and insult members here. That is another thing and key word MEMBERS; sign up and become one and stop hiding in the shadows lurking and then start posts in the guest forum. BTW GUEST means just that; your a guest on the MJDHI website. We are the hosts and hostesses. Don't shit on our carpet and not expect one of us to say something. You boast alot about being a knower yet say you had to confirm your thoughts by reading a "hoax" forum and then spoke about you watched a "hoax" video. Those usually are based on the video makers theories and opinions. Your a knower based off of other people's research?...LMAO!!!

    If you are the all wise KNOWER and there are many of you out there; please by all means go ahead and start your own forum and run it your way. We do not need to be told negative things as if you are saying anything that is beneficial here, really!

    They and some? You mean the MEDIA is reporting these things to you and your believing it? LMAO!!! They sure did make you believe it. I am pretty sure MJ/TS and his family are aware of the seriousness and the situation that may or may not happen regarding a quake in cali. They (Jackson clan) have lived there for over 40 years. Las Vegas is still the west coast so that whole idea of moving there doesn't make sense...

    Your just a friend of MJ'S and the family? Yet you have followed them? You mean like a fanatical stalker... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I am trying to figure out your true age by your post calling us kiddies? Really? I am 42 and alot of the members here are over 40. We do have some younger ones also and to be honest I have seen some younger teenagers write more mature posts than alot of the older members. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    MJ fam do not be upset at me for lowering myself to my ghetto side with out to much cursing... Remember it is all for L.O.V.E.



    Im_convincedmjalive...ha ha!
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I love your ghetto side. I want you in my fox hole in a battle any day.
  • God Bless You, FlowerGirl. Keep on Truckin' and Time Travelin' and most of all...................................................


    Living Together by The Jacksons

    I want the world
    The whole wide world
    To stop and listen to me

    If we're going to stick together
    We've got to be a family
    This love

    Have yourself a good, good time
    But don't you know
    It's getting late

    Yeah, if this world
    Is gonna be our home
    We gotta make it strong
    By living together

    'Cause if this world
    Is gonna be our home
    We've got to make it strong
    By living together

    Have yourself a good, good time
    But don't you know
    It's getting late

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

    Give me peace
    Give me sweet, sweet peace

    So I can do my thing
    I don't want no wars to hurt me
    'Cause hurt is all it brings

    Lets take the time
    To check it on out

    And learn what's right and wrong
    Someday we can tell our children
    That all the wars are gone

    Love, love, love
    Have yourself a good, good time
    But don't you know
    It's getting late

    If this world
    Is gonna be our home
    (We gotta believe)
    Gotta make it strong
    By living together

    If this world
    Is gonna be our home
    We gotta make it strong
    By living together

    Have yourself a good, good time
    But don't you know
    It's getting late

    (Have yourself a good, good time)
    (Have yourself a good, good time)

    Gotta make it strong together
    It's the only way to do it
    Please, please, please
  • I have learned a lot from this forum. I love reading certain ones posts very much.

    I have always believed in MJ, and feel that I need to stand up for him and his family when I feel like it. I have never ever believed one lie about him. When you think about it, much of the stuff many of us has heard about MJ over the years was from the lying media. When you take that out of the equation, we really didn't have much - other than TV appearances/award shows. Wonder why? Why could it possibly be because he felt he deserved his "Privacy", so much so that he wrote a song about it? Talkin' 'bout being crucified, he was.

    Of course, I've always known that he is not perfect - and is only human. He is so smart, he wrote a song about Human Nature also. Most of the songs he sang, are timeless, had meaning and can fit in with this hoax.

    But some of can agree that he is - purrr-fect. At one time your boy had a fine body. Ooh-la-la. Just like Perfection Man. What is the name again? (Vitruvian Man, per Serenity's_Dream) At one time he did look-ded good. Lol He sure looked good in that fencing outfit, didn't he? My goodness! By the way, I had no idea, I was going where I just went. Back to the Future.

    SoldierofLOVE, yeah I like the video you posted. You Keep on Truckin' and Time Travelin', too girlfriend. Lol

    Did anyone ever STUDY these lyrics by J5 - Man of War? Notice that, Study Peace is within.

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    "How many Christians are waiting for the Coming Back of Christ, not knowing the cosmic soul of this individual is already here? Messiah in Hebrew means the 'anointed' or 'appointed one'. Anyone can be One that is 'anointed' or 'appointed' and all of us is the Messiah Christ, but the ones anointed with the wisdom of God are appointed to teach the knowledge of Self, to the world. The Spirit which revealed to me these mysteries is the Great Ennead, but in the Holy Bible I am an apostle and prophet, follower and leader, because I revealed to you the mysteries of Christ."
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I think Human Nature was composed by Steve Porcaro of Toto fame.
  • I think Doctor Thome-Thome is MJ in disguise. I posted it on the old MJHD forum. There are no real pictures of him, but the ones from the news conference, when Jermaine announced that, "My brother, the King of Pop has died." MJ didn't mind letting the KOP die off. He is into doing films. I think he did V/Vendetta.

    Wouldn't it just be entirely too much Brilliance (too much light around that coup) if your boy (MJ) was standing right next to his brother on that stage as he informed the entire world/planet that he was gone; yet he was standing really close by? Thome-Thome didn't have to talk to a soul if he didn't want to. By the way, did the LAPD speak to him, supposedly? Lol

    Notice on second link how Thome's lips sort of turn up. MJ does that a lot. He is the only one of his brothers that does it. Is it a coincidence that Thome has that same lip action? Even the profile (way he's holding head) I've seen from MJ. He did it when he was 'Lil Michael, he still did it after he kissed Diana Ross upon her giving him his Hall of Fame award, and on and on.

    If MJ can play the mayor on Ghosts, then he can play Thome-Thome. He could wear a fatter suit and so on.

    Like I mentioned before, MJ is so rich and powerful that he can plant articles by asking someone that pulls the strings in the editorial departments of certain papers, TV News, etc. ABC News may be one of the ones that MJ can contact to plant a story. He probably planted all of that info about Thome-Thome. This is why the man and what he represented/represents is so confusing. MJ wanted it to be. They might not have quite known which character to use when acting as his personal physician on 6-25-09, and then decided on the fly. Remember, it took about two to three days before Murray was identified as the Doc. At first, Thome was being reported.

    Senegal, the country stated that they'd never heard of him being the ambassador of their country. Lol Poster from stated that he read that Thome had several aliases. I guess so if MJ is making people up like he sang about Dr. Murray in Smooth Criminal. I guess he was saying not only am I a Smooth Criminal and Operator, but I'm going to make Doctor Conray Murray into one, too. Lol

    I knew when Thome supposedly gave that money (5.5M) back to the Estate that he was in on the Hoax, and not on any bad side. NO, he and Jermaine didn't plan MJ's demise. MJ thought quick on his feet, so he planted an article proclaiming that Thome gave back some money he was holding for MJ to buy Wonderland in Las Vegas. Lol He knew that there were stories out there stating that his mother depended on him for her keep, so he wanted to make sure the public thought that this 5.5M came into being just in time to keep her and his children ok. Please!

    Thome was so-called quoted saying that he was the closest to Michael. I believe that, and especially if he is MJ. Lol On second link, he supposedly sat down with the AP. Anyone can write an article stating that they sat down and spoke to someone at the AP or anywhere else. And notice that the links no longer work on 2nd link as it pertains to his so-called website.

    MJ planted EACH AND EVERY DETAIL pertaining to this fake character IMO. I ascertain that there is suppose to be twists and turns in any good 'ole fashioned murder mystery, indeed. I think this aspect is a very important one in this alternate Reality Game (ARG). I think MJ wants more than a little bit for folks to find the discrepancies and contradictions, rule this one in or out - and basically come up with the fact that, no murder was comitted. Period! It'll take the trial to do that.

    I hope MJ testifies as DOCTOR THOME-THOME. Wouldn't that be a riot? MJ can change his speaking and singing voice. He is truly good at it.

    Some think Jermaine and this Thome planned MJ's murder, and so on. I saw MJ at Planet Hollywood with Jermaine. From jump street, I never believed that mess. Some have made videos claiming that Jermaine and family sacrificed MJ for money and fame. I never watched them, but know about them. Many from the Hip-Hop community and young men and women at colleges believe it. If nothing else, MJ has caused a lot of people to think about it. Many thought he was murdered from the moment they heard the Breaking News - that MJ had "passed."

    MJ, you are the Best in the West.

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  • It's the third link where Thome's website is mentioned.
  • How about these two articles? Read the last sentence from 1st link. I posted it below. LMBO

    Now, for the ones of us that Know that MJ is alive and kicking, do these articles make any sense except to MJ and his players in this movie? Lol
    Because we know he is alive, what in the world could be up with this planted information?

    Especially, when considereing all of the places MJ has been seen since 6-25-09. How about his as Mr. Magoo at the 2010 Grammy Awards, after Paris and Prince spoke? Remember how this character stood up like he was making foolery to clap heartily for the lad and lassie? Lol

    Notice how the Access Hollywood one, has the same info. MJ has contacts with them.

    ^^^^^^^And he (Thome) remembered Jackson’s last words to him that day: “I love you.”^^^^^^^

    Is this a drama or comedy MJ?

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  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    The following is a You Tube video pertaining to and including an interview with Thome Thome.

    Here's the link:
  • starchild thanks for video. I saw it back then when it came out. What about it? I don't believe anything negative about Thome-Thome. Did Estate (MJ) dispute in the press that TT supposedly gave back $5.5M? And then over a year later (LMBO) Thome pops back in the picture crying to TMZ that the Estate won't pay him for the Advisor work he did for MJ. Lol MJ planted that story, in my opinion.

    Let's look at it this way. Take the short film - Ghosts. Let's say that it was relayed to be a real story. Let's say that someone called different media to inform anyone that would listen that there was a weird freakish man that lived in a castle/mansion up in Hollywood Hills holding persons against their will. Let's say that finally this freak let everyone go. No one wanted to press charges. Let's say that by the time the press got there, the house was empty, but the evidence showed that something indeed had happened like witnesses and hostages first reported.

    Let's say that the press contacted the person that had originally called them, and from that person they were able to contact a few other people for interviews. Let's say that they called the Mayor (main character) (MJ) (he's in disguise just like in Ghosts), a woman and a child for interviews. There is proof that these three; along with several others had been held.

    Let's say that the Mayor (main character) (MJ) visited a local ABC news station (or they came to him) to give the interview/info about what had happened to him as he was being held by some freak. Let's say that he was also interviewed by three or four other media outlets and gave same story.

    Now.......would any of these particular press/media outlets be able to glean/realize/learn/detect/understand/know and/or figure at any point during said interview, that the Mayor (main character) was actually/really Michael Joe Jackson that they were interviewing?
  • Everyone, below is a good link from The Michael Zone.

    And for the ones that think that TMZ makes fun of MJ by calling him Jacko and anything else too much, so what? MJ took it all of these many years past, and he didn't wilt. He has Rhinoceros/thick skin. Plus, since he is in charge of any and everything written about him @ TMZ, then he is wise enough to know that it would be prudent to write about himself thus, at times.

    Anyone ever notice how many haterz there are that post on TMZ, and how many hate MJ? They hate his children, family and etc. I never read that mess, but did a couple of times right after 6-25-09. Many of those people are 'Lost Children', and I don't mean the kind MJ was singing about. They have lost their souls, and are pretty much bitter, mean and evil people. Sadly, many are young adults.

    MJ could never win for losing with many people here in America, because there is a certain group of powerful people that wanted to dehumanize him (amonst many other things - and adjectives that can be used) and influence people to label him as a joke and freak, that shouldn't be taken seriously. They wanted to make people believe that he was broke - so that when he went to jail, they could steal his catalogs/fortune, under the pretense that it was needed to pay off his debt - and on and on. He thought they were trying to poison him at one time, and so on.

    MJ can take a lot, but don't mess with his children and his family. In doing so, you have crossed a line you should never have crossed. All of the Jacksons are like that. Some people think that they aren't a close family, but they would be mistaken. Papa Joe passed the torch, and guess who to? Michael "Corleone" Jackson, that's - 'Who Is It.'

    The Jacksons Are Coming was a Doc that came out in 2008. The family had been planning hoax and what not for years. MJ says out of his own mouth in Geraldo interview when asked if he was going to work with his brothers again - and he said -"there are a few surprises in store. Films. We are going to do film (or something along those lines)." So again, to all the haters of his family, they are keeping on with MJ in charge, and there is nada anyone can do about it.

    By the way Souza, I agree with you about Murray. Some of the pics of him were most likely taken before 6-25-09, so certainly MJ could have been made up - and still shots were taken. I believe there is a person that plays him also, but MJ wants to document how many disguises he PERFORMED in this hoax, and how much he worked with his family members, and how much he wrote and directed for it.

    We remember what Marlon said at the funeral, and about his shoes. Why is Smooth Murray wearing loafers? Who wears them these days for the most part? No one but maybe Ne-Yo and Usher in imitating MJ. Lol

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  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I am going to read all of this later, now i cannot.
  • "MJ can take a lot, but don't mess with his children and his family. In doing so, you have crossed a line you should never have crossed. All of the Jacksons are like that."

    If so, TMZ is not playing Michael's game and it's not by his side, remember the most grotesque title MJ durgged Blanket. So TMZ just keeps throwing "clues" from time to time for their traffic , ads and money. Way to go. That's why i don't even click that website. Just a tabloid trash.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Well, I have not yet had time to read everything, but I never agree with those who call themselves fans of Michael and disrespect and insult his mother, father and brothers .. TMZ is not anything else .. that's why there are times when the word "fan" I do not like. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • The love of Michael Joe Jackson's life is Miss Diana Ross. That's why in 2006 when she had the song 'I Love You' written for HIM, she had the lyrics, 'When you love, you don't COUNT. It's no MYSTERY. The love is meant to be shared. Yeah, and 'Let It Be." She was singing the entire CD for him. You don't count? Count what? AGE DIFFERENCE!

    She did four songs with the Irish group Westlife in late 2005. MJ was over in Ireland then. He was supposed to sing with them, and the next thing that happened was that Diana sung with them.

    She finally let him know that it was now or never. That's why she dedicated that CD to him. Why do you think he "SYMBOLICALLY" left his children to her? Why did Evan stress how close they (MJ & DR) were? He finally was able to show the world how much she means to him, and of course, his mother is the other woman that means so much to him.

    You'd be mistaken to think that HE NEVER HAD A MEANIFUL RELATIONSHIP. He's always loved Diana and would have possibly married her if not for him getting Omer's mother pregnant. Liz Taylor introduced him to Omer's mother. Lol, he told Diana the child was from a one night stand with a fan. There is no way he was going to tell her the truth that Liz Taylor introduced them. Lol Fact not fiction.

    Check out the below video Diana did for him that goes with her CD. "Behind the Scenes of the 'I Love You', CD." Wow! She looks beau-ti-ful for sixty-two. It may be hard for some to fathom that he could love a woman 14 years older than him, but love her he does. He's loved her since 6 years old someone in his family reported, when he first saw her on the Ed Sullivan show as a Supreme when he was six years old. He also lived with her for a couple of years, where she taught him to draw and took him to museums. He talks about it in his book. If you don't like her singing, just look at how wonderful she looked then. She'll be 67 this month, and she still looks good.

    I think MJ and Diana speak about the 9th Wave, Mayan Calendar, 2012, and the New Golden Age many think will happen on Earth. One of the things that is supposed to happen is - "Reversal in Aging." That would fix it for these two lovers. They might not have seen each other for a year or two at times, but they always managed to hook back up, and the last time, it was for Keeps, in my opinion. Evan more or less confessed to it by saying - "From what I know." That was said after he mentioned that he didn't think he was MJ's blood. (From what he knew) Lol

    Just do some critical thinking, and whether you like the idea or not, and if you truly believe he is alive, then why would you think he would name her in his symbolic will (because that can be changed at any time - and it is always about the trust anyway). It was for L.O.V.E. IT WAS ANOTHER BIG CLUE.

    They may even be married, because she looked at the camera in the song - 'I Want You', and she said, "I want you - (looked in camera and said) the right way (and sort of nodded her head - lol)." That is the only time she looked at the camera thus. Again, this was in 2006, after he was acquitted and after she sang four songs with Westlife. She was letting him know that if they were going to do this, then we'd better hurry up. Ross (Diana's son) was asked if he would like it if MJ's children became his siblings, and he said, "They already are." It is probably on Google.

    Evan's birthday is two days before MJ's and in 2009; they had a big bash in Las Vegas. They celebrated both birthdays. There is no way on God's green earth that they all could have celebrated that soon after MJ's supposed passing. It's on you tube/Google. Lol

    Diana did some concerts starting last May, and again for all of the love she has for MJ, that would have been too soon. She also did a part where she sings 'I Love You', and the Classic black and white Picture of MJ holding her around her waist shows up HUGE on the screen. She called him, "My Love, Michael Jackson." That my friends is MEANINGFUL, and there is no question. What those two had and have is legendary. It is Romeo and Juliet. I know some don't believe it or want to, but it is the truth, and it is based in fact.

    What a BLOCKBUSTER Movie it would be, for the ENTIRE WORLD would tune in. MJ has so many Potential projects up his sleeve. "Matter is energy slowed down. It is Potential, and Mind is Consciousness/Will."

    Research is a wonderful tool. 'Discover the man you never knew.''

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    "'Cause I can thrill more than any ghost would ever dare."
  • That should have read - "'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try."
  • Can we say Gossip?

    Tabloid Junkie anyone? Fan fiction? Hypocrite?

    For you to come on here and say the things you have to the members here about how disrespectful they are to MJ and his family; how is it any different than you running your fingers with this tabloid shit?
  • Are you out of your rabbit -azz mind? You are the one showing your ignorance, because you are too lazy to research. THE LOVE OF MJ'S LIFE IS A BLACK WOMAN. Get over it!

    Show me where I've quoted tabloids, and watch your nasty mouth. I've posted a video showing them together in the past, and Diana's song I Love You speaks for itself. Diana didn't mention MJ once during Oprah interview. Better yet, Oprah refused to ask any MJ questions, either because MJ told her not to or Diana did.

    Read MJ's book 'Moonwalker' where he talks about Diana. He has been wuoted speaking about how he loves Diana and always will many times over the years. He talks about hos jealous and hurt he was that she got married in 2006.

    Then pull up Ebony 1982/83 article where he stated that HE WANTED TO MARRY DIANA. When asked wasn't she too old, he said - "What age would you be if you didn't know how old you were." Then watch that last link. Only a fool can't see the LOVE between these two.

    I mean I can go on and on. Many folks in the business know about these two. There are many boards dedicated to them. Sadly though, those folks think that he is gone.


    1. Videos of their love galore.
    2. Diana's song and CD and Video/Visuals. "When you love, you don't count."
    3. Evan's comments.
    4. Ross's comments.
    5. Children went to her concert last year at Nokia theater, LA.
    6. Diana named in his will.
    7. Diana's statement at Memorial - Michael was a personal love of mine. She then thanked his parents for sharing him with the world and with her.
    8. MJ hooked her up with Westlife end of 2005.
    9. MJ and Diana go to Christian A's birthday party in Las Vegas 2008.

    In other words loser, let me see you refute anything I've posted.

    And just so you can understand this. I'll type it slow. M J I S A L I V E.
    Now since he is A L I V E, why would he leave his CHILDREN to Diana? Just answer that one smarty pants.

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  • That should read when she got married in 1986. My bad!
  • This one is for Souza.

    Souza, please watch the video I posted by Diana Ross. I pulled it up in windows media. Guess what it has at the very end, and I kid you not.


    What in the sardines? It appears in the center of screen.Lol Do you mean to tell me that MJ used her video to plant another clue?
  • Are you out of your rabbit -azz mind? You are the one showing your ignorance, because you are too lazy to research. THE LOVE OF MJ'S LIFE IS A BLACK WOMAN. Get over it!

    Show me where I've quoted tabloids, and watch your nasty mouth. I've posted a video showing them together in the past, and Diana's song I Love You speaks for itself. Diana didn't mention MJ once during Oprah interview. Better yet, Oprah refused to ask any MJ questions, either because MJ told her not to or Diana did.

    Read MJ's book 'Moonwalker' where he talks about Diana. He has been wuoted speaking about how he loves Diana and always will many times over the years. He talks about hos jealous and hurt he was that she got married in 2006.

    Then pull up Ebony 1982/83 article where he stated that HE WANTED TO MARRY DIANA. When asked wasn't she too old, he said - "What age would you be if you didn't know how old you were." Then watch that last link. Only a fool can't see the LOVE between these two.

    I mean I can go on and on. Many folks in the business know about these two. There are many boards dedicated to them. Sadly though, those folks think that he is gone.


    1. Videos of their love galore.
    2. Diana's song and CD and Video/Visuals. "When you love, you don't count."
    3. Evan's comments.
    4. Ross's comments.
    5. Children went to her concert last year at Nokia theater, LA.
    6. Diana named in his will.
    7. Diana's statement at Memorial - Michael was a personal love of mine. She then thanked his parents for sharing him with the world and with her.
    8. MJ hooked her up with Westlife end of 2005.
    9. MJ and Diana go to Christian A's birthday party in Las Vegas 2008.

    In other words loser, let me see you refute anything I've posted.

    And just so you can understand this. I'll type it slow. M J I S A L I V E.
    Now since he is A L I V E, why would he leave his CHILDREN to Diana? Just answer that one smarty pants.

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    Wow really?

    You are presenting yourself more like the one who is out of their rabbit ass mind. I personally could care less if Michael loved a purple woman and exactly how does that effect me? It doesn't. I do not live in a fantasy world unlike some people who have followed Michael and his family since 1969 as you have said before.

    FYI-I am a white woman who has a bi-racial child. Her daddy is as black as they come so your arguement about me needing to get over it is mute. You are coming across more and more every post like Pearl Jr. with her/your rascist views and hate towards white women taking the good black men. Oh yes I have been to that website and watched the hate filled rant Pearl has towards Tiger Woods. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I did not say you were quoting tabloid. I am saying YOU are as BAD as a Tabloid, with your gossipping rants in the last 4 or so posts you have made here. Do you think you are carrying more weight here by calling me names? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    You hide behind a guest name and haven't even taken the time to sign up as a respectable member and engage in a conversation. Instead you have continued to call members here names other than what the user name is.

    I am far from being lazy in my investigating and research. The information you are presenting here is none of my business nor any of it is my interest. I have done all the research I have needed to do for my own sake to know the man I never knew before.

    What I would suggest to you Miss diarrhea of the mind and mouth is do some research on my username and see exactly what my posts are about before you go accussing someone of something they are not.

    Loser is not one of the names I would be called here...lmaoooooo

    Signed once again:

    Im_convincedmjalive so your ending comment to me is really MUTE!
  • "Now since he is A L I V E, why would he leave his CHILDREN to Diana?"

    Exactly. He is alive, so it doesn't matter what's on that paper. In other words loser, not irrevocable. Offending is easy, isn't it?
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