Keep Da Faith



  • Ahh, thanks It's Her. That was it. Curly is one bad mama jamma. Lol Great post. I think I printed it out, but have to look for it. No, I'll print it out from here. That'll do. Thanks girlfriend.

    Thanks SoilderofLOVE. Give me your email and I'll send you something that will light your fire and blow your mind. I'm not sure most on here could handle it. And wow, you sent your friend the same article? Look out 9th Wave, for here we come.
  • Yes, this 9th Wave is so exciting. Three things to be totally honest with you:
    1) my colleague is a scholar of Mayan history and art and she mentioned the 12/21 date is wrong and I told my friend. On March 9th my friend, (surprisingly a non-believer in the hoax but our discussions about spirituality have not ceased for over 20 years), sent me this <!-- m --> ... ciousness/<!-- m -->

    2) I sometimes listen to a radio stationed called Coast-to-Coast and I first learned of Ron Van Dyke there but I was initially interested in a letter he wrote to his mother about Christianity

    3) I was connecting some things Charlie Sheen said about 9/11 to something RVD said about 9/11 and then I came across the article you posted, which I sent to my friend. I was <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> when you posted it yet loving the synergy... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I've been wondering if Back's talk about the 'NEW Seven Day Theory' is related to 9th Wave...

    I'd love to see more to ride this wave and connect the dots... Thank you, flowergirl.
    How can I send my email to you without broadcasting it? It appears that I cannot send you a PM...
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    Since you claim yourself a knower, do you know where Michael lives & when he will be back? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    This thread is becoming like the visions thread <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> but way more cultish <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->


  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Remember what our parents said: don´t share your info with strangers
  • Remember what our parents said: don´t share your info with strangers

    I'm a grown woman, Gema. I know how to handle my business, and my safety, but thank you very much for caring.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    U R smileyvault-welcome.gif
  • SoilderofLOVE, I read up on that website you posted and up on Mr. Calleman a while ago. I think I'd seen his name from the below link. Have you read it? It is an outstanding piece. Some believe in the 2012 date, and the author cites some sources as it pertains to subject at hand.

    Google an article about this author concerning, check this out: He wrote an article in 1984 or so, right. Well, Donald Rumsfeld and them, pulled that article back to 1974 or so and read it. In other words, there really is such a thing as time travel and the like. Google his namd, an article by him, and the words Time Travel. 1n 1974, they wanted to read an article by this author. I forgot the subject, but you'll luck up on it I'm sure. I can check Monday, for I'm getting ready to get off work.

    I like to read and file, indeed. Please let me get back with you on the email address situation. I just have to send you a link. Have a good one.

    <!-- m --> ... ine-part-1<!-- m -->

    Kiddies, I'm not the only one that refers to myself as a Knower. Just because you all aren't knowers that MJ is alive and are still trying to figure it out, why should the ones of us that believe/know within our total beings that he is alive be called out? That's ludicrious. It is not an issue for me. I wish we could cut it with the is he alive or not stuff. Please!

    I've believed it since the beginning. I knew that nurse Cherylin (sp?) was lying when I saw her on LKL or wherever she first showed up. Of course, I was still reeling and trying to grasp it all, but hearing her put some faith in my heart and soul. I was like - bull-shyt. Lol

    In other words, I firmed it up by reading up on the old hoax forum, but since 18 months ago, I'm a knower. And just like many folks are all over the world.

    I mean, here is another thing. MJ SINGS ABOUT DOCTOR MURRAY - on his record Smooth Criminal, which I didn't notice until watching (MagicalXscapism's) video. Now, he must be on the inside IMO. See when I connect a dot, I keep it connected. C'mon now! Molasses is not my middle name.

    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    I'm just a friend of MJ's and family from 1969. That's how long I've followed them. Tis' all. I love them all. No one is perfect. God is our ultimate judge. And so on and so forth.

    On a very serious note. If anyone here is related to MJ and/or is close to him, (TS), please speak to the family about moving everyone to Las Vegas or somewhere. (MJ probably is on it) Radiation has already been detected on the west coast. And some are talking about a MAJOR quake happening in San Fran or LA by next week. They say some passengers arriving from Japan are making the detectors go off in Chicago and elsewhere.

    My prayers go out to everyone in Japan, and of course to those on the west coast.

    <!-- m --> ... .html?_r=2<!-- m -->

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    Funny video:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I mean, here is another thing. MJ SINGS ABOUT DOCTOR MURRAY - on his record Smooth Criminal, which I didn't notice until watching (MagicalXscapism's) video. Now, he must be on the inside IMO. See when I connect a dot, I keep it connected. C'mon now! Molasses is not my middle name.

    It says: Mouth to mouth resucitation <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> not Doctor Murray
    I'm just a friend of MJ's and family from 1969. That's how long I've followed them. Tis' all. I love them all. No one is perfect. God is our ultimate judge. And so on and so forth.

    On a very serious note. If anyone here is related to MJ and/or is close to him, (TS), please speak to the family about moving everyone to Las Vegas or somewhere.

    If you are a friend, tell him directly. Why to ask for a MJ relative in this hoax forum to "save Michael"? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    You seem to love pulling our strings don´t ya <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I for one am glad (supervision) was called out. Thank you, thank you, and thank you. She has some nerve with the BS she's always posting about. Then she and a couple others try to lure people to that (visions) thread. I mean, doesn't she know by now that if people want to read that stuff she and others post in there, then they will. They need to stop trying to recruite people to that boring thread.

    Who cares what visions she and others have about Michael? Those visions have nothing to do with Mike other than in their own heads and visions. Mike has enough to do to keep up with his own visions. Lol. Get over yourselves visioners. She was also rude to go into Serenity’s Dream Religious Symbolism thread just to pick a fight with her. She is so bitter and negative, and then she ends it with, I Luv u MJ, and other such BS. Rolls eyes.
    That is of course your opinion. Personally, I don’t feel like talking about others in the forum, sorry that’s not my style.

    Also people, MJ IS ALIVE. Some so-called believers should call themselves doubters just to be able to keep up with their positions. Some of us are KNOWERS. We know that MJ is alive, so that should no longer be the issue here. After 21 months, some people are still trying to find clues that he is alive? Come on people!
    I consider myself a BELIEVER, I don’t need to convince myself and I often think “come on people” MJ is ALIVE. A year ago a was a BELIEVER with doubts, I got more and more convinced mostly because of this forum AND last summer when I was in the States I got completely convinced. Call it a feeling or intuition. Though I can’t say “come on people” because they’re not me and I think it’s a bit too presumptious to decide whether they should be a KNOWER by now. I understand your frustration though. Our mission is to increase the amount of believers/knowers.

    So....... MJ is alive. Let's start with that premise. Let's list all of the places some of us believe he has appeared, i.e., Dave-Dave on LKL, VMAs, BET Awards, Hat Man, Lady, and on and on. Then why do some people act as if he is living in a cave? He is the DIRECTOR/PRODUCER, Liberian Girl style, so why do some always pipe up with, MJ must now be alive or he is out of pocket, or else this or that wouldn't take place? His base is probably Las Vegas, as father and brother live there. Wonderland is there. Lol
    MJ is the DIRECTOR/PRODUCER of several projects, he’s a very innovative and creative thinker, I’d add tutor, because I believe he is the one who’s an inspiration and uplifting spirit for promising singers/dancers.
    Las Vegas could be his working base, with emphasis on working because Encino, Neverland and perhaps Europe are his private base.

    Case in point, his sister-in-law being in the news a lot here lately Doesn't MJ own part of TMZ = The Michael Zone? Even if he doesn't, he is the one running things through TMZ, no question. I mean this is each and every day if he wants to. He many designate, but MJ is such a hands on kind of guy, in my opinion, everything we see come out of TMZ and I also think the website also, has Michael Joe Jackson's OFFICIAL STAMP on it. It would not be released unless he wants it to people. Why and at what point do some forget this fact? Why?
    Well, I was and am still aware of that. I wrote somewhere in this forum that TMZ is a retrospective source for MJ. A sorta media mirror project of action and reaction. Feeding news/lies to the public and other tabloid/news sources and study their reaction. Interesting for a docutainment program, which will present the media trap in which people fall all the time, personal background and prejudice are important influencing factors. Especially this forum is an interesting study.

    MJ wrote a song title Tabloid Junkie. TMZ = Tabloid Junkie. They were the first to announce his death. MJ is trying to prove how some people will believe any and everything TMZ puts out. Remember always how first the TABLOIDS tried to ruin him by lies and untruths. He was so hurt and disappointed that some people belived those lies and untruths from back in the middle eighties folks. I never believed that mess.
    Neither did I, yet I believe that MJ sometimes leaked intentionally info/rumors (not lies) to the press to stay in the spotlights, which I consider as clever marketing moves.

    MJ owns the Encino property, so to keep his name in the news, HE prepares articles about Latoya owning it, his sister-in-law being a squatter and on and on. Mike is alive. He loves Genevieve and all of her brothers. He probably loves Alexandra also. There is no way he is trying to put her out. It is all a lie just to get people going, and for him to have documented proof how easy it is for people to believe anything they read. She has lived there for twenty years. She is the only other woman to live there along with her daughter, so I can't imagine that Mrs. Jackson would want or need for her to leave. It is a mansiona dn huge property.
    In a TMZ thread I expressed some irritation about the frequent TMZ posts of family rumors and that we don’t know the whole truth so why should we speculate. Again a study case?

    Plus, it IS NOT any of our business what goes on in that house, and that is another thing MJ is documenting. He is probably shaking his heads at the ones that seem to get so indignant about something that they have zilch to do with. We need to worry about paying our own mortgages and rents. They reported over 239 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Is that why some people get so wrapped up, sound bitter and angry about Alexandra, because they are upset with their own circumstances? MJ has her back, in my opinion. She is following HIS DIRECTION. She is willing to be slammed in the Tabloids (TMZ) for MJ, because she knows that there is no truth to it and she is acting her part, IMO.
    As I wrote before in a TMZ thread, if MJ was dead Alejandra wouldn’t be staying in the house, someone is holding her there for a good reason. MJ.

    Didn't many people sign a Confidentiality agreement with MJ? This was with MJ, and not anyone else. It's just like some people get upset with the Estate. I mean really! The Estate is MJ. He is running things. He has a telephone. He probablyhas Skype (under another's name), and etc. Remember the Liberian Girl video. Those folks most likely signed one, and on and on.
    Yes the Estate IS MJ. TMZ (MJ) did a great job to spread confusion. I saw many <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> The Confidentiality Agreement is necessary, though I’m sure that many people are completely loyal to MJ and feel honored to help him.

    Didn't the young Rap group that remade (by MJ's request) - I Wanna Be Where You Are, call it a movie? Has anyone ever stopped to think why this Rap group got up on TMZ for A- LIVE interview so fast? Who has pull to be able to make that happen that quickly?

    Sometimes it may be hard to fathom that MJ may be behind all of these rumors, lies half-truths and etc, but when believing he is alive, we must also believe that HE is running the Greatest Show on Earth, filming, directing, producing, executing and documenting this Hoax. There should be no question. There is no one more brilliant than him as it pertains to the development and planning of this hoax. I mean no harm, but there are very few people even in this hoax that can reach MJ's Brilliance now or ever. He is just one of a kind.
    Yes he is

    I agree with Souza as it pertains to her saying that she is tired of all of the whining and what not, because it gets very tedious for one to have to sift through the non-believers and doubters.

    Again, let's start with the Premise that MJ is Alive, and then everything else should fall into place. Don't beat yourselves up so much trying to figure out WHY MJ is doing this or that. When I hear some Controversy, and especially coming from TMZ, I just file it in my computer brain and pull it back up as needed. I have never gotten stressed over any TMZ article. Neither do I, yet excitement or interest.

    And please show MJ's mother some respect. See, this is what I mean. MJ is alive, so we need to back off of his mother and other family members. She is doing everything he is asking of her. Does anyone still have that (was it NBC) TV interview she gave for the anniversary on around 6-25-10. Notice that we never really hear who was interviewing her. Next thing we know, she is just answering questions. Questions that someone (MJ?) was leading her with. Was this the one when she introduced MJ's Table Book? I think MJ was interviewing her. I know they associated that Mann character with her at the time right? I think he was someone around, but he wasn't the one interviewing her.
    I suppose you mean this interview: <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->
    Interesting, first I thought Sonia Lowe of Vintage Pop was the interviewer. Now I watched the interview again I realize that she’s only demonstrating the merchandise, the interviewer could be MJ, because I don’t hear the voice of the interviewer. That’s odd.

    I believe like someone on this forum wrote a long time ago. MJ learned a long time ago to keep his friends close but his enemies closer. In other words, he can work with people with checkered pasts, corrupt politicians, frenemies and etc as long as he feels it can aid him in whatever it is he needs to learn about or get done. No one does it quite like our MJ.
    He’s a very strong personality with a high sense of intuition with the unique ability to turn negativity into positivity, which isn’t easy in this world.

    Just my humble opinions.

    Thank you again for your clear post.

    "I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision."
    — Maya Angelou
  • by flowergirl:
    Plus, it IS NOT any of our business what goes on in that house, and that is another thing MJ is documenting. He is probably shaking his heads at the ones that seem to get so indignant about something that they have zilch to do with. We need to worry about paying our own mortgages and rents. They reported over 239 million Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Is that why some people get so wrapped up, sound bitter and angry about Alexandra, because they are upset with their own circumstances? MJ has her back, in my opinion. She is following HIS DIRECTION. She is willing to be slammed in the Tabloids (TMZ) for MJ, because she knows that there is no truth to it and she is acting her part, IMO.

    In the forward of The King and Dr. Nick: What Really Happened to Elvis and Me by Dr. George Nichopoulos, Dave Marsh writes: "Some people want to believe Elvis a failure because admitting the magnitude of his success would make their own shortcomings unbearable. Others want to see Elvis as a king, some kind of savior, because granting him such stature places him outside the common realm, beyond criticism but also beyond emulation. Either way, those who hold these simplistic views are exempt from having to live up to the great challenge lives such as Elvis Presley's present to us: the challenge of seizing the chance to invent ourselves and, in the process, reinvent the world."

    Thanks for the link, fg. I'll take a good look: exopolitics by Webre. Hmmmm. He sounds familiar to me but I don't know why. I'll read. Blessings.
  • Rachel1958 wrote:
    Michael has played the role of a lifetime. He plays a character, which he invented to hide his true personality. In some ways helped him his makeup, because the "role" not only played the front camera, but in front of certain people, and at times he wanted to do that. He is like Chaplin...(a silly way to explain)

    Why? I don´t think it´s a silly way to explain. I understand what you mean with Chaplin. I found this about Charlie Chaplin, I think it´s interesting.

    Charlie Chaplin
    challenges and difficulties

    He is very self-conscious and has a great need for ego-affirmation and praise. Expressing himself freely and openly is not easy for Chaplin. Charlie Chaplin tends to work hard at playing and "having fun", rather than being light-hearted and spontaneous. Developing self-love and self-acceptance regardless of his "performance" is an important task for Charlie.
    His attitude toward religion, philosophy, and politics is very conservative and possibly narrow or rigid. On the one hand, Charlie Chaplin may believe in nothing that is speculative or intangible, requiring proof for any idea presented to him. Each idea is thoroughly and systematically examined. On the other hand, Charlie may tenaciously cling to his grand philosophical or metaphysical beliefs and opinions, refusing to modify them or to be open and receptive to others' insights and perspectives.
    His overall outlook on life is serious, and Charlie Chaplin may feel that life or God will punish him if he does not watch his steps!
    Charlie Chaplin tends to suppress his feelings and may be a bit inhibited in love relationships. Often times he may feel rejected or he may give the impression of rejecting others himself. Perhaps his mother or father has a difficult time showing their affection.
    Somewhat shy, Charlie finds it difficult to relate to people and tends to withdraw from others. Since it is hard for Charlie Chaplin to establish relationships, he would rather be by himself. Charlie likes everything simple or plain and prefers a more humble and secluded life.
    A bit stubborn and self-willed, Charlie Chaplin persists no matter what obstacles he has to overcome. He has great endurance and strength and he forces himself to work very hard. Charlie Chaplin could be somewhat one-sided in the pursuit of his objectives.
    Now we will discuss patterns of behavior which Charlie Chaplin instinctively and habitually reverts to when under stress - a mostly subconscious process that he is apt to over indulge in because it is so familiar and hence easy for him. The direction Charlie Chaplin needs to follow in order to develop balance, greater awareness, and wholeness is also described.
    When under stress, Charlie Chaplin is apt to shut off the flow of his emotions and ignore his needs and feelings in order to do what he perceives as his duty or simply what the practical realities of the situation dictate. This can lead to a certain rigidity and inflexibility. If overdone, self-control, self-discipline, or an exaggerated concern over what society, family or others expect of him, makes life more of a burden than an adventure.
    Fostering his tender, caring, feminine, and nurturing aspects is an important step in Charlie Chaplin's growth. Charlie Chaplin needs to learn how to nourish and lovingly tend to both himself and others. Letting himself be taken care of sometimes is okay!
    It is in fostering a personal vision or philosophy of life, whether through religious or philosophical studies, education or the wisdom of distant lands or cultures, that Charlie Chaplin is most likely to wrestle with these issues. Charlie Chaplin needs to cultivate the qualities described above in this endeavor. Long distance communication and involvement with foreigners is likely to be significant to Chaplin.
    <!-- m -->http://famous-relationships.topsynergy. ... lenges.asp<!-- m -->
  • SoilderofLOVE, you probably have heard of him. Anyway, the article I was referring to is below. It wasn't the authors' paper. It was his Book.

    "In 2005, with the publication of the soft cover version of my book Exopolitics, I became more aware of how complex it has become to function amidst the dualistic consciousness of the national security state. When I originally wrote the book Exopolitics in 1999 (presumably in 8th wave Galactic consciousness), I had no conscious concept or knowledge of the fact that a secret U.S. government DARPA time travel project – Project Pegasus – had teleported my book via Tesla-based time travel from 2005 to at least 1971."

    <!-- m --> ... sciousness<!-- m -->

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    <!-- m --> ... lower.html<!-- m -->

    So, I'm assuming some read and liked the link - 2012/2013 - Chaos or Positive Timeline? I love it! I don't know about anyone else, but "I feel good", about it and this 9th wave. I wonder if that is why MJ is using the number 9?

    We're saddled up to ride the 9th wave MJ, with you, and all of the unity conscious. No wipeouts for us. Here's hoping and praying that everyone will be able to ride it safely and upright.

    It's Her - I loved reading your post again. I see you made a "face" when they all waved bye-bye to Curly, but isn't that what the whole world did to MJ. We all had to say goodbye within 24 hours or so whether we totally believed it to be true or not. We had to try to come to grips and ask that he RIP.

    Curly can come back. There could be a sequel. You should write to the movie studio that did that movie and ask them if you can bring Curly back. Lol. You'd be excellent at it, and that is for sure. Just like MJ is the only one that can pull off this hoax, because of its/his Brilliant nature, I believe you are the only one that could relay all things Curly/MJ. They just might give you a job as a screenwriter and/or animated character writer. Curly was one little dynamite Dancing Machine. Lol

    SoilderofLove, I forgot. WHO IN THIS WORLD could come up with the below but our Michael?



    In other words, you know I couldn't have come up with the words to fit the phrase - GAME OVER. I know B. Howard couldn't have either. (I'm not saying you doubted my words - just that you missed seeing it on his website) NO ONE but MJ could have. It takes a genius/brilliant/super-intelligent mind to come up with LETTERS to fit the WORDS. Or did GAME OVER come first, and then he had to find the words to fir the letters and phrase? LMBO. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Lol


    Genesis (name of B. Howard's CD)
    Adventure (it is an adventure - promo This Is It (Thriller II)
    Master (MJ is the Master and there has never been one quite like him, and won't be again) (this is it/time) (he studied the greats and became greater - to include Berry Gordy himself)
    Excellence (MJ has never done anything half-azz, for he is a Master of Excellence) (he turned that a way partly, because he studied, practiced, cared and is blessed by God)

    One (one is all that's needed - uno) (one is all that's due)
    Victorious (Victory Tour - he's already won a victory with God and his family on his side) (he WOULDN'T have been able to pull this off w/o God and Family) (some people forget that he needed his family from the get go or no go - it wouldn't have worked)
    Entertainment (all kinds of entertainment the man knows and does) (again - he's the greatest and especially after this hoax - all for love)
    Revenge (payback is a .itch indeed) (no one needs a revenge like our MJ)

    Now, does anyone know of anyone on the PLANET/EARTH that could have come up with the EXACT/BRILLIANT WORDS/LETTERS to fit = GAME OVER - except Michael Joe Jackson? I didn't think so. He is just too much! I sincerely pray that God continues to Keep him safe. Or did he have the words first, and then just noticed, oh by the way, these words spell GAME OVER? Lol

    Rachel1958 - you are correct. What a role he's playing. OBEE's song - "I'm playing. But never testing you fools (who is it - that MJ is calling fools (lol). Run for cover. Homies best that you do." See, he's playing on some level for fun and on the other, he is playing for (his and family's safety - and his works and legacy) keeps.

    Laughter really is a medicine. Anyone ever wonder when, how and why a baby first smiles?
  • I forgot, Genesis also means - THE BEGINNING. The beginning adventure from a master of excellence. Indeed.
  • I have to check out these links when I have a good chunk of time, FG.
    I like this: ‘You and I are not we but one.’

    Time Travel... Whew! I have to digest it more and I've not read through it all yet but I will. You're right, it blows my mind. And you probably know this, but in many Ancient African/Egyptian, and Native/Meso American cultures, time travel, unity consciousness, etc. had been believed and practiced IONS ago. But, I understand 9th wave is the true synergy... Anyway, I need to read more. Thanks for the links.

    Hey, you have the wrong person about "Game Over" I understood it immediately and I highlighted it. Only Michael could be that brilliant, I do agree. Someone else on this thread said they didn't see it on B.Howard's website. That was not me. In fact, I didn't see B.Howard's website at all, but didn't need to. I get it immediately.

    This is cool! Check it out! <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

  • SoilderofLOVE, my bad. That was - voiceforthesilent. I'm sorry, I had you two confused for a minute. Anyway, I thought about elaborating on the "Game Over" phrase info last Friday, but was heading out of the door, so you know I was itching to catch up on yesterday.

    Thank you so much for tube about time traveler. I enjoyed it. I remember someone told me many years ago, that Star Trek & Star Wars and the like was based in fact. He said that Hollywierd made many movies that were based in fact, but that many people would never believe that such a thing could happen. Now, many of us know differently.

    I remember watching Rosemary's Baby back in 1969, and although I was trying to wrap my mind around it, I still felt that there had to be some truth to it and that it had evil connotations. Ewww.

    Please Google link if you'd like for the below. Thank God for the light within.

    From the December 2001 Idaho Observer:
    ______________________________ __________
    Slavery and the eight veils
    By Don Harkins

    "Over the last several years I have evolved and discarded several theories in an attempt to explain why it is that most people cannot see truth -- even when it smacks them in the face. Those of us who can see “the conspiracy” have participated in countless conversations amongst ourselves that address the frustration of most peoples' inability to comprehend the extremely well-documented arguments which we use to describe the process of our collective enslavement and exploitation. The most common explanation to be arrived at is that most people just “don't want to see” what is really going on.

    Extremely evil men and women who make up the world's power-elite have cleverly cultivated a virtual pasture so grass green that few people seldom, if ever, bother to look up from where they are grazing long enough to notice the brightly colored tags stapled to their ears.

    The same people who cannot see their enslavement for the pasture grass have a tendency to view as insane “conspiracy theorists” those of us who can see the past the farm and into the parlor of his feudal lordship's castle.

    Finally, I understand why.

    It's not that those who don't see that their freedom is vanishing under the leadership of the power-elite “don't want to see it” -- they simply can't see what is happening to them because of the unpaired veils that block their view.

    All human endeavors are a filtration process. Sports is one of the best examples. We play specific sports until we get kicked off the playground. The pro athletes we pay big bucks to watch just never got kicked off the playground. Where millions of kids play little league each spring, they are filtered out until there are about 50 guys who go to the World Series in October.

    Behind the first veil: There are over six billion people on the planet. Most of them live and die without having seriously contemplated anything other than what it takes to keep their lives together. Ninety percent of all humanity will live and die without having pierced the first veil.

    The first veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the first veil and find the world of politics. We will vote, be active and have an opinion. Our opinions are shaped by the physical world around us; we have a tendency to accept that government officials, network media personalities and other “experts” are voices of authority. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the second veil.

    The second veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the second veil to explore the world of history, the relationship between man and government and the meaning of self-government through constitutional and common law. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the third veil.

    The third veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the third veil to find that the resources of the world, including people, are controlled by extremely wealthy and powerful families whose incorporated old world assets have, with modern extortion strategies, become the foundation upon which the world's economy is currently indebted. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fourth veil.

    The fourth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fourth veil to discover the Illuminati, Freemasonry and the other secret societies. These societies use symbols and perform ceremonies that perpetuate the generational transfers of arcane knowledge that is used to keep the ordinary people in political, economic and spiritual bondage to the oldest bloodlines on earth. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the fifth veil.

    The fifth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the fifth veil to learn that the secret societies are so far advanced technologically that time travel and interstellar communications have no boundaries and controlling the actions of people is what their members do as offhandedly as we tell our children when they must go to bed. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without having pierced the sixth veil.

    The sixth veil: Ten percent of us will pierce the sixth veil where the dragons and lizards and aliens we thought were the fictional monsters of childhood literature are real and are the controlling forces behind the secret societies. Ninety percent of the people in this group will live and die without piercing the seventh veil.

    The seventh veil: I do not know what is behind the seventh veil. I think it is where your soul is evolved to the point you can exist on earth and be the man Ghandi was, or the woman Peace Pilgrim was-people so enlightened they brighten the world around them no matter what.

    The eighth veil? Piercing the eighth veil probably reveals God and the pure energy that is the life force in all living things-which are, I think, one and the same.

    If my math is accurate there are only about 60,000 people on the planet who have pierced the sixth veil. The irony here is too incredible: Those who are stuck behind veils one through five have little choice but to view the people who have pierced the veils beyond them as insane. With each veil pierced, exponentially shrinking numbers of increasingly enlightened people are deemed insane by exponentially increasing masses of decreasingly enlightened people.

    Adding to the irony, the harder a “sixth or better veiler” tries to explain what he is able to see to those who can’t; the more insane he appears to them.

    Our enemy, the state

    Behind the first two veils we find the great majority of people on the planet. They are tools of the state: Second veilers are the gullible voters whose ignorance justifies the actions of politicians who send first veilers off to die in foreign lands as cannon fodder -- their combined stations in life are to believe that the self-serving machinations of the power-elite are matters of national security worth dying for.

    Third, fourth, fifth and sixth veilers are of increasing liability to the state because of their decreasing ability to be used as tools to consolidate power and wealth of the many into the hands of the power-elite. It is common for these people to sacrifice more of their relationships with friends and family, their professional careers and personal freedom with each veil they pierce.

    Albert Jay Nock (1870-1945), author of “Our Enemy, the State” (1935), explained what happens to those who find the seventh and eighth veils: “What was the best that the state could find to do with an actual Socrates and an actual Jesus when it had them? Merely to poison one and crucify the other, for no reason but that they were too intolerably embarrassing to be allowed to live any longer.”


    And so now we know that it's not that our countrymen are so committed to their lives that, “they don't want to see,” the mechanisms of their enslavement and exploitation. They simply “can't see” it as surely as I cannot see what's on the other side of a closed curtain.

    The purpose of this essay is threefold: To help the handful of people in the latter veils to understand why the masses have little choice but to interpret their clarity as insanity; 2. To help people behind the first two veils understand that living, breathing and thinking are just the beginning and; 3. Show people that the greatest adventure of our life is behind the next veil because that is just one less veil between ourselves and God."

    By the way, I love the below thread. Lol - I laughed so hard, I cried. Another dot to keep connected. Was the lady that was with Murray on the Beach the same one that was with Blanket and them in Hawaii (coulda' been anywhere - Wonderland?)

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=172&t=12855&hilit=murray+son+on+a+beach&start=100<!-- l -->
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    ...It's Her - I loved reading your post again. I see you made a "face" when they all waved bye-bye to Curly, but isn't that what the whole world did to MJ. We all had to say goodbye within 24 hours or so whether we totally believed it to be true or not. We had to try to come to grips and ask that he RIP.

    Curly can come back. There could be a sequel <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> You should write to the movie studio that did that movie and ask them if you can bring Curly back. Lol. You'd be excellent at it, and that is for sure. Just like MJ is the only one that can pull off this hoax, because of its/his Brilliant nature, I believe you are the only one that could relay all things Curly/MJ. They just might give you a job as a screenwriter and/or animated character writer. Curly was one little dynamite Dancing Machine. Lol
    Thanks, Flowergirl! You are just TOO nice! You give me new perspective! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> (and, if someone has a thing for the the spine-tingling "thrill" <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> of real green, raw, propensity... I coincidentally do need a job right now <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> , too <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> )

    But I mostly am TICKLED about Curly--our "Curly" coming back! You're right, he doesn't have to be gone forever. I was <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> so drawn into the MJ parallels, that I took it all as his plan... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> Gotta watch that. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    There is even more magic to this than you realize. As much Presence as Curly had in that old movie, they NEVER
    showed him, until the animated butterfly was drawn in. His presence was ALL "acted in" and MAKE-BELIEVED by his supporting cast!!!!! I love pre-tend. It has no limits and it is free. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I enjoyed reading about the 8 veils, thanks for sharing Flowergirl. I wonder what will happen when these veils will all be removed, it's going to be so abrupt. God bless you.
  • There some of you go before checking all of the facts. This romance Prince has is with a girl he met at school. Her name is Niki, and it is all over Twitter, and I read about it on another website; which I won't post the link to that site.

    But....... again, some of you want to blame Tito. Grow up and research before bad mouthing him and other family members any chance you get. MJ is alive clowns, so he speaks to all of his siblings more than any of you must imagine. The Jacksons Are Coming. And that is for now and always.

    Plus, there are pictures of them together at a party, and Niki Berber has spoken about it more than once. You're just negative and uninformed people. Now, let's see if you can keep from checking out link from now on. If not, then look in the mirror, for you will be hypocrites. Most on the below site are around his and Paris's age, but I forgot some of you must be too.

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    It's Her, you do have a lot of talent for sure, as do a lot of members here, by the way. I admire some posters and find them very - very smart and intelligent. I enjoy reading their posts. I've leatrned a lot from jump street.

    I'm glad to see SD posting again.

    Sarahli, thank you - and Gold Bless you and yours. I love reading your posts, too.

    I'll be back.

    RIP Miss Taylor. She was a great actress.
  • Below is Prince's Twitter. It's been verified. Now remember, MJ is alive, so he has approved Prince having one.

    Scroll down and see who Prince answered was his best friend. (Obee) And at one point he answers someone, and says something along the lines that such is such is ok, but not like Nikii.

    Jaafar also has a girlfriend, Alyssa. Their parents know. Some people think they are too young, but these days, children grow up so fast, and they certainly know how to use technology and in some cases, better than their elders. Surely, MJ is monitoring what Prince and Paris are up to. He sounds very mature and is something else.

    Did anyone notice when Oprah asked Jermajesty if she was supposed to bow to him, one could hear Prince mumble - "no." Lol

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    I think MJ has pierced the 7th veil. If anyone agrees, raise your virtual hand. Another reason why he loves the number 7 maybe?

    I think some of us on here have pierced five/six for sure.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you Flowergirl for your blessings, God bless you and your family as well. Yes Elizabeth Taylor was a great actress and she will be missed. I love to know that the people who depart from this world are still very much alive and that we'll meet them again, I have no doubt about that. The pain of loss is a reminder from God teaching us that we must make the best out of this life because it doesn't last long and that one day or the other we'll have to go back to our real home. We should find peace in remembering God always, it comforts the heart. The veils described in the article you posted are important for people to consider and ponder about...and i'm raising my virtual hand in agreement. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    How many people actually know that they are never alone? We're always accompanied by angels appointed by God whatever we do and wherever we go and I think we must operate in this world reinforcing in our consciousness this presence and make it more present because exercising it increases our abilities to remove these veils, I think. I don't know why i say these things i hope i make some sense. God bless you Elizabeth Taylor, I hope his family has peace in their hearts. I've been thinking about Michael I know how much he loved her, I hope he his fine. God bless you Flowergirl.
  • God Bless You 2 Sarahli. Below is a great piece by Mr. Calleman.

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    Some may appreciate the below piece. African Cosmology came first. I bet some didn't know that as our true HIStory/HERstory has been kept from us. In Serenity_Dream's Religious Symbolism thread, I noticed some things she reported on is mentioned in the below piece. I love it!

    I hope you enjoy.

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  • I just read the first and last page of the Elizabeth Taylor buried at Forest Lawn thread. May she rest in peace.

    You've got to be kidding me though. Some folks are still crying about MJ being buried there, because she wanted to be buried next to him or whatever? Give me a break.

    MJ sings about DOCTOR MURRAY in his Smooth Criminal song. How does that get lost on folks? Do some not know when he made that record? It was over a decade ago. He has been planning on using this fake doctor character for years.

    Doctor Murray is a fake doctor. He is not real. I think MJ has dressed up as him at times. MJ knows how to walk in stilts, and some of the pictures were probably taken before 6-25-09. Think of Mayor in Ghosts.

    MJ is Rich & Powerful. He can plant stories and information all over the place on the Net if he chooses to. At one time, there was but one picture of the doc. Then TMZ noticed some at the hoax site spoke about it and they showed another or two.

    Some Tubers think his name is Robert Earl Carter. Many of these folks in the hoax are actors and actresses. Plus MJ spoke to some that were not and asked them if they wanted to make their acting debut in this hoax. Lol

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    Don't forget the Chernoff's website had some of the doc's so-called patients listed there and they were all noted in history for something and had passed away. One of them performed the hit - Rockin' Robin - which MJ also made into a hit. I mean really! The woman on beach with Murray is same as woman in Hawaii with the children, and on and on.

    The video message Murray left for his fans. Didn't someone just make a video shown in the hoax forum about that fake funeral again. I mean, on and on, and yet there are some swearing that just because Liz Taylor is supposedly buried in a plot next to supposedly MJ's fake plot means that he is gone/dead. For those that think that, well now you can go on your merry way and quit this forum, because you really do mess it up for the ones of us that know that MJ is not buried at Forest Lawn, Forest Glen or at any other forest. Now you can free yourselves and move on, because you think he is dead.

    Whether some know it or not, it is a very NEGATIVE VIBE to read and just have posted on the forum over and over that MJ is dead. In my estimation, it shouldn't even be put out in the UNIVERSE. It is just so negative. And it is not TRUE.

    Da Truth Will Prevail.

    Meanwhile for the ones that are tired of myself reiterating that MJ lives, I promise, I'll never preach about it again. Thanks.

    This one is funny as all get out. Lol

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  • "Some people just don't want to see." They can't see for the Veils.

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    Omer Bhatti's real name is most likely Michael Joe Jackson Junior. Anyone ever wonder why Prince is named after Mrs. Jackson's father? Oh so all of MJ's brothers can have a Junior but MJ? I think not! I'd bet my house that there is a legitimate birth certificate someone on this planet Earth that lists Omer's legal name as Michael Joe Jackson Jr. Hee-hee-hee!

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    Why can't some people get it that MJ had a child out of wedlock, and at the time he was a Jehovah Witness. He was embarrassed about it, but he knew he wanted to be involved. He wanted to keep the child (God bless him - and the Jacksons don't believe in abortion), but because he was at the height of his career, he decided to ask the mother for sole/soul custody. He then asked the Bhatti's who worked for him to take the child to Norway to raise. MJ saw him, no doubt, because that is how MJ is. He is a loving soul, has a loving heart and is generous by a fault. There is no way he didn't see the child probably at least yearly until he was eight years old. He then had the Bhatti's bring him to Neverland to raise. He also is the Godfather to many men and women. Michael Gibb (Barry's son) is one of his Godchildren.

    Nothing anyone can say (and you powerless to do anything - hee-hee) that will change those facts. The reason Omer isn't coming straight out and saying it in the MSM and the like is because HIS FATHER told him not to, folks. MJ and Omer speak all of the time. I think Omer is MJ's best friend. If Omer came out and straight up declared that MJ was his father some would still have something useless to say and declare. Lol They still wouldn't be satisfied. By saying that MJ was his father, it would take away the focus (concentration) of what MJ is trying to do with this hoax, and it would make the media try to get more info out of Omer, and they would sic the paparazzi on him for real then indeed.

    MJ still wants him to have some semblance of Privacy like he's always had. Here's hoping he is never kidnapped. Omer has a black belt in Karate, because MJ wanted him to be able to defend himself. MJ has one too. Omer went to see the premiere of The Karate Kid last year. MJ wants the other three to get their belts also.

    Most of the Diane Diamonds and the Nancy Graces of the world know that Omer is MJ's, and that all of his other children are his biologically. Where are the headlines in those facts for those evil azz people? They are the losers that tried to ruin and destroy MJ's name all of these many years past by trying to paint him as a pedo, gay and/or asexual and a freak (he told them he had their freak in Ghosts - lol). Having legit bio children just wouldn't fit their evil azz agenda and the mold they tried to place MJ in. Tsk-tsk. That is one reason why they aren't trying to make a mockery out of his name. The other reason is because they know he is alive. They knows he has a lot of power and weilds a big stick/sword.

    They have no story. They know if they truly would try to pick on these facts, the REAL TRUTH would come out, and they just don't want that. They would have to retract all of the LIES they told about MJ over the years. The media (same one that MJ despised for the most part) are the lame ones that planted that story that Omer wanted a DNA test. Did anyone ever remember seeing TMZ stating that? Thought not. MJ wouldn't allow it out of TMZ. It was one of those lying medias that brought up the dna test. We know how suggestive they can be in their lying propaganda. Just like they were the liars that said Omer denied it - per a friend from Norway, and that he was in Norway hiding out, when all ofd the time, he was in LA with his family. Roll eyes.

    Folks, I could pull up old stories and video clips of these rabid and toxic people showing/showcasing the CELL MJ was going to fit/live in - in prison. Now you want to talk about someone that could cry just thinking about that? That would be me. Thank God he escaped that evil fate. God gets all the praise for saving him from it. THAT TRIAL WAS NO HOAX!

    Those evil people were giddy and practically had a climax just thinking about MJ's fate in that tiny cell. Talkin' 'bout riches to rags. And we can't forget what the DA Tom Sneddon said a couple of days before the verdict or so. My God! It was sickening.

    Omer was there when Neverland was raided with a couple of his friends from Norway, and he said, "it was sickening." Bless his heart. MJ was in Las Vegas, but can not the astute amongst us just imagine what MJ went thru when he heard about the raid happening at that time? He probably was so relieved to see Omer's face. This FACT is another reason MJ wants revenge. They say that MJ could be cold as ice when he wanted too. He don't take no mess. They messed with the wrong man. And he has definate plans to pay the DA back and all involved for what they did to his firstborn SON, Neverland and himself. Omer will always have nightmares about it. MJ's PAYBACK list is long.

    If you wish to keep on talking about Omer is not Mikes, then have at it. You probably don't really care about MJ's heart anyway, because you sure don't know and understand it. Omer is blessed to have MJ as his father, no question.

    I can't wait until the MIchael Jackson Biopic to come out. They say Omer will play the young man - Michael. Hee!

    Sorry, but no cigar. The boy is going to be a billionaire one day, so get jealous and/or get over it. In other words, get a grip on REALITY, because u are the small u in all of this and u are the little i in none of this.

    By the way, they say that Joe Jackson's book is the best yet from any Jackson family member. I'm gone have to buy it.

    Quote from book below:

    Our Ancestors

    "The name Jackson was recieved by us from my great-grandfather on the part of the father, July Gale.
    Nobody called him July, everybody called him just Jack.
    Great-grandfather Jack was born in tribe Chostaw in the beginning of 19 centurie. He was an Indian shaman.
    And he was very much appreciated for abilities for doctoring. Also Jack in his youth worked as a scout in the USA army.
    Then great-grandfather has fallen in love with the fine girl by name Gina. In 1838 they gave birth to their first son, a boy whom they have named Israel. Unfortunately in past was so, that if one of the child's perants was a slave, the child also was considered a slave.
    Indian Jack was " the free person ", but my great-grandmother unfortunately was a slave, that's why Israel couldn't hope for anything else, at least not yet.
    When Israel has grown up, people have nicknamed him Nero. Nero, son of Jack, and eventually from this it has turned to Nero Jack-son.
    As well as my great-grandfather, Nero was tall and light-skined, with high cheekbones and small sparkling eyes. And he was very proud of himself. Nero was still a boy when Jack started to transfer him his shaman knowledge. But despite of gift to doctoring and despite of his need for the tribe, to affliction of his parents, Nero has been sold to a plantation, to Louisiana. As well as other slaves, Nero had to eat there and then where it was told by the owners - kneeling before a low trough from which he scooped with a spoon. Soon Nero had enough of it and he ran away. The owner of a plantation immideately has sent people which searched all night long and have caught the fluent slave on the river, many miles away from the plantation. They have beaten Nero, up so bad, that he lost litres of his blood.
    When some months later Nero has finally recovered, his owner wanted to sell him, but slaves which has previously escaped, were impossible to sell under the same high price, so instead of it owner of Nero has decided to force him to work as much as possible. My grandfather was tormented on crude cotton fields of the South, held down on hands and legs. Once fetters all the same have removed, and Nero has again dared to run away. This time the owner of a plantation himself has headed search group and has appointed the award to the one who will catch Nero. He was afraid, that other slaves will follow his example if he will not catch it him. And when he has really tracked down Nero, he has taken a heated chimney nipper and squeezed his nose with them until Nero has fallen without feelings. He has left my grandfather to lay on the ground because thought, that Nero was dead. But he was so strong, that has gone through also this awful punishment! But scars of the burn have remained with him up to the end of his days.

    For the time, that Nero has lived on a plantation in Louisiana, he had 6 children born from his girlfriend. Later he married an Indian Chostaw - well, she was an Indian only on 3/4 - my grandmother Emmaline. Probably, his life with my grandmother was some kind of a refuge from awful working conditions, and those who has enthralled him, could only be jelous at harmonies of his marriage and home life. They did not need many money to be happy because they loved each other. Emmaline was from Louisiana, she has gone to her mother slightly yellowish color of a skin.
    When the president Lincoln released slaves on May, 31, 1865 Nero's situation got better. At last he could earn for a life adequately - selling the Indian medicines. With time he became famous because he has cured hundreds of people. His abilities of the sorcerer became widely known, and people came from far away so he'd he help them.
    Grandfather Nero conducted a simple life and has saved so much money, that he and my grandmother could get a farm in Sunnyvale in Missisippy. He has paid with cach for 120 hectares of the fertile ground. There Nero and Emmaline had 15 children (and in general Nero had 21 children). My grandfather, grandmother and all their huge clan was fed from this ground where they planted corn, tomatoes, other vegetables, held chickens, pigs and cows.
    Nero then frequently wandered in the woods to collect grasses. From roots and other parts he made broth, spilled it in bottles and gave it to the patients to drink, he made also ointments of various wood grasses. With this things he treated Indians and former slaves, and they paid for it to him with what they could.

    Nero also liked to sing and frequently executed old military dances of Chostaw. Once Saturday evening the sheriff and his people have blocked with ropes the street on which he danced, and have tried to arrest him for infringement of a public order, but Nero has felt danger. He has jumped on the horse, has elegantly jumped through an obstacle and has escaped. After that the sheriff has left him alone.
    When children Nero and Emmaline have grown and have created their own families, he has invited the children of his younger brother William to his farm, among them was also my senior cousin Rufus. Rufus has somehow told to me, he should be given more attention to grasses with which the grandfather treated illnesses. But he then was still a child and as many children, did not think of as far as valuable can be knowledge of ancestors.
    When Rufus was 4, Nero's wife has died. In the meantime Nero too became old and weak, and since he could not look after the farm as earlier, he had to buy some things from one white man by the name Eroy. He spent the small amounts of money, but the Eroy very carefully conducted the accounts. Rufus was then still a child; the only thing, that he has noticed is that Nero becomes weaker. And it caused Nero to hand over to Eroy, for on storage some important papers so he could keep them for him. In the end eroy managed - the way Rufus and I have guessed later - to appropriate documents on owning of the farm, ostensibly as debt payments which Nero owned him.

    That's how our family has lost all rights on this fertile ground where hundreds peach and pear trees which my relatives carefully looked after, grew. When later Rufus and I have have found out, that there, under the ground were huge oil fields, we have simply lost gift of speech since the rent for the right of drilling already then made to 1,2 million dollars. Meanwhile the deposit should cost at least good 100 million.
    The last years of his life Nero lived on the farm alone, because William and Rufus have again left home. He has died in 1924, long before my birth. My father Samuel, lived back than in Arkansas where he has found work, he has found out about death of the father too late and couldn't come to funeral. My uncle Sam has arrived from Oklahoma to participate in it, and other son of the grandfather, my uncle Esco too had come there. My father was Nero's younger son. He had a twin sister Janey D. Hall.
    My great-grandmother on the part of mother - Mattie Daniel. Mattie was born in 1864. Her mother, handicaped, was the daughter of the planter, father - the slave on a plantation of her father. Despite of protests of mother, Mattie has been sold to other family because the planter did not like that her father was black. When I was young, Mattie's history set me thinking. If I had children, I thought, I would not lower eyes from them and wouldn't allow anybody to take them away from me.
    Anyway, Mattie never could enjoy a life of society, as her mother. As well as Nero, my great-grandfather on the part of mother was the slave collecting a cotton. Mattie was married 2 times and had 17 children. One of her daughters was my grandmother, another - my cousin grandmother Verna.

    Nero was a respectable person due to doctoring abilities and also because at he owned a ground, that during this time was unusual to the former slave. As to business qualities, my father has gone to him, he too was respected, mainly for good education. Samuel studied 9 years in Alcorn College in Mississipi and when he was 24, he already were Bachelor and Master Degree, that on a boundary of centuries was a rarity for the young man from minority .
    After final examinations he has found out, that in Ashley Country, Arkansas, there's an empty palce of a teacher. He walked there 200 km from Mississipi to participate in competition on this place, and has received it.
    Earlier in a province, in initial and the higher school only one teacher taught. Professor Jackson as he was named, had 2 especially clever schoolgirls to whom he from the very beginning has paid attention - sisters King. One them them, Chrystal - bright individuality, with a dazzling smile and loud laughter. When she was 16 years, he married her. It was my mother.
    In a small town where I lived, everybody loved my family. We spent our free time at home or in church and since Dad has been well educated, neighbours admired him. And we always had friends."

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    Check out MJ's grandfather on his father's side and Prince if you dare.

    Look at 'Lil Monkey. Omer said he doesn't like anyone calling him that but MJ or when MJ was "alive", because it holds a special place in his heart. Sorry O-BEE, but MJ can still call you that. Paris called him Monkey on her Rapping video. Lol

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    I'm trying to find the one showing a chimp bothering Prince whilst MJ and Omer crack up, and the one where MJ is holding an infant middle eighties.

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  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Flowergirl, I am reading your posts like a novel. Thanks
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