

  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    If Murray is going to jail, the news might be saying "for his own safety we were not told the name of the prison he is going into" while actually Murray will be hidden just like MJ. Just a thought.
  • Also this news totally overshadows Elvis's birthday, which I am sure Michael is in total agreement with.
    maybe there is some truth to regarding his marriage to Lisa. As it has not been discussed here before.
    Many, many people told me that he married Lisa to discredit Elvis, as many people really (who are older, and know much more about Elvis than i ever did), say that Elvis was very prejudice against blacks.
    The statement he made,"Blacks are only good for shinning my shoes". So of all days he picks this day to one up Elvis.( Elvis's birthday). I never believed all of this before but now I really am starting to believe it.
  • LAPD won't confirm/deny reports of indictment until THEY announce them. That's not to say the anonymous source is false in what he is saying, just that LAPD are in charge, it's not gospel until you hear/see it from them. Like with the autopsy reports, much speculation and some apparent leaked material, but very little from the horse's mouth - the coroner. IMO this is not smoke and mirrors or a game people are playing, this is the LAPD saying 'We don't care if you heard it from a leaked source, you'll only know what's going on for sure when WE announce it'. The papers/media have nothing concrete to report on only chinese whispers. They know LAPD are in charge and giving very little away.....they are just impatient to get something in print. This doesn't mean the source is not telling the truth. It would make sense if they went for involuntary manslaughter - negligence. They can only charge him with what they can prove.
  • Why do Sky Come up with a statement headline and i quote... "Jackson's Doctor To Be Charged?"

    (What i mean is, stating a fact followed by question mark)
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    Why do Sky Come up with a statement headline and i quote... "Jackson's Doctor To Be Charged?"

    (What i mean is, stating a fact followed by question mark)

    probably cos there not sure!! and just riding on the coat-tails of TMZ!!
  • I'm not saying this to get a panic from yall instead i'm simply telling yall how I feel and basically asking if someone could comfort me on this one but I'm beginning to get a little bit worried about all this news of charges being made against Murray.

    Geraldo spoke about it last night (satnight) i think. and I heard something about LAPD I guess looking at MJ's other doctors into the possibility of them having something to do June 25th.
  • susie_23susie_23 Posts: 240
    Yeah, I'm beginning to have a bad feeling that maybe he truly is dead.
    I hate to admit it, but maybe it is true. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I wish the 17th and 18th would get here already so we'd know the truth.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I'm not saying this to get a panic from yall instead i'm simply telling yall how I feel and basically asking if someone could comfort me on this one but I'm beginning to get a little bit worried about all this news of charges being made against Murray.

    I think that these news mean nothing more than that
    a) they are buying more time for all those who need more time
    b) they have said the investigation were complete hence next news was they are searching the security tapes thus
    b1) they are calming some folks down distracting saying now quiet time is up
    b2) they are giving clue to where they would be searching next
    and meanwhile they are speeding investigations up not down and are investigating in a complete different direction.

    All the above is my personal speculation.
    Don't forget, media and news are not only in place for us but also used for many other purposes.

    (I once used to place ads for my loved one in the newspaper I was certain he would read.
    It worked out!)
    Newspapers are not primarily meant to be distributing news.
    Media do have a purpose. They are a means of getting people where you want them.

    If you want to be really nice to yourself, switch TV off.
    You'll be better off for sure.
    Or as Paulo Coelho tweeted recently:
    "After 20 days without reading newspapers: one thing has changed - the date below the title"

    And then we have these rumours that Doc Murray is not Doc Murray and if that would turn out to be truth (or let him be a good agent for whatever special cases) we will continue to hear about charges, court, indictions, trial, jury, whatever. But it will be all dust in the wind starting at a) and the circle will continue.

    Head up! Nothing to worry IMO.
  • Dr Murray WILL be arrested...

    He will go to court, He will have a load of lawyers with him, He will have a yellow Tie on, and the judge will be retired since 2008/9.

    Well, i know it sounds like the Child Support video, but who is to say that they didn't film the trial already, on the same day maybe?

    (Maybe all these news reports are part of the plan, Certain times release new things, and all the filming has been pre-prepared).
    I am just wondering if the Hoax from Dec 2008, that they said was false, was actually part of this that was leaked too early?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Good point.... LOL I forgot about the last court room video. It was hilarious.
    I wonder how many open windows we will have to notice then and what a shady court room it will be this time (and will it be a bigger, blue garbage can?) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Hope we will not see a jury then - could be a bridge class - oh I will stop now, this post could get messy otherwise.

  • Great post, Grace!

    I agree: a lot to be aware of but NO REASON TO WORRY !
  • Here's a link to the article I just read about this upcoming "indictment."

    <!-- m -->http://www.austin360.com/music/source-d ... 69766.html<!-- m -->

    I wish I knew how to post the article itself and not just a link. Murray has supposedly hired J. Michael Flanagan to represent him, a lawyer who specializes in defending DUI cases (He defended Britney Spears). He also claims to have defended a nurse who wrongly administered Propofol. I am going to try to find out more about that case. Since when does a lawyer whose specialty is defending DUI cases come to defend a case like Murray's? This is all extremely fishy. Also, the spokesperson for Chernoff, Murray's main attorney in Houston, is the same one who when I last checked could only be reached through a personal earthlink e-mail account. This case is just too unbelievably strange, with the emphasis on unblelievably. Why is the only photo published with the article a posed picture of Murray supposedly returning to work in November. Why would Murray be posing for a news photo anyway? Why isn't he surrounded by TV cameras and microphones with reporters hell-bent on getting a statement? Every time I see breaking news on this case I am like WTF?
  • MJSTARMJSTAR Posts: 43
    I've always said the end of the Hoax would tie in with the investigation of the death of Mr Jackson involving Dr Murray. This is it ! This is the moment we've all been waiting for.
  • LauraLaura Posts: 67
    If that was the case of a "murder", Murray is just the scapegoat, cause there would be many people involved.

    After so many months they come to this conclusion?? Was it not clear from the beginning that CM gave Mike an ovedose?? And it is coming out now??

    Do not believe a word, I am sorry <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Again, just because it's in print, doesn't mean it's true...or real...They (the media) had to do something to convince us about their truth so that we wouldn't KNOW the truth...KEEP THE FAITH..MJ IS ALIVE <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • ....COULD THIS explain Liza Minnelli's reaction to Michael's "death" announcement
    > "All hell's going to break lose!"

    COULD Doc Murray just be the first in a long line of "doctors" to be charged..?!?...

    ......I'm just sayin' .........
  • yayayaya Posts: 158
    ....COULD THIS explain Liza Minnelli's reaction to Michael's "death" announcement
    > "All hell's going to break lose!"

    COULD Doc Murray just be the first in a long line of "doctors" to be charged..?!?...

    ......I'm just sayin' .........

    lol, i've still been waiting for that phrase to really come into effect!
  • Well yes, they can't talk about Murray's manslaughter first and then ignore the man! That would really have raised nasty questions. Murray indicted, yes. But if they find him guilty of killing Michael Jackson, they will also have to give serious proof that Michael Jackson died and they have not done that yet. Didn't Murray go back to work, whatever that work was?
    First someone is murdered, after that you produce the culprit. I would like to see the security tapes of the house, of the hospital and so much more. This was the world's most famous Star with millions of admirers and not some unknown John Do. I am sure Murray will be cleared--lack of evidence--. It took them over 6 months to indict Murray. Why? It was not as if there was a crowd of suspects in Michael's home, so what took them so long? They underestimate the hoax investigators here and these investigators stay on top of things, until they find the one and only truth, no matter how ugly that might be. So....hang on and don't panic.
  • Don't lose hope because of the trial. Don't forget, this is a hoax. I found this on youtube today as further proof.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qetys6S ... re=related<!-- m -->
    Don't lose hope because of the trial. Don't forget, this is a hoax. I found this on youtube today as further proof.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Qetys6S ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257

    Yes, we will not lose hope now!

    Spakkle29ful this is for you

    Yes, we will not lose hope now!

    Spakkle29ful this is for you
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> THANKS I HAVE TO SAY THIS IS IT <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Its been nearly a week since TMZ broke that story,.. and still.... nothing...
  • Michael is brilliant. He's getting everyone's (the non believers) attention back on him. Does everyone remember his story of the snake and the mouse? I'm just amazed that there are people on the website who still aren't seeing the big picture even after all the clues and brilliant insights of all of the posters. His timing is impeccable and I know that he will get every millisecond of publicity out of this. I am very much enjoying the show from a front row seat. I feel very sad for all of those who have missed out.

    This is amazing and he was right...what an adventure!

    I so agree!! Its all coming together just the way HE wants it to I am in awe and very proud to witness a truly un selfish loving human being...Love you Michael stay safe <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    OK when I hear the words Associated PRess I am like who is that? All of these sources. Why are they not naming the sources? What do they have to lose because we know every media source is not credible right? ALso back to the investigation and the length of the investigation. OK why in the world are they searching for more doctors. I mean no other doctors were there that day of Junet 25th except for Murray supposedley right? I mean if they find other doctors how in the world are they going to tie it into their case? I mean have they even seized records of any of the other doctors? I know they searched Klein, even the Nurse (hell she aint even a doc!) But do we know of any other docs records that was confiscated? I am like Murray is the only culprit ? Obviously they have no other docs in mind to arrest? that I know of. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> What more are they searching for? ]
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