Official Death Statement just a misunderstanding?

ShoutShout Posts: 560
edited January 1970 in News
I was looking for other news as you know Michael can be really dead. I have found an interesting video on Youtube where CNN repoter says that an official statement is out from the UCLA. It came immediately into my mind that Jermaine maybe just read it out, but it doesn´t mean that it is not real.

I have another question to everybody from the USA can you please research wether it is true that ONLY officials can read out that a member of a family is dead or are there other possibilities... (please send a link if you know). It would be great to know. If there is any possibility that a family member can just read out an official statement from UCLA then we do not have a hoax. And maybe it is just a rumor that a family member cannot read out such an official statement. As I know Michaels death was established by officials and maybe we should pay more attention to that.

Here is the video I am talking about:



  • LorrieLorrie Posts: 232
    If there is any possibility that a family member can just read out an official statement from UCLA then we do not have a hoax.
    I wish I had the time to help with your research request, Shout. However, for now I'd like to point out that I don't follow the logic in the statement I've excerpted above.

    Whether a family member can "just read out an official statement from UCLA" or not, that doesn't mean the statement has to be the truth. Of course, people assume it's the truth because it's supposedly an official statement.

    But if Michael's death was faked with assistance from law enforcement or other officials with appropriate authority, there are several reasons why an untruthful official statement might be released, despite any existing laws or regulations governing official statements. One reason could be to keep the person or people who were endangering Michael's life from knowing they didn't succeed in killing him.

    Deliberately lying about the situation and misleading the public would serve a higher purpose in that case, namely apprehending and (hopefully) convicting the person or people who posed a threat. Legal and criminal matters require that kind of manipulation of reality sometimes to achieve the best outcome. It happens fairly often on various levels, too, such as when undercover officers pretend to be people they aren't in order to gain the trust of crooks and catch them committing a crime.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Thank you Lorrie I am well aware of the fact that it could also be true that Michael was threatened and that it is possible that he will be left alone, nevertheless I have big doubts about that he would now be left alone that those who wanted to kill him or something like that right now think: "Oh yes he is dead we cannot do anything".

    The part with the misunderstanding. It was always said that there is no official statement whicht might be not true and what Jermaine has read out is nothing official, which is not true according to this video.

    So in the news it was mentioned different.

    To make it complete I just want to know wether it is possible for a member to read out an official statement or is it just a rumour that he cannot do it. Apart from that of course it is possible that they want us to believe everything (that the death is real) so they make it look real and if this is true so then my conclusion is that Jermaine could make that statement don´t you think that? I just jump on your way of agumentation...

    So I am really curious about that point and woud like to know what is true. can someone help me please...
  • There isn't any law that dictates whom may or may not read statements about a death from a hospital, if that's what you're asking. It's definitely unusual for Jermaine to have read that statement about MJ's "death." But it doesn't violate any laws.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    There isn't any law that dictates whom may or may not read statements about a death from a hospital, if that's what you're asking. It's definitely unusual for Jermaine to have read that statement about MJ's "death." But it doesn't violate any laws.

    Yes that is what I wanted to know, just because it is unusual it does not mean he couldn´t do that. So this argumentation might be not so strong as many people want us to believe. Thank you for your answer it helps alot to find the truth.
  • MFFreedomMFFreedom Posts: 273
    Hi Everyone, I've been only reading this forum for quite a while and would like to say hi to everyone reading this.

    I don't buy into videos THAT much any longer, I like to look at things more closely. So, in this case it's the wording. On first glance it appears to be official, on second glance not at all.

    Shout, I cannot recall ANY death statement of a celebrity that wasn't announced by a doctor up to this very day, as it HAS TO BE a doctor pronouncing someone dead. Think of Princess Diana. It was a doctor at the parisian hospital together with a bunch of other docs sitting in front of mics and talking to the press. On June 25, 09 I was expecting a doctor stating Michaels' death. I was a bit surprised it was Jermaine and on top of that I haven't seen any doctor in Jermaines' presence. Also did no doctor follow up Jermaines statement.

    Also, I went to the press section of UCLAs Medical Center website sometime around August and there was a 'statement' by UCLA, that Michael died. BUT, UCLA MC solely referred to a statement made by the Jackson Family, that Michael had died. So, UCLA legally NEVER officially stated Michaels' death.

    Concequently, IMHO there is still no official statement. Regardless of hoax or no hoax.

  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Hm MFFreedom

    First of all welcome in the active part and a warm hello from my side.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts about that topic. I really want to know the truth whether Michael is alive or not. But I also doubt that the hoax videos always present the truth(they might not be objective), that is why I want to research for myself to see where are contadictions regarding on what they "tell" us. I am of course very critical what is mentioned in the news but I feel the same with the hoax videos. The people who create that are claiming to be insiders, but they do not see everything. To stay critical is the only way to find out the truth, it doesn´t matter whether Michael is alive or not. We have to be honest to ourselves.

    Just because it is very unusual it doesn´t mean it is not possible. Just because it is print (does not matter which side believers or nonbelievers) it doesn´t mean its the gospel!
  • Do we have any proof that Jermaine was actually in UCLA at the time of the reading of the death statement? Surely if that was a real hospital there would be doctors surrounding him? Did we see the press journalists who were there? We saw microphones at the podium but that could easily be fake.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Do we have any proof that Jermaine was actually in UCLA at the time of the reading of the death statement? Surely if that was a real hospital there would be doctors surrounding him? Did we see the press journalists who were there? We saw microphones at the podium but that could easily be fake.

    Just because we did not see it, it does not mean it doesn´t exist. Have we seen Michaels children, Randy Philips, Frank Dileo etc. inside UCLA no, but it does not mean that they were not there...
  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    This whole thing just keeps getting more confusing. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I mean-

    1)If this were true, why wouldn't UCLA's medical staff release an official statement backing up what Jermaine said?
    2)If this were false, why wouldn't anyone on UCLA's medical staff deny what Jermaine said?

    I was thinking "Witness Protection Program", but I doubt the CIA/FBI would be this sloppy and put Michael in danger by not convering their tracks better. (7 death certificates! unofficial official statement by the brother of the deceased)

    But when I think it's just something Michael threw together, it seems too big with too many people needed to be involved for it to work.(UCLA to keep quiet, the police dept, DA, and coroner's office play along)

    So, so confused. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Do we have any proof that Jermaine was actually in UCLA at the time of the reading of the death statement? Surely if that was a real hospital there would be doctors surrounding him? Did we see the press journalists who were there? We saw microphones at the podium but that could easily be fake.

    Michael Jackson's death was huge event, if i can put it like that. Everyone knew about it even while the doctors were still working on him in the hospital. If Jermaine didn't announce that in UCLA, and if those journalists were not real, i think you'd have a lot of hospital staff talking and real journalists (who know each other) wondering who actually was in there! If this was a hoax, i think you'd have planned a much simpler scenario than the one that is happening now. Shout has a very good point in posing his question. If people start along the lines of rationality they'll know pretty quickly what's strange and what's not.
  • I also think it's a great pity that the actual details of the case are not discussed more. There is a section for the Murder theory....
  • To be honest I would believe more if Conrad Murray confirmed MJ's death than Jermaine..
    -But they who worked with Michael the last hour should confirmed it.. I don't buy family supporting <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100

    Also, I went to the press section of UCLAs Medical Center website sometime around August and there was a 'statement' by UCLA, that Michael died. BUT, UCLA MC solely referred to a statement made by the Jackson Family, that Michael had died. So, UCLA legally NEVER officially stated Michaels' death.

    Concequently, IMHO there is still no official statement. Regardless of hoax or no hoax

    hi and welcome!! interesting first post!!

    i haven't heard this before or maybe i've missed it in the past!! have you checked the site recently!! i find this massive if it still says the same!! that the jackson family confirmed Mike had died!! so to speak.. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Also, I went to the press section of UCLAs Medical Center website sometime around August and there was a 'statement' by UCLA, that Michael died. BUT, UCLA MC solely referred to a statement made by the Jackson Family, that Michael had died. So, UCLA legally NEVER officially stated Michaels' death.

    Concequently, IMHO there is still no official statement. Regardless of hoax or no hoax.


    Please send a link.
  • MFFreedomMFFreedom Posts: 273
    Here's the link. It's still up - just checked <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I quote the first line:
    The family of Michael Jackson made this brief statement available on June 25 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center:

    The wording last year when I checked was similar to:
    According to a statement by the family Jackson, Michael Jackson has died ... now it's the above. But it still is NOT a statement from UCLA MC.

    Ergo: no official death statement.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Here's the link. It's still up - just checked <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I quote the first line:
    The family of Michael Jackson made this brief statement available on June 25 at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center:

    The wording last year when I checked was similar to:
    According to a statement by the family Jackson, Michael Jackson has died ... now it's the above. But it still is NOT a statement from UCLA MC.

    Ergo: no official death statement.

    I do not agree with you, just because a family member published it to the media (read out in the media the text which was official) it does not mean it is not official. I do well remember that CNN waited for an official acknowledgement before they have spread that Michael Jackson has died. And if a statement by a family member were invalid I am sure they would not have published that Michael Jackson is dead. They wouldn´t accepted it..It is just another point of view
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560

    "Die offizielle Bestätigung von Jacksons Tod kam auf CNN gegen 01:00 MESZ vom Sprecher des gerichtsmedizinischen Instituts in Los Angeles."

    English: The official confirmation of Jackson's death came on CNN 01:00 AM CEST from the speaker of the Forensic Institute in Los Angeles.

    Quelle/Source: <!-- m --> ... z0cKNQ3YNy<!-- m -->
  • MFFreedomMFFreedom Posts: 273
    Shout, it's ok if you don't agree. I think you're searching too far.
    So it came from CNN <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ... This so called 'official confirmation' doesn't impress me, as one can buy ANY officaliality if desired. The forensic dept. made this official statement' AFTER Jermaines 'Statement'. I want a doctor to state Michaels' death. Otherways I have to believe that just ANYBODY can pronounce anyone officially dead ... and it also doesn't impress me that it was the forensic department, as they can be bought ALSO, if desired. So, in my opinion, Michael still has not been pronounced dead. That's all I'm gonna say to this issue.
  • Do we have the name of the actual doctor who pronounced MJ dead in the hospital. Supposedly they worked on MJ for an hour in the hospital. Who actually "called it".
  • Do we have the name of the actual doctor who pronounced MJ dead in the hospital. Supposedly they worked on MJ for an hour in the hospital. Who actually "called it".

    The woman physician in charge of the emergency room who treated MJ and spoke to Murray herself is Dr.R.Cooper - in the affidavit.
    <!-- m --> ... kson1.html<!-- m -->
  • Have they released a police statement? Although I didnt see a police car in the area of MJ's house on June 25th, which is weird cus I know its standard procedure for the cops to show up to person in distress least where I live it is.

    Id like to see a police statement from any cop that was supposedly there that day....
    Id also LOVE to see any video footage, even from a cell phone from any hospital staff that SAW MJ that day as know that if you worked at the hospital that MJ was taken into and you had a camera phone nearby, you would be filming it or at least take a pic. I know thats wrong but considering the magnitude of WHO mj is.. youd think SOMEONE would have a 15 second video of him.

    But no one does....
  • QuirkyDiana, Thank you for posting that info. I noticed it said "stament of probable cause". Is it not supposed to say "statement"? Unless "stament" is a legal word? If it's a deliberate typo then maybe it's not legitimate?
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100

    Id like to see a police statement from any cop that was supposedly there that day....
    Id also LOVE to see any video footage, even from a cell phone from any hospital staff that SAW MJ that day as know that if you worked at the hospital that MJ was taken into and you had a camera phone nearby, you would be filming it or at least take a pic. I know thats wrong but considering the magnitude of WHO mj is.. youd think SOMEONE would have a 15 second video of him.

    But no one does....

    this is what i have said all along.. they can't have give everyone GAG orders.. and i'm pretty sure someone would have come forward by now for their 15mins of fame!! seriously its things like this that get's me going!!! its so frustrating.. if someone would come forward it would shut us all up!!! grrrrrrr <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • Do we have the name of the actual doctor who pronounced MJ dead in the hospital. Supposedly they worked on MJ for an hour in the hospital. Who actually "called it".

    The woman physician in charge of the emergency room who treated MJ and spoke to Murray herself is Dr.R.Cooper - in the affidavit.
    <!-- m --> ... kson1.html<!-- m -->

    On page 2 of the affidavit, <!-- m --> ... kson2.html<!-- m -->, it says DR.R.COOPER PRONOUNCED JACKSON'S DEATH AT 14.26 HOURS.

    An affidavit is a sworn statement of fact and it contains a verification meaning it is under oath or penalty of perjury. You will see at the beginnning of the affidavit it says; affiant declares under penalty of perjury that the following facts are true....
  • Shout, it's ok if you don't agree. I think you're searching too far.
    So it came from CNN <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ... This so called 'official confirmation' doesn't impress me, as one can buy ANY officaliality if desired. The forensic dept. made this official statement' AFTER Jermaines 'Statement'. I want a doctor to state Michaels' death. Otherways I have to believe that just ANYBODY can pronounce anyone officially dead ... and it also doesn't impress me that it was the forensic department, as they can be bought ALSO, if desired. So, in my opinion, Michael still has not been pronounced dead. That's all I'm gonna say to this issue.

    I can kind of see your point about the statement not coming directly from UCLA or a doctor, it could be seen as UCLA absolving themselves of any responsibility. However, it is also entirely possible and understandable that someone from the Jackson family wanted to announce this to the world given the poignancy of his death. Does that make it any less true?

    Also, do you doubt the veracity of the affidavit and the facts contained within it, and also the statement made by the coroner's office live on tv that they had completed the autopsy? I mean, if they officially say they completed the autopsy then that would quite obviously mean he's dead?
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