Official Death Statement just a misunderstanding?



  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Shout, it's ok if you don't agree. I think you're searching too far.
    So it came from CNN <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> ... This so called 'official confirmation' doesn't impress me, as one can buy ANY officaliality if desired. The forensic dept. made this official statement' AFTER Jermaines 'Statement'. I want a doctor to state Michaels' death. Otherways I have to believe that just ANYBODY can pronounce anyone officially dead ... and it also doesn't impress me that it was the forensic department, as they can be bought ALSO, if desired. So, in my opinion, Michael still has not been pronounced dead. That's all I'm gonna say to this issue.

    I just have written that CNN waited for an official information (it does not mean that they have waited until Jermaine has read out a statement, I mean they could have contacted someone in the UCLA who has confirmed Michaels death, do you remember hom many reporters were in front of the UCLA hospital, maybe there was one of CNN staff who got official statement that Michael is gone) before they have published the news, not that it comes from CNN as an official source, but isn´t it striking at all that CNN waited until the officials have confirmed Michaels death and others have published it and did not wait and just published by chance...Hm...

    Please don´t twist what I have written. Thank you
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
  • The guy in the video that Shout posted is LAPD Lt. Greg Strenk.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    QuirkyDiana thank you for the addition. I coudn´t understand it so good.
  • Do we have the name of the actual doctor who pronounced MJ dead in the hospital. Supposedly they worked on MJ for an hour in the hospital. Who actually "called it".

    The woman physician in charge of the emergency room who treated MJ and spoke to Murray herself is Dr.R.Cooper - in the affidavit.
    <!-- m --> ... kson1.html<!-- m -->

    Dr. Richelle Cooper, to be precise. Info here:

    <!-- m --> ... y&Itemid=6<!-- m -->

    <!-- m --> ... &ref=25337<!-- m -->
  • Do we have any proof that Jermaine was actually in UCLA at the time of the reading of the death statement? Surely if that was a real hospital there would be doctors surrounding him? Did we see the press journalists who were there? We saw microphones at the podium but that could easily be fake.

    This is a photo of Jermaine and his wife inside UCLA on June 25.


    You can see reporters in the video below, at the beginning and end. The video was from the UCLA Office of Media Relations. It can also be found on the UCLA website.

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    I was looking for other news as you know Michael can be really dead. I have found an interesting video on Youtube where CNN repoter says that an official statement is out from the UCLA. It came immediately into my mind that Jermaine maybe just read it out, but it doesn´t mean that it is not real.

    I have another question to everybody from the USA can you please research wether it is true that ONLY officials can read out that a member of a family is dead or are there other possibilities... (please send a link if you know). It would be great to know. If there is any possibility that a family member can just read out an official statement from UCLA then we do not have a hoax. And maybe it is just a rumor that a family member cannot read out such an official statement. As I know Michaels death was established by officials and maybe we should pay more attention to that.

    Here is the video I am talking about:


    There are stories in the news all the time about people passing away, sometimes tragically. t.v and newspaper obituaries are a source of death notices. Michael was a citizen just like anyone else. There is no special law about making anouncements.
  • MJJLivesMJJLives Posts: 130
    never seen this photo. looks pretty convincing. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    There more I get into it the more it convinces me that Michael could really be dead. It was said why Jermaine makes this official statement, he was the one who was chosen this time to do it, to speak for the whole family, that is all. To look with different eyes on this statement makes it more clear that it is quite convincing.

    But there are still questions to solve.

    One big question to me is why are the dancers acting like imployees the whole liberian girl theme? The dancers are the extensions of Michael Jackson...remember...Why KF and Michael Bush are preparing Michael for the burial (has Michael thought about it and told them that he wanted them to do that when he was alive or is it a show?). And the court of Conrad Murray, with the money, it just does not make sense at all!
    Lets wait and see and investigate...
  • never seen this photo. looks pretty convincing. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Yea it does. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I just want to know one way or the other...I've been on the computer for 10 hours a day for almost 7 months. It's affecting my work, it consumes my thoughts, it's not healthy. But I don't want to give up until we know for sure. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    never seen this photo. looks pretty convincing. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Yea it does. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I just want to know one way or the other...I've been on the computer for 10 hours a day for almost 7 months. It's affecting my work, it consumes my thoughts, it's not healthy. But I don't want to give up until we know for sure. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    same here.. my stomach flips when i see stuff like this.. like some of the memorial pics i hadn't seen before!! i dunno what to think anymore.. trying to be open-minded but.. i think its time to face reality.. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> still here till the end tho.. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    never seen this photo. looks pretty convincing. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    Yea it does. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I just want to know one way or the other...I've been on the computer for 10 hours a day for almost 7 months. It's affecting my work, it consumes my thoughts, it's not healthy. But I don't want to give up until we know for sure. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Its the same with me. I am searching for the truth and hope that one day someone comes to give us strong prove that Michael is alive. Everything is so confusing (the family could act but at the same time I think no, maybe not). It affects my life right now and I feel like I am going crazy when it turns out that Michael is... I cannot give up and I am looking for stronger evidences for him being alive.

    I sometimes think that it is not healthy to be here for hours, but at the same time I think this is how I feel right now and I accept my emotions and that it is right now a part of my life. There is nothing really wrong about it as long as I do not evaluate it (bad or good). I just accepting it. I think this is more healthy than condemn myself.

    What would you do instead of beeing here, would it help you to work up with how you feel. You have chosen this way because it gives you power in a way. There is nothing wrong about it.
  • Noticed who postet it? TMZ..

    Where is rest of Jermaine's family, and why doesnt he hug his wife?
    -Funny how he hugs, whose?, bodyguard and holds the paper he read off.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Although the above video may be "convincing", we still have to remember that they wanted the world to think that MJ really had died, so they would have to make it look "real." There are more videos out there with "clues" that MJ is alive, then there are of videos proving he is "dead." It's still tough after 7 months with no proof one way or the other. If something BIG doesn't happen on the 18th or the 25th, then I will lose faith, as these dates have been fed to us, saying they are important dates, so I think it is time to "let the truth prevail." Either Michael is alive and will make his return, or we have all been a part of one Hell of an experiment! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I truly hope it is the first! We love you Michael and we need you now more then ever...please come back to us now and save what little sanity we have left...Thanks! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    Although the above video may be "convincing", we still have to remember that they wanted the world to think that MJ really had died, so they would have to make it look "real." There are more videos out there with "clues" that MJ is alive, then there are of videos proving he is "dead." It's still tough after 7 months with no proof one way or the other. If something BIG doesn't happen on the 18th or the 25th, then I will lose faith, as these dates have been fed to us, saying they are important dates, so I think it is time to "let the truth prevail." Either Michael is alive and will make his return, or we have all been a part of one Hell of an experiment! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I truly hope it is the first! We love you Michael and we need you now more then ever...please come back to us now and save what little sanity we have left...Thanks! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I am still not shure whether he will returt or not, I tend to say no. We have all not a 100 % proof that Michael is alive as well the other way. It is is possible that they try us so hard to convince that Michael is dead, which reasons might there be

    1. Michael is really dead
    2. Michael will not return, never planed to do that
    3. or other...??

    Because there are many people who think that we do not think right I am searching for strong and I mean really strong evidences that underline that he is alive. This that there is no official statement was made seem not to be that strong argument as many/me included have thought. If it is possible for a family member to speak for the whole family and to read out this statement then we should look for other arguments which no one can proof as invalid.

    Other interesting opinions, it is a little bit off topic right now, which do not convince me too is that there are many fans out there (in an another forum) who think that Michael is dead.
    So I decided to ask them whether it is normal to reheare for a burial with full dress and so on and whether it is not conspicuous that the dancer of Michael Jackson are working there. They do not question anything...

    This were the answers I have recieved:
    They have just rehearsed how to show the guests where they should sit down. And that it was an honor for them to do it, that the family have integrated them this way.
    They are so strong convinced that there is nothing weird about this point, because the family members wonted them to do that and they agreed to that and were very proud of it.
    About the rehearsing for a funeral: One explanation I got was: There is nothing weird about it if it is possible to rehearse for a wedding then why not for a funeral.

    My oppinion about it is still the same that it is nonsense that the TII dancers appear as staff of Forest Lawn. For me this is a strong evidence that there is something not right about Michael´s death, funeral and TII Film.
  • tenschitenschi Posts: 29
    Have they released a police statement? Although I didnt see a police car in the area of MJ's house on June 25th, which is weird cus I know its standard procedure for the cops to show up to person in distress least where I live it is.

    Id like to see a police statement from any cop that was supposedly there that day....
    Id also LOVE to see any video footage, even from a cell phone from any hospital staff that SAW MJ that day as know that if you worked at the hospital that MJ was taken into and you had a camera phone nearby, you would be filming it or at least take a pic. I know thats wrong but considering the magnitude of WHO mj is.. youd think SOMEONE would have a 15 second video of him.

    But no one does....

    The lack of backup to his death is unheard of. I know people have brought up Britanny Spears and her trips to the hospital and I will again. Her house was swarmed by media and police. You are going to tell me that the paramedics "worked" on Mike for 40 some odd minutes and NO police were present when the ambulance left. UNFREAKING BELIEVABLE! I mean think about the small amount of media when they left with Mike. Those things ALONE don't add up folks.
  • This message is for Shout. I don't understand what you mean by this comment, can you rephrase it?; <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    'So I decided to ask them whether it is normal to reheare for a burial with full dress and so on and whether it is not conspicuous that the dancer of Michael Jackson are working there. They do not question anything...'
  • The lack of backup to his death is unheard of. I know people have brought up Britanny Spears and her trips to the hospital and I will again. Her house was swarmed by media and police. You are going to tell me that the paramedics "worked" on Mike for 40 some odd minutes and NO police were present when the ambulance left. UNFREAKING BELIEVABLE! I mean think about the small amount of media when they left with Mike. Those things ALONE don't add up folks.

    Thing is, Britney Spears was having a very public meltdown which was great for the media etc. They were following her every move in the hope that something else will happen. A bit like a predator following an injured prey.

    Yes, MJ was embarking on what would be a huge and much anticipated comeback - but how much of the media in LA were actually following him every day? He hadn't done anything big publicly since 2001. How interested were they really? I cannot answer this question. For me, I would be very surprised if media (not to mention general public, fans etc) were not following his every move in the run-up to the comeback, but if this is not the case then it is not surprising that no media/public were there to actually witness things from the get-go. Although it's not like the incident happened in the early morning happened midday when people would be around?

    As for no police being present, well, even the paramedics didn't know who they were treating - allegedly, and as the 911 call proves, no name was given. It appears that security wanted to keep things as private as possible. It makes sense in way because if you are trying to save someone's life you don't want the whole world to descend on your doorstep. Security obviously took that decision before they made the 911 call. It's an interesting question though. Did i hear also that not many people knew where MJ lived?
  • man in that video when they were sticking that "surfer board" in the back of the coroners van..tell me you noticed how ONE dude picked up the body and put him on the floor...and not respectfully place him he just plopped him on the floor...Im sorry how much did MJ weigh??...yeah i know he was skinny but i heard that "dead weight" you are heavier then when your how could this ONE guy pick up that flat thing in the white sheets?...if thats MJ then that ONE guy he picked him off the stretcher is EXTREMELY STRONG... know there was an exchange in the helicopter...One body coming from the hospital looked well like a body and had the black straps on and had definate shape ( i remember because i started cry hysterically when i saw them bring him out of the hospital...BUT THEN when they are taking him out of the helicopter to put on the van what do you see...its rediculously flat and didnt look anything like what i saw going into the helicopter and most importantly the black straps are missing!!!

    Edit: OMG I AM CRYING SO BAD RIGHT NOW I JUST HAD A CRAZY THOUGHT OH GOSH OH GOSH... I think i know why the black straps are missing!! please say i am wrong because i am hoping so bad i am wrong, but maybe they took off the straps just before landing because they are transporting him from heli to the van!! and the straps was what gave the def shap because they were wrapped around him!!! So right before they land they unlatched the black straps to make the switch off more quickly so that cameras wont get that much footage and stuck him in the van!!! Could this be a logically explanation to why there were no straps when the body came off the helicopter?!?!?!? please tell me i am mistaken please oh please <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • tenschitenschi Posts: 29
    The lack of backup to his death is unheard of. I know people have brought up Britanny Spears and her trips to the hospital and I will again. Her house was swarmed by media and police. You are going to tell me that the paramedics "worked" on Mike for 40 some odd minutes and NO police were present when the ambulance left. UNFREAKING BELIEVABLE! I mean think about the small amount of media when they left with Mike. Those things ALONE don't add up folks.

    Thing is, Britney Spears was having a very public meltdown which was great for the media etc. They were following her every move in the hope that something else will happen. A bit like a predator following an injured prey.

    Yes, MJ was embarking on what would be a huge and much anticipated comeback - but how much of the media in LA were actually following him every day? He hadn't done anything big publicly since 2001. How interested were they really? I cannot answer this question. For me, I would be very surprised if media (not to mention general public, fans etc) were not following his every move in the run-up to the comeback, but if this is not the case then it is not surprising that no media/public were there to actually witness things from the get-go. Although it's not like the incident happened in the early morning happened midday when people would be around?

    As for no police being present, well, even the paramedics didn't know who they were treating - allegedly, and as the 911 call proves, no name was given. It appears that security wanted to keep things as private as possible. It makes sense in way because if you are trying to save someone's life you don't want the whole world to descend on your doorstep. Security obviously took that decision before they made the 911 call. It's an interesting question though. Did i hear also that not many people knew where MJ lived?

    No No No...the police usually are aware of where celebs live in their cities. Especially one they have an axe to grind with. I feel certain the day MJ moved into or signed the lease for the Carolwood estate they knew it. I don't buy the arguement that they would not have known that MJ lived there. Not to mention once the paramedics arrived and communicated the status to their superiors that the police would not be notified. Again, they were there for 40+ minutes - we are not talking about a turn and burn. No, sorry... still doesn't make sense to me.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    This message is for Shout. I don't understand what you mean by this comment, can you rephrase it?; <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    'So I decided to ask them whether it is normal to reheare for a burial with full dress and so on and whether it is not conspicuous that the dancer of Michael Jackson are working there. They do not question anything...'

    I will try to make it more easy to understand. I hope it will work. On another forum (fanforum) I have asked the members whether it is normal for dancers to work at Forest Lawn as you can clear see them in the video(funeral) tha the dancers of TII were there to work... During the burial on September 3rd it was shown how they indicated where Janet and other family members should sit down and so on. In the news was mentioned that they will do (the article was published on 2nd September) full dress rehearsals for the funeral which I find very strange and not usual. The fans from this forum gave me different explanations which did not conviced me at all. That is why I have written that they do not question anything or in other words it seem so...

    I cannot find the article right now I have put it on this forum but right now I have problems to login. I will post it here when I can login there..

    Here it is: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560

    Edit: OMG I AM CRYING SO BAD RIGHT NOW <!-- l -->posting.php?mode=quote&f=48&p=53601I<!-- l --> JUST HAD A CRAZY THOUGHT OH GOSH OH GOSH... I think i know why the black straps are missing!! please say i am wrong because i am hoping so bad i am wrong, but maybe they took off the straps just before landing because they are transporting him from heli to the van!! and the straps was what gave the def shap because they were wrapped around him!!! So right before they land they unlatched the black straps to make the switch off more quickly so that cameras wont get that much footage and stuck him in the van!!! Could this be a logically explanation to why there were no straps when the body came off the helicopter?!?!?!? please tell me i am mistaken please oh please <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    This is in deed a good explanation why the straps are missing...and the moving body in the helikopter is just an imagination/illusion. Maybe they have removed the black straps when they have fixed the body inside the helicopter...we do not know exactly, but it still does not proof that Michael is alive (unfortunately). On the white sheet/bag we see not the stripes but shadows in one part when he is in the helicopter. Watch carefully.

    BUT there are nevertheless much more questions...Michael could still be alive, there are to many strange things surronding his death. Do not give up until we really know.
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    to answer your question, no it is not illegal or it does not make anyone less dead for family to announce a death. The hospital does it as a courtesy to the family in their time of mourning, but they DO NOT have to!!! Call a hospital in the USA and ask them. It's VERY true.

    Is it surprising to me that Jermaine gave the announcement.. Yes and no. The reason is because so many people think that Jermaine is a spotlight seeker. Why wouldn't someone who seeks so much fame want to give the announcement. Look what he did with the Vienna tribute. He didn't even tell his family.

    He didn't have to include them, but he really should have let them know what he was doing. I think it's only right that the other brothers or anyone else in MJ's family be able to participate in a tribute. At the very least, know about it. That right there shows that Jermaine "may" be a spotlight seeker.

    I do not know him so I cannot say for sure. But hospital staff does not have to announce a death. It is not any kind of law at all! However, it is VERY strange to me that NO ONE from the hospital has spoken out. Was the emergency room empty that day?

    Were there no other staff except one doctor and a few nurses.. I think not! Not even a cleaning person has spoken out. Is everyone under some sort of gag order? This is very confusing. Maybe one day we will find out for sure. But until then, this is one of many things that is fueling the hoax flames.

    I don't have proof that he is alive or dead. We have our ideas. But I believe about 80% that he is alive. I am not sure aside from seeing a body (omg) if I would believe he is dead. Even if we did see a body.. Would it really be a body or some kind of wax figure?

    There are so many ways to look at this. I am trying to keep my hopes that he is still here. I do get discouraged and have my bad days.. But mostly, I just wait for the good news!!
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Have they released a police statement? Although I didnt see a police car in the area of MJ's house on June 25th, which is weird cus I know its standard procedure for the cops to show up to person in distress least where I live it is.

    I couldn't agree more. In my area of town it's that way too.

    As a matter of fact, there were a couple who had been missing since the Christmas holiday and they found the bodies the other day. The police were there!
  • liv_eeliv_ee Posts: 10
    As someone whom lives in Los Angeles, I can say that every time I have called 911 (or someone in my neighborhood has) LAPD cars have been dispatched to the location, and usually there are numerous ones. Also, I live in an upscale community (such as Bel Air) and the number of police cars grows exponentially when you live here. It seems the 'richer' the neighborhood, the more the police cars come.
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