Official Death Statement just a misunderstanding?



  • So I guess what would solve the riddle of whether the police should have been there that day is the question 'under what circumstances, in the area the 911 call was made, would a police car be automatically called to the scene?'. I mean, who notifies the police, when and under what circumstances?
  • I thought i would post this. It reiterates some of the questions we've been asking.

    <!-- m --> ... kson_died/<!-- m -->
  • To summerize, for the greatest entertainer, artist, performer of the century, for the most popular singer on earth, the one who gave millions for charities, the most beloved artist on the planet, I can continue, there was no official death announcemenct done, the "funerals" were private. Period.

    I am just questionning myself...This is very sad, no, it is suspicious. It would be helpful if Forest Lawmn was able to confirm us that Michael Jackson is really buried there.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    As someone whom lives in Los Angeles, I can say that every time I have called 911 (or someone in my neighborhood has) LAPD cars have been dispatched to the location, and usually there are numerous ones. Also, I live in an upscale community (such as Bel Air) and the number of police cars grows exponentially when you live here. It seems the 'richer' the neighborhood, the more the police cars come.

    But there were police cars. That is one of the points, just because we have seen it so often on TV screen, it does not mean that it was not there!
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    And wasn´t it said that Michael died at the why should the police arrive at his home when someone has called 911...?!
  • This info is from the documentary 'Michael Jackson's Last Days - What Really Happened' by Jaques Peretti. <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Watch from 7.00 onwards.

    The implication is that because MJ's house was rented it was not celebrity tagged, therefore it was not protected from outside ears such as LA journalists who tap 911 calls. So had the home phone been used in the 911 call it would not have been blocked, anyone could hear it if they wanted to and you would have expected a lot of journalists and media to be there around the same time as the ambulance or after (paramedics stayed 30 mins). However, alberto alvarez made the call on his cell phone, so essentially no-one could hear anyway because the home phone was not used. The lady says though that 'you can also pick up on the dispatch call', and although the address would be given, Jackson's name was not stated. Also, the paramedics only recognised MJ after about 10 mins apparently, <!-- m --> ... 23378.html<!-- m --> Does this explain why there were no police and hardly any media outside the house, despite the paramedics being there for about 30 mins?

    There does appear to be a contradiction somewhere. I was under the impression that very few people were outside the house while this was going on. The lady says ' By the time the ambulance went in and came out it was covered, swarming with media people.' Really?
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