Why Michael Chose GAGA-GOOD! We have missed something

StargazerMJ11StargazerMJ11 Posts: 137
edited February 2010 in News
Listen to her - her lyrics!


I have never liked the imagery of Gaga so I ignored her where possible - silly me!
I believe that Souza and Mo have done a great job in their mkultra/freemason research and have shown the Gaga image and what it represents brilliantly - but - I also think we have missed something big.
Why would Michael want to work with her if she were only a puppet happy to disturb the public?
why would the Jacksons keep saying they love her?
I put this song on for a reason:here they are;

We are a generation twisted by our myth
Confused and ludicrous, holding on to love
Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
A life without the lips we've kissed
And losing all control

We're gonna start a resistance
So we want independence
We're gonna give the world some of this

Electric kiss
I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice forever
We'll live together
Peace, love, solitude and happiness
Electric kiss

Fame is our felony
We're so in love with it
Superstars and masochists
Who don't know where to go
But the poets and the fathers of our time
Put down their weapons in their arms
And know what they must do

We're gonna start a resistance
So we want independence
We're gonna give the world some of this

Electric kiss
I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice forever
We'll live together
Peace, love, solitude and happiness

Electric kiss
I'm gonna change the world with my lips
One voice for ever
We'll live together
Peace, love, solitude and happiness
Electric kiss
This is what I believe she is doing . There are articles saying she hates her imagery . She is so over the top with illuminati mind control themes that we cannot do anything but notice them?
She wanted to start a resistance and she is doing so with a little thriller help.

Also lets look at the Grammy performance -
Sorry but I can't upload pics as they are bitmap and the vid was removed and it won't process my new one.
She is dragged on stage - TIAI pic of victim child in head bandages on floor
Same as Gaga in recent vid covered to nose with white mask
same as Jacksons Torture vid where they have faces with no eyes
Same as Pink floyd - brick in the wall - kids on train with no eyes

It is a circus scenario with Magician - Freemasonry/magi/crowley/ghosts etc

He says ' We Want To See The Real Gaga ' - the 'mind controlled one'
He tells us she has her own Politics?(couldn't get the word) could be policy?
He tells us she 'HAS NO SOUL'
She then arrives in a cage - where her mind is now controlled
Cut to telling us that this is 'mass mind control'
She then collapses and is taken up the steps and dumped in the vat/tube.
After all this she then sits with Elton - back where she originally started at a piano singing Speechless - Michael!
Elton has dirt all over his face - the filthy music industry he has been a part of?
He also says 'Thank God For GAGA'
She is a part of 'The Resistance' and so is Michael and others - she is deliberate in her attempts to show us what is happening - watch the Grammys again - the whole thing is showing us what is happening and what 'our 'future ' will be if this isn't stopped.
ALSO WHEN SHE SINGS WITH ELTON SHE IS WEARING HER GREEN OUTFIT - Green is what she is wearing singing Electric Kiss - back to herself?
Look beyond the obvious - I didn't and nearly missed it.
Love x


  • Nice post! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I stated this on another post, but since this is new maybe more will see it...she played all Michael songs before she came out on stage at her concert in Detroit on January 13th. The crowd went wild and we were all dancing! She's a fan!

    And, she is a great performer with a message of love...sound familiar?? She is anti-hate, anti-fame, anti-paparazzi...sound familiar?? She wears outfits that make a statement...sound familiar?? I am just saying she's not a shock to me to be considered by Michael.
  • Wow - I noticed it last night for the first time that behind all of the costume, she has real talent. Now tonight it is confirmed just how truly talented she is. No wonder Michael wanted to sing with her.
  • TerezaTereza Posts: 2,074
    Wow - I noticed it last night for the first time that behind all of the costume, she has real talent.

    Too many people still judge first and then listen. But I'm happy you discovered it.
  • Just a few questions to everyone here...

    Are you all gonna assume everyone Michael took interest in is in on the hoax?
    And are ya'll that think that aware that most celebrities are anti-paparazzi?
  • it was no accident travis saying ow mj wanted ga ga think about it she only came around in 2009 wasnt it? Interesting time shes like female mj u mite say i only like her now cos mj said he did before i didnt really at all in her album she thanks people like madonna and prince not mj but she is clearly a fan that was on purpose too! she is planting clues shes in his catalogue he is telling her what to do trust me <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • One big thing I noticed at the grammys her performance seemed she was singing aboout mjs career then they dipped her in fire! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    The video here is obviously quite old....before she transformed her image and changed her name. She is clearly talented and intelligent and in her most recent video 'Bad Romance' part of the dancing is reminiscent of MJ's Thriller. Is she paying tribute to him? Hard to say what her intention is. She recently had an audience with the queen as did Miley Cyrus, who also acknowledged MJ in a recent performance. Not sure what to make of that either.

    But what is the message Lady Gaga sends to her audience of teenagers?

    Here's what Vigilant Citizen had to say about Bad Romance....

    <!-- m -->http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=2737<!-- m -->
  • Hi there,
    I have never liked the imagery of Gaga so I ignored her where possible - silly me!
    I believe that Souza and Mo have done a great job in their mkultra/freemason research and have shown the Gaga image and what it represents brilliantly - but - I also think we have missed something big.
    Why would Michael want to work with her if she were only a puppet happy to disturb the public?
    why would the Jacksons keep saying they love her?
    I put this song on for a reason:here they are;

    We are a generation twisted by our myth
    Confused and ludicrous, holding on to love
    Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
    A life without the lips we've kissed
    And losing all control

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss

    Fame is our felony
    We're so in love with it
    Superstars and masochists
    Who don't know where to go
    But the poets and the fathers of our time
    Put down their weapons in their arms
    And know what they must do

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice for ever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss
    This is what I believe she is doing . There are articles saying she hates her imagery . She is so over the top with illuminati mind control themes that we cannot do anything but notice them?
    She wanted to start a resistance and she is doing so with a little thriller help.

    Also lets look at the Grammy performance -
    Sorry but I can't upload pics as they are bitmap and the vid was removed and it won't process my new one.
    She is dragged on stage - TIAI pic of victim child in head bandages on floor
    Same as Gaga in recent vid covered to nose with white mask
    same as Jacksons Torture vid where they have faces with no eyes
    Same as Pink floyd - brick in the wall - kids on train with no eyes

    It is a circus scenario with Magician - Freemasonry/magi/crowley/ghosts etc

    He says ' We Want To See The Real Gaga ' - the 'mind controlled one'
    He tells us she has her own Politics?(couldn't get the word) could be policy?
    He tells us she 'HAS NO SOUL'
    She then arrives in a cage - where her mind is now controlled
    Cut to telling us that this is 'mass mind control'
    She then collapses and is taken up the steps and dumped in the vat/tube.
    After all this she then sits with Elton - back where she originally started at a piano singing Speechless - Michael!
    Elton has dirt all over his face - the filthy music industry he has been a part of?
    He also says 'Thank God For GAGA'
    She is a part of 'The Resistance' and so is Michael and others - she is deliberate in her attempts to show us what is happening - watch the Grammys again - the whole thing is showing us what is happening and what 'our 'future ' will be if this isn't stopped.
    ALSO WHEN SHE SINGS WITH ELTON SHE IS WEARING HER GREEN OUTFIT - Green is what she is wearing singing Electric Kiss - back to herself?
    Look beyond the obvious - I didn't and nearly missed it.
    Love x
  • ok i think Lady Gaga has it in her to be the next big thing, i think she's a stay-arounder,
    possibly we'll look at her in 10, 20 years time and realise she became the next Madonna.
    I believe her to be very talented, educated and intelligent, a woman who knows what she's doing ! Frankly we could break down every music video ever made , every song ever made and find something "dubious" about it, "symbolic" hey "mind controlling"! So what gives? Do we stick our heads and that of our children in the Bible and only listen to psalms from now on? So her songs are catchy, I belt out "papparazzi" in the shower, is she therefor "mind controling" me ?? If anything the "symbols" that "prove" gaga to be a "mind control victim" are BLATANTLY out there for all to see in her clips, you'd figure if it was indeed the case (her being MC'ed and what not) that the tips would be a little more subtle?
    I'm sorry but i don't see what the commotion is all about , she makes some friggin catchy tunes, either you like her or you don't,but quit with the "OMG Illuminati everywhere!"
    just chill, enjoy music !
  • Wow - I noticed it last night for the first time that behind all of the costume, she has real talent.

    Too many people still judge first and then listen. But I'm happy you discovered it.

    And so many people did that to Michael.. remember? He was wierd because he wore make up and spoke with a soft voice, etc....
  • Wow - I noticed it last night for the first time that behind all of the costume, she has real talent.

    Too many people still judge first and then listen. But I'm happy you discovered it.

    And so many people did that to Michael.. remember? He was wierd because he wore make up and spoke with a soft voice, etc....

    Amen to that!
  • This is brilliant stargazerMJ11. I think you have shown a lot of very important insights here. I would like to add a couple of my own observations from the Grammy's. During the GaGa expose, the guy talking (don't know his name) specifically says that we don't want her mind control pop and throws GaGa into the rejection bin. He says that we want the real GaGa. He also calls her a MONSTER several times and that she will turn all of us into MONSTERS too. This is so important, they have virtually spelled it out for us. I think GaGa is the key to showing us what is really going on in the music industry and she must be an incredibly strong person to show us in this way. I really feel that there are many connections to Michael in the Grammy's and maybe this is a joint scheme to expose the truth.
    I found this which is very creepy but so important. She is spelling it out to us, I am sure she is doing this deliberately to expose the truth. She knows what she is doing as well as Michael does and IMO quite a few other artists. The whole series on Hello Kitty is mind blowing if you care to watch:-
    This one relates to GaGa and Hello Kitty:-

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LkhJi56w5U<!-- m -->
  • Wow - I noticed it last night for the first time that behind all of the costume, she has real talent.

    Too many people still judge first and then listen. But I'm happy you discovered it.

    And so many people did that to Michael.. remember? He was wierd because he wore make up and spoke with a soft voice, etc....

    Amen to that!

    You can't possibly compare what people say about her to what people say about Michael. What they did (and some still do) is way worse. ( Child molester anyone? Jokes on late night shows about that? Changing his skin color because he wanted to be white? just to name some false things.) That's the main reason they called him weird. She gets called weird for her outfits. Big difference imo. ( Not trying to be rude so don't take it that way)

    Also if she is like anyone, she is like Madonna. I don't understand why people would say she is like Michael.
    She is so much more like Madonna. Madonna was known for reinventing herself and is always praised because she knows how to market herself. She used sex to make her ''out there'' and Lady Gaga uses her outfits and imaginery. Same thing, they know how to get people interested them.
    Also they both defend there work as art when questioned about it. ( look at past interviews of Madonna and you will see what I mean.They say the exact same thing) And both of them are known to be at the forefront for gay people. Which is great don't get me wrong,but still very similar. Even Madonna has said that she sees a lot of herself when she was younger in her.
    Just to be clear, I'm not hating on her. She just reminds me a lot of Madonna that's all.

    Also something else, as someone already pointed out, Michael wanted her to open for him at the 02. They weren't gonna sing together or write a song.
    I really don't think she is in on the hoax. Why of all the people would she be in on it? He knows many people in the industry closely and has worked with some people in the last few years, but he doesn't tell them yet includes someone he doesn't even know? Doesn't make sense to me...

    Also the things that have been pointed out to me just show that she is somewhat of a fan of his. That's all really, and pretty much every artist out there has proclaimed to be a fan of his at some point in their career so that is nothing new either.

    Well this post turned out much longer than intented <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I guess I had to get this of my chest finally <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This is brilliant stargazerMJ11. I think you have shown a lot of very important insights here. I would like to add a couple of my own observations from the Grammy's. During the GaGa expose, the guy talking (don't know his name) specifically says that we don't want her mind control pop and throws GaGa into the rejection bin. He says that we want the real GaGa. He also calls her a MONSTER several times and that she will turn all of us into MONSTERS too. This is so important, they have virtually spelled it out for us. I think GaGa is the key to showing us what is really going on in the music industry and she must be an incredibly strong person to show us in this way. I really feel that there are many connections to Michael in the Grammy's and maybe this is a joint scheme to expose the truth.
    I found this which is very creepy but so important. She is spelling it out to us, I am sure she is doing this deliberately to expose the truth. She knows what she is doing as well as Michael does and IMO quite a few other artists. The whole series on Hello Kitty is mind blowing if you care to watch:-
    This one relates to GaGa and Hello Kitty:-

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-LkhJi56w5U<!-- m -->

    The higlighted part about the monster thing, I think that was about her calling her fans her little ''monsters'' also she has a song called monster appariantly...
  • Why Michael chooses GAGA: read article about Michael below from Bloomberg Business Week online. It is dated June 25, 2009 at 10:24PM EST

    Financial Assets Included Sony/ATV Catalog

    A genius of a songwriter and performer, Jackson was not so in tune with his personal finances. At one point the star owed more than $270 million to Bank of America (BAC). In 2005 the bank sold that debt at a discount to the private equity firm Fortress Investment Group (FIG). Jackson, who reportedly spent as much as $30 million a year during the good times on clothes, travel, and toys for his ranch, successfully fought an attempt to auction many of his personal possessions earlier this year. Over the years those suing Jackson for past-due bills included his former publicist, video director, attorney, and financial advisers.

    Not much is known about Jackson's estate planning or will. He leaves behind three children and his well-known brothers, sisters, mother, and father. The star had one asset that will likely be the target of much maneuvering by creditors and heirs in the coming months and years—his 50% interest in the Sony/ATV music catalog. Shortly after his string of early 1980s hits that included Thriller, one of the best-selling albums of all time, Jackson was shrewdly advised to buy the Beatles catalog for $47 million. Ten years later, Jackson merged his music company with Sony Corp.'s (SNE) music publishing arm in a deal reportedly worth $90 million to him.

    Today, that company owns the publishing rights to thousands of hit songs by everyone from Neil Diamond to Lady Gaga. Music publishers collect royalties from radio stations, movie studios, and record labels every time a song is played or album sold. Jackson's half interest has been estimated to be worth as much as $500 million. Jackson's own hits are owned by a separate company, also now part of his estate.
  • Xirisjex, I have heard this about her calling her very young fans her little monsters too and I feel it has a very dark connotation and I think she is trying to show how the Illuminati want to change and control us and our children.
  • @xirisjex The worst allegations and jibes against MJ were later on in his career. Lady GaGa is still relatively young and starting out on her career.

    At the beginning with MJ there were whisperings and jokes about his fashion style, his make up, his voice, his love of animals (bubbles), etc... so yes i can compare the two. The jokes and judgements against Lady GaGa are similar to how it started out with MJ... and then of course, MJ became very big, very famous, very rich and very powerful and then the claws really came out.

    Since when is it ok to judge someone on their appearance and dress style as they do Lady GaGa? She is actually very clever with what she does. Everyone is talking about her, right?? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Hi there,
    I have never liked the imagery of Gaga so I ignored her where possible - silly me!
    I believe that Souza and Mo have done a great job in their mkultra/freemason research and have shown the Gaga image and what it represents brilliantly - but - I also think we have missed something big.
    Why would Michael want to work with her if she were only a puppet happy to disturb the public?
    why would the Jacksons keep saying they love her?
    I put this song on for a reason:here they are;

    We are a generation twisted by our myth
    Confused and ludicrous, holding on to love
    Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
    A life without the lips we've kissed
    And losing all control

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss

    Fame is our felony
    We're so in love with it
    Superstars and masochists
    Who don't know where to go
    But the poets and the fathers of our time
    Put down their weapons in their arms
    And know what they must do

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice for ever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss
    This is what I believe she is doing . There are articles saying she hates her imagery . She is so over the top with illuminati mind control themes that we cannot do anything but notice them?
    She wanted to start a resistance and she is doing so with a little thriller help.

    Also lets look at the Grammy performance -
    Sorry but I can't upload pics as they are bitmap and the vid was removed and it won't process my new one.
    She is dragged on stage - TIAI pic of victim child in head bandages on floor
    Same as Gaga in recent vid covered to nose with white mask
    same as Jacksons Torture vid where they have faces with no eyes
    Same as Pink floyd - brick in the wall - kids on train with no eyes

    It is a circus scenario with Magician - Freemasonry/magi/crowley/ghosts etc

    He says ' We Want To See The Real Gaga ' - the 'mind controlled one'
    He tells us she has her own Politics?(couldn't get the word) could be policy?
    He tells us she 'HAS NO SOUL'
    She then arrives in a cage - where her mind is now controlled
    Cut to telling us that this is 'mass mind control'
    She then collapses and is taken up the steps and dumped in the vat/tube.
    After all this she then sits with Elton - back where she originally started at a piano singing Speechless - Michael!
    Elton has dirt all over his face - the filthy music industry he has been a part of?
    He also says 'Thank God For GAGA'
    She is a part of 'The Resistance' and so is Michael and others - she is deliberate in her attempts to show us what is happening - watch the Grammys again - the whole thing is showing us what is happening and what 'our 'future ' will be if this isn't stopped.
    ALSO WHEN SHE SINGS WITH ELTON SHE IS WEARING HER GREEN OUTFIT - Green is what she is wearing singing Electric Kiss - back to herself?
    Look beyond the obvious - I didn't and nearly missed it.
    Love x

    <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> Bravo on your excellent and insightful post!!!! I agree with you completely, Michael did NOT WANT to work with GaGa, Michael IS WORKING WITH GAGA...she is pure, raw, true talent and Michael knew that. She is making fun / exposing all the symbols in her work to cast light on all of the evil underground demons...please think about it, would someone in a secret society be so bold and expose for all the world to see, I highly doubt it!
  • I hope the day comes when she sheds all this iluminati garb and craziness and shows her true self and her talent and just let this side of herself shine without all the gimmicks.
    It'll probably be the same time MJ returns. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Maybe that's the whole point to her image. She is a symbol and reflection of what the world has turned into. What the music has turned into. Maybe this is how MJ FELT when he was at the height of his fame and his popularity but we saw something else. Remember on the Oprah interview in '93 he said he was terribly sad during those years. I believe it. I'm sure there's more to Gaga than meets the eye. Her Grammy performance was trying to send a more obvious message this time.

    We are SO screwed up right now. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • She looked better before she got famous.

    Normal & natural talent but now she's just...what's the word? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • She looked better before she got famous.

    Normal & natural talent but now she's just...what's the word? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I totally agree, it's so sad that she has had to go to this extreme to show us the truth.

    :- I hope the day comes when she sheds all this iluminati garb and craziness and shows her true self and her talent and just let this side of herself shine without all the gimmicks.
    It'll probably be the same time MJ returns. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I'm positive you are right on both counts. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • She is really a sweet girl. I knew she was sending messages as soon as I saw Paparazzi.
  • Lady Gaga is really talented and has good music, I can remember on her The Fame Monster album there are two Gaga's one with the blonde hair (The mind controlled Gaga) and one with dark hair and crying (The original Gaga - wants out of the mind control). I think she is misunderstood and I really think Michael wanted to sing with her.
  • Hi there,
    I have never liked the imagery of Gaga so I ignored her where possible - silly me!
    I believe that Souza and Mo have done a great job in their mkultra/freemason research and have shown the Gaga image and what it represents brilliantly - but - I also think we have missed something big.
    Why would Michael want to work with her if she were only a puppet happy to disturb the public?
    why would the Jacksons keep saying they love her?
    I put this song on for a reason:here they are;

    We are a generation twisted by our myth
    Confused and ludicrous, holding on to love
    Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
    A life without the lips we've kissed
    And losing all control

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss

    Fame is our felony
    We're so in love with it
    Superstars and masochists
    Who don't know where to go
    But the poets and the fathers of our time
    Put down their weapons in their arms
    And know what they must do

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice for ever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss
    This is what I believe she is doing . There are articles saying she hates her imagery . She is so over the top with illuminati mind control themes that we cannot do anything but notice them?
    She wanted to start a resistance and she is doing so with a little thriller help.

    Also lets look at the Grammy performance -
    Sorry but I can't upload pics as they are bitmap and the vid was removed and it won't process my new one.
    She is dragged on stage - TIAI pic of victim child in head bandages on floor
    Same as Gaga in recent vid covered to nose with white mask
    same as Jacksons Torture vid where they have faces with no eyes
    Same as Pink floyd - brick in the wall - kids on train with no eyes

    It is a circus scenario with Magician - Freemasonry/magi/crowley/ghosts etc

    He says ' We Want To See The Real Gaga ' - the 'mind controlled one'
    He tells us she has her own Politics?(couldn't get the word) could be policy?
    He tells us she 'HAS NO SOUL'
    She then arrives in a cage - where her mind is now controlled
    Cut to telling us that this is 'mass mind control'
    She then collapses and is taken up the steps and dumped in the vat/tube.
    After all this she then sits with Elton - back where she originally started at a piano singing Speechless - Michael!
    Elton has dirt all over his face - the filthy music industry he has been a part of?
    He also says 'Thank God For GAGA'
    She is a part of 'The Resistance' and so is Michael and others - she is deliberate in her attempts to show us what is happening - watch the Grammys again - the whole thing is showing us what is happening and what 'our 'future ' will be if this isn't stopped.
    ALSO WHEN SHE SINGS WITH ELTON SHE IS WEARING HER GREEN OUTFIT - Green is what she is wearing singing Electric Kiss - back to herself?
    Look beyond the obvious - I didn't and nearly missed it.
    Love x

    <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> Bravo on your excellent and insightful post!!!! I agree with you completely, Michael did NOT WANT to work with GaGa, Michael IS WORKING WITH GAGA...she is pure, raw, true talent and Michael knew that. She is making fun / exposing all the symbols in her work to cast light on all of the evil underground demons...please think about it, would someone in a secret society be so bold and expose for all the world to see, I highly doubt it!

    One thing doesn't add up to this though. By saying she is exposing symbols and such we are going by the illumnati right? One of the things that is claimed about the illumnati is that they control everything, including the music industry. If that is true there is no way she would be able to be succesfull without being ''brain washed'' or at least following their orders. So how can she expose them through her songs and on stage then? They would not allow her to do that, if they really excist. If anything they would use her to gain control on the masses, I guess...
  • Hi there,
    I have never liked the imagery of Gaga so I ignored her where possible - silly me!
    I believe that Souza and Mo have done a great job in their mkultra/freemason research and have shown the Gaga image and what it represents brilliantly - but - I also think we have missed something big.
    Why would Michael want to work with her if she were only a puppet happy to disturb the public?
    why would the Jacksons keep saying they love her?
    I put this song on for a reason:here they are;

    We are a generation twisted by our myth
    Confused and ludicrous, holding on to love
    Consumed by all the pleasures in our midst
    A life without the lips we've kissed
    And losing all control

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss

    Fame is our felony
    We're so in love with it
    Superstars and masochists
    Who don't know where to go
    But the poets and the fathers of our time
    Put down their weapons in their arms
    And know what they must do

    We're gonna start a resistance
    So we want independence
    We're gonna give the world some of this

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice forever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness

    Electric kiss
    I'm gonna change the world with my lips
    One voice for ever
    We'll live together
    Peace, love, solitude and happiness
    Electric kiss
    This is what I believe she is doing . There are articles saying she hates her imagery . She is so over the top with illuminati mind control themes that we cannot do anything but notice them?
    She wanted to start a resistance and she is doing so with a little thriller help.

    Also lets look at the Grammy performance -
    Sorry but I can't upload pics as they are bitmap and the vid was removed and it won't process my new one.
    She is dragged on stage - TIAI pic of victim child in head bandages on floor
    Same as Gaga in recent vid covered to nose with white mask
    same as Jacksons Torture vid where they have faces with no eyes
    Same as Pink floyd - brick in the wall - kids on train with no eyes

    It is a circus scenario with Magician - Freemasonry/magi/crowley/ghosts etc

    He says ' We Want To See The Real Gaga ' - the 'mind controlled one'
    He tells us she has her own Politics?(couldn't get the word) could be policy?
    He tells us she 'HAS NO SOUL'
    She then arrives in a cage - where her mind is now controlled
    Cut to telling us that this is 'mass mind control'
    She then collapses and is taken up the steps and dumped in the vat/tube.
    After all this she then sits with Elton - back where she originally started at a piano singing Speechless - Michael!
    Elton has dirt all over his face - the filthy music industry he has been a part of?
    He also says 'Thank God For GAGA'
    She is a part of 'The Resistance' and so is Michael and others - she is deliberate in her attempts to show us what is happening - watch the Grammys again - the whole thing is showing us what is happening and what 'our 'future ' will be if this isn't stopped.
    ALSO WHEN SHE SINGS WITH ELTON SHE IS WEARING HER GREEN OUTFIT - Green is what she is wearing singing Electric Kiss - back to herself?
    Look beyond the obvious - I didn't and nearly missed it.
    Love x

    <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> Bravo on your excellent and insightful post!!!! I agree with you completely, Michael did NOT WANT to work with GaGa, Michael IS WORKING WITH GAGA...she is pure, raw, true talent and Michael knew that. She is making fun / exposing all the symbols in her work to cast light on all of the evil underground demons...please think about it, would someone in a secret society be so bold and expose for all the world to see, I highly doubt it!

    One thing doesn't add up to this though. By saying she is exposing symbols and such we are going by the illumnati right? One of the things that is claimed about the illumnati is that they control everything, including the music industry. If that is true there is no way she would be able to be succesfull without being ''brain washed'' or at least following their orders. So how can she expose them through her songs and on stage then? They would not allow her to do that, if they really excist. If anything they would use her to gain control on the masses, I guess...

    I totally understand what you are saying here but I have to add that Black or White Panther video was shown for mass public viewing and I'm sure the Illuminati did not approve of that but it was still shown and only after was it banned. I'm sure Michael has friends in high places and can achieve anything. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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