Why Michael Chose GAGA-GOOD! We have missed something



  • You know, I think it's very possible, obviously, that Madame Gaga is indeed an Illuminati product, but at the same time, I noticed something- she never wins ANY awards! If she were for them, wouldn't they be handing them out to her? And she does seem like she's making fun of them- or doing that and showing us at the same time. It would make sense, I think, especially as someone pointed out that she's in MJ's catalogue.. I can just see him using her as the messenger or whatever..

    She did win awards. She's won 2 grammy's, for best electronic album and anther one which I can't remember at the moment.
    She also won a VMA award.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    To Believe 777

    I really don't know what to think about Gaga. She really seems to be a puppet for me. Maybe there are 2 Gagas but when you say that she doesn't like her imagery but still keep on going on with this same imagery there is something that consolidate me in the conclusion that she knows she's being manipulated and that she accepts it. She knows the game and plays it.
    Beyonce received many Grammys that night because she's in the game together with her husband Jay-Z. They are at a "higher level" that's why she was awarded that much. Maybe Gaga's time has not yet come she has to prove something. There's a kind of ritual to go through first.
    Do you really think that the way Gaga is expressing herself via her videos, her artistry, will make people aware of what is going on in the music industry ? Many people who follow her are teenagers they don't know what's behind, they just see things at face value and what she shows to them is not leading to reflexion, to awareness. Fans (especially young fans) take these people as their models. This is dangerous. I think that if you really want to expose some truths, to expose an enemy you don't use the exact codes and methods this enemy is using. If Gaga aim is really to expose them (which I still doubt ) this will only have an impact on people who already know about these things, who have sufficient knowledge to decode things, not many people in reality.
    Gaga is an example of the music industry manipulation process to me. She's like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Just make a comparison between their beginnings and what they have become today. To me it speaks volumes.
    This is just what I think I can be completely wrong and don't say this is the truth it's just what I feel. I think I'll keep an eye on Gaga to see how things evolve. If I realize that I'm wrong about her I'll admit it. I only search for the truth.

    God bless you
  • To Believe 777

    I really don't know what to think about Gaga. She really seems to be a puppet for me. Maybe there are 2 Gagas but when you say that she doesn't like her imagery but still keep on going on with this same imagery there is something that consolidate me in the conclusion that she knows she's being manipulated and that she accepts it. She knows the game and plays it.
    Beyonce received many Grammys that night because she's in the game together with her husband Jay-Z. They are at a "higher level" that's why she was awarded that much. Maybe Gaga's time has not yet come she has to prove something. There's a kind of ritual to go through first.
    Do you really think that the way Gaga is expressing herself via her videos, her artistry, will make people aware of what is going on in the music industry ? Many people who follow her are teenagers they don't know what's behind, they just see things at face value and what she shows to them is not leading to reflexion, to awareness. Fans (especially young fans) take these people as their models. This is dangerous. I think that if you really want to expose some truths, to expose an enemy you don't use the exact codes and methods this enemy is using. If Gaga aim is really to expose them (which I still doubt ) this will only have an impact on people who already know about these things, who have sufficient knowledge to decode things, not many people in reality.
    Gaga is an example of the music industry manipulation process to me. She's like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Just make a comparison between their beginnings and what they have become today. To me it speaks volumes.
    This is just what I think I can be completely wrong and don't say this is the truth it's just what I feel. I think I'll keep an eye on Gaga to see how things evolve. If I realize that I'm wrong about her I'll admit it. I only search for the truth.

    God bless you

    Thank you sarahli, I also only search for the truth and I also may be wrong. I understand what you are saying and like I said, there is such a fine line between the two scenarios. Maybe her imagery is for those who are becoming more aware to take notice. It's the Grammy performance that speaks volumes to me. I'm not sure how else the extreme sinister aspect of the music industry could be exposed in a way that people can 1. see and 2. believe. Talking about it would not be sufficient enough or explosive enough to open peoples eyes. Again this is just my personal feelings on this.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    You know, I think it's very possible, obviously, that Madame Gaga is indeed an Illuminati product, but at the same time, I noticed something- she never wins ANY awards! If she were for them, wouldn't they be handing them out to her? And she does seem like she's making fun of them- or doing that and showing us at the same time. It would make sense, I think, especially as someone pointed out that she's in MJ's catalogue.. I can just see him using her as the messenger or whatever..

    She did win awards. She's won 2 grammy's, for best electronic album and anther one which I can't remember at the moment.
    She also won a VMA award.
    But wouldn't they give her the biggest, best ones? I've heard that her fans think she got cheated..
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I am very pleased to see this post. Lady Gaga had a very clear message in her performance, but so did Beyonce. Maybe less obvious, but Pink and Bon Jovi were pulling it off as well. Good to see people are starting to see now what is happening in the world and in the music industry.

    In my opinion the Grammys was one big statement by the artists, and it was a fantastic show.

    And yes, Lady Gaga is very talented, she has a fantastic voice.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    @Sarahli:- I'm not keen on Gaga's music either, but I feel that she is mocking them by being so shockingly 'in your face' with her imagery' and music that she is showing us something. It has been said earlier that she doesn't like her own imagery either, so there must be some reason for her doing this.I think there is a strong link between her and Michael, as well as Travis Payne being her choreographer.
    It's like she is pushing the boundaries so far because people need to be shocked into seeing what is really going on behind the music industry.
    I'm sure that the Illuminati would not approve of her being so blatantly expressive. They tend to use blatant symbolism rather than what Gaga is displaying. I may be wrong but I am sure this is normally the case.

    Here is the grammy performance again, listen to the guys words, I'm sure we are being told something important and he asks for the real Gaga (not the mind control pop culture Lady Gaga), who has been put in the incinerator and then out comes real Gaga with Elton John. IMO.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlOvfUTHfxY<!-- m -->

    There is such a fine line between exposing them and being their puppet. I really do think that she is the former. The Grammy's reveals this for me.

    @pinktopaz:- Good point about her not getting awards, are these not usually given to artists who do as they are told. (puppets).

    Yes, that is why (IMO) Taylor Swift won the big one, she'd on message. She's a sweet girl, but I think Beyonce deserved that award more than her, but hey, Bee was off message too huh?

    I agree with your post. First the puppet and then tha real Gaga on the Piano.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    To Believe 777

    I really don't know what to think about Gaga. She really seems to be a puppet for me. Maybe there are 2 Gagas but when you say that she doesn't like her imagery but still keep on going on with this same imagery there is something that consolidate me in the conclusion that she knows she's being manipulated and that she accepts it. She knows the game and plays it.
    Beyonce received many Grammys that night because she's in the game together with her husband Jay-Z. They are at a "higher level" that's why she was awarded that much. Maybe Gaga's time has not yet come she has to prove something. There's a kind of ritual to go through first.
    Do you really think that the way Gaga is expressing herself via her videos, her artistry, will make people aware of what is going on in the music industry ? Many people who follow her are teenagers they don't know what's behind, they just see things at face value and what she shows to them is not leading to reflexion, to awareness. Fans (especially young fans) take these people as their models. This is dangerous. I think that if you really want to expose some truths, to expose an enemy you don't use the exact codes and methods this enemy is using. If Gaga aim is really to expose them (which I still doubt ) this will only have an impact on people who already know about these things, who have sufficient knowledge to decode things, not many people in reality.
    Gaga is an example of the music industry manipulation process to me. She's like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Just make a comparison between their beginnings and what they have become today. To me it speaks volumes.
    This is just what I think I can be completely wrong and don't say this is the truth it's just what I feel. I think I'll keep an eye on Gaga to see how things evolve. If I realize that I'm wrong about her I'll admit it. I only search for the truth.

    God bless you

    What I bolded: it's not that long ago that I was a teen myself, and I think that people tend to underestimate their intelligence a lot- there's a good amount of TV shows on now and plenty of discussions about teen girls and sex and whatnot. They don't just see sex or hear about it in songs and think "I wanna do that!" For instance I adored plenty of Britney/Gaga-type pop music when I was younger (and still pretty much do) mainly for the funky sound of it, but I of course knew that artists just like to glamourize sex and that in real life they, and pretty much women don't just get jiggy with it with some man-ho they barely know.. Most teens that listen to that stuff are still smart girls with good heads on their shoulders. I mean I've always thought that the antics in music videos were a little silly and overdone, and I'm sure most teens just laugh at Gaga or feel a little uncomfortable. It's not hard to know when something isn't appropriate for you and a lot of times it makes you feel pre-etty awkward, not "I wanna be just like her!" Little girls are a concern, but most teens know better..

    Another thing is that at those ages, romance is important, too- at least to me, just having sex for the hell of it is boring! It means nothing if you don't truly know/care for the person, and most teens know that! Sex is meant to be a passionate affair between two people, and even now I would only want to do at a perfect, unplanned, beautiful moment with a guy I love, you know? Maybe that's just me, but I definitely know that teen girls can be just as romantic..
  • To Believe 777

    I really don't know what to think about Gaga. She really seems to be a puppet for me. Maybe there are 2 Gagas but when you say that she doesn't like her imagery but still keep on going on with this same imagery there is something that consolidate me in the conclusion that she knows she's being manipulated and that she accepts it. She knows the game and plays it.
    Beyonce received many Grammys that night because she's in the game together with her husband Jay-Z. They are at a "higher level" that's why she was awarded that much. Maybe Gaga's time has not yet come she has to prove something. There's a kind of ritual to go through first.
    Do you really think that the way Gaga is expressing herself via her videos, her artistry, will make people aware of what is going on in the music industry ? Many people who follow her are teenagers they don't know what's behind, they just see things at face value and what she shows to them is not leading to reflexion, to awareness. Fans (especially young fans) take these people as their models. This is dangerous. I think that if you really want to expose some truths, to expose an enemy you don't use the exact codes and methods this enemy is using. If Gaga aim is really to expose them (which I still doubt ) this will only have an impact on people who already know about these things, who have sufficient knowledge to decode things, not many people in reality.
    Gaga is an example of the music industry manipulation process to me. She's like Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera. Just make a comparison between their beginnings and what they have become today. To me it speaks volumes.
    This is just what I think I can be completely wrong and don't say this is the truth it's just what I feel. I think I'll keep an eye on Gaga to see how things evolve. If I realize that I'm wrong about her I'll admit it. I only search for the truth.

    God bless you

    What I bolded: it's not that long ago that I was a teen myself, and I think that people tend to underestimate their intelligence a lot- there's a good amount of TV shows on now and plenty of discussions about teen girls and sex and whatnot. They don't just see sex or hear about it in songs and think "I wanna do that!" For instance I adored plenty of Britney/Gaga-type pop music when I was younger (and still pretty much do) mainly for the funky sound of it, but I of course knew that artists just like to glamourize sex and that in real life they, and pretty much women don't just get jiggy with it with some man-ho they barely know.. Most teens that listen to that stuff are still smart girls with good heads on their shoulders. I mean I've always thought that the antics in music videos were a little silly and overdone, and I'm sure most teens just laugh at Gaga or feel a little uncomfortable. It's not hard to know when something isn't appropriate for you and a lot of times it makes you feel pre-etty awkward, not "I wanna be just like her!" Little girls are a concern, but most teens know better..

    Another thing is that at those ages, romance is important, too- at least to me, just having sex for the hell of it is boring! It means nothing if you don't truly know/care for the person, and most teens know that! Sex is meant to be a passionate affair between two people, and even now I would only want to do at a perfect, unplanned, beautiful moment with a guy I love, you know? Maybe that's just me, but I definitely know that teen girls can be just as romantic..

    I agree, young adults these days are far more mature deep down than a lot of people think. I know many that have strong minds and think very much for themselves and with an open mind. They can be surprisingly insightful. They think independantly and logically and I can often talk far more openly to them than I can to older/wiser? adults. Many adults I know are trapped in their beliefs and I am so pleased we have young adults who are prepared to challenge previously feared ideas. We need these people who are prepared to question everything. I am not saying this is across the board but certainly the ones I have come into contact with, which brings me so much hope for our future.
  • I am really pleased that everyone is thinking about this even if it is negative because I believe that we are in for a few suprises!!!

    Just think for a second - through years of Michael asking us to change , love eachother and look into and find his 'missing' childhood - have we done it ? Sometimes we only see something if it disgusts us - and that is the point - we have to make some serious life changes that will not come easily so we need the shocks aswell as the love.
    pics at bottom of page-......
    I have just found this article - ;
    for reference
    Love to you all x

  • I think this is the link from stargazerMJ11 info.
    So we have a strong, current link between Gaga and Michael with Redone producer <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljackson.com/us/node/591102<!-- m -->
  • Nice post! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I stated this on another post, but since this is new maybe more will see it...she played all Michael songs before she came out on stage at her concert in Detroit on January 13th. The crowd went wild and we were all dancing! She's a fan!

    And, she is a great performer with a message of love...sound familiar?? She is anti-hate, anti-fame, anti-paparazzi...sound familiar?? She wears outfits that make a statement...sound familiar?? I am just saying she's not a shock to me to be considered by Michael.

    Same thing here in MOntreal, Canada in NOvember <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> i suspect her since the VMA.....
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