Why Michael Chose GAGA-GOOD! We have missed something



  • Maybe you guys are right, maybe she is trying to expose all of that, I just don't think Michael is behind it though. Other artists have spoken out about it as well so maybe she came up with all of this on her own. If regular people like us could see it so could she perhaps.
    One thing that I don't get is why would she then work with someone like Beyonce who is considered to be a puppet for them? Isn't she just going along with them then? If you look at that video ''videophone'' she's not making any statements there, just going along with it all. Wouldn't that be against what she is trying to do according to all of this?
  • Maybe you guys are right, maybe she is trying to expose all of that, I just don't think Michael is behind it though. Other artists have spoken out about it as well so maybe she came up with all of this on her own. If regular people like us could see it so could she perhaps.
    One thing that I don't get is why would she then work with someone like Beyonce who is considered to be a puppet for them? Isn't she just going along with them then? If you look at that video ''videophone'' she's not making any statements there, just going along with it all. Wouldn't that be against what she is trying to do according to all of this?

    Maybe they are making it look as though they are playing along. I trust they know what they are doing, they know sooo much more than we do.
  • I think that Micheal was able to look deeper than the superficial and see the heart of this young woman. She is a humanitarian with a surprising upbringing. Together, they could have turned humanity upside down. Her life is quite extraordinary. Michael obviously saw her potential.

    She donated millions to Haiti.

  • I hope you don't mind Souza but I took this from your other thread about 2009 VMA's because what GaGa says about her performance there is very appropriate for this thread:-

    “Do you think it will be one of those defining moments people will remember at the VMAs?”
    “I know it will. I sort of have this philosophy about things: there’s never a reason to do something unless it’s going to be memorable, unless it’s going to change things, unless it’s going to inspire a movement. With the song and with the performance, I hope to say something very grave about fame and the price of it.”

    “Something grave? What?”
    “You’ll have to see.”

    “What are you going to wear? “
    “I would say that the fashion for the performance is a representation of the most stoic and memorable martyrs of fame in history. It’s intended to be an iconic image that represents people. I think after watching the performance and maybe studying it after you watch it on YouTube, you’ll see the references and the symbols come through.”

    I think she knows exactly what she is doing and I have a newfound respect for GaGa.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    I have to agree I think that Lady Gaga is a huge talent and I like to learn more about her. She makes it much more interesting what is going on in the media but is very critical at the same time. This is amazing and I like this kind of people.
    Thaks everybody for this post.
  • I agree shout, It's so great to see a possible positive outcome to all this dark truth. I feel much happier now that there is some visible light and love at the end of this deep and dark tunnel. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I have been looking into this some more and have found this:-

    <!-- m -->http://www.popcrunch.com/lady-gaga-hyst ... kson-died/<!-- m -->

    Rising pop star Lady Gaga was “hysterical” with grief upon learning legendary hitmaker Michael Jackson had died, according to reports out of the UK.

    As we all know by now, the King of Pop died on Thursday at the age of 50.

    The “Love Game” singer reportedly cancelled all interviews before her debut at Britain’s Glastonbury Music Festival after hearing the news and refused to leave her tour bus.

    “Gaga was hysterical with grief. She could not be consoled and spent the day on the phone to her producer RedOne in America,” says a source in the star’s camp.

    “They penned hits ‘Poker Face’ and ‘Just Dance’ together. He had been working with Michael on new material recently and was beside himself.”
  • I just want to say that gaga is an illuminati slave look at her videos and all the occult signs, Michael and the illuminati don't mix they want him gone and he is sick of them trying to ruin him
  • Not a Gaga fan but love Elton.....I noticed he changed the last line to his song in this performance......not sure why??
  • Love Elton. Who doesn't! He is a legend himself.
  • First: I, too, "see" all the correlations between Lady Gaga, her performances, song titles, outfits, & Michael. Close your eyes and listen...she can sing.

    Second: GAGA backwards.... "A GAG"

    ......things that make you go "hmmmm"..... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I went to Gaga show also and found that one scene was graveyard...very much like Thriller graveyard from the new video. She was wearing Madonnaesque outfit at one time with the pointed bra and blonde hair. And yeah, the music was ALL MJ before the show... the audience loved it... dancing and singing all the songs! I think they were working on a song together but never finished it... Dancing on the Moon. So now this is all coming together... I can understand her more and why she is doing this stuff. Especially the Grammy show... was very clever. I am still figuring out her red carpet outfit w. all the orbits of lights and holding that star...is this standing for L.O.V.E...Law of Vibrational Energy? The light of our soul? I don't know here.
  • You have to understand that it's not necessarily the illuminati that she's targeting. Who said that they are the ones controlling the music industry? What if they are the ones trying to stop it? "Illuminati" does mean "to bring light". There's so much about the elite that we don't know, you're just going on people's formed opinions. Who I think she is targeting is the foul controllers of the music industry itself, who may be using mind control techiniques such as these and manipulation of sex and degenrative behavior to sell records. I don't think these people have anything to do with the illuminati. They're just gangster low lifes who are greedy and are losing their grip on the music industry.
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560
    First: I, too, "see" all the correlations between Lady Gaga, her performances, song titles, outfits, & Michael. Close your eyes and listen...she can sing.

    Second: GAGA backwards.... "A GAG"

    ......things that make you go "hmmmm"..... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    I went to Gaga show also and found that one scene was graveyard...very much like Thriller graveyard from the new video. She was wearing Madonnaesque outfit at one time with the pointed bra and blonde hair. And yeah, the music was ALL MJ before the show... the audience loved it... dancing and singing all the songs! I think they were working on a song together but never finished it... Dancing on the Moon. So now this is all coming together... I can understand her more and why she is doing this stuff. Especially the Grammy show... was very clever. I am still figuring out her red carpet outfit w. all the orbits of lights and holding that star...is this standing for L.O.V.E...Law of Vibrational Energy? The light of our soul? I don't know here.

    Am I missing something here? I have two teenagers and recently started looking at the music videos that are out there. While an adult might look at her videos and see symbols and hidden meanings, adolescents see SEX, with no love attached. Recently she was asked what she looks for in a man. She responded, "Someone with a big......" Does anyone really think that Michael would encourage Paris to sit down and watch a GaGa video with him?

    I'm not here to condemn the woman. I don't know her. I'm only looking at her work and words through the perspective of a mother. I just read a commentary this morning from Greg Palast bemoaning the loss of innocence as his daughter is glued to Youtube videos of Lady GaGas crotch. If she has a broader more uplifting message, it appears to be lost on the general audience.
  • I went to Gaga show also and found that one scene was graveyard...very much like Thriller graveyard from the new video. She was wearing Madonnaesque outfit at one time with the pointed bra and blonde hair. And yeah, the music was ALL MJ before the show... the audience loved it... dancing and singing all the songs! I think they were working on a song together but never finished it... Dancing on the Moon. So now this is all coming together... I can understand her more and why she is doing this stuff. Especially the Grammy show... was very clever. I am still figuring out her red carpet outfit w. all the orbits of lights and holding that star...is this standing for L.O.V.E...Law of Vibrational Energy? The light of our soul? I don't know here.

    Am I missing something here? I have two teenagers and recently started looking at the music videos that are out there. While an adult might look at her videos and see symbols and hidden meanings, adolescents see SEX, with no love attached. Recently she was asked what she looks for in a man. She responded, "Someone with a big......" Does anyone really think that Michael would encourage Paris to sit down and watch a GaGa video with him?

    I'm not here to condemn the woman. I don't know her. I'm only looking at her work and words through the perspective of a mother. I just read a commentary this morning from Greg Palast bemoaning the loss of innocence as his daughter is glued to Youtube videos of Lady GaGas crotch. If she has a broader more uplifting message, it appears to be lost on the general audience.

    Well I kind of have to agree with this though. I saw close ups of what she was wearing on stage at the grammys and you could she her crotch was barely covered. It's a shame because if she wants to focus on the meaning behind her performances why send a message like that out there at the same time? I feel the same way about Beyonce. She talks about being a strong woman, yet during the Ema's she was performing in an outfit that was more like underwear than an actual outfit. It's like why degrate yourself like that? Isn't your talent enough?
    Well I guess I'm a little off topic now.

    I agree though that a lot of kids out there don't see any symbols and probably don't get the message. I think that's partially because she sends mixed signals in her videos and performances.
    I still don't think there is a special connection between her and Michael. I mean look at beyonce she pretty much copied the DRill from MIchael in her grammy performance, does that mean she knows something too?
    They both probably are just fans..
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    It is well known that the film industry, record companies and the media are controlled by the illuminati, music that teens often listen often leads to apathy, violence and drugs, also used to control mind, the music quality is often rejected by major labels. I do not think that Lady Gaga is an example to follow, maybe my opinion is that I do not like I've never liked all that symbolism she uses, I feel a rejection of that kind of thing, and what I believe is that in this world that there is a crisis of values, what is good, people look as bad, and what is bad people look as good, "the world upside down." I do not know if Michael wanted to work or working with her, I would know that <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    That's what I said on another thread about Lady Gaga:

    "MJ holds rights on Lady Gaga's songs in his catalogue.
    <!-- m -->http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnf ... 228739.htm<!-- m -->

    Why not imagine he influences her work (which she was said to have admitted already).
    Why not imagine he actively orchestrates her success?
    Why not imagine he has many spokespersons now?
    Lady Gaga may be only one.
    There are tons of money behind her.
    She is the most spoiled star since a long time.
    She is being pushed up.
    Just a lady from New York night clubs on her way up? No.
    She is THE star these days and for quite a while still, freaking out everybody.
    She is the only one who may cross any borders of taste, lie, truth, art and A.I.R. (art is resistance). She is said to be so crazy in public that you would expect everything from her. She's being accepted that way. She has found agreement and acceptance from the public to be that way. Thus she has achieved more freedom on earth than anybody else. She may do or not do whatever she likes.
    She is also said to be a very nice, kind person. This gives a lot of space for actions and for speculations. Watch her. She will speak the truth more than anybody else because she is so much disguised that nobody will take as personal insult what she's about to say.
    She is the perfect court jester to mirror our crazyness back to us.
    She will be THE star for quite a while - and then disappear miraculously or dramatically.
    Watch for it."

    I am adding this:
    I consider her a mirror of the crazyness that has settled in as establishment in the "civilized" world. As such she giving an antipole to the influencial powerful individuals and organizations.
    She is not puppet of nwo or what some fear. The contrary: she is duping and embarrassing the "upside town".
    Lady Gaga is brilliant. She is ridiculing them by starring being one of them. It's a double layer storybook.
    Who looks at her only once from the outside feels disgusted by her frank barefacedness of doing what she does.
    In fact, she is crossing borders and thus uniting.
    Her videos are masterpieces. There is a master behind these movies. If you watch them closely, you'll find at least as many clues of what she's really talking about as you found in TII.

    The brand "Lady Gaga" is extremely well being brought to market.
    There are people behind her that want to tell something.
    If this were not the case, they would not put such tremendous effort in the videos and pay attention to so many details and story layers in them.
    There are brains at work.
  • Lady Ga Ga is evil , she sold her soul to the devil
  • That's what I said on another thread about Lady Gaga:

    "MJ holds rights on Lady Gaga's songs in his catalogue.
    <!-- m -->http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnf ... 228739.htm<!-- m -->

    Why not imagine he influences her work (which she was said to have admitted already).
    Why not imagine he actively orchestrates her success?
    Why not imagine he has many spokespersons now?
    Lady Gaga may be only one.
    There are tons of money behind her.
    She is the most spoiled star since a long time.
    She is being pushed up.
    Just a lady from New York night clubs on her way up? No.
    She is THE star these days and for quite a while still, freaking out everybody.
    She is the only one who may cross any borders of taste, lie, truth, art and A.I.R. (art is resistance). She is said to be so crazy in public that you would expect everything from her. She's being accepted that way. She has found agreement and acceptance from the public to be that way. Thus she has achieved more freedom on earth than anybody else. She may do or not do whatever she likes.
    She is also said to be a very nice, kind person. This gives a lot of space for actions and for speculations. Watch her. She will speak the truth more than anybody else because she is so much disguised that nobody will take as personal insult what she's about to say.
    She is the perfect court jester to mirror our crazyness back to us.
    She will be THE star for quite a while - and then disappear miraculously or dramatically.
    Watch for it."

    I am adding this:
    I consider her a mirror of the crazyness that has settled in as establishment in the "civilized" world. As such she giving an antipole to the influencial powerful individuals and organizations.
    She is not puppet of nwo or what some fear. The contrary: she is duping and embarrassing the "upside town".
    Lady Gaga is brilliant. She is ridiculing them by starring being one of them. It's a double layer storybook.
    Who looks at her only once from the outside feels disgusted by her frank barefacedness of doing what she does.
    In fact, she is crossing borders and thus uniting.
    Her videos are masterpieces. There is a master behind these movies. If you watch them closely, you'll find at least as many clues of what she's really talking about as you found in TII.

    The brand "Lady Gaga" is extremely well being brought to market.
    There are people behind her that want to tell something.
    If this were not the case, they would not put such tremendous effort in the videos and pay attention to so many details and story layers in them.
    There are brains at work.

    Great words grace, this is spot on, you explain so well exactly, what GaGa is all about IMO <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    This is a challenging concept for some to believe but if our insights are accurate, which I truly believe they are, then the outcome of this looks far brighter for everyone. If we can see that they are taking this on, head on, then everything will be ok. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Looking outside the box is essential for this one...
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    I guess I feel the need to play 'devil's' advocate here, as I truly have not made up my mind about her. If you frequent the website 'Vigilant Citizen,' it would appear that many of today's artist are blatant in their exposure of illuminati symbolism. Is that because they are 'shedding light on the dark side and exposing it,' or because they are part of the dark side and feel bold enough to throw it in our faces, or rather the faces of our children. Is it GOOD that Rhianna devotes an entire song to demonic possession, or is she merely glamorizing it.

    I've been curious about GaGa's meteoric rise to the top, including an audience with the Queen! She obviously has some powerful people behind her. Just not sure that it's MJ.

    Here are the words to Bad Romance, viewed by about 100M on Youtube.

    I want your horror
    I want your design
    ‘Cause you’re a criminal
    As long as your mine
    I want your love
    (Love-love-love I want your love-uuhh)

    I want your psycho
    Your vertigo stick
    Want you in my rear window
    Baby you’re sick
    I want your love
    I want your love
    (Love-love-love I want your love)

    And here's the link to the analysis: <!-- m -->http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=2737<!-- m -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I will not love Gaga's artistry just because her name has been quoted next to Michael's one. We have to keep our head on our shoulders and see things from a rational point of view. Almost all singers have been a fan of Michael in their lives or at least have loved or still love his music or one of his songs. You can ask almost anyone they will all tell you they love Michael, his songs, his career... (now more than ever).
    When you look at Gaga video clip "Bad Romance" were is the link with Michael ? The brainwashing process they attempted on him ? Maybe. But the difference is that Lady Gaga is well aware of what is going on in the Music Industry (which was not the case of Michael at his early stages) and she is well aware of the price she has to pay to obtain fame and success and it really seems considering her video clip that she accepted to pay the price. Some people would sell their soul to the devil to satisfy their passions.
    Maybe and I say maybe that Michael wanted to point out Gaga for that specific reason, the Music Industry and the price you have to pay to obtain fame. If you don't follow their rules, their codes and their views either, if you're not a danger, they put you aside or at least leave you make your small career, or, if you are dangerous and become a threat, they do everything and anything to bring you down. This is just my point of view. No offense to those who love Gaga.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    You know, I think it's very possible, obviously, that Madame Gaga is indeed an Illuminati product, but at the same time, I noticed something- she never wins ANY awards! If she were for them, wouldn't they be handing them out to her? And she does seem like she's making fun of them- or doing that and showing us at the same time. It would make sense, I think, especially as someone pointed out that she's in MJ's catalogue.. I can just see him using her as the messenger or whatever..
  • @Sarahli:- I'm not keen on Gaga's music either, but I feel that she is mocking them by being so shockingly 'in your face' with her imagery' and music that she is showing us something. It has been said earlier that she doesn't like her own imagery either, so there must be some reason for her doing this.I think there is a strong link between her and Michael, as well as Travis Payne being her choreographer.
    It's like she is pushing the boundaries so far because people need to be shocked into seeing what is really going on behind the music industry.
    I'm sure that the Illuminati would not approve of her being so blatantly expressive. They tend to use blatant symbolism rather than what Gaga is displaying. I may be wrong but I am sure this is normally the case.

    Here is the grammy performance again, listen to the guys words, I'm sure we are being told something important and he asks for the real Gaga (not the mind control pop culture Lady Gaga), who has been put in the incinerator and then out comes real Gaga with Elton John. IMO.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlOvfUTHfxY<!-- m -->

    There is such a fine line between exposing them and being their puppet. I really do think that she is the former. The Grammy's reveals this for me.

    @pinktopaz:- Good point about her not getting awards, are these not usually given to artists who do as they are told. (puppets).
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