Stunning NEW Revelation About Dr Murray

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in News
Ok.. this is going around facebook right now like wild-fire and originates from Gerladine Hughes who wrote "Redemption" in favour of MJ... and is in the process of writing a new book in the MJ death case.

She has this on her facebook page so stands by the revelation herself:

from GERALDINE HUGES, author of"REDEMPTION." Geraldine Hughes: "I want
to expose the fact that Murrayleft the premises for 4 hours to meet with a call girl AFTER puttingMichael under the propofol. When he
returned, Michael was already deadand he
spent the remainder of the... time covering his tracks. He hasfailed to
mention that in his so-called time-line.

There is no real justice until the truth is told. I am not in the habit of making false accusations. The statement that I just made about Conrad Murray leaving Michael for 4 hours is verifiable. Meeting with a callgirl is speculated, however, this article proves that this was his nature and very possible, according credible inside sources.

I am providing this information because those interested in knowing what really happened, it seems like we have to do our own investigation and report it amongst ourselves. The media is still ignoring a lot of crucial information in this case. The paramedics admitted that Michael had been dead a long time before coming to the scene. The 911 call delay wasn't a coincidence. The fact that Murray (a cardiologist) wasn't administering CPR properly (on the bed)???

This story makes more sense and, I believe it to be the truth. And, if so, Conrad Murray should be charged with murder, not manslaughter!


  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh please.
  • This is not new. This was reported on some months ago.
  • Ive not heard that the LAPD were aware that Dr Murray gave MJ Propfol and then left the house to meet girls!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If MJ really was dead for a long time on Murrays return then that proves Frank Dileo and Randy Phillips have pubicly lied as they stated he was on life support at the hopsital!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Remember the story that the room MJ was in was stifingly hot?? That fits in with this story... Murray cranked up the heating to try and conceal the time of death by stopping the body from cooling...

    Its all really amazing. If this is true.. then Murray should be looking at a bigger charge than 3rd degree murder.

    We are in for BIG surprises tomorrow.. i think TMZ have been wrong about a hell of a lot of things you know.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Dude. Do I have to remind you?

  • hopehope Posts: 543
    Ive not heard that the LAPD were aware that Dr Murray gave MJ Propfol and then left the house to meet girls!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    If MJ really was dead for a long time on Murrays return then that proves Frank Dileo and Randy Phillips have pubicly lied as they stated he was on life support at the hopsital!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Remember the story that the room MJ was in was stifingly hot?? That fits in with this story... Murray cranked up the heating to try and conceal the time of death by stopping the body from cooling...

    Its all really amazing. If this is true.. then Murray should be looking at a bigger charge than 3rd degree murder.

    We are in for BIG surprises tomorrow.. i think TMZ have been wrong about a hell of a lot of things you know.
    So are you thinking Michael is really dead? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • @Bec.. i dont know what i am looking for there?

    Sorry, excuse me.. my head is hurting so much right now with all this. xxx

    @hope... i dont know what to think. Im 50/50 and always have been... someone is lying and the truth is being distorted and im trying to find my way through it. xxx
    Its a death hoax or a murder cover up. One or the other.

    I am so apprehensive about tomorrow. xxx
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    But what about the story that Michael collapsed in front of the children and they thought he was playing dead like he used to do with them as a joke but then they realised it was not a joke not sure where I read that but thanks for your post it scared me stupid to think this might have happened that he went out to a call girl if this is true it is horrible to inject all that stuff and then to go but wasnt it in the morninfg wouldnt the staff ask where he was going if he was supposed to be on duty
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    @Bec.. i dont know what i am looking for there?

    Sorry, excuse me.. my head is hurting so much right now with all this. xxx

    @hope... i dont know what to think. Im 50/50 and always have been... someone is lying and the truth is being distorted and im trying to find my way through it. xxx
    Its a death hoax or a murder cover up. One or the other.

    I am so apprehensive about tomorrow. xxx
    people thought that was Michaels head popping up there.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I fit is true he is going to be the most hated man ever I so hope it is all wrong
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    @Bec.. i dont know what i am looking for there?

    Sorry, excuse me.. my head is hurting so much right now with all this. xxx

    @hope... i dont know what to think. Im 50/50 and always have been... someone is lying and the truth is being distorted and im trying to find my way through it. xxx
    Its a death hoax or a murder cover up. One or the other.

    I am so apprehensive about tomorrow. xxx
    I know what you mean, I feel the same. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Bec, about that moving pic, i've studied it and to begin with, the guy who people say is sitting up to me looks to be a paramedic in the dark blue uniform. He has a tiny short ponytail, unlike that of MJ. I am not sure which end the head should be at, because the rest is up near the ambulance end yet everyone seems to be looking at the other end. Also, shouldn't someone be doing cpr and the air bag? Do we know how many paramedics were in attendance at the house?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I wonder if the time thing works out he gave the medcation in the mid morning then he was supposed to be out for 4 hours then comes back panics does cpr then 911 call does that fit in with the time I amjust trying to pick at it as it is so horrible
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Not a paramedic. Reason #1, ponytails and hair below ear lobe level are expressly against EMT and LAFD dress code protocol. Reason #2, There are 3 paramedics already present in this GIF, two at the head of the stretcher and one at the foot on the left side. Reason #3, there are no legs to accompany this person. Reason #4, this person's head remains level as the other walking people's heads bob up and down with their walking stride. The only other head in this GIF that remains level is the gentleman standing motionless in the doorway.

    Conclusion: This ponytailed person is either levitating beside the stretcher or sitting on the stretcher.

    Conclusion jumped to: As this is the stretcher unloaded from the ambulance videotaped leaving Michael's residence on 6-25 and arriving at UCLA, this levitating or stretcher riding person is Michael.
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    please this is another stupid story, look again at the ambulance photo and than compare to MJ in TII, do you think it looks the same?

    Photo National Group, remember? : the photo made by them and they are MJ' s friends.
    Photo National Group made also Murray's photos at cemetery, a wrong cemetery anyway

    LAPD has the info from Geraldine Huges I DON'T BELILEVE ! And she has the info. from where/whom? Was she in the house with MJ on June 25? And if she has the info from Murray's callgirl <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> there is no name of this callgirl mentioned.

    If LAPD would have had this kind of information for some time they should have arrested Murray immediately, I can't believe this info "came" on Friday.

    If Murray left the house in that day there were bodyguards who would have seen, so were are their testimonies related to this?

    And in the papers, inclusive in TMZ were a lot of articles that Murray had/have many girlfriends, he is always in love, come on, I'm tired of manipulation.
  • Good LORD!if thats true,then that is one of the most ridiculous and careless things i have ever seen a doctor do,especially SUPPOSEDLY a lifesaving,truthsworthy one.NUMBER 1 he left his patient,WHILE THEY WERE UNDER UNDER A MEDICINE THAT MUST BE CONSTANTLY MONITORED AND CAN CAUSE DEATH.numero 2,he left,not for a good reason like an emergency,but to SEE A HOOKER!!?are you serious?this is supposed to be a sad tragedy,not something funny.I want to slap murray myself because this is the kind of crap that makes me want to spit.Please let this not be true.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Good LORD!:?if thats true,then that is one of the most ridiculous and careless things i have ever seen a doctor do,especially SUPPOSEDLY a lifesaving,truthsworthy one.NUMBER 1 he left his patient,WHILE THEY WERE UNDER UNDER A MEDICINE THAT MUST BE CONSTANTLY MONITORED AND CAN CAUSE DEATH.numero 2,he left,not for a good reason like an emergency,but to SEE A HOOKER!!?are you serious?this is supposed to be a sad tragedy,not something funny.I want to slap murray myself because this is the kind of crap that makes me want to spit.Please let this not be true.

    These reports are DESIGNED to evoke these kinds of emotions from people.
  • XsyXsy Posts: 71
    Who is Geraldine Hughes?

    Sorry if it´s discussed before or generally known... but this name just caught my eye because of GH...
    But actually i dodn´t believe in this GH thing...
  • LouLou Posts: 169
    oh, no, is it really true? How does this person know it? If it was the case, so the police should be able to consider the case as murder instead of manslaughter.
    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • But does it really look like MJ?

    The legs is an interesting point, i can't decide on that yet. The ponytail may be there even though not allowed - does everyone play by the rules? It could be passably short. Who knows on that. He is in paramedic uniform it seems. Everyone else is walking forward pretty much. If you are at the hospital end of the stretcher you may be turned in toward the stretcher as you guide it, rather than pushing it - this may cause less bobbing. If this mystery guy is a paramedic you can see he is not facing forward pushing, he seems to be sideways facing the side of the stretcher. Imagine the different ways you can guide a stretcher.
  • Bec, about that moving pic, i've studied it and to begin with, the guy who people say is sitting up to me looks to be a paramedic in the dark blue uniform. He has a tiny short ponytail, unlike that of MJ. I am not sure which end the head should be at, because the rest is up near the ambulance end yet everyone seems to be looking at the other end. Also, shouldn't someone be doing cpr and the air bag? Do we know how many paramedics were in attendance at the house?

    If you go into old MJHD archive there were still photos of this video with blow ups of the person sitting up, also if it were a paramedic he would have no legs I remember we researched this alot way back when legs, ears etc. But there were many still photos there.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Not a paramedic. Reason #1, ponytails and hair below ear lobe level are expressly against EMT and LAFD dress code protocol. Reason #2, There are 3 paramedics already present in this GIF, two at the head of the stretcher and one at the foot on the left side. Reason #3, there are no legs to accompany this person. Reason #4, this person's head remains level as the other walking people's heads bob up and down with their walking stride. The only other head in this GIF that remains level is the gentleman standing motionless in the doorway.

    Conclusion: This ponytailed person is either levitating beside the stretcher or sitting on the stretcher.

    Conclusion jumped to: As this is the stretcher unloaded from the ambulance videotaped leaving Michael's residence on 6-25 and arriving at UCLA, this levitating or stretcher riding person is Michael.

    Precicely you put it so much better than I did. Thanks

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • The clarity in that footage really isn't great at all. I understand the valid points you made, but they can also be explained other ways. It is not impossible that person is a paramedic. Did MJ cut his hair - because that ponytail is very short. I think it's a big jump to say it's MJ when it doesn't look like him or the pic is too blurry to tell.

    Also why sit up like that when you are clearly visible?
  • The clarity in that footage really isn't great at all. I understand the valid points you made, but they can also be explained other ways. It is not impossible that person is a paramedic. Did MJ cut his hair - because that ponytail is very short. I think it's a big jump to say it's MJ when it doesn't look like him or the pic is too blurry to tell.

    Also why sit up like that when you are clearly visible?

    Yeah, I'm having doubts about a lot of pictures even though people come up with good explanations. It's just not logical <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Although I want to believe it...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    What makes you think the ponytail is short? It's end is obscured by another person. Only where the ponytail originates out of the base of the scull is visible.

    Triangulated logic to be sure. But, considering our options, what's more believeable, that it's an EMT, considering the 4 reasons I gave against that theory... or that it's Michael? What makes you say it's illogical that it's Michael? Media reports that he died?

    I have 4 reasons why resolving that this is an EMT is illogical and no one has presented a logical reason that it isn't Michael... other then the fact that the media says he died.

    So yes, I get that believeing Michael is alive and kicking and entered UCLA fine and dandy is difficult to grasp... but then why are you all here?

    Just saying. If we are going to ignore the information that the GIF presents in leu of media reports that we have already and routinely collectively discarded as hearsay or sraight up falsities, then in the end we are STILL NOT thinking outside the box and we are STILL NOT believeing our own eyes and brains and we have learned NOTHING in the course of these 7 months.

    So again. In order to research this hoax with any success then you have to turn OFF the TV (metaphorically) and turn ON your own eyes and analytical minds and THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

    SO. Discard the information the media presents. Discard what your non-believer friends say. Discard what the general public believes to be true. Shit, even discard what I say, and LOOK AT THE GIF. Look closely at the information we have. Look carefully at the evidence. Look closely at what's real and make up your own mind. But remember, the media is powerful, and they infiltrate your psyche very deeply. All of us under the age of 65ish are TV raised from birth. We have been systematically trained to accept what the pretty lady or the handsome man on the picture box says is true. It's influence runs deep, so deep it's difficult to realise the full extent of it's power. Even we hoaxers have a constant internal and subconscious battle raging within, to independently draw our own conclusions, to put aside what the media tells us is true, he's dead. You see it on the forums and in chat every single day, another one, oh I think he's dead guys, they succumb to the pressure, to the propaganda. Because we all feel that little nagging voice in the back of our heads say "it's not real.... what the box says is real". But that voice isn't reality. That voice is the systematic propaganda we were all born and raised on.

    This is the power of the media. They run the entire country. They control the minds and thoughts and perceptions of every single human being who has access to a TV. They control it so deeply is ingrained, like an instinct, like a biological urge.

    Dig deep. Our brains still function. We still have the ability to perceive an event and come up with a conclusion based on what our own eyes tell us, completely independently of any outside influence. It's difficult, but please realise what the little voice in your head really is. It's not real. It's the media.
  • RosieRosie Posts: 50
    But does it really look like MJ?

    The legs is an interesting point, i can't decide on that yet. The ponytail may be there even though not allowed - does everyone play by the rules? It could be passably short. Who knows on that. He is in paramedic uniform it seems. Everyone else is walking forward pretty much. If you are at the hospital end of the stretcher you may be turned in toward the stretcher as you guide it, rather than pushing it - this may cause less bobbing. If this mystery guy is a paramedic you can see he is not facing forward pushing, he seems to be sideways facing the side of the stretcher. Imagine the different ways you can guide a stretcher.

    But if it IS a paramedic, why would he be wearing lipstick? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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