Stunning NEW Revelation About Dr Murray



  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    I havent seen the moving gif pony tail guy on stretcher in a long time.
    When I first saw it months ago, I was convinced the ponytail guy was MJ very quickly, sitting up, turning & laying down. Security guard guy is holding his coat up, shielding view.

    Now that i see the moving gif again I believe 110% its MJ sitting up & laying down on stretcher.

    Whats to say the ponytail guy isnt MJ? I mean it looks just like him, why wouldnt it be him?
  • Maybe the paramedic is a female, hence the ponytail and lipstick. Maybe???
  • I havent seen the moving gif pony tail guy on stretcher in a long time.
    When I first saw it months ago, I was convinced the ponytail guy was MJ very quickly, sitting up, turning & laying down. Security guard guy is holding his coat up, shielding view.

    Now that i see the moving gif again I believe 110% its MJ sitting up & laying down on stretcher.

    Whats to say the ponytail guy isnt MJ? I mean it looks just like him, why wouldnt it be him?

    But why would he risks being caught sitting up or laying down if he was meant to be dead or at least near death? T
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    The way I heard these story, was that CM went to girlfriends (or wife) home. The
    one that was called upon for questioning. Though she may be a call girl too.

    In regard to this video shot, am I the only one that sees either a security member or
    is it CM that hides HIMSELF with coat? The stretcher has already come out, and
    he hides nothing but himself?
  • What makes you think the ponytail is short? It's end is obscured by another person. Only where the ponytail originates out of the base of the scull is visible.

    Triangulated logic to be sure. But, considering our options, what's more believeable, that it's an EMT, considering the 4 reasons I gave against that theory... or that it's Michael? What makes you say it's illogical that it's Michael? Media reports that he died?

    I have 4 reasons why resolving that this is an EMT is illogical and no one has presented a logical reason that it isn't Michael... other then the fact that the media says he died.

    So yes, I get that believeing Michael is alive and kicking and entered UCLA fine and dandy is difficult to grasp... but then why are you all here?

    Just saying. If we are going to ignore the information that the GIF presents in leu of media reports that we have already and routinely collectively discarded as hearsay or sraight up falsities, then in the end we are STILL NOT thinking outside the box and we are STILL NOT believeing our own eyes and brains and we have learned NOTHING in the course of these 7 months.

    So again. In order to research this hoax with any success then you have to turn OFF the TV (metaphorically) and turn ON your own eyes and analytical minds and THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

    SO. Discard the information the media presents. Discard what your non-believer friends say. Discard what the general public believes to be true. Shit, even discard what I say, and LOOK AT THE GIF. Look closely at the information we have. Look carefully at the evidence. Look closely at what's real and make up your own mind. But remember, the media is powerful, and they infiltrate your psyche very deeply. All of us under the age of 65ish are TV raised from birth. We have been systematically trained to accept what the pretty lady or the handsome man on the picture box says is true. It's influence runs deep, so deep it's difficult to realise the full extent of it's power. Even we hoaxers have a constant internal and subconscious battle raging within, to independently draw our own conclusions, to put aside what the media tells us is true, he's dead. You see it on the forums and in chat every single day, another one, oh I think he's dead guys, they succumb to the pressure, to the propaganda. Because we all feel that little nagging voice in the back of our heads say "it's not real.... what the box says is real". But that voice isn't reality. That voice is the systematic propaganda we were all born and raised on.

    This is the power of the media. They run the entire country. They control the minds and thoughts and perceptions of every single human being who has access to a TV. They control it so deeply is ingrained, like an instinct, like a biological urge.

    Dig deep. Our brains still function. We still have the ability to perceive an event and come up with a conclusion based on what our own eyes tell us, completely independently of any outside influence. It's difficult, but please realise what the little voice in your head really is. It's not real. It's the media.

    Brilliant post. Very well said Bec! I think some people don't realize how much impact the media has had on us all our lives. I think a very valuable lesson with this hoax is in trusting our own instincts.
  • Hi everyone,
    I have been in Hawaii for 3 weeks now. I had a beautiful time. I am back home and I am catching up on all the news in regards to Michael Jackson's death.
    If this information is true then Murry was hired to kill Michael Jackson.When he got home they tied him up and drugged him to death. This makes since but I still can not believe that Michael willingly let this man give him drugs from 2:00am to 11:00am.
    But I do not know Michael and never met him so anything is possible. I still believe Michael is alive because none of this makes any since. People listen to me his own baby sister Janet laughed. He escaped from his enemies and they helped him.
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    Dude. Do I have to remind you?


    Am I the only one who dont see a damn thing in that pic? <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> I have seen it for months now and every now and then it pop's up in the forum and I stil cant see zip in it. Much less a ponytail. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Ya know when I first read this post the thing that came to my mind was if this is in fact real this is so cruel and such a sad way for such a great human being to have to leave this earth <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> . Now I have been reading about this ambulance gif and I can't wait to get on the comp and see it to express my thoughts on it <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> . I have to admit I am scared for 2marrow but I don't really know why <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> I just hope the REAL TRUTH comes out 1 way or the other because this is killing me and I am getting sick honestly <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> .Not mad sick but like health sick lols I really wanna see what's gonna go down 2marrow I hope nothing bad <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> But I have strong faith tho we will only have more proofs and clues 2marrow I think I have to sleep now school 2marrow Peace and L.O.V.E you guys <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> !
  • @Bec.. i dont know what i am looking for there?

    Sorry, excuse me.. my head is hurting so much right now with all this. xxx

    @hope... i dont know what to think. Im 50/50 and always have been... someone is lying and the truth is being distorted and im trying to find my way through it. xxx
    Its a death hoax or a murder cover up. One or the other.

    I am so apprehensive about tomorrow. xxx
    I'm 100% with you on that. I think all of us would be happy if this is indeed a hoax; but if not it is a very elaborate attempt to cover up a murder. Do we really believe this guy is that stupid? And according to the phone records how could he have been gone when he was making several phone calls during the time MJ was supposedly dying? I mean was he gettin brain or something? And if so he is awfully calm during it. LMAO!
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    I havent seen the moving gif pony tail guy on stretcher in a long time.
    When I first saw it months ago, I was convinced the ponytail guy was MJ very quickly, sitting up, turning & laying down. Security guard guy is holding his coat up, shielding view.

    Now that i see the moving gif again I believe 110% its MJ sitting up & laying down on stretcher.

    Whats to say the ponytail guy isnt MJ? I mean it looks just like him, why wouldnt it be him?

    But why would he risks being caught sitting up or laying down if he was meant to be dead or at least near death? T
    He's sitting up turning round very, very quickly, so quickly you can harldy see him. Its not like he sitting up enjoying the ride. There is no risk becuz he is surrounded by tall men holding up coats & such. I can even see his forhead & black eyebrows, ponytail. I stil think its MJ.
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    What makes you think the ponytail is short? It's end is obscured by another person. Only where the ponytail originates out of the base of the scull is visible.

    Triangulated logic to be sure. But, considering our options, what's more believeable, that it's an EMT, considering the 4 reasons I gave against that theory... or that it's Michael? What makes you say it's illogical that it's Michael? Media reports that he died?

    I have 4 reasons why resolving that this is an EMT is illogical and no one has presented a logical reason that it isn't Michael... other then the fact that the media says he died.

    So yes, I get that believeing Michael is alive and kicking and entered UCLA fine and dandy is difficult to grasp... but then why are you all here?

    Just saying. If we are going to ignore the information that the GIF presents in leu of media reports that we have already and routinely collectively discarded as hearsay or sraight up falsities, then in the end we are STILL NOT thinking outside the box and we are STILL NOT believeing our own eyes and brains and we have learned NOTHING in the course of these 7 months.

    So again. In order to research this hoax with any success then you have to turn OFF the TV (metaphorically) and turn ON your own eyes and analytical minds and THINK FOR YOURSELVES.

    SO. Discard the information the media presents. Discard what your non-believer friends say. Discard what the general public believes to be true. Shit, even discard what I say, and LOOK AT THE GIF. Look closely at the information we have. Look carefully at the evidence. Look closely at what's real and make up your own mind. But remember, the media is powerful, and they infiltrate your psyche very deeply. All of us under the age of 65ish are TV raised from birth. We have been systematically trained to accept what the pretty lady or the handsome man on the picture box says is true. It's influence runs deep, so deep it's difficult to realise the full extent of it's power. Even we hoaxers have a constant internal and subconscious battle raging within, to independently draw our own conclusions, to put aside what the media tells us is true, he's dead. You see it on the forums and in chat every single day, another one, oh I think he's dead guys, they succumb to the pressure, to the propaganda. Because we all feel that little nagging voice in the back of our heads say "it's not real.... what the box says is real". But that voice isn't reality. That voice is the systematic propaganda we were all born and raised on.

    This is the power of the media. They run the entire country. They control the minds and thoughts and perceptions of every single human being who has access to a TV. They control it so deeply is ingrained, like an instinct, like a biological urge.

    Dig deep. Our brains still function. We still have the ability to perceive an event and come up with a conclusion based on what our own eyes tell us, completely independently of any outside influence. It's difficult, but please realise what the little voice in your head really is. It's not real. It's the media.

    Brilliant post. Very well said Bec! I think some people don't realize how much impact the media has had on us all our lives. I think a very valuable lesson with this hoax is in trusting our own instincts.

    Applause!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Your wording may have been better than the one I was using but I have been trying to say this for quite a while now. To tell you the truth, I hardly watch tv and to my disapointment I missed this past Dateline covering Michael Jackson. Very seldom do I buy tabloids unless I am going somewhere that I know I will be bored out of my tree with nothing to do, however before even starting to read the crap I am aware that what I am about to read is mainly fictional or completely blown out of proportion or even taken out of context.

    I am so glad to hear others share my point of view on this investigation. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> mouah!!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ChanceChance Posts: 250
    if it is true that Murray was covering his tracks.. I guess he is the one with the surveillance tapes?
  • I havent seen the moving gif pony tail guy on stretcher in a long time.
    When I first saw it months ago, I was convinced the ponytail guy was MJ very quickly, sitting up, turning & laying down. Security guard guy is holding his coat up, shielding view.

    Now that i see the moving gif again I believe 110% its MJ sitting up & laying down on stretcher.

    Whats to say the ponytail guy isnt MJ? I mean it looks just like him, why wouldnt it be him?

    But why would he risks being caught sitting up or laying down if he was meant to be dead or at least near death? T
    He's sitting up turning round very, very quickly, so quickly you can harldy see him. Its not like he sitting up enjoying the ride. There is no risk becuz he is surrounded by tall men holding up coats & such. I can even see his forhead & black eyebrows, ponytail. I stil think its MJ.

    The sideburns seem to short in my opinion, plus he was supposedly put in head first according the the ambulance pic (yeah I know we've all debated the authenticity of it). I don't believe he'd risk being caught. He would of known photographers would be there. But if you believe it's MJ, hey no worries. Heaps of others believe the same thing. We're both on the same team here. Just because I don't think it's him, doesn't mean it changes the fact that we are both hoax believers <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> .
  • I need to point out from a previous post, just because others (including me) do not believe the person in the stretcher is Michael, that does not mean we've allowed the media to control and condition our minds. The media aren't the ones analyizing this picture. It's us with our own eyes and own opinions. This has nothing to do with them, but simply things some of us see or don't see.

    If we believed what the media said, or if they are "controlling us", we wouldn't be here now would we. Try not to label people just because they don't agree with what you see or say.
  • Hi guys!
    I have been reading this site and i like it i too believe that MJ is totally alive .
    but let me say this about GERALDINE HUGHES.

    Although i think she is a very nice woman, and i have read her previous book,
    I think she should keep and open mind.
    What she is saying, she got it from the lady who said on CNN that she was taking care of MJ.
    You remember the nurse?
    her name is SHERYL Lee i think.
    She was the one who started talking about Propofol which started the investigation about the cause of death, and DOC MURRAY.
    As far as i am concerned.
    SHERYLL Lee thought she knew MJ but she obviously doesn't.
    some people who worked for MJ whether it's for yrs or 5 minutes , they tend to claim to know the man, but they don't.
    and not everybody is in on the hoax.
    And let me say this,
    some people have been used without knowing that they were and are being used in this hoax.
    cause for all they know people die everyday and MJ is not exempt from dying.
    Sheryl Lee the nurse only knows what MJ asked the bodyguards to tell her including anyone who will be curious to find out what happened.

    But she went and ran her mouth to Geraldine and told her that she knows everything that happened.
    the Police and F.B.I know what's up.
    they don't need the media to find out what is happening.
    they monitor every website, everything in combed to its finest.
    thoroughly combed through.
    they are monitoring this website as we speak cause they know that you are close to the truth and they need to make sure that everything is convered.
    don't worry about DOC Murray being charged,
    the man is set for life.
    someone has to be the fall guy.
    his bills are paid in full.
    Also, as far as KAREN FAYE is concerned,
    she has never been a friend of Michael, cause a friend don't go around calling another, Drug addict.
    Dirty laundry washes in private.
    and i would suggest the fans to stay home tomorrow, cause they will get arrested if they misbehave.
    Listening to Karen is not going to bring MJ back, But only get the fans in troubles.
    MJ has turned the page and moved on.
    he needs to be left alone.
    MJ does not belong to anyone.
    But to God and his family.

    God bless.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You say:
    MJ has turned the page and moved on.
    he needs to be left alone.

    ...but you have chosen your screename to be "Do It Now MJ".

    So what exactly is IT that you want MJ to DO NOW?
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    Bravoo DOITNOWMJ <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , agree <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • You say:
    MJ has turned the page and moved on.
    he needs to be left alone.

    ...but you have chosen your screename to be "Do It Now MJ".

    So what exactly is IT that you want MJ to DO NOW?

    What i want him to do now is LIVE FOR HIMSELF.
    and enjoy life to the fullest.
    be happy, and be healthy.
  • I appreciate what you have said DOITNOWMJ, but I have my doubts that the FBI are monitoring EVERY hoax site and are up on their game. They don't even manage to keep up with all the illegal child trafficking and child pornography sites which is far more serious crimes then monitoring a hoax site and a bunch of hoax believers.

    You state things as if they are fact. I don't mean any disrepect, but if you really were in the know, you wouldn't be here. I believe people privy to the truth about this hoax are minimal and limited to those he really trusted. Hence the silence of his true friends and certain members of his family.

    But if I'm wrong, I'm wrong, however we've seen enough people over the past 7 months claiming truth when it's just theory like the rest of us.
  • You say:
    MJ has turned the page and moved on.
    he needs to be left alone.

    ...but you have chosen your screename to be "Do It Now MJ".

    So what exactly is IT that you want MJ to DO NOW?

    What i want him to do now is LIVE FOR HIMSELF.
    and enjoy life to the fullest.
    be happy, and be healthy.

    I do agree with you on this one <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> . I wish all this for MJ too.
  • Hey, this is my first post here. I am reading on this Forum for weeks and now I finally registered, to be able to post sometimes. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    My 2 cents on this - even if I respect GHughes I do not think she knows that much. She was a witness back in the 1993, now she got only some connections and might hear some things, some of them non verifiable.

    - I do not think it's Mike on the GIF. Look on his butt and legs, Mike was way skinnier than this. Maybe Mike from 2001-2002 would be like that, but Mike from our days, not...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Doesn't this sound familiar?

    "A responsible leaves a person that is helpless, innocent, confided to him alone in order to have sex and all of this just for fun?"

    This would be really getting into deep holes of double-moral and openly condemned taboos and rolling up every detail of the past accusals - just in a new case.
    If all the mud must really be digged up then care you tie yourself well in this superlooping.
  • KingMJKingMJ Posts: 78
    Am I the only one who dont see a damn thing in that pic? <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> I have seen it for months now and every now and then it pop's up in the forum and I stil cant see zip in it. Much less a ponytail. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    No, I can't see anything either? Are there any still photos where this person who sits up and looks round quickly is circled? Coz I've stared at that GIF for so long, my eyes hurt.. but I still can't see what people are talking about.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Hope this helps:

    the person is sitting, bending back and then turning her face to the right so that a ponytail may be seen.

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