Stunning NEW Revelation About Dr Murray



  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    Hi everyone....REALLY IMPORTANT!!! Please look at the first gif posted and watch who comes out of the ambulance. There are better videos of it on you tube and you can only see him for a split second. I first noticed the man holding the jacket up to sheild someone coming out of the ambulance so I kept watching and saw the person coming out. Who else would have been in the ambulance that needed to be shielded??? It appears that everyone is already out. In the you tube video the person ducks inside so you don't see him again. The mannerisms are familiar though...hand up by his face. Please tell me what you think!
  • please this is another stupid story, look again at the ambulance photo and than compare to MJ in TII, do you think it looks the same?

    Photo National Group, remember? : the photo made by them and they are MJ' s friends.
    Photo National Group made also Murray's photos at cemetery, a wrong cemetery anyway

    LAPD has the info from Geraldine Huges I DON'T BELILEVE ! And she has the info. from where/whom? Was she in the house with MJ on June 25? And if she has the info from Murray's callgirl <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> there is no name of this callgirl mentioned.

    If LAPD would have had this kind of information for some time they should have arrested Murray immediately, I can't believe this info "came" on Friday.

    If Murray left the house in that day there were bodyguards who would have seen, so were are their testimonies related to this?

    And in the papers, inclusive in TMZ were a lot of articles that Murray had/have many girlfriends, he is always in love, come on, I'm tired of manipulation.

    But you are willing to believe your own eyes when looking at a photo you believe to be a fake? So what if it was a fake photo? That is in NO WAY proof that Michael is not dead. That means someone wanted to get paid, that is ALL it means, nothing more.
  • Now I see it! I was lookign for the wrong guy... lol Thank you for the pics with explanations.

    Now to be really sure, we must see he original video, posted by an original source or a fan that is not interested in hoax.

    Then make it slow motion, extract a gif and we can draw conclusions.

    The fact that his legs are not observable is easy to answer, his legs are lower than the head - he sits - so those are not observable.
    But ' Mike' is dressed in dark. Was he in dark in the ambulance?
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    There are no iv's hooked up to the person on the stretcher, no one looks particularly frantic or worried, they (dr murray anyway) look like they are sauntering in - not rushing, the stretcher is raised (this wouldn't be the case for someone not living), and a body guard holds up a coat to sheild one last person who is coming out of the ambulance - how many people were riding in there??!! The figure dressed in black pops out with his arm up hiding his face and ducks into emerg (sheilded by a body guard so it is someone who doesn't want his face to be seen?)
  • Hope this helps:

    the person is sitting, bending back and then turning her face to the right so that a ponytail may be seen.

    The second pic is so clearly photoshoped....the face they tried to fix in the pic has no relief and isnt even the same "size" (scale? or however u say that in english)

    Which indeed makes me this they are all photoshoped

    especially since we cant see the face on the footage.... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    If it's photoshopped then ET shopped it. Which is extremely unplausable.
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    This is not new. This was reported on some months ago.

    Hi Rita, I didn't hear months ago about Murray leaving the property -unless I just plum forgot = who reported that?
  • simplymesimplyme Posts: 649
    Hi everyone....REALLY IMPORTANT!!! Please look at the first gif posted and watch who comes out of the ambulance. There are better videos of it on you tube and you can only see him for a split second. I first noticed the man holding the jacket up to sheild someone coming out of the ambulance so I kept watching and saw the person coming out. Who else would have been in the ambulance that needed to be shielded??? It appears that everyone is already out. In the you tube video the person ducks inside so you don't see him again. The mannerisms are familiar though...hand up by his face. Please tell me what you think!

    Dr. Murray
  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    @Bec I laugh so much with your first post! i even think that I can imagine your expression with the "dude!" LOL

    @DOITNOWMJ .. I love your name.. I also want him to do it now... whetever it is.. but now!

    Dreamssssssss... I see the problem here... there is a reason for you to believe this thing you posted and to be alarmed, this little problem is.. that you haven't seen all the topics reffering to michael being alive, otherwise you wouldn't ask about the gif that Bec posted, because it was one of the most discussed thing here and in youtube as well as in other forums.
    This arrival at the hospital is so well known as the death certificate or the will, I hope you are not missing others important topics because then you have a looot of work to do as a believer.. not because you MUST to.. but if you don't wanna get down with each news you find on the web or in a news channel, then is better to be with so many many maaany information regardin his hoax death as possible.
    Now about the man in the strecher... maybe is not Michael, but it was someone who was there to make us believe it was Michael standing up. This was one of the frst "clues" or "strange things" that we started to see when this all thing begun.

    Lots of L.O.V.E
  • Bec, if that person is MJ why on earth did he sit up? Why not stay lying down, what is to be gained from sitting up? Also, why is he wearing dark clothing very similar to that of the paramedics and why do the security guards only obscure the lower vicinity of the stretcher (as you would do if someone was lying there) instead of holding their jackets higher to conceal someone sitting up? That person seemingly coming out of the ambulance, is that not someone trying to get a picture (hands raised to face) hence why the security guard puts up his jacket in front of this person? Problem is we cannot see the bottom of the pic as it is obscured by the vehicle, so this chap may in fact not be stepping out from the ambulance as assumed. But it looks like the chap is trying to get a picture and the guard is reacting to this person IMO.

    The ponytail. Quote, 'What makes you think the ponytail is short? It's end is obscured by another person. Only where the ponytail originates out of the base of the scull is visible.' Exactly, the end is obscured so it cannot be proven that it is long or short. As for the legs issue, beneath the stretcher is such a jumble of blue legs and since the mystery person is on the other side it is very difficult or impossible to conclusively prove that his legs are not obscured by those we can see. The head bobbing - I think this really depends on how you walk? Conrad Murray's head does not bob. So again, the head may not be bobbing because mystery person is sitting or because the person's walk does not produce a bob.

    The other point to make is we do not know where this person came from. It is unfortunate there is no footage of the ambulance doors opening and then the stretcher moving from there, because then we would know how all these people came to be in the position pictured. Also, am i correct in saying the moving footage is actually a sequence of pictures and not filmed?
  • The media reports that MJ has died based on what is reported to them. Have the media themselves concocted a story all on their own - for what purpose? To protect MJ because he wanted to leave public life? Is the autopsy report and affidavit false? Newspapers (some) sensationalise stories to sell papers. Some have known obligations to political parties and therefore print stories that support this. Generally, reliable news broadcasters (Sky news, BBC News) do have proper sources and are reliable. The reporters that work for these news broadcasters should always report objectively and fairly. In the case of MJ and his trial, I believe it was the newspapers mainly finding him guilty - not TV reporters (aside from diane dimond)? I understand about media bias and influence, but to say the media as a whole is actively putting forward a huge lie about MJ being dead really tops it. It is ridiculous. I'm all for independent thought, but this idea of media propaganda to this extent is irrational and more like the brainwashing you're trying to avoid. To use this GIF in any shape or form as conclusive evidence is not sensible - how do you know these images aren't propaganda to falsely make you think he's alive?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    Ok, look.

    For those of you VERY late on the hoax community scene. There are 7 pics that make up this GIF. 4 of these pics were released immediatly following 6-25. Those 4 pics do not reveal the "mystery head" between the heads. The no-mystery head pics were a curiousity, and proved that the photographer followed the ambulance to UCLA, and caught shots of the stretcher being unloaded, nothing more.

    BTW, the stretcher is not being pushed head first, it is being pushed properly, feet first, and FYI, it is elevated.

    Then, one day in September, randomly, ET runs an article re: the MJ thing and with this article they ran 3 random pics of this scene. Those 3 random pics were much larger then this GIF and showed the entire surrounding area, the ambulance, the UCLA sign and the back of the building including cars driving down the street between the camera and the building.

    One clever hoaxer noticed that these NEW 3 pics were not the same as the old 4 pics we already had seen and posted the article on the old mjhd. Another clever hoaxer noticed something VERY INTERESTING between the heads that was not apparent in the old 4 pics.

    Are you following me now?

    That clever hoaxer, who's name I forgot, enlarged and cropped these NEW 3 pics and presented them along side the originals and said "WTF IS THAT???"

    Then another clever hoaxer, who's name I forgot, took all 7 pics and made them into a GIF.

    And the hoax community REELED.

    Got it?

    So. If it's photoshopped, ET did it. Which makes no sense at all. Totally unrealistic.

    So, why'd MJ sit up? Maybe we were SUPPOSED TO SEE HIM.

    There's a reason, IMO, that these 3 pics, that just so happen to reveal the head between the heads were held back... and then released suddenly, quietly, and randomly, months after 6-25.

    Maybe, just maybe, Ben Evenstad or whatever the fuck his name is, was SUPPOSED to photograph these tiny glimpses of Michael. MAYBE.

    I mean, why else would these 3 pics, randomly in the middle of the sequence, be held back for months. And why else would they SUDDENLY be released, all 3 together, accompanying the same random article. And why did ET, the same company who bought and released the ambulance pic, get them.

    Those are the questions that should be asked. Now that you are all up to speed, maybe we can have a good discussion.
  • I'm sorry, but I'm 100% sure that the person with ponytail is paramedic. Not sure if is a woman or man, but is 100% NOT Michael. If that was Michael his ponytail would look different- way more full and curly. Not straight and skinny. He had straight hair only when he used wigs, and when he had a ponytail he had hair extentions weaved to his own hair.
  • Bec, i was there when those pics were posted on old MJHD. My main point of concern was that you stated that this mystery person was 'Not a paramedic' and gave 4 reason why. Except the reasons you give are not strong enough to prove that it is impossible for this person to be a paramedic.

    By the way i will go back and look at those pics to see if they are any clearer, but the whole frenzy surrounding these pics relies on the belief that this person is MJ, and that cannot be even visually proven.

    It also goes without saying that to contemplate that this person is MJ, the autopsy report, affidavit, court proceedings etc ALL have to be false. Without being dramatic, how likely is that?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I have given countless bits of supporting evidence to back up what I SEE in that GIF, and I'm gonna be real honest QD, I frankly don't give a shit if you believe or not. Reality doesn't hinge on a unnanymous vote.

    I've given an entire novel on why the court proceedings and affidavit don't have to be and probably aren't fake. The autopsey? Frankly doesn't have to be fake either. You haven't supported your argument, you've just argued.
  • Good LORD!:?if thats true,then that is one of the most ridiculous and careless things i have ever seen a doctor do,especially SUPPOSEDLY a lifesaving,truthsworthy one.NUMBER 1 he left his patient,WHILE THEY WERE UNDER UNDER A MEDICINE THAT MUST BE CONSTANTLY MONITORED AND CAN CAUSE DEATH.numero 2,he left,not for a good reason like an emergency,but to SEE A HOOKER!!?are you serious?this is supposed to be a sad tragedy,not something funny.I want to slap murray myself because this is the kind of crap that makes me want to spit.Please let this not be true.

    These reports are DESIGNED to evoke these kinds of emotions from people.

    I agree - we shouldn't jump on a bandwagon just because someone makes a claim. She is only speculating with little to no fact. Michael would not want us to crucify Dr Murray without him having his day in court. The truth will prevail in the end. In the meantime we should be searching for real clues. Blessings.
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    Interesting about the photos making up the GIF Bec. Thanks for that info!
    I wondered who the guy is with the mustache, he is seen only in one photo and not the others. Did he move away so far he's not in them? Hope you know who I am talking about.
    Also any photos of Murray that day beside the T-shirt picture here? Just curious about that too.Can't actually ask anybody that was there that saw him, since you don't know whether to believe them or not!!
    Any links would be great!
    Oh we are a scrutinizing bunch eh??
    Thank MJ for that!!!
    Love you MORE!
  • The person cannot be a paramedic. Why?

    Because the distance between his head and the other heads in the front plane is too short. That means that paramedic was sitting on the stretcher above the patient, without consideration for him... and that's impossible, we all know that.

    Now I would so want link toward that original ET article with the pics released months after the 25 June. I would wanna see myself... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Maybe the article is still floating on web, somewhere....
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I remember X17 online to have the pics.
    Check this out - there's more around:
    <!-- m --> ... 252009.php<!-- m -->
  • well i thought murray disappered after michael was taken to hospital police were unable to trace the dr after the incident not during?
  • Someone mentioned that in the moving footage you can see someone coming out of the ambulance that could be MJ. Is this not an image of the said person and is he not another security guard holding up his jacket.

    <!-- m --> ... center.jpg<!-- m -->
  • InhalibInhalib Posts: 170
    aawwww I'vE seen so many videos about this hoax that when I need to remember only one, I can't!
    I saw a video on YT that will clarify this pictures... some user wich I don't remember the name, made a video with this photos and put a border line with differents colours for each person.. of course the head of that one that we see, has no leg.. so the colour only is seeing there! in the head.. and you see it so clear with those border that you can't imagine there are two legs missing between the other legs <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    either was Michael or not.. is the same thing... the one that was in the ambulance wasn't death, and for me, that is more than enough!

    Love you all!
    Lots of L.O.V.E!!
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