our dear kind Michael must be gone

mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
edited January 1970 in News
A sad day all hope is gone now bless everybody here we have to carry on and find out the truth for Michael and his children bless them sorry but to sad tonight maybe I was in denial and we did not know the full truth because cm was covering up what he did .


  • KingMJKingMJ Posts: 78
    I too have lost hope. It seems all too real, for my liking.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Its all about money and that fxxxxxx catalogue he should have stayed in Ireland and found peace those poor children left to the wolves now
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Let's not give up hope. But my heart does go out for those children. Who will protect them now?
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    that is what is sad all he wanted was for children to be happy and look now what has happened god it is so sad the worst
  • A sad day all hope is gone now bless everybody here we have to carry on and find out the truth for Michael and his children bless them sorry but to sad tonight maybe I was in denial and we did not know the full truth because cm was covering up what he did .

    Ive just read the full autopsy report and i am in utter tears of despair and sadness.

    Michael DID mutilate that gorgeous face of his.. it says he had "structures" over his nasal passage. Poor poor man.

    It says he was 136 pounds???

    Also... says that he had multiple scars on his face and neck... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Those bastard plastic surgeons.

    Says he had lung disease and osteoporosis... made me think of how much pain he was in. He must have KNOWN that he couldnt do those shows. Poor poor michael. Poor man. How much pain and despair he was in.. he must have been so frightened with all that pressure.

    Maybe this is why he turned to the drugs..... and he trusted Murray and Murray let him down.

    And it confirms he had Vitiligo.. all those years of being tormented and accused of hating his race. Even JErmaine accused him of that.

    It confirms he did NOT have skin cancer.

    Im in tears of despair and sadness. Poor man.

    Those poor children he has left behind. Michael wanted the best for those children and now they have been orphaned in this tragic story.
  • KingMJKingMJ Posts: 78
    Ive just read the full autopsy report and i am in utter tears of despair and sadness.
    Same. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • Michael is alive! He will be the key defense witness in the greatest exposure of corruption of our government the world has ever seen! You do not have an arraignment PRIOR to be booked! That is impossible! The Jacksons are going to take this all the way, to the very end, and they will finally have JUSTICE for Michael when they show how someone can be falsely accused and charged with NO evidence. None! This will be the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation! Michael is alive! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Please take care you two you are worrying me if they had all been honest in the begining we would have accepted it months ago but i feel this is the saddest thing I have ever heard such a kind person dragged to court by those vile people broken to bits called names then not realising how handsome he was I always listened to his speeches and stuck up for him the hatred for him has been unbelievable never understood it we have to stay here and find out why this happened and lookout for the children .
  • A sad day all hope is gone now bless everybody here we have to carry on and find out the truth for Michael and his children bless them sorry but to sad tonight maybe I was in denial and we did not know the full truth because cm was covering up what he did .

    Ive just read the full autopsy report and i am in utter tears of despair and sadness.

    Michael DID mutilate that gorgeous face of his.. it says he had "structures" over his nasal passage. Poor poor man.

    It says he was 136 pounds???

    Also... says that he had multiple scars on his face and neck... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> Those bastard plastic surgeons.

    Says he had lung disease and osteoporosis... made me think of how much pain he was in. He must have KNOWN that he couldnt do those shows. Poor poor michael. Poor man. How much pain and despair he was in.. he must have been so frightened with all that pressure.

    Maybe this is why he turned to the drugs..... and he trusted Murray and Murray let him down.

    And it confirms he had Vitiligo.. all those years of being tormented and accused of hating his race. Even JErmaine accused him of that.

    It confirms he did NOT have skin cancer.

    Im in tears of despair and sadness. Poor man.

    Those poor children he has left behind. Michael wanted the best for those children and now they have been orphaned in this tragic story.
    please, can you post the link to the full autopsy report? I can not find it....In another note...Don't give up and don't lose hope. We still have an investigation. We have an investigation to see who is up to this and what happend!
  • Michael is alive! He will be the key defense witness in the greatest exposure of corruption of our government the world has ever seen! You do not have an arraignment PRIOR to be booked! That is impossible! The Jacksons are going to take this all the way, to the very end, and they will finally have JUSTICE for Michael when they show how someone can be falsely accused and charged with NO evidence. None! This will be the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation! Michael is alive! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    YES!!!! U R right!!!!
  • I'm crying more than I've done in awhile now but I'm still torn. I'm not ready to let go yet there certainly is more to this and I need to find out everthing but I'm scared I'm holding on because I'm in denial. Idk though because I haven't been a believer since the start so could one start denying it months after? Sorry, I know I'm making no sense at all... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> If this is a hoax could someone give me a reasonable explanation for the 51 pages long (detailed) autopsy report? My brain is not working properly right now so I can't think of one myself. I've gone through half of the report and as sad as I feel right now I still reacted to some of the facts, but then again I'm not an expert and neither do I know much within the medical field so idk... If this was murder CM is not the only one responsible <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> But what about all odd things we've come across?! I know some of it's way far-fetched but pains vs. pain, the family's actions, Gilda etc? These things are all going through my min right now and I apologize about this confusing post but I need to let it out somehow...

    Michael, I wish I could see your beautiful, smiling face again. I wish I could see you playing with your beautiful children. I wish I could hear your soothing voice, speaking, laughing, singing... Love you always angel
  • Please take care you two you are worrying me if they had all been honest in the begining we would have accepted it months ago but i feel this is the saddest thing I have ever heard such a kind person dragged to court by those vile people broken to bits called names then not realising how handsome he was I always listened to his speeches and stuck up for him the hatred for him has been unbelievable never understood it we have to stay here and find out why this happened and lookout for the children .

    Dont worry about me... im tougher than brass nails. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Its just hard because i have wanted to see this official report for 7 months now and i knew it would be hard... but i knew i had to see it to move forward. xx

    You take care too. xx

    I will stick around for the rest of the investigation... because whatever happens i want to know the FULL TRUTH of what has happened. I wont rest until i do. xx
  • @mykidsmum.. here is the link, but be warned it is VERY GRAPHIC

    <!-- m -->http://tmz.vo.llnwd.net/o28/newsdesk/tm ... ort_wm.pdf<!-- m -->
  • Did you guys not see the clue towards the end of the TMZ live streem!! The Garbage Can!!

    Whilst waiting for Dr Murray to come out of the court building, the TMZ camera spent such a long long time showing the following link! Just like at the "Funeral" and like at Dr Murrays child support court case!

    <!-- m -->http://twitpic.com/124tz2<!-- m -->

    Dont give up yet, nothing has changed the things that have kept you here all these months havent changed, we knew Dr Murray would go to court!

    Sending you all a BIG HUG

    Its all for L.O.V.E

    Keep the faith, we knew it would get more difficult ....

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I'm sorry everyone but these messages make me mad a little bit. IT'S THE MEDIA they want everything to be real. What is important is what you feel INSIDE not what the MEDIA tries to tell you eventhough it may seem real it's not real because the media is not real they are a lie. Please keep the faith everyone please keep the faith!
  • I'm sorry everyone but these messages make me mad a little bit. IT'S THE MEDIA they want everything to be real. What is important is what you feel INSIDE not what the MEDIA tries to tell you eventhough it may seem real it's not real because the media is not real they are a lie. Please keep the faith everyone please keep the faith!

    The autopsy report has really thrown me.

    I think i need to sleep and reflect on this.

    I wont post anymore on the forum today, as i know i am being sad and negative and i dont want to upset anyone.

  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Me too sorry if I have upset anybody I will come back when I feel positive
  • No need to be sorry, I can understand how you all feel but please see it positive just give it a little rest and see how you all feel tomorrow. Don't give up!
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    do you really think that autopsy report is true? think about everything else that has gone down that we know for a fact is not true. relax everyone. let this play out.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    At first when the trial just began i was nearly to give up,i was crying, but now i still think that it's fake, Michael is alive, don't give up,we knew that this was to take place in order Michael's "death" to look real,as well as the official autopsy record was needed, this hoax is not a game or a joke, i'm almost sure Michael's life was in danger,everything should look real,we'll have to wait till april,still as much as i understood Murray was pled not guilty,yet nothing to worry about,may God help Michael and us in the future.
  • @MjLover1990
    I'm trying to keep the faith most definately but I'm finding it hard and reading what u said and a couple others u guys really don't let anything stop u from what u have believed in since the beginning <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> and I'm proud of u guys <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I'm going to have to stay strong like u and the others thnx ur post gave me more faith <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->. I'm going to try to say this loud and proud <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Michael is alive just have to look deeper within this <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • where is the report? I think I'm spinning into oblivion <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I need to read it. I don't want to, but for my own sanity, I must. I feel like I'm walking a tightrope.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    after reading over the reoprt, well i dont know what to say or think, but it looks 100% genuine.

    its just madness
  • No need to be sorry, I can understand how you all feel but please see it positive just give it a little rest and see how you all feel tomorrow. Don't give up!

    Why do you have to be mad when all people want to do is mourn Michael like he deserves if he is gone?
  • Please, we have to let him rest in peace. He is gone. I am crying while reading the final autopsy report, it is not false and it is very hard, it hurts very deep into the heart.
    Dear Michael, rest in peace <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
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