our dear kind Michael must be gone



  • Trash cans and yellow things

    Yellow things? Particularly "what"?

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Watch the courtroom video! There are yellow things in the room.

    You mean the car on the judges desk and the cushion? Did I miss anything else?
  • sorry if somebody already mentioned this, but:
    why on earth was he sleeping naked if murray was with him??? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    So you guys really think that the things that happened in this is it and in the courtroom are all coincidence? So you think its just normal that they filmed this is it in HD? and that after the credits meant nothing? (normally they put after the credits something special) but now a not good quality piece of film where Mike says important stuff.
    You think its coincidence that the jacksons JUST started a real life soap for a jackson 5 reunion just before he died? You think its not weird that the courtroom looked so not real and that there were weird stuff in the room and a calendar with special dates on it, and till now, the date was correct. through 12 februari was a cross, and that day was the release of WATW.
    Also the kids have NEVER said ANYTHING about his death or even not: I miss you. NOTHING!!!

    you really think thats just coincidences? nah
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    So you guys really think that the things that happened in this is it and in the courtroom are all coincidence? So you think its just normal that they filmed this is it in HD? and that after the credits meant nothing? (normally they put after the credits something special) but now a not good quality piece of film where Mike says important stuff.
    You think its coincidence that the jacksons JUST started a real life soap for a jackson 5 reunion just before he died? You think its not weird that the courtroom looked so not real and that there were weird stuff in the room and a calendar with special dates on it, and till now, the date was correct. through 12 februari was a cross, and that day was the release of WATW.
    Also the kids have NEVER said ANYTHING about his death or even not: I miss you. NOTHING!!!

    you really think thats just coincidences? nah
    You are so right <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> i have never stopped believing, and I only will, if I see his dead body. His real dead body. And that's never gonna happen.
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    So you guys really think that the things that happened in this is it and in the courtroom are all coincidence? So you think its just normal that they filmed this is it in HD? and that after the credits meant nothing? (normally they put after the credits something special) but now a not good quality piece of film where Mike says important stuff.
    You think its coincidence that the jacksons JUST started a real life soap for a jackson 5 reunion just before he died? You think its not weird that the courtroom looked so not real and that there were weird stuff in the room and a calendar with special dates on it, and till now, the date was correct. through 12 februari was a cross, and that day was the release of WATW.
    Also the kids have NEVER said ANYTHING about his death or even not: I miss you. NOTHING!!!

    you really think thats just coincidences? nah
    You are so right <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> i have never stopped believing, and I only will, if I see his dead body. His real dead body. And that's never gonna happen.
    exactly! Never stop believing. also not after 25 June. Who says he will come back? We just think that? And I already knnow after 25 June people are leaving this forum cuz they don't believe anymore. WHO said he will come back then?? NOBODY JUST US!! so don't lose faith. also not after 25th June.
  • YELOW THINGS: ties, flowers, Michael's shirt, toy taxi, rag doll in court room..... !
    And now "yellow" casket......
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I so agree with you EVA!,we must never stop believing, we must never give up cause of each trifle "leading" to his "death", we must always bear in mind all the important clues that can definitely serve as "facts" showing that the MAN IS ALIVE!!!and amen to it,i will never give up esp. after june 25, 2010, who said that he will return at that time?Noone!i pray to God for Mike to come back, but it's really very plausible that he will not come back, he will choose to live a quiet life away from this hell that is called show business and papar.,he may only give his fans some really good clues that he is alive and go on with his normal life without a spotlight and hounting people,his clues will be enough for me to keep my hope and belief alive and to be sure that he is alive.
  • sorry if somebody already mentioned this, but:
    why on earth was he sleeping naked if murray was with him??? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I mentioned the same thing on one of these threads. I don't believe it because it is well documented that he was shy and modest. Unless of course you really believe that he peed in cups in dentists offices in full view of other staff and patients <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • ??Why must be gone? People...Michael has a serious message here...the evidence hasn't disappeared...if anything the hoax has taken a new turn...we're in a different phase of the hoax now; one that is showing us the obvious contradictions and elements that don't add up...

    Here is the point of Dr. Murray and his case...as pointed out by someone else here (4got ur name but good work)
    Dr. Murray is being accused of something that no one has proved he's done...the media is already setting him up for a guilty verdict before he has even gotten a trial...(sound familiar?)
    Dr. Murray is being dragged through the mud...his name and reputation sullied by the press and people who ASSUME he's guilty...
    If Michael wants to prove a point (that you should never judge someone without all the facts being known to you) then Dr Murray is a vehicle to do that...
    I won't go beyond this because I honestly believe Michael wants people to think these things out for themselves rather than be spoon-fed...
    The point is Dr. Conrad Murray IS INNOCENT because he DID NOT kill Michael...
    Michael is not dead...
    And if you guys with so little faith would think about all these re-directs and what they are telling us you might find reason to be happy....Why?
    I'll let you figure that one out by yourselves.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- l -->posting.php?mode=reply&f=49&t=5141#<!-- l -->
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    I so agree with you EVA!,we must never stop believing, we must never give up cause of each trifle "leading" to his "death", we must always bear in mind all the important clues that can definitely serve as "facts" showing that the MAN IS ALIVE!!!and amen to it,i will never give up esp. after june 25, 2010, who said that he will return at that time?Noone!i pray to God for Mike to come back, but it's really very plausible that he will not come back, he will choose to live a quiet life away from this hell that is called show business and papar.,he may only give his fans some really good clues that he is alive and go on with his normal life without a spotlight and hounting people,his clues will be enough for me to keep my hope and belief alive and to be sure that he is alive.
    yeah exactly <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Maybe he comes back in 2012 or something. WHO KNOWS?? I mean, he does this hoax 1 time in his life, so do it good you know what i mean? don't go away for half a year, do it then for a year or 2 or so! I mean you will never have a quite life again after this hoax so just take 2 years chilltime you know <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Eva REva R Posts: 1,217
    oh and by the way, Michael supposed to be dead right?? so they act like he is dead <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    yep, absolutely agree, it aint a game or a joke, he is supposed to be dead for the whole world, so maybe he will expose himself or may not, we just have to be open-minded to receive the valuable messages that he is sending to us as a proof
  • [MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs » Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:28 pm

    YELOW THINGS: ties, flowers, Michael's shirt, toy taxi, rag doll in court room..... !
    And now "yellow" casket....../b]

    Okay all these yellow things. Yellow flowers, what does all this suppose to mean?
  • [MJ_Fan_For_40_yrs » Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:28 pm

    YELOW THINGS: ties, flowers, Michael's shirt, toy taxi, rag doll in court room..... !
    And now "yellow" casket....../b]

    Okay all these yellow things. Yellow flowers, what does all this suppose to mean?

    Michael's favorite colors were red ,black,and gold,that's all it means.His brothers made this known during the memorial .
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