MJ needs our support (scroll down a little)

tklein1014tklein1014 Posts: 123
edited February 2010 in News


  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    Who ever it is, is stupid.
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  • Seems to me like TMZ started the hoax by being first to report the "death" a few minutes before it was declared, now it seems they're reporting that it was a hoax...they started it, now it seems they're finishing it...

    TIAI redirected hidden message in article below:

    Dr. Conrad Murray Impostor Exposed

    Posted Feb 12th 2010 2:33PM by TMZ Staff

    There is someone pretending to be Dr. Conrad Murray -- asking his fans for prayers and support -- but TMZ has learned it's a fraud.

    Just one day after the real Dr. Murray appeared in court to face an involuntary manslaughter charge in the death of Michael Jackson, a person using a Twitter account under the name DrConradMurray left the following message:

    "Please consider that I too am a father, do not judge or condemn me until you have walked in my shoes. Please pray for my family"

    But it's all a hoax: TMZ spoke to a rep for Dr. Murray's lawyer who told us, "It is 100 percent fake. He doesn't even have a smart phone."

    Read more: <!-- m -->http://www.tmz.com/2010/02/12/dr-conrad ... z0fU4bmV1D<!-- m -->

    It's all for L.O.V.E.

    Will YOU be there?
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUaMzwNPgro<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->https://twitter.com/DrConradMurray<!-- m --> <
    FOLLOW Michael

    Lets give him the prayers and support he's asking for.

    SPREAD this message!
  • 3
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    I've done everything but spell it out for you all and beLIEve groups...read between the lines and think for yourselves.
    could you please spell it out for us, please?
  • I've done everything but spell it out for you all and beLIEve groups...read between the lines and think for yourselves.
    could you please spell it out for us, please?

    I don't think I can...I want to so much, but I don't think the imposter would prefer that, I think they want people to figure it out on their own.
  • tklein wrote: I don't think I can...I want to so much, but I don't think the imposter would prefer that, I think they want people to figure it out on their own.

    So, what are you saying tklein? That the imposter is MJ??!! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Lol well wouldn't that just be the shit.
  • tklein wrote: I don't think I can...I want to so much, but I don't think the imposter would prefer that, I think they want people to figure it out on their own.

    So, what are you saying tklein? That the imposter is MJ??!! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Read between the lines of the article, especially the message the imposter left...think for yourself.
  • TMZ drops a lot of clues, BTW.
  • well...if it werent for the fact that the "impostor" has been exposed, I would think it's a legit account. It has only 4 tweets, following no one, the tweets seem sincere also in my opinion. I dont think it is MJ directly, but someone may be sent so people can understand that Murray is innocent? (if this is a hoax, of course).

    Tklein, let me see if I understand...Are you trying to say that since no one has said a word about this Murray twitter account, and since some still believe Murray killed MJ, TMZ has reported this so people can dig in for info?
  • well...if it werent for the fact that the "impostor" has been exposed, I would think it's a legit account. It has only 4 tweets, following no one, the tweets seem sincere also in my opinion. I dont think it is MJ directly, but someone may be sent so people can understand that Murray is innocent? (if this is a hoax, of course).

    Tklein, let me see if I understand...Are you trying to say that since no one has said a word about this Murray twitter account, and since some still believe Murray killed MJ, TMZ has reported this so people can dig in for info?

    Biggest clue to me the use of these words "hoax" and "imposter". And the article earlier about Murray's shirt was another strange one. It's like TMZ is pushing our buttons and sending messages. Very interesting.
  • well...if it werent for the fact that the "impostor" has been exposed, I would think it's a legit account. It has only 4 tweets, following no one, the tweets seem sincere also in my opinion. I dont think it is MJ directly, but someone may be sent so people can understand that Murray is innocent? (if this is a hoax, of course).

    Tklein, let me see if I understand...Are you trying to say that since no one has said a word about this Murray twitter account, and since some still believe Murray killed MJ, TMZ has reported this so people can dig in for info?

    Alright, I'll help you all out a little more...

    As far as it being legit...I'm remembering back when Murray's video came out...a lot of people thought it was really a message from MJ because of the similarities to MJ's message during his trial. At around the same time, this same Twitter account was opened w/a few tweets presumably from Murray, and coincidentally TMZ reported that Murray was on Twitter asking for support. Now we have TMZ reporting that they've "discovered" that it's not really Murray w/a new tweet that seems familiar...connect the dots.
  • I bolded some text in the article to help you all read between the lines a little easier. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I feel like I'm cheating by giving you all the answers, but what I've highlighted is the real message in the article beneath the surface. On the surface, who cares if someone is pretending to be Dr. Murray? What's the point? You have to look beneath the surface to find the hidden message. I know it seems weird, but this is what he's trying to teach us to do. To look underneath the surface and not take things at face value. This article is not just a clue, it's a KEY.
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    The someone is Michael Jackson that is asking his fans (us) for prayers and support (this is what we do) and the following message is for us that we have to walk in his shoes (spreading his message ?) and it's all a hoax leads us to the "death" ?

    Correct me if i'm wrong
  • You got it mostly, and being that he is the one asking in the article about the imposter, and he gave us that message to identify him, MJ is the "imposter"...so I think we should go over to Twitter and give him the prayers and support he's asking for...that's the message.
  • I seriously doubt that Dr. Murray has fans. And what family is he talking about? He has "family" all over the place, all by different women.
  • I seriously doubt that Dr. Murray has fans. And what family is he talking about? He has "family" all over the place, all by different women.

    I think the word 'fans' is the biggest giveaway, as Dr Conrad Murray has never asked for support from fans, only friends, family and patients on his you tube video. So many people realized then, that this video sounded like MJ and now TMZ are kindly giving it to us on a plate with the words, FANS, IMPOSTER, FAKE, HOAX.
    To me this message is not hidden or cryptic but blindingly obvious. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • beatitbeatit Posts: 63
    Who ever it is, is stupid.

    Did you even read the article or message that the person left?

    I give up...people are too dense.

    Yes I read the article and the messages left on Twitter, that his lawyers said it wasn't him. the twitter saying there are lies surrounding me, but if you look back on any criminal they all say they are innocent.

    Look at Ted Bundy he plead not guilty. All criminals say they are not guilty to see if their lawyers can get them off.

    The article it self from TMZ does not give much information other than to say that his people say that the twitter thing is 100% a hoax, that he doesn't even have a smart phone which means nothing computers are available to. But I think if it was him his lawyers would know, cause I know I wouldn't start tweeting if I was on trial for manslaughter without my lawyers go.

    "Please consider that I too am a father, do not judge or condemn me until you have walked in my shoes. Please pray for my family"

    All that tells me is to pray for him and his family, I don't see any hidden messages there. I don't see a hidden message in any of this.

    What I see if people over reading, over thinking, over analyzing everything single fiber of every single statement, post, anything that you see in tabliods (which dramatize everything cause that's what sells) Just live everything you see on TV is mostly dramatized. Take operation Repo on TRUtv I have been out with Repo companies helping them out, nine times out of 10 the person knows your coming and gives you the keys, and if they start to give you hassle and it gets to the point where like operation Repo style you leave and you come get it later.

    Drama sells plain and simple, the twitter person was probably someone that knows about the people that think its a Hoax that MJ is still alive and decided to play into it. And guess what it worked.

    And what is TMZ giving away by saying impostor, fake, hoax, if its talking about MJ still being alive I don't see a connection.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh for god sake

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5033<!-- l -->

    What does Michael have to do? Hit you over the head with a BRICK???
  • I love the 'fans' part. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And also the use of hoax by TMZ...it's all a hoax? Big words ..they could have said ..'not true..someone is just playing a joke..'...why hoax...especially the It's ALL a hoax..
  • Read the enlarged and bolded part, people...it's a hidden message. Forget about the rest.
  • i would like to say that TIAI just redirected to this page so i would pay attention to it
  • God Bless TIAI...lol
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