MJ needs our support (scroll down a little)



  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366

    Proof from TIAI... <!-- m -->http://www.thisisalsoit.com<!-- m -->
    How was that redirected so fast?
    Kinda makes me suspicious of some people on this forum.. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • KarmaKnowsTruth...

    Good points. After all the humanitarian work MJ has accomplished, how much he's all made us aware that we need to be the change we see in the world, someone else isn't gonna do it for us... well instead of all this thorough investigative work that takes time, if we all did ONE thing, showed someone we cared, helped people less fortunate than us, wouldn't that be better than us all figuring out the message MJ is or isn't trying to show us?

    MJ said not to believe something about someone until you have had a one-on-one conversation with that person. Well, in my wildest dreams I could have that conversation with Michael, but until I can't believe anything than what I feel in my heart. Alive or Dead, Michael is always with me, in my heart, and his message does not go unheard. Do i give enough? No. Am I selfish, yeah. But I L.O.V.E. to the fullest of my ability and really do try to make it a point to not judge people. So much is easier said than done, but we really must look inside of ourselves for answers. What does Michael mean to me? Was everything he's done for us and the earth all in vain? HELL NO. So, let's SHOW him. As cheesy as it may sound right now, I would hug each and every one of you if I could.

    What are you going to do today to make Michael proud? I will tell you what I am going to do. I am going to be more strict with myself and my recycling habits. I am going to tell my sister who i have lost touch with how much I miss and love her. You gotta start somewhere, right?
  • Wow MJ'sDangerousGirl this is great news ! You took words right outta my mouth. I'm glad to know you are thinking on the right track !
    you wrote
    What are you going to do today to make Michael proud? I will tell you what I am going to do. I am going to be more strict with myself and my recycling habits. I am going to tell my sister who i have lost touch with how much I miss and love her. You gotta start somewhere, right?

    There is so much going in the world under our noses that needs attention. This isn't the thread to discuss that but I'm real curious what real work others here are doing to spread MJ's message. Like you said about recycling it all starts small, inside your home, work, school, etc.

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Looking at the man or woman in the mirror is truly the place to start.
    I would say I'm 35-40 on the deprogramming scale starting with a mind controlling roommate BF. I began refusing to submit to his mind games and with love and I see a change in his behavior and approach toward me. Love sure works better than dishing out more hate does. <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: --> I only watch 30 minutes of morning weather, then shut it off all day. When my BF is watching loud killer movies or wrestling or sex on tv in the other room I wear heavy duty ear protection from the dramatic music, commercials and subliminal messaging. I really feel a difference in my general attitude, productivity and peace of mind eliminating the media feed of trash.

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I'm forcing myself to wear a smile even if I don't feel good. I turn and smile and nod at the person in the next car in traffic and make eye contact with strangers giving my gift of a simple smile. That really can make someone's day and teaches me the power of LOVE. That all leads to so much more.

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> I would love others to share what they are doing to make a change.

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    karmaknowstruth and MJsDangerousGirl, so we have to start and then demand that all accounts Sheridan, who chose to guide the destinies of our countries, can not they think they were elected to do with people as they please. Everyone must be accountable for their actions. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Interesting, I left a comment on the Murray imposter exposed page and ended it with beLIEve and a prayer for Michael and his family and TMZ edited it out. Didn't realize they edit the comments <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    Proof from TIAI... <!-- m -->http://www.thisisalsoit.com<!-- m -->
    How was that redirected so fast?
    Kinda makes me suspicious of some people on this forum.. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Interesting observation.

    One thing I noticed as well, is it just me or does Tiai seem more interested in proving him/herself as not a fake with these redirects then in helping us understand the hoax and Michael's message?

    Seriously, tiai, if you're reading, I posted a thread last weekend theorising that Murray was metaphorical Michael, and this being said, Murray MUST be charged in order to fulfill requirements of the hoax to expose the media's power and influence over the legal system and public mentality in this country.

    Read it here: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5033<!-- l -->

    I can't believe TMZ getting a bunch of hits is more important then understanding the message. That makes no sense to me.
  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?
    You're not alone! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I can feel it in my gut.
  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?
    You're not alone! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    I can feel it in my gut.

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> cool. and then people will see we were not crazy to believe in the hoax! but actually smart and free minded people who did not take things at face value just because they were presented to us as fact by the media outlet. But instead, saw question marks in all the things that didn't make sense and investigated for ourselves. whoo hoo!

  • Proof from TIAI... <!-- m -->http://www.thisisalsoit.com<!-- m -->
    How was that redirected so fast?
    Kinda makes me suspicious of some people on this forum.. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    It was redirected yesterday when I got the message right, I guess.
  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?

    What I'm thinking, and it makes sense, is that he is just waiting until enough people get the message and show their support before he comes back...because basically it's a confession of the hoax. "I'm sorry I put you all through this, please forgive me, I need your prayers and support" Just a hunch at this point, as I'm getting no direction whatsoever. So I'm thinking we need to get that message out as much as we can and get people over there. I've been posting it everywhere I can myself. Don't just follow him...spread the message...in beLIEve groups, any place you can think of. I'm guessing he wants us to "call" him back...he might not come back on his own. Like I said, just a hunch, but it makes sense.
  • I'm contemplating whether I should just throw it down on the MJ fan page on FB...there's over 10 million people on there...
  • Darnit...fans can't post links.
  • Interesting, I left a comment on the Murray imposter exposed page and ended it with beLIEve and a prayer for Michael and his family and TMZ edited it out. Didn't realize they edit the comments <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    haha...guess they know about the hidden message, then.
  • I really dont mean to attract sympathy here but in the context of this thread I have been an outcast all my life.....Even when in school, I had to literally beg my so-called friends to talk to me...Why? Because I am a stutterer...I stammer while talking......How embarasssing is that? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Plus I have very abusive elder brother who'd beat me up every now and then.......So I turned into this contemplative and introspective person over the years.....I'm quite a recluse.I just dont wanna go out on the streets....I only go out in the evenings when its dark.....So that no one can see me properly..I just wish to be left alone and remain anonymous most of the time.......I am REALLY best when left alone.

    So, I learnt to think for myself a long time ago......And so I hardly ever blindly follow whatever is told/said to me coz I have the habit of seeing for myself whats wrong and whats right......
    .....Beacause guys, TRANSPARENCY is more ELUSIVE tha a DIAMOND in our times....So it is valued more than ever....You'd only make a fool out of yourself if you opened your heart to any stranger who pretends to be friendly and all.....

    So Michael Jackson's message was pretty clear to me right from the beginning........

    A man so frequently misunderstood and mocked at for his insecurities has tried to tell us that theres a reason to every aspect of a man's personality....Sometimes its forgivable and sometimes its not unforgivable. So before hurlng insults or forming opinions and jumping to conclusions about a person, we should see for ourselves....that to what extent is the person judged, worthy of rspect or disrespect.

    Be it respect or disrespect....Generally,in either case,(respect/disrespect)...Its not imposed.It is earned. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • I really dont mean to attract sympathy here but in the context of this thread I have been an outcast all my life.....Even when in school, I had to literally beg my so-called friends to talk to me...Why? Because I am a stutterer...I stammer while talking......How embarasssing is that? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Plus I have very abusive elder brother who'd beat me up every now and then.......So I turned into this contemplative and introspective person over the years.....I'm quite a recluse.I just dont wanna go out on the streets....I only go out in the evenings when its dark.....So that no one can see me properly..I just wish to be left alone and remain anonymous most of the time.......I am REALLY best when left alone.

    So, I learnt to think for myself a long time ago......And so I hardly ever blindly follow whatever is told/said to me coz I have the habit of seeing for myself whats wrong and whats right......
    .....Beacause guys, TRANSPARENCY is more ELUSIVE tha a DIAMOND in our times....So it is valued more than ever....You'd only make a fool out of yourself if you opened your heart to any stranger who pretends to be friendly and all.....

    So Michael Jackson's message was pretty clear to me right from the beginning........

    A man so frequently misunderstood and mocked at for his insecurities has tried to tell us that theres a reason to every aspect of a man's personality....Sometimes its forgivable and sometimes its not unforgivable. So before hurlng insults or forming opinions and jumping to conclusions about a person, we should see for ourselves....that to what extent is the person judged, worthy of rspect or disrespect.

    Be it respect or disrespect....Generally,in either case,(respect/disrespect)...Its not imposed.It is earned. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    I am kind of the same way...I don't stutter, but I can relate to what you're saying.
  • michaeljackson1324.jpg

    I just found a letter written by Michael Jackson in 1995, when he was being mistreated by the media, with court cases already known, where he uses exactly the same Indian proverb that "possible" Dr.Conrad Murray used in his twitter post , as explained here. Well, I sent a reply to the Doctor Murray's page on Twitter, under the following terms:
    View image of Michael's letter in great size for text displayed in the address: <!-- m -->http://twitpic.com/13jeji<!-- m -->

    @DrConradMurray I found that you imitate Michael's speech:Like the Indian proverb says-Don't judge a man until you've walked 2moons in his moccosins(shoes).I agree MICHAEL is yr IDOL!I'm praying for yr family too!*tears*in my face!

    Think about this: Coincidence that the words of Michael in 1995 at a time of distress are similar to the doctor now in this moment of doubt?

    I hope I have contributed to further clarify the matter...
    I L.O.V.E. MICHAEL JACKSON & BELIEVE "...the best is yet to come! It's all for L.O.V.E.

    Michael says same letter:
    If a man could spy nothing against a character but what he can prove, HIStory could not be written!

  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?

    What I'm thinking, and it makes sense, is that he is just waiting until enough people get the message and show their support before he comes back...because basically it's a confession of the hoax. "I'm sorry I put you all through this, please forgive me, I need your prayers and support" Just a hunch at this point, as I'm getting no direction whatsoever. So I'm thinking we need to get that message out as much as we can and get people over there. I've been posting it everywhere I can myself. Don't just follow him...spread the message...in beLIEve groups, any place you can think of. I'm guessing he wants us to "call" him back...he might not come back on his own. Like I said, just a hunch, but it makes sense.

    where are the believe groups?

    and just wondering if someone can clarify something for me - were cassandra gretchen sims and derek clontz imposters?
  • raluralu Posts: 97
    Did you noticed that now there are more "Dr. Murray" followers than soldiers of love?

    No, but I don't think all of them know it's MJ...when I started following there were still over 700, I think...I'd bet a lot of them still think it's Dr. Murray.
    Oh, I see...thanks for lighting me up. This makes sense.
    About the message, I also find strange the lawyer's comment: "It is 100 percent fake. He doesn't even have a smart phone." What does the smart phone have with the tweeter? If anything, this makes me thing about the questionable calls Murray made on 25th of June...

    And someone interpretated that Murry is not good on computers, though he seamed he knew what he does when recording the you tube video.

    I'm not paying any attention to anything that's not highlighted...that's not the important stuff.

    Really? Well, I've always found "deep" the way that TMZ chose to end its articles about Michael...regardless wether those sentences are highlighted ot not, those finale words are meant to be read "between the lines" IMHO. Hugs.

    Well, have it your own way...TIAI redirected to the hidden message, so I'm trusting that it's correct, and that the rest is just padding to hide the message and not important. <!-- m -->http://www.thisisalsoit.com<!-- m -->

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> With LOVE and unpretentiousness...
  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?

    What I'm thinking, and it makes sense, is that he is just waiting until enough people get the message and show their support before he comes back...because basically it's a confession of the hoax. "I'm sorry I put you all through this, please forgive me, I need your prayers and support" Just a hunch at this point, as I'm getting no direction whatsoever. So I'm thinking we need to get that message out as much as we can and get people over there. I've been posting it everywhere I can myself. Don't just follow him...spread the message...in beLIEve groups, any place you can think of. I'm guessing he wants us to "call" him back...he might not come back on his own. Like I said, just a hunch, but it makes sense.

    where are the believe groups?

    and just wondering if someone can clarify something for me - were cassandra gretchen sims and derek clontz imposters?

    I know there are some on Facebook, probably MySpace also, Twitter...other social networking sites. TIAI has redirected somewhere else now, so you may have to post a direct link.
  • i read the message about dr murray's fake twitter message and immediately thought "that's MJ". MJ was always saying "don't judge or condemn me until u have walked in my shoes". his song "Childhood" also asks us to not judge him and in other interviews he has given he has also spoken words along these lines. also at the memorial, his brother said "we will never know what it was like to walk in his (MJ's) shoes" - something like that.

    anyway this is getting interesting and we all have to keep the faith and have an open mind. can't wait for the BAM. i can feel it will happen soon. can anybody feel it too?

    What I'm thinking, and it makes sense, is that he is just waiting until enough people get the message and show their support before he comes back...because basically it's a confession of the hoax. "I'm sorry I put you all through this, please forgive me, I need your prayers and support" Just a hunch at this point, as I'm getting no direction whatsoever. So I'm thinking we need to get that message out as much as we can and get people over there. I've been posting it everywhere I can myself. Don't just follow him...spread the message...in beLIEve groups, any place you can think of. I'm guessing he wants us to "call" him back...he might not come back on his own. Like I said, just a hunch, but it makes sense.

    where are the believe groups?

    and just wondering if someone can clarify something for me - were cassandra gretchen sims and derek clontz imposters?

    I know there are some on Facebook, probably MySpace also, Twitter...other social networking sites. TIAI has redirected somewhere else now, so you may have to post a direct link.

    ok thanks. and can u answer my question about cassandra gretchen sims and derek clontz too? or ur not sure either? thanks
  • Damnit I need to DO something!!!

    Its all very wel reading through the evidence and adding more ooking for clues etc etc.. but does no one else feel the need to DO something more constructive. Something that could directly help Michael, link us to him...find a way to help.

    Its so frustrating not knowing what to do... whether were on the right track with all this or whether... god forbid.. we are completely wasting our time <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    I cant take much more of this, its driving me insane.

  • Who's says this is real? Couldn't it be a fake as we saw before with all those people pretending to be Michael and all the fake twitter accounts? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • SabrinaSabrina Posts: 342
    Who's says this is real? Couldn't it be a fake as we saw before with all those people pretending to be Michael and all the fake twitter accounts? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    the fact that this person do not claim to be Michael and the fact that TMZ is talkin about this one in articular
  • Doctor Death » Tue Feb 16, 2010 5:51 am

    I really dont mean to attract sympathy here but in the context of this thread I have been an outcast all my life.....Even when in school, I had to literally beg my so-called friends to talk to me...Why? Because I am a stutterer...I stammer while talking......How embarasssing is that?

    Plus I have very abusive elder brother who'd beat me up every now and then.......So I turned into this contemplative and introspective person over the years.....I'm quite a recluse.I just dont wanna go out on the streets....I only go out in the evenings when its dark.....So that no one can see me properly..I just wish to be left alone and remain anonymous most of the time.......I am REALLY best when left alone.

    So, I learnt to think for myself a long time ago......And so I hardly ever blindly follow whatever is told/said to me coz I have the habit of seeing for myself whats wrong and whats right......
    .....Beacause guys, TRANSPARENCY is more ELUSIVE tha a DIAMOND in our times....So it is valued more than ever....You'd only make a fool out of yourself if you opened your heart to any stranger who pretends to be friendly and all.....

    So Michael Jackson's message was pretty clear to me right from the beginning........

    A man so frequently misunderstood and mocked at for his insecurities has tried to tell us that theres a reason to every aspect of a man's personality....Sometimes its forgivable and sometimes its not unforgivable. So before hurlng insults or forming opinions and jumping to conclusions about a person, we should see for ourselves....that to what extent is the person judged, worthy of rspect or disrespect.

    Be it respect or disrespect....Generally,in either case,(respect/disrespect)...Its not imposed.It is earned.

    I feel ya!! But you know regardless of your weakness God created you with a purpose and for a purpose and where you may be weak you are strong. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
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