mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
edited January 1970 in News


  • OMG WOW!! kinda a big mistake eh?
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    so 2 points either

    a) he has just hung drawn and quatered hiself


    b) there was a major balls up with his script, and he forgot his lines and the truth will prevail shortly <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    i prefer the 2nd one myself!!
  • so 2 points either

    a) he has just hung drawn and quatered hiself


    b) there was a major balls up with his script, and he forgot his lines and the truth will prevail shortly <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    i prefer the 2nd one myself!!

    or c) he came onto this forum, realised that many of us have been saying that the timeline doesn't add up and though "Oh sh1t. I really messed that up. Must do damage limitation - quick!"
  • Well, we all knew the timeline was fishy.

    So, the lawyer is trying to tell us that Murray gave Michael the Propofol much later, closer to the time of the 911 call.
    He's definitely trying to save his ass.
  • lisap27lisap27 Posts: 1,100
    you know what bothers me on this, when was the lethal doseage supposidly given? was it in the day? it confuses me..

    if it was in the day why would Michael want to sleep at that time of the day when his kids where there and he was suppose to be rehearsing at 2pm with his vocalist and at 4pm with the choreographer as they've stated in interviews..

    plus does anyone remember the interview he did i think it may be on the old forum when he said he's just a regular dad, he gets up between 6.30am and 7am has a shower wakes the kids they have breakfast etc etc you get my drift, i just don't get it, no matter how many times i say it to myself

    ALSO if he used the propfol to wake up on demand as it leaves your system so quick WHY still be put under and still medicated at that time, why wasn't he awake and spending time with his kids or something like that!!
  • WHY THE F**K WAS HE ON THE PHONE ANYWAY?? IF MJ IS DEAD THIS PROVES NEGLANGENCE ON THE DR'S PART YOU HAVE TO WATCH AND MONITOR PATIENCE ON PROPHOFOL ESP. WITHOUT THE PROPER EQUIPMENT....NOT CHATTING WITH PPL...GRRRR <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • you know what bothers me on this, when was the lethal doseage supposidly given? was it in the day? it confuses me..

    if it was in the day why would Michael want to sleep at that time of the day when his kids where there and he was suppose to be rehearsing at 2pm with his vocalist and at 4pm with the choreographer as they've stated in interviews..

    plus does anyone remember the interview he did i think it may be on the old forum when he said he's just a regular dad, he gets up between 6.30am and 7am has a shower wakes the kids they have breakfast etc etc you get my drift, i just don't get it, no matter how many times i say it to myself

    ALSO if he used the propfol to wake up on demand as it leaves your system so quick WHY still be put under and still medicated at that time, why wasn't he awake and spending time with his kids or something like that!!

    Yes, that has always bothered me too. Since Michael had rehearsals until midnight, he probably slept later than usual, but trying to get just a couple of hours of sleep without the REM phase, and then meet with your choreographer at 14:00 h, then go to rehearsals doesn't make any sense.
    The whole situation is still a mystery to me.
  • Thanks for this info! I check general news sites regularly for new info and this hasn't been reported yet. Good find. Radar Online do appear to get things right but we'll see.

    As for changing his story, how is he going to explain why he did not tell Paramedics AND Medical staff in the ER he administered propofol? He also failed to tell them that he had administered Diazepam (Valium) and Midazolam. He only told paramedics and ER staff that he had administered 2 separate doses of Lorazepam. Giving false information to a fellow doctor who is attempting to save a life is going to really compromise successful resuscitation. It also indicates a cover-up. Or did he get that wrong too. No, no, no. That in itself is going to go massively against him, because even if there was time to save MJ, he deliberately lied about what he had given his patient and compromised the resuscitation outcome.

    Even if he changes the timeline, how will he explain that?
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i'm not buying it either. he did give a wrong timeline but this one isn't any better or in any way convincing.

    plus, it would still mean that he left michael after administering propofol, made his calls and then discovered him not breathing. the recorded call was shortly before noon, so he administered propofol, left the room 'for two minutes', made at least that call, came back, did cpr (which he originally said he did for an hour?), left again to run downstairs and find someone to call 911 and return back upstairs and do more cpr, all in about 20 minutes before the 911 call??? really???

    i don't think he left to make his calls before he admistered the propofol, since michael was beggin' him so hard for it, as he stated. like he would tell him: 'okay, but i have to make some calls first, it'll only take about an hour. would you mind waiting?' yeah, right...d'oooh...like you're laying there tossing and turning and then the doctor you're paying makes you want to wait? i don't think so.

    it still doesn't match up or explain or straighten out anything! more garbage!
  • i'm not buying it either. he did give a wrong timeline but this one isn't any better or in any way convincing.

    plus, it would still mean that he left michael after administering propofol, made his calls and then discovered him not breathing. the recorded call was shortly before noon, so he administered propofol, left the room 'for two minutes', made at least that call, came back, did cpr (which he originally said he did for an hour?), left again to run downstairs and find someone to call 911 and return back upstairs and do more cpr, all in about 20 minutes before the 911 call??? really???

    i don't think he left to make his calls before he admistered the propofol, since michael was beggin' him so hard for it, as he stated. like he would tell him: 'okay, but i have to make some calls first, it'll only take about an hour. would you mind waiting?' yeah, right...d'oooh...like you're laying there tossing and turning and then the doctor you're paying makes you want to wait? i don't think so.

    it still doesn't match up or explain or straighten out anything! more garbage!

    LMAO!! Exactly!!

    Id like to know why none of the other doctors who supposedly supplied MJ his "drug habit" havent been mentioned AT ALL??? hmmm??
    If MJ was such a doper then Murray CLEARLY cannot be the only doctor that supplied him. No way in hell. ITs not like MJ was a herion or coke addict where he could get this stuff on the streets...they say he was addicted to Rx drugs but yet no metion of the other doctors.

    I think Murray was too busy at the strip club like they say and he was too preoccupied with is his "mini-me" that he forget his script!!! LOLOL!!!
  • Thanks for this info! I check general news sites regularly for new info and this hasn't been reported yet. Good find. Radar Online do appear to get things right but we'll see.

    As for changing his story, how is he going to explain why he did not tell Paramedics AND Medical staff in the ER he administered propofol? He also failed to tell them that he had administered Diazepam (Valium) and Midazolam. He only told paramedics and ER staff that he had administered 2 separate doses of Lorazepam. Giving false information to a fellow doctor who is attempting to save a life is going to really compromise successful resuscitation. It also indicates a cover-up. Or did he get that wrong too. No, no, no. That in itself is going to go massively against him, because even if there was time to save MJ, he deliberately lied about what he had given his patient and compromised the resuscitation outcome.

    Even if he changes the timeline, how will he explain that?

    totally agree
  • One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...
  • He's gonna be in big trouble, but then again inside the hoax what is the point of changing the story? Must be he messed up MJ's original plan and it will make a difference in the long run.

    If the time line changes to the propofol given later that makes things seem more off as you said since rehearsals start at 2. Getting the drip even later is stupid. Did any of you upload that Travis Payne interview where he was stressing the point of rehearsal at 2, he was expecting to pick MJ up for rehearsal at 2.....he must have said that 2 o'clock thing at least 3 times in that interview. Should we secure that interview before it is taken down due to copyright restrictions ?
    I had a nagging feeling that Travis was hiding something.

    Also Ortega repeated that 2 o'clock time too. Do you recall that ?

  • He's gonna be in big trouble, but then again inside the hoax what is the point of changing the story? Must be he messed up MJ's original plan and it will make a difference in the long run.

    If the time line changes to the propofol given later that makes things seem more off as you said since rehearsals start at 2. Getting the drip even later is stupid. Did any of you upload that Travis Payne interview where he was stressing the point of rehearsal at 2, he was expecting to pick MJ up for rehearsal at 2.....he must have said that 2 o'clock thing at least 3 times in that interview. Should we secure that interview before it is taken down due to copyright restrictions ?
    I had a nagging feeling that Travis was hiding something.

    Also Ortega repeated that 2 o'clock time too. Do you recall that ?


    I remember both of those. I thought it was weird they kept stressing "2". Maybe they were hinting at "2 different stories"??? IDK...

    Read my post above...about where the 911 call was made.
  • mmzmmz Posts: 450
    ..but..in all this..hadn't been stated that dr called Prince (I think prince..) upstairs during CPR? Is it possible that nobody has interviewed the kid for comparing the versions of facts???
  • Nobody has ever heard of the cops interviewing the children. Ther are alot of people they havent interviewed yet.
    This needs to be done IMMEDIATLEY after something like this happens so the witnesses do not forget any facts...this is very important,,,
  • The phone call was not placed from a hotel down the street. That has already been debunked. As for the phone in the room... do we know that it had service? Chopra said that he tried to call Michael two days before his death and the phone was disconnected.

    So maybe there was a phone, but it didn't work?

    Let's see what inconsistencies they come up with next.

  • One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    This could explain the rumour that Murray was with a girl. Could of been at the hotel and MJ unattended? Does not add up - does it? And where was Ms. Chaise thru all this?? She was very well rehearsed in saying that Mr. Jackson wanted to sleep in that day. But not to the point of taking the propofal at noon. Like you guys said - he had to be at rehearsals at 2pm. It's funny how he can NOW change his story. He must be reading the forums. They have to follow along with the script, ya know. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • meheremehere Posts: 558
    so 2 points either

    a) he has just hung drawn and quatered hiself


    b) there was a major balls up with his script, and he forgot his lines and the truth will prevail shortly <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    i prefer the 2nd one myself!!

    or c) he came onto this forum, realised that many of us have been saying that the timeline doesn't add up and though "Oh sh1t. I really messed that up. Must do damage limitation - quick!"

    Well SOMEONE has been reading this forum and realized the slip up. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    I like this more, because I wrote on DR. Murray topic that 10:50 hours was already a big problem because MJ should have been to rehearsals at 2:00 a.m. so who can believe he would sleep just for 2 hours and then to go to Staples? Now if Murray changes his statement and the time will be closer to 14:00 a.m. WILL BE A HUGE PROBLEM, and maybe they want us to believe that MJ was trying to sleep 15-30 minutes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    yes Travis and Kenny O. said that MJ should have come at Staples at 14:00 a.m. and in that day the illusionists would have come there too. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    please read my post about that video release reffered to Murray's phone call to a patient named Bob, I found something, and I don't know if I'm right, but for me this phone call to Bob is really strange. I can't put it here, I believe it's a double post.
  • One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.

    I was not aware of Alverez having worked at the Bev Wil previously. Why wouldnt he submit his HOME address when he bought his phone. Sorry, I dont own a cell phone so I dont know how it works..LOL!!
    There was a huge thread about the ambie computer photo on here...I lost track of it though so I dont know how the thread ended...
  • I like this more, because I wrote on DR. Murray topic that 10:50 hours was already a big problem because MJ should have been to rehearsals at 2:00 a.m. so who can believe he would sleep just for 2 hours and then to go to Staples? Now if Murray changes his statement and the time will be closer to 14:00 a.m. WILL BE A HUGE PROBLEM, and maybe they want us to believe that MJ was trying to sleep 15-30 minutes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    yes Travis and Kenny O. said that MJ should have come at Staples at 14:00 a.m. and in that day the illusionists would have come there too. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    please read my post about that video release reffered to Murray's phone call to a patient named Bob, I found something, and I don't know if I'm right, but for me this phone call to Bob is really strange. I can't put it here, I believe it's a double post.

    Provide a link to your post.
  • I like this more, because I wrote on DR. Murray topic that 10:50 hours was already a big problem because MJ should have been to rehearsals at 2:00 a.m. so who can believe he would sleep just for 2 hours and then to go to Staples? Now if Murray changes his statement and the time will be closer to 14:00 a.m. WILL BE A HUGE PROBLEM, and maybe they want us to believe that MJ was trying to sleep 15-30 minutes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    yes Travis and Kenny O. said that MJ should have come at Staples at 14:00 a.m. and in that day the illusionists would have come there too. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    please read my post about that video release reffered to Murray's phone call to a patient named Bob, I found something, and I don't know if I'm right, but for me this phone call to Bob is really strange. I can't put it here, I believe it's a double post.

    can u give the link to that topic?
  • I like this more, because I wrote on DR. Murray topic that 10:50 hours was already a big problem because MJ should have been to rehearsals at 2:00 a.m. so who can believe he would sleep just for 2 hours and then to go to Staples? Now if Murray changes his statement and the time will be closer to 14:00 a.m. WILL BE A HUGE PROBLEM, and maybe they want us to believe that MJ was trying to sleep 15-30 minutes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    yes Travis and Kenny O. said that MJ should have come at Staples at 14:00 a.m. and in that day the illusionists would have come there too. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    please read my post about that video release reffered to Murray's phone call to a patient named Bob, I found something, and I don't know if I'm right, but for me this phone call to Bob is really strange. I can't put it here, I believe it's a double post.

    Provide a link to your post.

    I dont care if its double post...post the link!! LOL
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