
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    This is what I wrote about that phone call of Murray to Bob

    Do you remember the first video released with Murray ? There are some phrases he said: I'M CONCERN ABOUT YOUR HEALTH... someting like that, please watch and listen again MURRAY'S WORDS IN THAT VIDEO.

    So you may think that I'm crazy but I believe that this is more deeper and more important. Also I want to remind you that Pr. Obama wants to make a change into the Heath System in a positive way.

    I also consider that Murray's message on that video, the first one is coming from Michael.
    I also remember MJ's words the planet is sick, it's like a fever... everything goes around the words related to health both said by MJ and Murray

    So I believe I found who is Bob from this video where Murray says about EECP. It seems that this EECP is very good, but dr. don't want this and the reason is money. This EECP is alternative to bypass and it's paid by Red Cross.... so think some will lose money that's why dr. don't want it.

    This is the article signed by BOB LIVINGSTONE

    Miracle For Your Heart! Enhanced External Counter-Pulsation (EECP)
    December 8, 2008 by Bob Livingston

    Enhanced External Counter-Pulsation (EECP)—This non-invasive heart therapy is truly a valid cardiovascular treatment for ischemic heart disease and congestive heart failure. Although developed more than 50 years ago, I’ll tell you most cardiologists, especially heart surgeons, are disinterested in EECP. It is, as they know, a strong alternative to bypass surgery.

    EECP, in many cases, is paid for by Medicare and Blue Cross and is approved by the FDA. It costs about $10,000 to $12,000 versus $50,000 to $70,000 for bypass surgery, which is also a much greater health risk.

    EECP should be used as a first option before bypass surgery. At this point this is unthinkable to conventional heart medicine that runs on huge amounts of money.

    The testimonials of patients with severe angina are full of the highest praise. I have talked to one extremely serious heart patient who called EECP a miracle! He was an invalid, and now he’s back to life, even playing golf.

    EECP improves coronary flow reserve significantly at rest and with increased exercise tolerance.

    The main, essential feature of the EECP mechanism is the development and recruitment of collateral arteries. Collateral, or new arteries, implies more circulation and less angina.

    Yes, this is the spontaneous growth and development of brand new arteries on and around the heart to supply new and improved blood flow and oxygen to the heart.

    The heart patient knows only too well the benefits of vasodilatation and increased blood flow to the heart. Extra dilation of the coronary arteries plus added blood flow via the new collaterals means greatly improved quality of life for an extended period, maybe several years, as experience has shown.

    The data suggests that EECP therapy not only improves myocardial perfusion (circulation), but also decreases cardiac workload.

    Some patients who may be excluded are patient who have:

    Had myocardial infarction in the preceding three months
    Had intervention in the preceding two weeks
    Unstable angina (i.e., high risk angina)
    Overt congestive heart failure
    Left ventricular ejection fraction of less than 30 percent
    Significant valvular disease
    Blood pressure more than 180/100 mm Hg
    A permanent pacemaker or implantable cardioverter defibrillator
    Non-bypassed left main stenosis of more than 50 percent
    Severe peripheral vascular disease, phlebitis, deep vein thrombosis, etc.
    Atrial fibrillation or frequent ventricular premature construction that would interfere with enhanced external counter-pulsation triggering (i.e., your electrocardiogram has to be reliable enough for the machine to work.)
    All this may sound very limiting, but my personal interview was with a serious cardiac patient who did exceedingly well. He previously had 17 procedures from two bypass surgeries and many stents, etc. If you have any of these limitations named, I would still pursue EECP evaluation by a cardiologist to make sure that you aren’t excluded. If your cardiologist is indifferent to EECP, then get another cardiologist.

    My research reveals that EECP is the best possible therapy before bypass surgery or even as a preventive for everybody. Why not overhaul your vascular system before you have a problem, particularly if heart disease is in your family.

    External Enhanced Counter-Pulsation (EECP) coupled with a steady oral chelation and nutritional protocol could easily add many quality years to your life.

    I have had this full treatment for seven weeks. I know that the results are significant and I have no angina except during extra heavy work or exertion.

    I have no trouble predicting that within a few years EECP therapy will become public knowledge and in wide use. This activity will trigger more research and the development of a far more sophisticated and efficient EECP. This is very exciting—except maybe not for the bypass surgery industry.

    <!-- m -->http://www.personalliberty.com/alternat<!-- m --> ... tion-eecp/

    I truly believe that this is Bob and Murray's message is coded, because it has no logic meaning all this call record and especially this :... About your results of EECP you did quite well ON THE STUDY, ON THE STUDY is accentuated a bit, We would love to continue to .........
    Who WE ??? normally was to say I would

    also the word study made me think must have a connection with EECP

    so I research on google writing this words EECP on the study

    <!-- m -->http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m<!-- m --> ... _80007862/

    <!-- m -->http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-84815026.html<!-- m -->
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    and in that phone call recording to Bob <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> it also was very strange that Murray used this expression "overseas sabatical" these are the meanings :

    SABBATICAL (noun)
    The noun SABBATICAL has 1 sense:

    1. a leave usually taken every seventh year
    Familiarity information: SABBATICAL used as a noun is very rare.

    • SABBATICAL (adjective)
    The adjective SABBATICAL has 2 senses:

    1. of or relating to the Sabbath
    2. of or relating to sabbatical leave

    Familiarity information: SABBATICAL used as an adjective is rare.
    sabbatical; sabbatical leave

    Hypernyms ("sabbatical" is a kind of...):
    leave; leave of absence (the period of time during which you are absent from work or duty)

    Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "sabbatical"):
    sabbatical year (a sabbatical leave lasting one year)

    noun 4. (lowercase) sabbatical year.
    5. (lowercase) any extended period of leave from one's customary work, esp. for rest, to acquire new skills or training, etc.

    A sabbatical year is a prolonged hiatus, typically one year, in the career of an otherwise successful individual taken in order to fulfill some dream, e.g. writing a book or travelling extensively


    1645, "of or suitable for the Sabbath," from L. sabbaticus, from Gk. sabbatikos "of the Sabbath" (see Sabbath). Meaning "a year's absence granted to researchers" (originally one year in seven, to university professors) first recorded 1886 (the thing itself is attested from 1880, at Harvard), related to sabbatical year (1599) in Mosaic law, the seventh year, in which land was to remain untilled and debtors and slaves released.

    Murray becomes more and more interesting ! so erudite.. Mosaic Law, SEVENTH YEAR ..

    Why would Murray say that he leaves for one year ?
    And overseas is clear enough what it means... he was referring to London.

    Considering the period of London Concerts July 13, 2009-March 2010 that does not represent one year. But one year is from July 13, 2009 to July 13, 2010.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.

    I was not aware of Alverez having worked at the Bev Wil previously. Why wouldnt he submit his HOME address when he bought his phone. Sorry, I dont own a cell phone so I dont know how it works..LOL!!
    There was a huge thread about the ambie computer photo on here...I lost track of it though so I dont know how the thread ended...

    i'm not so sure about the hotel name anymore, it was something with 'beverly' in there. maybe the hotel is/was his main employer and it is a hotel owned cell phone for his work there. otherwise i would find it odd, since the address is also usually used to send the bill to. why would the hotel pay for his phone if he wasn't working there anymore? and why have a job address with your phone that might change often if you are working in a profession where you might be hired only temporarily? i don't see the sense in giving up a business address for a phone, unless the one in the address is the owner of the phone. it's a legal contract, so who's address is in the contract owns that phone no..

    i smell fish...
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok look, there's simply no polite way to say this....

    Adding a surprising twist to the Michael Jackson homicide investigation Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney Michael Flanagan tells RadarOnline.com exclusively that his client made a mistake when he was initially interviewed by the LAPD following Michael Jackson’s death in June 2009.

    Dr. Conrad Murray Pleads Not Guilty – Bail Set At $75k

    "Dr. Murray's timeline of events that day when Michael Jackson died is wrong,” Flanagan says. “Doctors make mistakes, and that is what he did, and it was simply just that, a mistake.”

    Dr. Murray changing the story that he initially told police in the aftermath of Jackson’s death is a significant event for both the prosecution and the defense.

    According to police reports Dr. Murray initially told the LAPD that he administered the powerful sedative Propofol to Jackson at 10.50am, and that he then left Jackson alone for two minutes to go to the bathroom. Murray then went on to say that when he returned to Jackson’s room he wasn’t breathing and this is when he began CPR.

    PHOTOS: Dr. Conrad Murray Arrives At Court

    However, the 911 call wasn’t actually made until 12.21 pm, considerably after Murray stated that he had discovered Jackson in distress and started CPR. In addition, a voicemail message was released Monday that Murray reportedly made at 11.54 am to another patient of his, Bob Russell. In the voicemail Murray sounds calm and collected as he informs his patient about the results of a heart scan. That’s a situation that seems incredible if Murray had in fact been performing CPR on Jackson for approximately an hour before the call.

    AUDIO: Listen To Dr. Murray's Message To Bob Russell

    But now Flanagan says that Murray was wrong about the timing of events. He would not, however, get more specific about when Murray found Jackson in distress.

    PHOTOS: The Jackson Family Arrive At Court

    The timeline of events surrounding the death of Jackson will most likely be central to the criminal case against Dr. Murray. Some reports say that both the defense and the prosecution plan to use the newly surfaced voicemail as a centerpiece to their case. Murray’s legal team aims to discredit cops' initial interviews with their client in a bid to convince a jury that they bungled the situation, according to some sources.

    VIDEO: Crowd Shouts “Murderer” As Dr. Murray Arrives At Court

    But Flanagan, who still hasn't received formal discovery from the prosecutors, and hasn't heard the official voicemail message that Dr. Murray left for Bob Russell, says that he believes his client simply made a mistake when it came to the timeline that fateful day. "Dr. Murray's timeline was wrong," he told RadarOnline.com, adding that he also believes there is another phone call that has not been uncovered. And that other voicemail is reportedly a phone call between Murray and his girlfriend in Houston, shortly after noon. 911 was called at 12:21.

    So if Murray did administer Propofol to Jackson at 10:50 am as he initially told police, it would be natural for cops to assume he did not come back and check on Jackson until several minutes after mid-day, when he rushed off the phone to go to Jackson’s aide. That would mean he most likely left Jackson alone for approximately 73 minutes – not two minutes as he claimed -- after administering Propofol, which would be extremely damaging to his defense. Murray’s calm phone call to a patient at 11:54 am would fit a police theory that he did not check on Jackson after administering Propofol.

    Now, with Flanagan saying Murray was wrong about the timeline, it favorably (for Murray) explains why he was calm during the call to his patient and does not make it look like the doctor left Jackson alone for a long time after administering Propofol.

    READ for content. THOSE are the only "facts" in this article, or direct quotes from an official source, the rest is JOURNALISTIC EMBELISHMENT aka STUFF THEY MADE UP.

    So the lawyer said Murray made a mistake, he got the timeline wrong, and the whole forum is making massive leaps of logic and crying for Murray's head on a stick BECAUSE OF MADE UP STUFF THEY PUT IN PRINT.

    On a HOAX BOARD. If all places. The very people who should know better then to believe the gossip and the lies and you all just ate it up like candy. The very people who are supposed to be PAYING ATTENTION.

  • you know what bothers me on this, when was the lethal doseage supposidly given? was it in the day? it confuses me..

    if it was in the day why would Michael want to sleep at that time of the day when his kids where there and he was suppose to be rehearsing at 2pm with his vocalist and at 4pm with the choreographer as they've stated in interviews..

    plus does anyone remember the interview he did i think it may be on the old forum when he said he's just a regular dad, he gets up between 6.30am and 7am has a shower wakes the kids they have breakfast etc etc you get my drift, i just don't get it, no matter how many times i say it to myself

    ALSO if he used the propfol to wake up on demand as it leaves your system so quick WHY still be put under and still medicated at that time, why wasn't he awake and spending time with his kids or something like that!!

    If I remember correctly, he gave him the other "cocktail" of drugs first, and they didn't work, so then he gave him the propofol later.
  • He's gonna be in big trouble, but then again inside the hoax what is the point of changing the story? Must be he messed up MJ's original plan and it will make a difference in the long run.

    If the time line changes to the propofol given later that makes things seem more off as you said since rehearsals start at 2. Getting the drip even later is stupid. Did any of you upload that Travis Payne interview where he was stressing the point of rehearsal at 2, he was expecting to pick MJ up for rehearsal at 2.....he must have said that 2 o'clock thing at least 3 times in that interview. Should we secure that interview before it is taken down due to copyright restrictions ?
    I had a nagging feeling that Travis was hiding something.

    Also Ortega repeated that 2 o'clock time too. Do you recall that ?


    I remember both of those. I thought it was weird they kept stressing "2". Maybe they were hinting at "2 different stories"??? IDK...

    Read my post above...about where the 911 call was made.

    Wasn't it proven that the cell tower picking up the reception was at the hotel and that is why the call was shown as being placed there? Cell reception goes to the nearest signal as it's not a land line that can be traced to an actual spot.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Now we have another proof that the doctor is NOT guilty lol <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Clearing Murray's name!
  • The phone call was not placed from a hotel down the street. That has already been debunked. As for the phone in the room... do we know that it had service? Chopra said that he tried to call Michael two days before his death and the phone was disconnected.
    So maybe there was a phone, but it didn't work?

    Let's see what inconsistencies they come up with next.


    Seems odd to me that Chopra tried to call Michael 2 days before and the phone was disconnected. This was a man who was in frequent contact with MJ because they were friends. I guess my biggest question regarding this is why would the phone be disconnected 2 days prior to his death? Of course it is possible that the phone was disconnected at an earlier time and maybe it was done intentionally to help make this story more believable but unfortunately the players in the hoax couldn't seem to remember their lines and got the stories all mixed up to where there have been so many holes that nothing makes sense. What this tells me more than anything is that there was at one time a phone number assigned to that home after Michael moved into it and we have been told by several people that there was no landline because Michael was scared of having the phones tapped. If this does not refer to a landline, then we are being told that MJ's cell number was disconnected atleast 2 days before his death, which again is odd IMO.
  • One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.

    Really? I never heard that before. How long then was he working with Michael? When did he leave employment at the Bev Hotel? I would assume if he had worked for Michael for a number of years, within that time he would of at least brought a new cellphone. Where did he live? Wouldn't he of not changed his details with his service provider? That's weird.
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    WHY DO YOU TAPE A PRIVATE CONVERSATION/MESSAGE OF YOUR PATIENT???? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Ok look, there's simply no polite way to say this....

    Adding a surprising twist to the Michael Jackson homicide investigation Dr. Conrad Murray’s attorney Michael Flanagan tells RadarOnline.com exclusively that his client made a mistake when he was initially interviewed by the LAPD following Michael Jackson’s death in June 2009.

    Dr. Conrad Murray Pleads Not Guilty – Bail Set At $75k

    "Dr. Murray's timeline of events that day when Michael Jackson died is wrong,” Flanagan says. “Doctors make mistakes, and that is what he did, and it was simply just that, a mistake.”

    Dr. Murray changing the story that he initially told police in the aftermath of Jackson’s death is a significant event for both the prosecution and the defense.

    According to police reports Dr. Murray initially told the LAPD that he administered the powerful sedative Propofol to Jackson at 10.50am, and that he then left Jackson alone for two minutes to go to the bathroom. Murray then went on to say that when he returned to Jackson’s room he wasn’t breathing and this is when he began CPR.

    PHOTOS: Dr. Conrad Murray Arrives At Court

    However, the 911 call wasn’t actually made until 12.21 pm, considerably after Murray stated that he had discovered Jackson in distress and started CPR. In addition, a voicemail message was released Monday that Murray reportedly made at 11.54 am to another patient of his, Bob Russell. In the voicemail Murray sounds calm and collected as he informs his patient about the results of a heart scan. That’s a situation that seems incredible if Murray had in fact been performing CPR on Jackson for approximately an hour before the call.

    AUDIO: Listen To Dr. Murray's Message To Bob Russell

    But now Flanagan says that Murray was wrong about the timing of events. He would not, however, get more specific about when Murray found Jackson in distress.

    PHOTOS: The Jackson Family Arrive At Court

    The timeline of events surrounding the death of Jackson will most likely be central to the criminal case against Dr. Murray. Some reports say that both the defense and the prosecution plan to use the newly surfaced voicemail as a centerpiece to their case. Murray’s legal team aims to discredit cops' initial interviews with their client in a bid to convince a jury that they bungled the situation, according to some sources.

    VIDEO: Crowd Shouts “Murderer” As Dr. Murray Arrives At Court

    But Flanagan, who still hasn't received formal discovery from the prosecutors, and hasn't heard the official voicemail message that Dr. Murray left for Bob Russell, says that he believes his client simply made a mistake when it came to the timeline that fateful day. "Dr. Murray's timeline was wrong," he told RadarOnline.com, adding that he also believes there is another phone call that has not been uncovered. And that other voicemail is reportedly a phone call between Murray and his girlfriend in Houston, shortly after noon. 911 was called at 12:21.

    So if Murray did administer Propofol to Jackson at 10:50 am as he initially told police, it would be natural for cops to assume he did not come back and check on Jackson until several minutes after mid-day, when he rushed off the phone to go to Jackson’s aide. That would mean he most likely left Jackson alone for approximately 73 minutes – not two minutes as he claimed -- after administering Propofol, which would be extremely damaging to his defense. Murray’s calm phone call to a patient at 11:54 am would fit a police theory that he did not check on Jackson after administering Propofol.

    Now, with Flanagan saying Murray was wrong about the timeline, it favorably (for Murray) explains why he was calm during the call to his patient and does not make it look like the doctor left Jackson alone for a long time after administering Propofol.

    READ for content. THOSE are the only "facts" in this article, or direct quotes from an official source, the rest is JOURNALISTIC EMBELISHMENT aka STUFF THEY MADE UP.

    So the lawyer said Murray made a mistake, he got the timeline wrong, and the whole forum is making massive leaps of logic and crying for Murray's head on a stick BECAUSE OF MADE UP STUFF THEY PUT IN PRINT.

    On a HOAX BOARD. If all places. The very people who should know better then to believe the gossip and the lies and you all just ate it up like candy. The very people who are supposed to be PAYING ATTENTION.


    Who mentioned MJ's crotch?

    @ Michelle,

    Dr Murray called his patient and left a voicemail.....it was taped later....
  • akirakaakiraka Posts: 202
    I put here something about EECP for me it's really strange that Murray was reffered to this EECP and I believe it has a significance. That's I posted here about the article with EECP

    But I was also curious about this name BOB RUSSELL the FAMOUS PATIENT OF MURRAY and I went searching on google for the name Bob Russell. What an interesting thing I found at this name Bob Russell ......................and surprise : Quincy Jones <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Sidney Keith Russell, known as Bob Russell (25 April 1914 - February 1970) was an American songwriter .......................

    In 1968, Russell along with songwriting partner Quincy Jones was nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Original Song category (for the film Banning). The following year, both he and Jones were nominated again in the same category (for the Sidney Poitier film For Love of Ivy).

    He attended Washington University (St. Louis, Missouri) where he was roommates with Sidney Sheldon the novelist. Then Bob went to work as an advertising copywriter. He then turned to writing special material for vaudeville acts, and then for movie studios, ultimately writing complete scores for two movies: Jack and the Beanstalk and Reach for Glory. The latter of these received the Locarno International Film Festival prize in 1962.

    A number of other movies featured compositions by Russell: Affair in Trinidad.....

    Michael Jackson's cardiologist Dr Conrad Murray, who grew up in Trinidad, ... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Of course maybe it's just a coincidence and I'm wrong. OHOOO !!! but IT MUST BE A VERY BIG COINCIDENCE and personally I don't believe in coincidences when we refer to MJ. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    <!-- m -->http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bob_Russell_(songwriter<!-- m -->)
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    I know it couldn't be taped in that situation, besides there are countless things which are contrast each other on that very morning, i just wanted to point out that the biggest clue in this Murray-patient-taped-message is why on earth would somebody tape his own massage, especially a "doctor", who has to close his mouth and not talking to anyone else about his patient. So there must be a purpose of releasing this message...
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    I know it couldn't be taped in that situation, besides there are countless things which are contrast each other on that very morning, i just wanted to point out that the biggest clue in this Murray-patient-taped-message is why on earth would somebody tape his own massage, especially a "doctor", who has to close his mouth and not talking to anyone else about his patient. So there must be a purpose of releasing this message...

    well, i guess it was for just that: stirring some thoughts. whoever decided to release this voicemail was sure that there would be new speculations, people would start 'reconstructing' the events given this new 'information', like we are doing here.
    so this is keeping everybody busy while something else can go on behind the curtain.

    'wag the dog'!
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    you know what bothers me on this, when was the lethal doseage supposidly given? was it in the day? it confuses me..

    if it was in the day why would Michael want to sleep at that time of the day when his kids where there and he was suppose to be rehearsing at 2pm with his vocalist and at 4pm with the choreographer as they've stated in interviews..

    plus does anyone remember the interview he did i think it may be on the old forum when he said he's just a regular dad, he gets up between 6.30am and 7am has a shower wakes the kids they have breakfast etc etc you get my drift, i just don't get it, no matter how many times i say it to myself

    ALSO if he used the propfol to wake up on demand as it leaves your system so quick WHY still be put under and still medicated at that time, why wasn't he awake and spending time with his kids or something like that!!

    Yes, that has always bothered me too. Since Michael had rehearsals until midnight, he probably slept later than usual, but trying to get just a couple of hours of sleep without the REM phase, and then meet with your choreographer at 14:00 h, then go to rehearsals doesn't make any sense.
    The whole situation is still a mystery to me.

    Remember Kai Chase the chef said that Dr. Murray would always come downstairs to get MJ's breakfast around 9:30 or 10:00am. She also said that MJ would have lunch and dinner with the kids. The other chef said he would see Dr. Murray packing oxygen tanks early in the morning.
    Travis Payne stated he would come to house around 2pm everyday to talk with MJ about the routines.
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    I know it couldn't be taped in that situation, besides there are countless things which are contrast each other on that very morning, i just wanted to point out that the biggest clue in this Murray-patient-taped-message is why on earth would somebody tape his own massage, especially a "doctor", who has to close his mouth and not talking to anyone else about his patient. So there must be a purpose of releasing this message...

    Yeah, I thought was strange when I heard the tape. Whys is the tape coming out now? Maybe we can read between lines in the message.
    I know it couldn't be taped in that situation, besides there are countless things which are contrast each other on that very morning, i just wanted to point out that the biggest clue in this Murray-patient-taped-message is why on earth would somebody tape his own massage, especially a "doctor", who has to close his mouth and not talking to anyone else about his patient. So there must be a purpose of releasing this message...

    Oh...I see what your saying....maybe the patient released it????
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.

    Really? I never heard that before. How long then was he working with Michael? When did he leave employment at the Bev Hotel? I would assume if he had worked for Michael for a number of years, within that time he would of at least brought a new cellphone. Where did he live? Wouldn't he of not changed his details with his service provider? That's weird.

    i don't recall that. i picked up a vid on youtube just browsing around michael jackson reports and stuff and i remember that question being asked: why is the hotel address showing? that was the explanation but i don't think he explained more about his engagement there.
    i could still imagine that it was either a hotel owned phone that he maybe didn't return yet or the hotel was his main employer at some point and took over his contract. i've had that before, when i was using my cell a lot for the job, the contract was changed to their address and they paid the bill. you can change that again at any point and take it back, like when you quit the job. that way, you keep your phone no., which i think makes sense when you work in a profession like security with changing assignments.
    i wouldn't give that address too much weight, really. he knew where to send the paramedics to and gave them the address, that's all that counts. shouldn't really matter where his phone was registered, i think.
  • I scanned your comment so if this is a repeat excuse me please.

    Since Murray travels between Houston and LA I wonder which time zone he keeps his watch tuned to ? Problem with that is there is a 2 (two) hour difference there. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Also, I forget exactly what it is but Google offers a phone service that connects all of your phone numbers, home, work, cell, others all to ONE phone number you decide to use as a base #, so that all messages and incoming calls come to that one number so you can check your voice mail from one base number. That could explain the HOTEL phone number if the 911 call was made from a cell phone.

    Also, the only way other than phone tapping the cops could have gotten that voice mail message from Murray to Bob is if they had Bob's phone in their hot hands and the voice mail message was still on bob's phone, right ? They would have to have taken Bob's cell phone away from him as evidence to confirm that call. When the time line of events was reported by, uh, was it TMZ? There wasn't enough time to take the cell phone away from Bob and just what . . . hand crucial evidence over to a rag maggot, TMZ just like that ?????

    JACKSONOLOGIST is right, ya have to stick to using ONLY fact, not made up shit.

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    True meher you forgot the script, remember that there are all lies, and perhaps the man becomes difficult to maintain a lie. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Sorry for piggyback posting.
    techdiva wrote
    Remember Kai Chase the chef said that Dr. Murray would always come downstairs to get MJ's breakfast around 9:30 or 10:00am. She also said that MJ would have lunch and dinner with the kids. The other chef said he would see Dr. Murray packing oxygen tanks early in the morning.
    Travis Payne stated he would come to house around 2pm everyday to talk with MJ about the routines.

    And because Kai was among the one's fired on the spot was she used as a throw away know nothing as part as the intentional HOAX plan and confusion.

    Remember 1/2 of the people say MJ was in good health and eating well.
    Another 1/2 reports he was a dying man.

    Both Kenny O and Travis commented on force feeding Michael. Many interviews were all about food, food and that 2 o'clock rehearsal schedule. Sounded like a handful of people were very good with their scripts only reporting certain info and they all reported the exact same info. Murray was a screw up or else he truly is being used by MJ to prove how they will jail an innocent man. His confusion seems pretty real.

    Another thing about land line phones is like here in Florida, we have cells phones but keep the land line only for purpose of hurricane emergency use. Most people do that here. So would the LA resident keep a land line for earthquake emergency use ?

    <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • techdivatechdiva Posts: 448
    One more thing.....lets not forget shall we that the 911 call was placed from a cell phone from a hotel down the road....and the fact that Murray said there were no phones in the bedrrom yet,the autopsy report said there were..........

    Just another clue guys...

    i recall that the 911-caller (bodyguard alvarez?) said he had his workphone registered with the address of the beverly wilshire cuz he worked there before and you have to submit an address when you get your phone. that's why that address showed up, i think i saw that on youtube where someone had the ambulance screen. below was the call from the 'hotel phone', above that was michael's address the caller had given them. makes sense to me. but maybe they're just saying that, too...

    the bedroom was allegedly not michael's usual bedroom but the room murray stayed in and murray claimed that the phones were not set to make outgoing calls. if this was a guestroom i could imagine that, too, if you want to make sure your guests (or employees?) are not running up your phone bill. i can't really imagine that michael would be so suspicious of his guests that he would block the phones or maybe they were just intercom phones. maybe he had just one 'masterphone' in his room and everybody else has cellphones anyway. i could imagine that he provided his employees with cellphones instead of giving up his house phone no., so they could act in his name but have individual and personal numbers (like housekeeper, chef, security...).

    otherwise, it is indeed odd to have phones in a room and not be able to make calls. murray messing up his lines again?

    another one: murray claimed he had to get someone cuz he didn't know the 'physical address' of michael's residence. how can you be a studied man, practicing doctor over years, with patients you go see personally and not know or remember their physical addresses? even if he had to use a navigation system in his car, he would have to type that in at least once, so he had to have the address somewhere. the time he wasted looking for someone, he could have gotten that out of his car with the 911dispatcher already on his cellphone. he ran downstairs and left his patient, so he could have done that, too.

    Really? I never heard that before. How long then was he working with Michael? When did he leave employment at the Bev Hotel? I would assume if he had worked for Michael for a number of years, within that time he would of at least brought a new cellphone. Where did he live? Wouldn't he of not changed his details with his service provider? That's weird.

    i don't recall that. i picked up a vid on youtube just browsing around michael jackson reports and stuff and i remember that question being asked: why is the hotel address showing? that was the explanation but i don't think he explained more about his engagement there.
    i could still imagine that it was either a hotel owned phone that he maybe didn't return yet or the hotel was his main employer at some point and took over his contract. i've had that before, when i was using my cell a lot for the job, the contract was changed to their address and they paid the bill. you can change that again at any point and take it back, like when you quit the job. that way, you keep your phone no., which i think makes sense when you work in a profession like security with changing assignments.
    i wouldn't give that address too much weight, really. he knew where to send the paramedics to and gave them the address, that's all that counts. shouldn't really matter where his phone was registered, i think.

    I found out that Alberto Alvarez ( the body guard) worked with MJ for 18 months. Dr. Tohme Tohme hired him. Here's an article
    If he worked with MJ for 18 months, why would he phone still be the Beverly Hills Hotel?

    Also, I remember Deepak Chopra interview. He said MJ called him and left a message on his phone. He called MJ back two days before his death and the phone lines were disconnected. Was this part of the plan to have the phones lines disconnected? Strange!
  • In response to the above article, Alberto Alvarez was MJ's bodyguard. Why, when you are in public view would you need to keep secret the fact you worked for MJ? Or is the secrecy trait something Alvarez and Thome have in common, if in fact Thome hired Alvarez?
  • I never heard of Alverez ever having worked at the Beverly Wilshire....if he did, why would his phone be registered to them still or even if it really was? Makes no sense.

    I still believe the 911 call was made from his cell phone AT THE BEVERLY WILSHIRE....cell phones have a nav system in them so when there is an emergency the authorities can track your whereabouts in case you cant talk...thats why the Bev Wil address showed up.....I am sticking to this and no one can stop me!!! LOL
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    In response to the above article, Alberto Alvarez was MJ's bodyguard. Why, when you are in public view would you need to keep secret the fact you worked for MJ? Or is the secrecy trait something Alvarez and Thome have in common, if in fact Thome hired Alvarez?

    maybe just for privacy reasons. i would figure that you don't go advertising who you work for being in the security business. that would contradict itself.
    but i was wondering anyway, why thome was still in the picture. if he and alvarez are connected that way, this might be the reason why. and where is thome, by the way? isn't he supposed to be a witness then, if he was even there to make an announcement on june 25th?
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