Plane into Texas building - Pilot left suicide note

SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
edited January 1970 in News

Let's hope no one got killed there.
The pilot left a very angry suicide note, pointing at the government. An interesting read:

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"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."



  • Yeah, I just read it. Wow. This guy doesn't seem like a crazy person, either. He's well read and educated. I think he's made some VERY good points. Nothing changes unless there is a body count!

    maybe MJ knew that as well. He knew that it would take a "DEATH" of our hero for us to wake up and open our eyes.

  • NathaliaNathalia Posts: 340
    That was indeed a very powerful note,
    and sadly the majority of what he said is true.
  • People such as this pilot frighten me. They are not as easy to spot as the psychos who walk down the street talking to themselves and babbling on about imaginary enemies. This guy slipped through the cracks because others thought that he appeared to be a rationale human being. No one around him probably suspected that he was about to commit such a heinous act.

    Suicide is never the answer. It just adds grief to loved ones who are left behind to pick up the pieces. Plus suicide in this manner is quite selfish since innocent people are at risk. If someone is incapable of facing life's challenges, they should not punish innocent people for their own inadequacies.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    Souza, We all ready know that this world is just fu*cked up. But What can we do about it? I mean we are dealing with a strong gouverment witch have only an eye for money money money! I really believe that MJ's plan was, to fake his death, getting all the atention to himself, And when hes coming back, Telling all the people about the real true about our world. Who needs our help.
  • "So long as men die, liberty will never perish." - Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator
  • I have had the news on all afternoon but had not read his letter until now...I am in tears! The media is of course making him sound insane to which I disagree, he was pushed beyond his breaking point! At the end of his 'wake-up' letter he said "I've had enough"...well, 'we've all had enough' and I hope his tragic yet strategic end is enough to wake us up!!!
    Thankfully, there are only 2 ppl reported to have been injured (I hope they heal and feel well godspeed), isn't that odd though at 10 am in an office that holds over 190 employees to only have 2 injured? Calling out the catholic church at the beginning of lenten season was also very powerful!
    Now we also get news of Iran making nuclear warheads...I remember sometime back in august or september reading a tweet from gotham chopra about 'being concerned about iran' and for some reason it hit me like a ton of bricks...honestly it struck fear in me when I read this news comes out! Well Michael you were right, I guess
    'THIS IS IT'!
    Peace and love to all of you, hug your children, play, dance, laugh and sing...our clocks are always ticking!
  • That is surely a powerful way to prove a point.. But I do feel so sad that it takes all this to get attention. I feel for that guy, I really do. But he surely made a point with that note! I'm spreading the word. Poor guy.. How did we let it all come to this far?
    Souza, We all ready know that this world is just fu*cked up. But What can we do about it? I mean we are dealing with a strong gouverment witch have only an eye for money money money! I really believe that MJ's plan was, to fake his death, getting all the atention to himself, And when hes coming back, Telling all the people about the real true about our world. Who needs our help.

    To you.. What do you mean "what can we do about it?" Yes, the governments are very powerful but not to forget that they are just people and they can be exposed and taken down just like any other person. They already have all the money in the world - they are after power. We shall not let them have it. If once it becomes, there is going to be no end. We have to keep focus on it. Spread the information. The information is out there. Get people to wake up and open their eyes. So that we can expose these evil men feeding of the peoples imprisonment through control. Before it is to late. Spread the information. Teach people where to find it and encourage them to.
    Yes, I too have in religious aspect a romantic idea that Michael is going to 'resurrect' and save. But he can not do this on his own. He needs us, just as we need each other... Yes, the world need our help. But truly WE need our help. There is no simplicity to this matter. It's complicated and differcult to cope. But we must.
    Either people belive it's true or not. There are to many thing pointing to the fact that is is true - scary as it might be.. But that is enough to not ignore it.
    I do believe Michael is making his return when the time is right.. Timing is everything in some matters. But 'till then.. it's just us. And " it starts with us" <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I think he is so brave - after all that he has been put through according to the letter. I do see some kind og irony in crashing a plane into a government building..
    I pray for him and hope that people will understand and forgive.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    That is surely a powerful way to prove a point.. But I do feel so sad that it takes all this to get attention. I feel for that guy, I really do. But he surely made a point with that note! I'm spreading the word. Poor guy.. How did we let it all come to this far?
    Souza, We all ready know that this world is just fu*cked up. But What can we do about it? I mean we are dealing with a strong gouverment witch have only an eye for money money money! I really believe that MJ's plan was, to fake his death, getting all the atention to himself, And when hes coming back, Telling all the people about the real true about our world. Who needs our help.

    To you.. What do you mean "what can we do about it?" Yes, the governments are very powerful but not to forget that they are just people and they can be exposed and taken down just like any other person. They already have all the money in the world - they are after power. We shall not let them have it. If once it becomes, there is going to be no end. We have to keep focus on it. Spread the information. The information is out there. Get people to wake up and open their eyes. So that we can expose these evil men feeding of the peoples imprisonment through control. Before it is to late. Spread the information. Teach people where to find it and encourage them to.
    Yes, I too have in religious aspect a romantic idea that Michael is going to 'resurrect' and save. But he can not do this on his own. He needs us, just as we need each other... Yes, the world need our help. But truly WE need our help. There is no simplicity to this matter. It's complicated and differcult to cope. But we must.
    Either people belive it's true or not. There are to many thing pointing to the fact that is is true - scary as it might be.. But that is enough to not ignore it.
    I do believe Michael is making his return when the time is right.. Timing is everything in some matters. But 'till then.. it's just us. And " it starts with us" <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    There should be more people like you and Mj in this world!
  • My heart goes out to the two people who have been reported as injured. That would account for two people too many. Those innocent people may have had their own personal challenges to face. The pilot’s burdens should not have become their’s. Many people are focusing on the pilot’s story and his troubles. What about the story of the two people who went to work that day only to find themselves in the hospital because someone decided to fly a plane into their building.

    Consider this hypothetical scenerio about them. Perhaps one is an hourly temp worker who was the sole breadwinner of the family. For those type of jobs, no work equals no pay. Perhaps the other one took care of an elderly relative. Who cares for that elderly relative while the injured person is holed up in the hospital?

    No one knows what really drove the pilot to burn down his own house, rant about injustices and steer a plane into that building. Lots of people face harsher adversities and they do not resort to this low level of behavior. He had a job and was able to complain about tax with holdings. He's a step ahead of many people who are jobless. What about the unemployed single mom who may live down the street who has children to feed. The pilot had a home to burn down. What about the family across town that is at risk to lose theirs because of foreclosure. The pilot gets no pity from me.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621

    make that change!
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    All I can say about the government is God is in control. I put my Trust in God period. Keep the Faith!
  • Very interesting note. Thanks for sharing this info and note. I don't watch the news often so I usually get this type of news late. Thank God for the internet where information can be presented this way without all the BS. I really wish he chose life as a fearless spirit. The biggest threat to a government is a large group of fearless people. He could've been one of them, marching for our true freedom and not afraid to risk his life for the greater good. However, I see he wanted to make a statement LOUD AND CLEAR and boy did he. I hope more and more people read the note that he left and not just take the media's word of his "insanity". It is very interesting and does seem to tie into this adventure...the message I mean, not the act.

    Oh and I pray for the potential causalities and injured people in this.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    First of all, before someone misunderstands me, I do not think that flying a plane into a building is a solution, mainly because others are at risk as well.

    Besides that, this man has a strong point and was obviously desperate. He wanted his message spread and apparently he didn't find another way to make people aware.

    He has a very good point, it's just that his action is too much in my opinion.

    What can we do? Speak up! That is what we can do. Our government is about to be sent home. Here in Holland, when we don't agree and our government pisses us off, we will send them back home and have new elections. If they are not doing what they promised, they are out. Before this, our government was sent home 4 times because they screwed up. Something that seems impossible in America, but "There is nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one" remember?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514

    Let's hope no one got killed there.
    The pilot left a very angry suicide note, pointing at the government. An interesting read:

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    I saved it just in case it goes "poof."

    Also, did anyone see the pics?

    The building is a "regular" multi-floor office building without the major re-enforcement that the WTC had.
    Did anyone else notice that the building did NOT collapse from the ground up? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm just saying...

    I pray that everyone is ok, because even though I agree with a lot of what this guy said in his letter and feel his frustrations, the government workers are just workers. They're in the same boat he is/was. I guess he didn't think about that before flying the plane into the building.
  • All I can say about the government is God is in control. I put my Trust in God period. Keep the Faith!

    Yes. We are told to pray for our leaders and that is what I do every day. That does not mean that I stand idly by ignoring what is going on ...but God is in control and the truth will prevail in the end. Blessings.
  • LiQLiQ Posts: 6
    I feel so sad. He was definately pushed beyond rationality by a system that cares only for their deep pockets, and where all else is colateral damage. And this is not only happening in U.S., it is happening all over the world. But there is definitely an awakening taking place, in particular in developing nations where people, too, are fed up....have had enough. This is why, Mo and Souza, I said that I am afraid.

    Michael, what you are doing is truely amazing....the strategy that you have put in place goes beyond anything anyone, any government has had the capacity to do. You know more than anyone else that when the time comes, its gona be all or nothing. And we know you will definitely give it your all!!! I ask myself, how can we prepare for this all or nothing? Those of us who have means...artistic, intellectual or financial...must move in tandem to the movement that you have triggered.

    All my love to Michael... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Life is too precious a gift----no matter how good or bad---- to be given up for the sake of a few scumbags who will live in denial upto their last breath....Life's the one thing we own right since the day we're born.....Its no use giving it up like this, because not only did this guy kill himself, he also took 2 other people with him in his attempt to give a wake up call to the Govt.

    Tjose 2 other people probably had their own families...that are now completely devastated.

    Sorry...I cant see anything heroic in this whole affair.
  • That was very sad to read. Someone feeling stripped of their dreams, to become a nightmare. America needs to be saved for sure, and soon, because its citizens are becoming weary of being a citizen. And that is not good.

    By the grace of God no innocent people were killed.
  • Source: FBI Knew Austin Attack Was Coming
    <!-- m --> ... -coming-2/<!-- m -->

    Alex Jones Predicts False Flag Attack in Austin Weeks Ago
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  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    A very sad story. But someone in pain inflicked more pain on others. History of humans for as long as we have had knowledge is nations against nations, rich against poor, slave and free full of joys and suffering, always ending in painful death. I like Christ's example in his time that included all the vices today's world does, he went about the countryside doing good, loved people, hardly had a penny to his name, dispensed words of wisdom, railed mostly against religious hypocrasy and ended up dying for his friends/enemies. I disagree with this poor man that violence is the answer, but I understand he was hurting. I think God always raises up people like Michael at the right time to bring needed changes. I believe God will bring good in the end.
  • ToijaToija Posts: 16
    I saved it just in case it goes "poof."

    Also, did anyone see the pics?

    The building is a "regular" multi-floor office building without the major re-enforcement that the WTC had.
    Did anyone else notice that the building did NOT collapse from the ground up? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm just saying...

    There is a HUGE difference between the small aircraft that the Texas pilot used , and the two very large "jumbo" aircraft that were flown into the WTC .

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    A very sad story. But someone in pain inflicked more pain on others. History of humans for as long as we have had knowledge is nations against nations, rich against poor, slave and free full of joys and suffering, always ending in painful death. I like Christ's example in his time that included all the vices today's world does, he went about the countryside doing good, loved people, hardly had a penny to his name, dispensed words of wisdom, railed mostly against religious hypocrasy and ended up dying for his friends/enemies. I disagree with this poor man that violence is the answer, but I understand he was hurting. I think God always raises up people like Michael at the right time to bring needed changes. I believe God will bring good in the end.

    Well I'm not religious so forgive me if this sounds disrespectful, but I don't think we should all sit back and wait for 'God' to help us out. We ourselves are responsible for this world and only we can change it. We need to stand up. If good comes from it you may say God did that, but I believe in the power of the human race, as long as they are willing to fight for their rights.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I used to be much more religious than I am now, and I respect each view. I'm just kinda looking over history to see that revolution and war are such messy ways to make changes. I agree sitting back doesn't help, and always there's gifted passionate people, could be each of us in our own big or small way that affect change. I'm reminded of Dave Dave's words (maybe MJ's) that we are living in interesting times (can't remember the rest). Maybe this pilot man would not have done it had he been involved in this amazing sharing community we have here!
  • I can just see what will happen next; Hollywood will make movie about this guy, people will go watch it and forget all about it the next day. Movie industry will make money, pay taxes and the government will stay the same.

    I think these days we are too comfy in our couches, nobody is willing to give his life to make a change. They know that, that's how they manipulate us. They are selling us air.
    BTW I heard from one of our scientists that Napoleon invented taxes to support battles in we still pay for those ''battles'' these days, and today they are bringing up new taxes ( for ecology, environment) and he (scientist) said it's all a big lie. I'm not saying this is the fact, I'm saying we should think about it.

    I am really sorry about all people involved in this tragedy. Thank you Souza for posting a letter, without it, I would be too judgemental.

    love you all
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