Plane into Texas building - Pilot left suicide note



  • MJLOVER32MJLOVER32 Posts: 130
    I saved it just in case it goes "poof."

    Also, did anyone see the pics?

    The building is a "regular" multi-floor office building without the major re-enforcement that the WTC had.
    Did anyone else notice that the building did NOT collapse from the ground up? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I'm just saying...

    There is a HUGE difference between the small aircraft that the Texas pilot used , and the two very large "jumbo" aircraft that were flown into the WTC .

    Oh please! get a clue Toija!!
    The man is spot on with his rantings!
    Idoits wake up for godness sake!!
  • grayshkigrayshki Posts: 90

    Let's hope no one got killed there.
    The pilot left a very angry suicide note, pointing at the government. An interesting read:

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    If this is true, then it's extremely sad... To be at that level of desperation and carry such an act where potentially many people could have been killed along with him, leaves me feeling a deep sadness. But also an understanding. If anything good comes out of this ,it is that more people read that letter and it helps them open their eyes to what's going on in the world. Or at least, they start questioning things.
  • grayshkigrayshki Posts: 90
    Besides this event, two other events took place the same day. Around the same time the plane crashed into the building in Austin, Obama had a meeting with the Dalai Lama in the White House.

    Article and video published by CNN prior to this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Article and video published by CNN after this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Just a few hours after these two events took place, the following hit the news:

    Watchdog: Iran may be working on nuclear warhead
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Coincidences...? I think not.

    This is no coincidence. It's all planned. The next plan is to declare war on Iran. And the final clencher that will start World War 3, is China declaring war on the western world.
    All planned to "show" people why it's necessary to have ONE world government for global "peace" , I keep track of these stories, but I thought the following article would be of interest here in this forum:

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  • Don't be naive folks. While I don't believe suicide is the answer to anything, this pilot was very much aware of what is happening in this country. Please take a look at the current health care program they are proposing and let me know what you think. We are going to lose our right to life and financial security when the government takes over our lives and decision making. This is really scary! Sorry if this is a double post, but it fits in here too. Please click on this link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    grayshki, very good article, what do we live?, unfortunately most people do not read these things.

    RegalWarrior4MJ, explain more, all media are saying that this health plan is a great accomplishment for Obama, and very good for the American people
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Don't be naive folks. While I don't believe suicide is the answer to anything, this pilot was very much aware of what is happening in this country. Please take a look at the current health care program they are proposing and let me know what you think. We are going to lose our right to life and financial security when the government takes over our lives and decision making. This is really scary! Sorry if this is a double post, but it fits in here too. Please click on this link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Health care in USA is not a good new for you ? Or once again the media talked about a thing wich isn't the real thing ?
    Can you explain me what disappoint you in this law ?

    plus: It is necessary to honor this pilot who knew the truth, and who sacrificed his life for informing us about the truth. God bless him.
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