Plane into Texas building - Pilot left suicide note



  • All I can say about the government is God is in control. I put my Trust in God period. Keep the Faith!
  • Besides this event, two other events took place the same day. Around the same time the plane crashed into the building in Austin, Obama had a meeting with the Dalai Lama in the White House.

    Article and video published by CNN prior to this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Article and video published by CNN after this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Just a few hours after these two events took place, the following hit the news:

    Watchdog: Iran may be working on nuclear warhead
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Coincidences...? I think not.
  • 911 Pentagon 2.0
  • It's true. There is nothing heroic in suicide attack causing other peoples death. I feel for them and their families. I don't approve of flying planes into buildings or anything like that.. But like Souza points out this desperation in calling upon attention is quite remarkable.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I agree with the person that said it's so hard to detect these people. Sometimes the most happy go lucky, normal person can just snap one day. A doctor at the orthopedic clinic my mom works at always seemed so happy & like nothing was wrong. Then one day he just snapped, he had been having an affair because his marriage was failing & his wife found out & left, he tried started harassing his mistress & one day showed up at her work, pistol whipped her reaaalllyyy bad & then drove somewhere & shot himself in the head. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people in the world who are going through something & when things get to be too much they snap before anyone knows there's something wrong. & I agree suicide is NEVER the answer, it does just make it hard for the people around you who are left here to cope with it all. My mom's coworker had a 4 year old & a two year old now left without a father, a grieving wife who was already dealing with finding out about the affair & lots of friends & family who loved him. Just because one bad decision he made, he changed everyone else's lives forever as well, including his mistress who is in such bad shape she's gonna need plastic surgery on her face. It's really sad that these people don't get the help they need. Some people get so down about the way the world is, that they just take their lives or worse, someone else's, it's terrible.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Michaelangela, Hollywood works in many ways with not so subliminal messages, they do so as to prepare the public opinion of what is possibly the U.S. government already has in mind, look at this:

    The screenplay is ready, the recorded scenes, only a delay in post-production prevented released in April does 11?. The day is not mentioned, but the month for a new onslaught against Venezuela / synopsis of the film seeks "to end the lives of the dictator" and with "countries that support"
    In August will be released The Expendables, a war film set in "any country of Latin America", directed by and starring Sylvester Stallone and involving other actors known for its famous performances in runnings of war and violence.
    The relationship between Venezuela and United States during two periods that remained Bush at the White House, had moments of tension, as a result of guerreristas policies and Washington against the first invasion attempts, International attacks against Venezuela have not ceased. The transnational information and national private press are participating in these, accompanied by other means, such as the Hollywood industry and virtual entertainment.

    Stallone film, the Government of "United States, with the help of other Nations, weapon secret a team with his most trained military personnel to overthrow a dictator that caused havoc in certain countries of Latin America for more than 20 years", follows the synopsis published on the portal that advertises the film.
    The justification is because it has violated the foreign policy. The plot seeks "to end the lives of the dictator". Same with "Governments that support".
    The mention of Venezuela is not in the film, but on the web site of the film, plus talk "any country in Latin America" in the synopsis, shown in his trailer soldiers with red berets, who are the "dictator" army to kill.

    'The plot of this film justified a possible invasion of Venezuela, as it has happened with Arab countries', while the American film industry entertains 'preparing the ground for political and military actions'
    This type of films, conditions the Viewer to passive way assume the invasion to a country. Gives it logic invasion '.


    Venezuela is a major exporter of oil to the United States. In 2006 it was announced the departure of the video game Mercenaries 2: World in Flames, the American company Pandemic Studios.
    The Mission of the player, in a Caucasian type soldier is the overthrow 'a tyrant that alters the supply of oil from Venezuela, power hungry unfolding invasion which turns the country into a war zone', cited in the game display on your website, its creators.
    In Mercenaries 2 three-dimensional scenes moved to urban, jungle landscapes and oil, facilities obviously areas where Venezuelan crude oil is extracted and Caracas.
    Even in an image of the Venezuelan capital with shot down buildings after an attack, you can see a seat of the State oil company PDVSA with the same logo as the original.

    Another similar case is avatar, James Cameron, the country is mentioned in the first minutes of the film. In this futuristic film, its protagonist, an American war veteran, arrives to another planet and tells the inhabitants of this came from invade Venezuela.
  • Besides this event, two other events took place the same day. Around the same time the plane crashed into the building in Austin, Obama had a meeting with the Dalai Lama in the White House.

    Article and video published by CNN prior to this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Article and video published by CNN after this meeting:
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Just a few hours after these two events took place, the following hit the news:

    Watchdog: Iran may be working on nuclear warhead
    <!-- m --> ... index.html<!-- m -->

    Coincidences...? I think not.

    Oh wow I will watch The Dalai Lama thing when I get in later. I practice feng Shui and understand some oriental philosophy so I know it will be interesting. I went the last time he came to Central Park in 2003... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Did ya'll also see that Professor who shot other professors at a college this week as well? some guys ran into a church and shot 2 boys in CA (Mercy the didn't die), A father threw his infant daughter into a river in NJ... In church they have a saying "the devil is busy" and the best defense is knowledge of God's word.

    "Knowledge is Potential Power... It becomes Power when it is used" David Joseph Schwartz
  • Thank you again Souza for posting the Suicide Pilot event and for including links to other events of that day. While some may be stuck on the personal meaning of things it’s always a good idea to step back to analyze the whole timeline picture of obvious patterns of distraction we keep seeing in the news. Interesting how this just happened to happen a week before the governor elections in TX.

    To those fully “awake” it should be obvious there is a game of global mind manipulation going on here. There is no time to see the truth revealed to us in retrospect. Wake up to the fact that people like Alex Jones and David Icke and now some honest people in our govt. are singing “We Won’t Be Fooled Again”. The knowing their mindset for me takes away all the fear because I’m not a mentally step behind them anymore. The jig is up. Their game is in the open. Paying attention you know how they are playing the game, so you also know how to beat them. Show no fear. Don’t show rage. They want that.

    This suicide pilot was most likely a mind controlled by the CIA, hand picked pawn just as the Columbine teens and all the serial killers were. Thankfully 2 deaths are minor compared to the 1000’s on 911. Plain ole folks do not intentionally destroy their home or personal aircraft endangering lives of others to prove a point. I agree with the experts this is yet another stupid false flag having little to do with an actual disgruntled citizen.

    Please someone tell me where was the extraordinarily written suicide note found ? I missed that part. Was it found barely singed inside the pilot’s jacket or found fully intact the under the rubble of the burnt plane ? I can’t wait to hear if the pilot’s family will be punished or not for the crime of arson. Just like we wait to see if Dr Murray will be sent to jail. Things are not as they seem at first glance.

    Thanks again Souza. Where was that suicide note found ?

    Love xoxoxo Peace
  • I think this man was really mentally disturbed. Although I agree 100% what he wrote in his letter, I can't agree on the type of the protest he choose. There is so many other and positive ways to speak out the truth, just like MJ did through his messages in his songs.
    But this man killed one innocent IRS worker, injured others and tried to kill his own wife and little 12 y.o. daughter, burning the house and leaving them homeless.
    Nothing to be proud of. I do not feel sorry for him. I feel sorry for his victims
  • Please someone tell me where was the extraordinarily written suicide note found ? I missed that part. Was it found barely singed inside the pilot’s jacket or found fully intact the under the rubble of the burnt plane ? I can’t wait to hear if the pilot’s family will be punished or not for the crime of arson. Just like we wait to see if Dr Murray will be sent to jail. Things are not as they seem at first glance.

    Thanks again Souza. Where was that suicide note found ?

    Love xoxoxo Peace

    The note wasn't hand-written. It was found on the internet... or a computer... can't remember which but it's in the article.

    Just a word of caution to all of you Alex Jones and David Icke lovers. It concerns me that so many of you seem to rely on them for information and take their word as gospel. What do you really know about these men? I encourage you to look a little deeper before putting so much stock in what they say.
  • We are not the only ones that smell a rat.
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    alot of things don't add up.
  • MDM77MDM77 Posts: 62
    False flag perhaps? I like to get my news from various sources and come to an educated logical conclusion. We don't have all the facts yet and yet a lot doesn't add up.

    I did read on Alex Jones that apparently the FBI knew about this and that it was going to happen. They were already there along with HAZMAT prior to the plane crashing. I'm not sure if there are eyewitness reports of that yet. As I said I read various things and try to find the truth.

    Stuff like this happens and it dominates the Mainstream Media and takes focus away from other things going on. Pure genious if you ask me. Anyone turning on their tv for news will only see news of this. Our news in the US is definitely filtered.

    I too wonder if this guy was so financially strapped where the heck did he get a plane from?
  • terror2k9 thank you for the link! Sadly, we will never know the truth about this tragedy or the countless others that are occuring at an alarming pace and frequency! Please remember today is the 911 truth action broadcast...over 1000 engineers and architects will be speaking out about 9/11 today at 2pm ET /11am PT.
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  • <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> You are right, I needed a good thump on the head. After reading the entire discussion on:

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    they seem to be very refined at investigating into the information. I just want to know where the supposed "friend" of Joe's came from <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> It's getting really difficult to keep up with the Matrix realities.

    Maybe the lesson is there is no one reality ????

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I think it best not to trust anyone completely, but to take all writers with a grain of salt. We each have to do our own research, appreciate and build on others great work, but we each have to think for ourselves. Just like all those claiming to be MJ and each taking us in different directions with info. I've learned to do that with my spiritual life and world affairs. Something can appear so convincing depending on if it's an excellent persuasive writer, until you read other things that completely contradict and prove its fallacy. Never before the internet (common man forum) could we freely know what truth was in any free sense, because we were "fed" the "truth". Also I agree that movies have always been one of the forms of indoctrination for propaganda for perhaps good or evil.... I believe we each can think for ourselves and still work together and love each other.
  • This is not good for the truth movement (us). We people who are against the New World Order are going to be blamed for it now and they will make us look like terrorists! But what that person said in the letter was very powerful and true, too bad people who have not woken up yet don't understand it. He basicly says WAKE UP!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Any person who believes other than "established order" is listed as a terrorist, or is the subject of ridicule. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Any person who believes other than "established order" is listed as a terrorist, or is the subject of ridicule. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Yes, but one of their agenda's now is to turn people against us this is their final punch to us.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I think it depends if people continue in ignorance they go to get away with it, talk and not be afraid, fear and ignorance are their greatest weapon. "An ignorant populace is a blind instrument of its own destruction." <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • MDM77MDM77 Posts: 62
    This is not good for the truth movement (us). We people who are against the New World Order are going to be blamed for it now and they will make us look like terrorists! But what that person said in the letter was very powerful and true, too bad people who have not woken up yet don't understand it. He basicly says WAKE UP!

    Agreed and some truthers feel that we could then find more martial law being put into place, again taking away our civil liberties.
  • I have also read the letter and I agree with 99% of what he said. But I don’t believe that violence is the answer.

    It’s events like these that give the government another ‘well established’ reason to take the very few freedoms that we have away…..Wait! I take that that back. We don’t have rights because they are imaginary.

    This man did what ‘they’ wanted him to do and from what he said in his letter, he seemed to be very aware of that fact. He would have done well to use his intelligence in a more non-violent way. But hey, we are all human and we make mistakes that have the potential to hurt those around us. Do not pass judgment on this man. God is his ultimate judge now. I send my love to his family and those who were harmed because of his actions.

    I’m sure some of you guys recall that Jim Jones fiasco that took place back in the day. He was thought to be a Bible-believing fundamentalist. He ordered that his whole congregation ingest a poisoned beverage which led to their untimely demise. That was just another plot to rob the American people of their ‘figurative rights.’ What’s scary about the whole thing is that Jim Jones was actually a Jesuit. If you don’t know what a Jesuit is, I suggest you do some research. Jesuits have started wars, infiltrated churches and governments to destroy them.

    I believe that God is in control and I also believe that we as the human race have the ability to implement change. But I think that there is a misconception about those of us who are religious or have faith in God. (I really hate to use the word religious because I would rather call it a relationship with God) Just because I have faith does not mean that I will sit back and ask God to solve all of my problems. As cliché as this sounds, God helps those who help themselves.

    Don’t get me wrong, I respect all of you and your right to believe how you want but I think what really matters here is the message of LOVE. We need to love each other again…’We need to bond again.’

    We ‘gotta get it right while we got the time.’

    But in the end, the truth will always prevail. ALWAYS!!!
  • This is also a very interesting website read it if you want to:

    Attack in Austin: Outraged “Lone Wolf” or False Flag Op?
  • I have also read the letter and I agree with 99% of what he said. But I don’t believe that violence is the answer.

    It’s events like these that give the government another ‘well established’ reason to take the very few freedoms that we have away…..Wait! I take that that back. We don’t have rights because they are imaginary.

    This man did what ‘they’ wanted him to do and from what he said in his letter, he seemed to be very aware of that fact. He would have done well to use his intelligence in a more non-violent way. But hey, we are all human and we make mistakes that have the potential to hurt those around us. Do not pass judgment on this man. God is his ultimate judge now. I send my love to his family and those who were harmed because of his actions.

    I’m sure some of you guys recall that Jim Jones fiasco that took place back in the day. He was thought to be a Bible-believing fundamentalist. He ordered that his whole congregation ingest a poisoned beverage which led to their untimely demise. That was just another plot to rob the American people of their ‘figurative rights.’ What’s scary about the whole thing is that Jim Jones was actually a Jesuit. If you don’t know what a Jesuit is, I suggest you do some research. Jesuits have started wars, infiltrated churches and governments to destroy them.

    I believe that God is in control and I also believe that we as the human race have the ability to implement change. But I think that there is a misconception about those of us who are religious or have faith in God. (I really hate to use the word religious because I would rather call it a relationship with God) Just because I have faith does not mean that I will sit back and ask God to solve all of my problems. As cliché as this sounds, God helps those who help themselves.

    Don’t get me wrong, I respect all of you and your right to believe how you want but I think what really matters here is the message of LOVE. We need to love each other again…’We need to bond again.’

    We ‘gotta get it right while we got the time.’

    But in the end, the truth will always prevail. ALWAYS!!!

    Violence is not the answer, I agree with you. That is exactly what they want they want riots and protests that are violently so that they can turn it againsts us. If we protest we need to do it with L.O.V.E and PEACE. That way they don't stand a chance.
  • Maybe you are right. Maybe there is something swept under the rug with this incident. I hope it's not another government move towards enhanced control. But there is some saying it could be <!-- m --> ... omment-264<!-- m -->

    But what do you make of the suicide note if it was controlled? I thought the note was very powerful. Does anyone know it's origin - like the original website it was found on?
  • All I can say about the government is God is in control. I put my Trust in God period. Keep the Faith!

    I absolutely agree!
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