Where are the stolen CCTV Footages?

Doctor DeathDoctor Death Posts: 484
edited January 1970 in News
I dont know wether they have been recoverd or not but the stolen CCTV Footages are pivotal to the whole case.....And it has realy surprised me that all this time the police never did concentrate on recovering them......

So, the question is that How can the police so convincingly arrest Murray and nail him when a crucial piece of evidenc is still missing? How can they be so sure that there was INDEED NO THIRD PERSON INVOLVED THAT DAY AT THAT TIME?

How can the police be SO SURE that nothing was wrong with anyone in thehouse other than MURRAY?

What happened when Murray allegedly LEFT Micahel's room after administering the drug...? (If that is what actually happened?)

THAT MISSING part is YET to be filled up but the LAPD seems hardy interested in finding them......

How can SOMEONE JUST RUN AWAY WITH CCTV FOOTAGE? If that i the case then someone insinde the house could be invovlved in the whole scenario? Or is ot that Murray himself removed them?

Although we do know that at this point of time there is more evidence in favour of a hpax than against it......So I thnk that this forgotten part of the case could provide a final twist to the whole thing......Thoughts?? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • DiscoDisco Posts: 286
    I agree 100% those tapes hold many clues, the only one that could have removed them is someone in the know, they would have to know where the recordings are or how to erase them, surely there was a company that was in charge of the security system?!?!?
    It woould answer many questions, even prove Murray left the house, or who else arrived ??? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Something smells hoaxy when the only proof they would have of what really happened is "missing"
  • Quote from CNN on July 15th, regarding the missing security tapes:

    "A highly sophisticated, high-tech security system allegedly monitoring every inch of Neverland (SIC) inside and out, including Jackson`s private living quarters, that secret video of Jackson`s final moments gone."

    Jackson`s final moments at NEVERLAND???
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Full transcript: <!-- m -->http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... ng.01.html<!-- m -->
  • ......So Michael died at both Carolwood drive and Neverland??? Pretty.

    I mean these guys either need to fetch themselvs better typers or need to get their story straight.....
  • What if they include the CCTV footage in the DOME project...If the DOME project is supposed to be the concluding part of the hoax?.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Because.....

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=48&t=5657&p=95098#p95098<!-- l -->

    What I wanna say is in the last reply posted on the above link to the thread.
  • This is how I feel about it. Ok now I think we are almost at the end but not yet. Soooo I think that we are going to see those tapes at the very end of the hoax(or we r going to see the truth either 1) And its going to prove 1 of THESE 2 things..... Dead or Alive. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    And tapes at Neverland??? I don't understand that??? So he died at 2 places??? Or is it that those are some of the old tapes there??? Wow so many questions guys <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    Maybe the CCTV tapes have been recovered & being held for evidence in the upcoming trial?? They are not going to talk about evidence until there is trial.
    In fact there is prbly lots of evidence that has not been talked about & will come out in the trial...thats why its called evidence.

    If it even goes to trial that is.
  • This CCTV tapes story was and still is always in my mind .
    But the more I think about it , the more I beleive that they're not going to be found unless
    we're at the end of this adventure.
    I mean , if Michael is under protection of CIA -FBI ( I'm sure he is),
    don't you think that they have the tapes , too ???
    They are not going to leak anything about them until the end.
    At the other hand, could they have been taken by the family ??? I guess it could be but
    I mostly beleive my first option.

    Now about the Neverland <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    The report is from 15 July so we can't say that the carried away
    by their momentum for coverage the story.

    I definately have lost the count of the weird things all these months !!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I think the family has taken them because they were in the house after MJ 'died' to get some private stuff. You have to get rid of the n1 evidence of the hoax don't you?? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I think the family has taken them because they were in the house after MJ 'died' to get some private stuff. You have to get rid of the n1 evidence of the hoax don't you?? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I don't remember, who said the tape was missing?

    There would only be a few people that would know where to get the tape from, right? Michael, the head of security, who else? Would the family know where to find these? Maybe, maybe not. Would Dr Murray know? I am not so sure.

    If Dr Murray did know where they were, it's highly possible that that's what he was doing when he should have been calling 911.

    Another answer could be that maybe there was no tape in the first place? Maybe there was space for it but Michael, liking his privacy, didn't want his bedroom area taped? It could have been assumed that there was a tape. Either way, his security should know the answer to that.

    I am believing more and more that he went into protective custody. If so, the government would surely have taken these as precaution and protection. After all, these tapes would prove what happened that day.

    It is highly strange that there has been no mention of it what-so-ever. You'd think the family would have been told if these tapes were found. And we know how well some of them keep secrets <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Anyway, maybe they do know and that is the reason for Jermaine's comments. It's all speculation but warrants us paying attention. Someone has those tapes!
  • Hmm .. Can anyone tell me more about those tapes ? i didn't know about it ! a link or something
  • The fact that the police didnt seal the house until 4 days after the incident ,itslef allows a lot of time for anyone to take them and get away with them, yu know.

    But when did it first surface that those tapes were missing? Was it just after the news of his death?...Or was a week or so after?.......Does anyone remember who declared them missing first?

    If this a hoax then, Michael certainly would have got'em removed......

  • Don't forget that LaToya was the first family member to go to Carollwood Drive. Wasn't she the one who mentioned the security tapes, and that Michael's computer, some jewelry, and money was missing?
    But according to the autopsy report a detective went there later in the afternoon. Would he have looked at the security system? Not sure that is what he was there for.
    If it is a hoax, then Michael has the evidence.

    What staff? Did you see or hear anyone besides Kai Chase? I didn't...
  • I'm kinda trying to find a onnection...if there really is any...between the removal of those tapes and the firing of the house staff......Maybe he had them fired so that no one could spill the beans...but then again the police CAN question anyone anywhere so that possibility has to be ruled out.......

    One thing is pretty clear....This hoax is costin Micahel a fortune......Only money can buy the silence of people who WORK for you...who are not part of your family....

    The security folks have to be involved because they are the ones who know how to do all the stuff with thhe systemss....deleting and all that stuff I mean......

    Its remarkable that the police just forgot about them so very soon after the death...Like WHOOSH! They're just gone, disappeared and no ones even thinkin about them.

    And I dont agree that the police are witholding evidnce inspite of knowin that it exists because, I mean shamone!.......MURRAY WANTS TO PLAY A VIDEO OF MICHAEL TP SHOW WHATTA DRUGGIE HE WAS AND I KINDA FIND IT HARD TO BELIEVE THAT THE POLICE WOULDNT TALK ABOUT THOSE TAPES IF THEY HAD THEM (DONT MIND THE CAPS)
  • NO MO.....I actually heard on the news sometime after that that all his staff had been fired.......I'm sure the cooks not the only staff in a big house like that.....I mean there must have been other attendants.....I dunno.

    The more I think about it the more I get confused......Its rather strange that the LAPD could EVEN ALOOW THW INVESTIGATION TO PROCEED inspite of that crucial piece of evidence being ignored totally.

    I personally dont believe that the LAPD could be so lame that they couldnt figure out who stole them in 7 long months.
  • NO MO.....I actually heard on the news sometime after that that all his staff had been fired.......I'm sure the cooks not the only staff in a big house like that.....I mean there must have been other attendants.....I dunno.

    "I actually heard on the news sometime after that that all his staff had been fired" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Now, I do agree that a chef would not have been the only who worked there BUT....are we even sure Mike did indeed live there..? I seriously doubt that.
  • @ mo - is it correct that you do not believe that mike lived at 100 carolwood?
  • @ mo - is it correct that you do not believe that mike lived at 100 carolwood?

  • @ mo, so where do you think he was living then?
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    NO MO.....I actually heard on the news sometime after that that all his staff had been fired.......I'm sure the cooks not the only staff in a big house like that.....I mean there must have been other attendants.....I dunno.

    "I actually heard on the news sometime after that that all his staff had been fired" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Now, I do agree that a chef would not have been the only who worked there BUT....are we even sure Mike did indeed live there..? I seriously doubt that.
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> You think he didn't?!!! That's an interesting point of view <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • @Mo

    I do believe that he lived there but could've left sooner on June the 25th.....That LAX thing you know.....To add to that Jermaine saying that he was not with Micahel when he went to the airport! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    How can you even make a connection between a deadman and an airport! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • @Mo

    I do believe that he lived there but could've left sooner on June the 25th.....That LAX thing you know.....To add to that Jermaine saying that he was not with Micahel when he went to the airport! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    How can you even make a connection between a deadman and an airport! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    was that in the aussie interview?
  • In our opinion, Mike didn't live there. He said so many times that his life was in danger. Now, after announcing a come back tour, he could only be sure of someone trying to hurt him. So, why would he live at an address everyone knew..? That would have been defeating the purpose.
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