Where are the stolen CCTV Footages?



  • You would think the fact that the tapes were missing the LAPD would think something was being hidden on purpose... therefore showing guilt or wrong doing.
  • You would think the fact that the tapes were missing the LAPD would think something was being hidden on purpose... therefore showing guilt or wrong doing.

    some believe that mike did not live at 100 carolwood, so no tapes. but if you were planning a hoax you would have either not being taping or get rid of the tapes, say a friend or someone close to get it for you.

    the police may be think it strange if no tapes if the explanation given is that it was not running i mean who was to monitor the tapes was it mikes personal bodyguard, well if running why didnt he get to mke sooner?
  • with no one wiling to dsiclsose the whereabouts of that tape.....And the fact that the LAPD totally forgot about them....I mean they didnt even MENTION THEM in all these months!!.........And no news chanell even bothered to raise a question regarding them! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> ..

    ...Thi gives me another reason to believe that this could be a hoax.....Or If its a murder then thoise tapes were removed purposefully, so that Murray could be given benefit of doubt, during the trial.....Yes, that could be a possibiity....IMO.But from a purely hoax point of view.......I think they could be shown during the revelation!? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
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