Where are the stolen CCTV Footages?



  • @arabian nights....Yeah that was it!
  • @Mo

    Look This Life being in Danger thing has been said inly and only by LaToya over and over again.And we all know how distant Mike was from her.....I mean, how do yuo put up with a spotlight craving sister who'd sell her soul to grab some attention?

    I dont believe a word that she said....And anyone shoudnt unless they've gone nuts.

    Didnt she say that she KNEW who killed mike? Well what ever happened to that?
    Why then didnt she tell the LAPD and save them 7 months of clue-digging?

    Mike's started the hoax...and well, everyone wants hi/her own share....So maybe he told her that you can go on...do your usual yelling stuff...do interviews..tell people you saw me got murdered and all.......Just to keep the thing going...

    I cant take seriously what Latoys said......She accused MJ of Child abouse half a world away from Israel in 1993......Do you really thnk that shes to be trusted?

    Micahel of all people would know this.
  • @Mo

    Look This Life being in Danger thing has been said inly and only by LaToya over and over again.And we all know how distant Mike was from her.....I mean, how do yuo put up with a spotlight craving sister who'd sell her soul to grab some attention?

    I dont believe a word that she said....And anyone shoudnt unless they've gone nuts.

    Didnt she say that she KNEW who killed mike? Well what ever happened to that?
    Why then didnt she tell the LAPD and save them 7 months of clue-digging?

    Mike's started the hoax...and well, everyone wants hi/her own share....So maybe he told her that you can go on...do your usual yelling stuff...do interviews..tell people you saw me got murdered and all.......Just to keep the thing going...

    I cant take seriously what Latoys said......She accused MJ of Child abouse half a world away from Israel in 1993......Do you really thnk that shes to be trusted?

    Micahel of all people would know this.

    your right
  • I'm not talking about what LaToya said, I'm talking about what Mike said himself. Mike wasn't talking bullshit. Look at the Pepsi "accident", the 1993 accusations and the 2005 trial. They tried to bring him down before, so he could be sure of them finishing the job this time.
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    It makes sence to me, i dont get whats so hard to understand.

    Why is it that its hard to believe that if he felt he was in danger that there is a possibility that he would have a second safe home to stay at.
  • Either the tapes were removed prior to this incident purposely by the culprits. Or they were removed secretly by someone who knew of the plot, who has turned them over and will be the evidence introduced as the smokin gun in the case. If the latter is the case, then I do believe that Murray is the person who was responsible for moving them. We are being thrown off by being made to focus on Murray as being incompetent as a deterrent. To be completely honest, I think Michael never returned there after the last practice.
  • DooDooDooDoo Posts: 437
    In our opinion, Mike didn't live there. He said so many times that his life was in danger. Now, after announcing a come back tour, he could only be sure of someone trying to hurt him. So, why would he live at an address everyone knew..? That would have been defeating the purpose.
    Well, I think you night be right <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • @Badkolo

    No Its not hard for me to understand.......But he is MJ right? Inspite of him being a recluse, quite a number of photos were snapped in 2009.....I mean after all how can go on leading a nomadic existence in the same city? ....With the paparazzi always on the prowl?

    If he even does go to an undisclosed place...Its only a matter of time before the paps get there.....Coz you dont expect him to rehearse for the concerts and then fly back to Ireland do you?

    Wherever this 2nd home was/is....had to be at a conviniebt distance from the Staples centre/Culver city.....

    And its quite understandable that MJ's life could've been threatened.....but only if MJ said so......Not gonna believe that from Latoya's mouth.

    Awwgghhh! Where are we headed from here?

    And Why has Murray suddenly disappeared again? NO trace? Just like afetr June 25th?
  • badkolobadkolo Posts: 128
    well my answer to that is simple, i see more then one michael.
    there are many photos and i spent countless hours looking them over and i see more then 1 michael.
  • well my answer to that is simple, i see more then one michael.
    there are many photos and i spent countless hours looking them over and i see more then 1 michael.

    Amen to that.
  • I'm not talking about what LaToya said, I'm talking about what Mike said himself. Mike wasn't talking bullshit. Look at the Pepsi "accident", the 1993 accusations and the 2005 trial. They tried to bring him down before, so he could be sure of them finishing the job this time.

    it was not the same pp trying to bring him down, the families concerned were after money - this is not a grand conspiracy just very greedy thinking mike was a soft touch.
  • well my answer to that is simple, i see more then one michael.
    there are many photos and i spent countless hours looking them over and i see more then 1 michael.

    please post

    and are you going to add to your 3pp theory i would like to hear more -ta
  • I'm not talking about what LaToya said, I'm talking about what Mike said himself. Mike wasn't talking bullshit. Look at the Pepsi "accident", the 1993 accusations and the 2005 trial. They tried to bring him down before, so he could be sure of them finishing the job this time.

    it was not the same pp trying to bring him down, the families concerned were after money - this is not a grand conspiracy just very greedy thinking mike was a soft touch.

    I disagree on that.
  • this is so interesting where was mike living?

    @ mo - we have different views no harm

    just interested in where ever1 thinks mike was living and about the doubles

    i look forward to your posts and any pic or info - thanks
  • Hey! NO offence to anyone here....We started this thread so lets not get into heated arguments OK?......We all can have disagreements, No Problem.Coz each one of us here has a different take on the hoax........

    ...And that is why it is a HOAX. Everything has been done so that there is a beautiful excuse for every weird thing that has happened.So lets keep on investigating. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • so if mike was not living there, there would be no tapes? is that logical?
  • @Mo

    Look This Life being in Danger thing has been said inly and only by LaToya over and over again.And we all know how distant Mike was from her.....I mean, how do yuo put up with a spotlight craving sister who'd sell her soul to grab some attention?

    I dont believe a word that she said....And anyone shoudnt unless they've gone nuts.

    Didnt she say that she KNEW who killed mike? Well what ever happened to that?
    Why then didnt she tell the LAPD and save them 7 months of clue-digging?

    Mike's started the hoax...and well, everyone wants hi/her own share....So maybe he told her that you can go on...do your usual yelling stuff...do interviews..tell people you saw me got murdered and all.......Just to keep the thing going...

    I cant take seriously what Latoys said......She accused MJ of Child abouse half a world away from Israel in 1993......Do you really thnk that shes to be trusted?

    Micahel of all people would know this.

    There are others outside of the family that have also recorded phone conversations of Michael expressing fear for his life. Many friends and business associates alike have voiced Michael's fears which I believe is mostly surrounding his music catalog. Someone in an interview said that the fear didn't stop him from living life but it did cause him great concern for his life.

    Someone had asked, why not just sell it and get away from it? I say, why should Michael be intimidated by these bullies. He fought them not only for himself but also on behalf of every other artist that has been taken advantage of by the labels. I believe that no other artist except Michael could stand up to them and win.

    Good thought, Mo, about him possibly having a separate residence. If MJ can hire doubles to act on his behalf (and fool a lot of people along the way), why couldn't he have another residence?

    This is one of my favorite interviews.
    <!-- m -->http://dagif.com/wordpress/?p=116<!-- m -->

    It's the one where he says "they never thought that this performer, myself, would out-think them". Michael was standing up and fighting back against the music industry. He was very vocal about it and he also said Sony was not happy.

    I am going to believe that this was all in Michael's plan.
  • I have also thought of tapes and look for some info. But now I consider otherwise: if/since iT IS a HOAX, then Michael DOES NOT NEED recording to discover what exactly was happening that day in the house. That's why they are gone, they should be gone, or recorder was just turned off and there is no tape. Right? I hope that's the case. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Something smells hoaxy when the only proof they would have of what really happened is "missing"

  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Something smells hoaxy when the only proof they would have of what really happened is "missing"

    Those tapes better come out sooner or later. Otherwise I could never really believe anyone's stories.
    They could be doctoring those tapes as we speak.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I have also thought of tapes and look for some info. But now I consider otherwise: if/since iT IS a HOAX, then Michael DOES NOT NEED recording to discover what exactly was happening that day in the house. That's why they are gone, they should be gone, or recorder was just turned off and there is no tape. Right? I hope that's the case. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    thats it
  • I don't believe that Michael had a second residence. The Paps were stationed outside the Carolwood house every day, just waiting to follow him to the stores, or doctors. Linda was at the corner every day, and tourists have said they he waved at them from the balcony when he was out there with the kids. However, I do think it's a possibility that he did not return to Carolwood Dr. the night of the last rehearsal.
  • I tried to find info regarding them footages on google but couldnt find somethin' useful .......This is the most confusing part....and perhaps the missing link.
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    But that COULD be a cool way to come back..
    Show the tapes, show him escaping, then show him alive!
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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