no not again earthquake hit Indonesia’s Moluccas

mjlovebugmjlovebug Posts: 122
edited January 1970 in News

By Ann Koh

March 14 (Bloomberg) -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s Moluccas, or Spice Islands, at 9:57 a.m. local time, according to a preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey.

There is a “small possibility” of a tsunami affecting coasts no more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the earthquake’s epicenter, according to a bulletin from the U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. There is no “destructive widespread” threat, it said.

To contact the reporter on this story: Ann Koh at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
Last Updated: March 13, 2010 21:05 EST

i thank everyone should look up HAARP on google

post any updates here plz


  • You can say that it is a HARP driven earth quake, but most likely it is being driven by GOD he has had enough and we are coming to the end of the road as told by the bible. There are more coming hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !
  • You can say that it is a HARP driven earth quake, but most likely it is being driven by GOD he has had enough and we are coming to the end of the road as told by the bible. There are more coming hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

  • Yes, the world has suffered enough, it's now trying to repair itself. The Earth is a Living Thing
  • WendyEWendyE Posts: 105
    Thank you for stating that God is still in control. Although I do believe that man has devised dooms day devices I believe firmly and without a doubt that we are in the latter days as the bible speaks of. Things are coming to a head sort of speak. May God be with us all.
  • Don't worry about that ..
    well Indonesian is habitualy enough to live with earthquakes
    3 earthquakes (>5 RS) hitted Indonesia in a week ...
    im Indonesian ....
    Moluccas Earthquake is not as big and dangerous as what hapenned in 2004 at North Sumatra..

    we just need to prays ..
    To God to protect our live, our family, always ..
  • lomaloma Posts: 1,366
    Being an Atheist, I don't have much to post but:
    I really hope nothing happens to these people. There's already so much destruction in the world.
    But as someone has said, Lots of Earthquakes are hitting all the time.
    All we can hope for is that we don't have many casualties.
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    Being an Atheist, I don't have much to post but:
    I really hope nothing happens to these people. There's already so much destruction in the world.
    But as someone has said, Lots of Earthquakes are hitting all the time.
    All we can hope for is that we don't have many casualties.
    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Same here. Mother Nature's ways are unpredictable and all these climate changes and sea contamination are having an effect.
  • LavdHimLavdHim Posts: 352
    Don't worry about that ..
    well Indonesian is habitualy enough to live with earthquakes
    3 earthquakes (>5 RS) hitted Indonesia in a week ...
    im Indonesian ....
    Moluccas Earthquake is not as big and dangerous as what hapenned in 2004 at North Sumatra..

    we just need to prays ..
    To God to protect our live, our family, always ..
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> I'm Indonesian too .. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • FigmentFigment Posts: 61
    Yes, the world has suffered enough, it's now trying to repair itself. The Earth is a Living Thing

    I guess I don't look at it as the Earth is suffering, there is simply a cause and effect process going on. We are gradually destroying the environment that allows our species and other species to survive here. To borrow a statement from George Carlin - The Earth isn't going anywhere.... WE are.
  • Yes, the world has suffered enough, it's now trying to repair itself. The Earth is a Living Thing

    my friends and I were discussing this very topic the other day!

    how can people worry about overpopulation? the earth knows how to "make" more land LOL ya'll kiddies have to look that one up on your own LOL
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.
  • Oh my goodness... This is the fourth one, isnt' it? In 2 or three months... and, like, 2 or 3 weeks between the last three. What's going on...?

    Hopefully they'll listen now... we have to do something about ourselves...

    God, this scares me...
  • JudeJude Posts: 452

    By Ann Koh

    March 14 (Bloomberg) -- A 6.4-magnitude earthquake hit Indonesia’s Moluccas, or Spice Islands, at 9:57 a.m. local time, according to a preliminary report from the U.S. Geological Survey.

    There is a “small possibility” of a tsunami affecting coasts no more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the earthquake’s epicenter, according to a bulletin from the U.S. Pacific Tsunami Warning Center. There is no “destructive widespread” threat, it said.

    To contact the reporter on this story: Ann Koh at <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->
    Last Updated: March 13, 2010 21:05 EST

    i thank everyone should look up HAARP on google

    post any updates here plz

    When it comes to the corrupt US goverment, anything is possible.
  • goodgirlgoodgirl Posts: 118
    Jan 09/2010 = 6.5 California
    Feb 28 /2010 = 6.2 Pakistan
    Feb 18/ 2010 = 6.9 China
    Feb 08/2010 = 5.7 Mexico
    March 14/2010 = 6.6 Japan
    March 03/ 2010 = 6.4 Taiwan
    March 08/2010 = 5.8 Turkey
    March 14/2010 = 4.7 Pakistan
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

    Shit like this bothers me to no end. I hope I'm not the only one.
  • reyferrarireyferrari Posts: 134
    Jan 09/2010 = 6.5 California
    Feb 28 /2010 = 6.2 Pakistan
    Feb 18/ 2010 = 6.9 China
    Feb 08/2010 = 5.7 Mexico
    March 14/2010 = 6.6 Japan
    March 03/ 2010 = 6.4 Taiwan
    March 08/2010 = 5.8 Turkey
    March 14/2010 = 4.7 Pakistan
    Jan 12/2010 7.3Haiti
    Feb 27/2010 8.8Chile
    i hope this list don't continue...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.

    Not possible? Please type in HAARP at YouTube. It IS possible.

    They can control nature, for years already, remember the Olympics in Beijing?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.

  • virgo75virgo75 Posts: 514
    hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

    Shit like this bothers me to no end. I hope I'm not the only one.

    You're not the only one.

    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.


    Thanks for posting those. I'd never seen the 2nd one.
  • goodgirlgoodgirl Posts: 118
    I did not include Haiti , Chili and Indonesia in my list cuz everyone knows about that
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.

    Not possible? Please type in HAARP at YouTube. It IS possible.

    They can control nature, for years already, remember the Olympics in Beijing?

    Do you know exactly how thick the lithosphere is? The size of Mt. Everest is a grain of sand compared to the thickness of Earth's crust, not to mention the entire lithosphere. Do you know what makes earthquakes happen? You CAN'T control nature, not even HUMANS can. NOTHING can, except NATURE. You really need to educate yourself on geology, then you would understand that this isn't possible. There is nothing that can cause earthquakes than the earth itself. The weight is too great. There is magnetism involved, as well as gravity. Not everything is a's just how it is.

    There MIGHT be some merit to a conspiracy regarding knowing when an earthquake could happen, but like I said, there are people that have dedicated their lives to finding out a way, but nothing has come. More boueys were deployed after the 2005 tsunami to detect it faster, but still, it wouldn't save people that live close to the epicenter of an earthquake. They happen too fast.
    We are not killing the earth, the earth is trying to kill US. There has been mass extinctions throughout the history of the earth...even if everyone goes "green" it still wouldn't save "humankind" because it's not up to us, it's up to the earth...the earth is not kind. The earth is a ROCK, filled with MOLTEN ROCK. It's all due to the changing world. You can see the trenches, the subduction zones, the oceanic rifts. It's not fake, it's real. In about a few millions years, the east coast of North America, particularly the New Jersey area, will be far above sea level and a new subduction zone will occur, creating volcanoes and earthquakes. Look up Yellowstone. It's a Caldera volcano. Look up hot spot movement. Someday, millions of years from now, it will probably be in New York. This stuff is real. The earth is too massive for a human to screw with. How exactly would a human create something that could move 80 KM of pure ROCK...and think of how heavy rock is. Everything is recorded into the rock. The ocean floor has already been recycled about 30 times...please, educate yourself on geology before thinking everything is a conspiracy...because this stuff is serious and real.
  • wildswilds Posts: 198
    You can say that it is a HARP driven earth quake, but most likely it is being driven by GOD he has had enough and we are coming to the end of the road as told by the bible. There are more coming hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

    These are the beginnings of birth pains. AMEN!
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    You can say that it is a HARP driven earth quake, but most likely it is being driven by GOD he has had enough and we are coming to the end of the road as told by the bible. There are more coming hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

    These are the beginnings of birth pains. AMEN!

  • These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.

    Not possible? Please type in HAARP at YouTube. It IS possible.

    They can control nature, for years already, remember the Olympics in Beijing?

    Do you know exactly how thick the lithosphere is? The size of Mt. Everest is a grain of sand compared to the thickness of Earth's crust, not to mention the entire lithosphere. Do you know what makes earthquakes happen? You CAN'T control nature, not even HUMANS can. NOTHING can, except NATURE. You really need to educate yourself on geology, then you would understand that this isn't possible. There is nothing that can cause earthquakes than the earth itself. The weight is too great. There is magnetism involved, as well as gravity. Not everything is a's just how it is.

    There MIGHT be some merit to a conspiracy regarding knowing when an earthquake could happen, but like I said, there are people that have dedicated their lives to finding out a way, but nothing has come. More boueys were deployed after the 2005 tsunami to detect it faster, but still, it wouldn't save people that live close to the epicenter of an earthquake. They happen too fast.
    We are not killing the earth, the earth is trying to kill US. There has been mass extinctions throughout the history of the earth...even if everyone goes "green" it still wouldn't save "humankind" because it's not up to us, it's up to the earth...the earth is not kind. The earth is a ROCK, filled with MOLTEN ROCK. It's all due to the changing world. You can see the trenches, the subduction zones, the oceanic rifts. It's not fake, it's real. In about a few millions years, the east coast of North America, particularly the New Jersey area, will be far above sea level and a new subduction zone will occur, creating volcanoes and earthquakes. Look up Yellowstone. It's a Caldera volcano. Look up hot spot movement. Someday, millions of years from now, it will probably be in New York. This stuff is real. The earth is too massive for a human to screw with. How exactly would a human create something that could move 80 KM of pure ROCK...and think of how heavy rock is. Everything is recorded into the rock. The ocean floor has already been recycled about 30 times...please, educate yourself on geology before thinking everything is a conspiracy...because this stuff is serious and real.

    that was some deep talk <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
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