no not again earthquake hit Indonesia’s Moluccas



  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    hopefully everyone here will go and get saved, accept the LORD as your saviour so that we all may meet again !

    Shit like this bothers me to no end. I hope I'm not the only one.

    You're not the only one.

    These earthquakes around the globe would happen whether we all were here or not. Nobody causes them either through technology, damaging the environment, not praying hard enough/or to the right god or anything else one can think of. A fault line runs right through Haiti for example. It's no surprise the level of earthquake Haiti suffered.


    Earthquakes ARE NOT MAN MADE, it is IMPOSSIBLE. It's called Plate Tectonics. millions of earthquakes happen PER YEAR (and happen everywhere, not just by fault lines) and only about 5 are terrible out of that million. And no one can predict an earthquake...geologists haven't figured out how to yet. There are people that have dedicated their lives to figuring out a way to, and it hasn't happened yet.


    Thanks for posting those. I'd never seen the 2nd one.

    Are you serious?

    This is laughable.

    You believe everything you hear on the news.

    One cannot induce an earthquake.

    What those videos are, are POLITICAL GIMMICKS!

    How heavy do you think Mt. Everest is. Really... guess.

    Times that, by...oh, let's say 100. Compared to the size and weight, and then consider the weight of the atomic bomb would do nothin'. 100 atomic bombs would do NOTHING. 500 atomic bombs would most likely do nothing, but if that happened, the portion of Chile subjected to that would be blown to bits, but only a few mile radius.......but it isn't. People would see it ...don't you think that would cause a big hole somewhere? but there isn't one? Do you really think, that an atomic bomb would cause an earthquake? If you stood in a field during a 8.0 quake, nothing would happen to you, except that you would fall down. What kills people are the buildings collapsing, the gas lines that are ruptured.

    Let's see...I suppose HAARP is also responsible for these devastating disasters too! I wasn't aware that this organization was so ancient!:

    China - 1927 - killed 200,000
    China - 1920 - killed 180,000
    Japan - 1923 - killed 143,000
    Soviet Union - 1948 - 110,000
    Italy - 1908 - killed 75,000 - 100,000
    Peru - 1970 - killed 66,794
    Pakistan - 1935 -killed 60,000
    Chile - 1939 - Killed 30,000
    Iran, Islam Rep - 1990 - killed 36,000
    India - 1905 - 20,000
    Shaaxi China - 1556 - 830,000
    Indian Ocean - 2004 - 283,100
    Aleppo/Syria - 1138 - 230,000
    China - 1975 - 231,000
    Japan - 1730 - 137,000
    Lisbon Portugal - 1755 - 100,000

    oh, and these aren't earthquakes, but a flood and a big wind that came through, I suppose that was man made as well!!!!
    India Cyclone - 1839 - 300,000 people died.
    China Yellow River Flood of 1887 - 900,000 - 2,000,000

    That's only the tip of the "ice-berg".
    Is like, everyone denying that fault lines don't exist or something? That a rift runs right through Iceland and that country will someday be split in two? Hello? What do you think caused the Himalayan mountains? See the pattern? China and Japan are hit so many times throughout recorded history, Chilie too, because they are NEXT TO SUBDUCTION ZONES! The ocean crust goes under continental crust? Imagine the amount of ENERGY that is produced ...with one going under the other...yeah, that's earthquakes.

    If man had a machine that could move that amount of rock, that could produce that amount of ENERGY...., if the U.S had that amount of force, that they would be able to induce an earthquake...then why am I here? Why is it that I am not sitting on some lovie eating doughnuts all day holding a golden chalice? People want things FAST. And if this HAARP thing existed, we would all be sitting on our kingdom eating cake and all wars would be non existent because WE HAVE the "power" to destroy.

    It's simply not possible. The earth is too big. And, if every human being on this earth decided to jump at the exact same time, on the exact same spot, nothing would happen.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Boreas, Thanks for your educated post. I concur with you. There is nothing in The National Geographic or The New Scientist or any other scientific journal that shows evidence/proof of a link between earthquakes and HAARP. Or are these fine publications part of a media blackout/conspiracy? The New Scientist online has a story about HAARP but yes they have failed to mention anything about earthquakes. It must have slipped these educated scientific minds.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Continuing on from my last post. Scientists have found seashells at or near the top of Mount Everest. Do you know why. The reason is because once upon a time many years ago before the existence of HAARP, Mt. Everest was under the sea. Also a long time ago the Earth continents looked like this. Here is also a list of earthquakes that happened in Japan long before HAARP. It's like being back in primary school!
  • Please see this documentary from minute 4:00 about what Tesla actually achieved or not about earthquakes:


    And the rest of it if you´re interested...
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    Continuing on from my last post. Scientists have found seashells at or near the top of Mount Everest. Do you know why. The reason is because once upon a time many years ago before the existence of HAARP, Mt. Everest was under the sea. Also a long time ago the Earth continents looked like this. Here is also a list of earthquakes that happened in Japan long before HAARP. It's like being back in primary school!

    thank you!
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Boreas, You're welcome! Of course I realize you knew all this. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Still the argument of the earthquakes existing before HAARP?
    Has anyone stated here that HAARP invented them?
    Have I to remember again that you can cause or provoque what already exist?
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I understand you realize earthquakes happened pre HAARP. I also know you believe HAARP provokes 'quakes but all I am saying is that there is no scientific proof. It's circumstantial evidence. If it were a trial, it's not enough for a conviction, it's not beyond a reasonable doubt. Anything about this link is found on not credible sources. Show me evidence from a reputable journal not conspiracy tv. I am interested in conspiracies but not all of them are true.
  • Continuing on from my last post. Scientists have found seashells at or near the top of Mount Everest. Do you know why. The reason is because once upon a time many years ago before the existence of HAARP, Mt. Everest was under the sea. Also a long time ago the Earth continents looked like this. Here is also a list of earthquakes that happened in Japan long before HAARP. It's like being back in primary school!

    thank you!

    You're sooo right. And it's unbelievable that they put a video of Chavez, out of everybody in this world, to support this theory, is he some kind of PhD or something that I'm missing?. A guy that has breakfast with Simon Bolivar everyday. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    jonnysgirldangerous, I don't know much about Hugo Chavez but you surely don't mean the Simon Bolivar?
  • jonnysgirldangerous, I don't know much about Hugo Chavez but you surely don't mean the Simon Bolivar?

    Hey mjjveritas, if you're thinking about the Simon Bolivar that lead to the freedom several southamerican countries, you're right. It's of common knowledge that the guy, Chavez, sits at breakfast time in his room in front of an empty chair, make his people serve two breakfasts and start talking to him. An strange habit to say the least.
  • Ok mjjveritas, I don´t know if there´s a proof, if there were a clear one in hands of a powerful and honest person of course would have done something. This kind of things is always hard to prove in a court. There are evidences though.

    About the reputable publications, we all know, as we have also seen with the flu (or the global warming swindle), that the experts have a lot of preassure on them, and even if someone thinks HAARP causes earthquakes, they are not going to jeopardise their carrers by saying it aloud. Anyway there are always marginal professionals that are in a situation to speak, but they are not listened.

    Do you remember the documentary about the flu with the doctor nun? Teresa Forcades, the nun, says exactly the same there, and she explains that she can talk because his feeding doesn´t depends on her prestige. You can always find experts that talk about this kind of things out of the official circuits, but their ar hard to find. I know what I mean because I work in independent documentaries, most of them about health, a matter where we are being SERIOUSLY missleaded.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    jonnysgirldangerous, I indeed was referring to the long departed S. Bolivar. I didn't know that about Chavez. How odd. Some people eh! Different planet. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I know what you're saying. There are anomalies out there. Corruption within governments. We in the UK saw that last year with the Members of Parliament and their greed over their expenses claims. The George W. Bush election where his brother was the Governor of Florida where some of the dispute over voting happened. It's all very clear to see. I haven't as yet had a chance to see the nun video or the Global Warming videos. It's all very time consuming. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I've almost forgotten about MJ.
  • Don´t forget him MG! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    But the truth is that apart from a couple of new the hoax is a little boring right now.
    Let´s see April moving on!
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, No, I'll try not to forget him or DD or Hatman or Saw Man or Grammy Man or Green Man or the list is neverending man. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Have I missed anyone out.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    Continuing on from my last post. Scientists have found seashells at or near the top of Mount Everest. Do you know why. The reason is because once upon a time many years ago before the existence of HAARP, Mt. Everest was under the sea. Also a long time ago the Earth continents looked like this. Here is also a list of earthquakes that happened in Japan long before HAARP. It's like being back in primary school!

    FUCK YEAH PANGEA!!!! I loved learning about all that back in the day.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    jessicakthx, <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Pangea sends her regards.
  • mjlovebugmjlovebug Posts: 122
    yeah yall keep laughing it off like it's nothing. but let me remind you there was once a time when humans could not fly, or be able to go from country to country in a matter of 2 days at the most. there was once a time when we did not have trans or cars or phones or man made harts. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE HUMAN RACE. we can an have made some amazing things do not say that it is imposable, even something link this computer was though to be imposable at one time but look here it is and it works just fine. now i understand that a computer is nothing like something that can make earthquakes, however what about a nuke, a bomb that can wipe out everything in it's path and even after the war is over it will make the servers population weak with abnormal births years afterward.

    really people if you will stop thanking that everything is fine and dandy and open your eyes you will fine that things are not well, and it's not just one country or two country but all over the world. the government does have the power to do things like this rather you believe it or not.

    let me tell you a story
    i was in JROTC in high school, it's like a mitury class wear you get a taste of what the army will be like if you chose to go in to it.
    one day our teacher who has served in the army for many years and has even been in some wars set us all down to talk to us. i do not remember the whole thing but i remember that he took a turn and started to talk about his granddaughter who he takes care of. he says the he is afraid that the freedoms the we have now will not be there when she reaches his age. he told us the he believes that something will happen that will change all that. he said that we will be taken over and the threat will come from the inside (from our own government in other world). he became very emotional when he said this and he even told us that he would not being telling us this if we did not care. and he said you mark me word give it a few years hell give it one year, it will happen and it's going to come out of no were.
    i do not thank that he knows what is all going on for a fact but give that he has starved so much time, i thank he may have a hint. God only knows what he could have learned over the years. now looking back i could see that he WAS giving us a warning.

    stop treating these things like a joke... whether it is a part of the hoax or not is it real and it is happening
  • BoreasBoreas Posts: 119
    it is possible that a conspiracy can exist of knowing when an earthquake can occur, but hasn't been proven by anyone. Not every geologist is in it for the money or some NWO thing....and there are scientists out there get excited about this type of thing with wanting to be the first person to know how to predict such things, for the FAME...they want to be in the history books.... But the ground cannot be moved by human hands. the invention of the internet is completely different, as the internet is a man made thing. the plates is its own thing, not created by man. earthquakes happen all the time. they have happened in the past. and they will continue to kill people and happen. therefore, even if the conspiracy is valid (IMO it is completely stupid if you know the science) earthquakes are still real, and are still going to happen. no atomic bombs could move the earth, because they just blow up, they don't push or pull. they can't reach through 200 miles thick of solid rock....the earth is a huge rock. why can't anyone understand that the earth is natural and does things on its own, just like our own body changes over time? India was it's own continent...until the plates moved it into Asia...that's what caused the Himalayan mountains, is because India and still moving north, being pushed, creating a mountain belt from cont-cont convergence.

    Hawaii is a hot spot, look at the trail of ancient underwater volcanic islands that travel from it. someday, the main island of Hawaii isn't going to exist anymore, and will become a flat guyot, sunk under sea level. a new island will form. no one can move the earth, except the earth itself.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    Boreas, Thanks. You know this and I know this but it seems some people refuse to learn and understand proven scientific facts. We need to recruit a geologist to the forum.
  • I think there´s a confusion here Boreas.

    I have never heard or red in my life anybody in this Earth denying the existence of natural earthquakes and catastrophes.

    Why do you need to give arguments to prove they exist?
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I know your question is aimed at Boreas but can I just interject here. This person's post was showing how it cannot be possible for a man-made technology to have the enery/power to do what you're suggesting HAARP is capable of.
  • it is possible that a conspiracy can exist of knowing when an earthquake can occur, but hasn't been proven by anyone. Not every geologist is in it for the money or some NWO thing....and there are scientists out there get excited about this type of thing with wanting to be the first person to know how to predict such things, for the FAME...they want to be in the history books.... But the ground cannot be moved by human hands. the invention of the internet is completely different, as the internet is a man made thing. the plates is its own thing, not created by man. earthquakes happen all the time. they have happened in the past. and they will continue to kill people and happen. therefore, even if the conspiracy is valid (IMO it is completely stupid if you know the science) earthquakes are still real, and are still going to happen. no atomic bombs could move the earth, because they just blow up, they don't push or pull. they can't reach through 200 miles thick of solid rock....the earth is a huge rock. why can't anyone understand that the earth is natural and does things on its own, just like our own body changes over time? India was it's own continent...until the plates moved it into Asia...that's what caused the Himalayan mountains, is because India and still moving north, being pushed, creating a mountain belt from cont-cont convergence.

    Hawaii is a hot spot, look at the trail of ancient underwater volcanic islands that travel from it. someday, the main island of Hawaii isn't going to exist anymore, and will become a flat guyot, sunk under sea level. a new island will form. no one can move the earth, except the earth itself.

    good point <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • it is possible that a conspiracy can exist of knowing when an earthquake can occur, but hasn't been proven by anyone. Not every geologist is in it for the money or some NWO thing....and there are scientists out there get excited about this type of thing with wanting to be the first person to know how to predict such things, for the FAME...they want to be in the history books.... But the ground cannot be moved by human hands. the invention of the internet is completely different, as the internet is a man made thing. the plates is its own thing, not created by man. earthquakes happen all the time. they have happened in the past. and they will continue to kill people and happen. therefore, even if the conspiracy is valid (IMO it is completely stupid if you know the science) earthquakes are still real, and are still going to happen. no atomic bombs could move the earth, because they just blow up, they don't push or pull. they can't reach through 200 miles thick of solid rock....the earth is a huge rock. why can't anyone understand that the earth is natural and does things on its own, just like our own body changes over time? India was it's own continent...until the plates moved it into Asia...that's what caused the Himalayan mountains, is because India and still moving north, being pushed, creating a mountain belt from cont-cont convergence.

    Hawaii is a hot spot, look at the trail of ancient underwater volcanic islands that travel from it. someday, the main island of Hawaii isn't going to exist anymore, and will become a flat guyot, sunk under sea level. a new island will form. no one can move the earth, except the earth itself.

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