no not again earthquake hit Indonesia’s Moluccas



  • That´s not what I see mjjveritas.
    it is possible that a conspiracy can exist of knowing when an earthquake can occur, but hasn't been proven by anyone. Not every geologist is in it for the money or some NWO thing....and there are scientists out there get excited about this type of thing with wanting to be the first person to know how to predict such things, for the FAME...they want to be in the history books....

    Till here an argument on how they cannot predict an earthquake. Nothing to do, or doesn´t prove they cannot be caused.

    Even though, about predictions... seismologists in Chile are claiming now that they foresaw and told the big CHANCES there were of a "8.8" magnitude earthquake to happen in those years, and they are complaining because they were warning and nobody cared, and no measures of reaction were taken in a country with such a big plates movement.

    But the ground cannot be moved by human hands.

    No argument.

    the invention of the internet is completely different, as the internet is a man made thing. the plates is its own thing, not created by man.

    ??? the plates are not created by man. Anyone doubts it?

    earthquakes happen all the time. they have happened in the past. and they will continue to kill people and happen. therefore, even if the conspiracy is valid (IMO it is completely stupid if you know the science) earthquakes are still real, and are still going to happen.

    Anyone doubts it?

    no atomic bombs could move the earth, because they just blow up, they don't push or pull. they can't reach through 200 miles thick of solid rock....the earth is a huge rock.

    Following this argument of the solid rock, not even natural earthquakes would be explicable. I GUESS that the fault of this argument is that they are different ways to induce energy to the Earth (explosion vs vibration, from over the soil vs from under the soil) Therefore, if I´m not wrong, there have been atomic test that has caused tremors.

    The Earth is a solid rock? I thought it was just a component and layer of it. What about the melt iron and plates floating and lava?


    why can't anyone understand that the earth is natural and does things on its own, just like our own body changes over time? India was it's own continent...until the plates moved it into Asia...that's what caused the Himalayan mountains, is because India and still moving north, being pushed, creating a mountain belt from cont-cont convergence. Hawaii is a hot spot, look at the trail of ancient underwater volcanic islands that travel from it. someday, the main island of Hawaii isn't going to exist anymore, and will become a flat guyot, sunk under sea level. a new island will form.

    Again, who doubts this?

    no one can move the earth, except the earth itself.

    Again no argument. I´ve posted the Tesla documentary that shows that it MAY be possible to cause tremors. Not to say that scientific progress MAY bring knowledge never imagined before, as it has always happened. So I still stick on "It MAY be possible".
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, Firstly you have quoted another poster's post as if it is mine. Normally when one quotes another their name is included. I don't feel I have to respond to details in someone else's posts. On the whole I do agree with them though. I just don't believe it is possible for this technology to provoke earthquakes and neither does the scientific community around the world. They should know. One can say lots of things are possible but 'til there is proof we can only speculate. Are you saying the mainstream scientific journals are covering up the truth? I suppose it makes a change from people saying it's Gods fault if they believe it's man-made. I suppose that's a refreshing change. Regarding the other poster's first point. They could mean that there is anecdotal evidence of animals/birds behavior changing just before the onset of a 'quake.
  • mjjveritas, of course I´ve cited the Boreas post. Not as if it was yours, but because you answered instead of Boreas... I was never talking about anything you said.
    somekindofsign, I know your question is aimed at Boreas but can I just interject here.

    About scientifics... check again the post, I´ve edited it. You can see a source saying atomic bombs cause tremors provided from a quick google search. And please don´t use again the argument that if it´s not in a scientific magazine it´s not true. You and I have discussed it before, as I said, prominent scientifics have the preasure of their mean and they don´t publish everthing or they are not gospell.

    We can say here " just because it's/it´s not in print doesn't mean it's the gospel"
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, Ok that's all cleared up and thanks for updating it. I don't know what more I can say on this subject. I'm not a geologist/scientist. I understand that media lies/has their own agenda but there would always be a whistleblower out there who would publish what they know. One could argue, why believe the conspiracy theories over the accepted evidence?
  • I´mm with you mjjveritas, I'm not a geologist/scientist. But why can we let it be as "IT IS POSSIBLE".
    You know I don´t accept theories I read somewhere, I try to do my best using logic. That´s why I don´t accept just a "THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE" without a valid argument.

    I just don´t KNOW if it´s true or not. But as far as I know it´s still possible, and it´s also possible that this idea of HAARP, as other, could have being planted by them. Same way I also still se possible this hoax as planted to distract... There´s something here that bothers me and follows what seems a patron in the elite agenda... This annoying thing when we always have to wait and wait for a tomorrow when this madness can be made clear. Don´t know if I explained myself...
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, I can see you're very passionate about finding out the truth and have an inquiring mind. It's a shame more of us aren't like that. I think a lot of us feel powerless to bring about change. It's always thwarted by bureaucracy at every level or so it seems. Going back on topic, the Richter Scale measures not just natural earthquakes but any earth movement. If a meteorite came from the sky and hit the ground it would register on it assuming the impact was big enough. Are you saying you think MJ's hoax is planted as a distraction?
  • I say it´s very possible.
    I see a kind of patron but that could also fit with the hoax.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, This hoax is only distracting a very small number of people really. It's distracting me from chores that much is true. But I tell myself it's not forever. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Unless it turns into the Elvis story.
  • If it turns into the Elvis story I won´t be here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    About the number of people... maybe it´s not important the number, but the nature of the people trying to STUDY.
  • mjjveritasmjjveritas Posts: 902
    somekindofsign, No I hope not to be sitting here in thirty years time (doing this). I hope I'm still around, enjoying life reminiscing about MJ's hoax and in the process probably boring my long suffering husband into his grave. I don't know about any other agenda here. This may all be an experiment by some university or Joey Skaggs type figure. I hope it is what I think it is. We shall see (I hope).
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