Latest Lacra speaks out regarding MJ's innocence and justice



  • i myself do not see the point of dying to hoax, losing control to expose pp you hate, that you have put in control whilst your pretending to be dead
  • i myself do not see the point of dying to hoax, losing control to expose pp you hate, that you have put in control whilst your pretending to be dead

    Me too, there has to be more to it that I am not getting. Unless...what Joe is trying to prove is the truth? He really was murdered?
  • i myself do not see the point of dying to hoax, losing control to expose pp you hate, that you have put in control whilst your pretending to be dead

    Maybe it's the only way to "prove" the conspiracy and corruption. Catch 'em in the act, if you will. This is what I hope for, because if not, the evidence is leaning towards a successful conspiracy of murder. These next few months will be telling with the Murray trial.
  • but if that is the case

    then why no crying
    why no photo of him in the coffin to embed the reality
    why no unity - why the book, why the magazines, why the reality show, why the self publicity - why did jermaine say on the dynasty show after seeng TII that he was in overdrive (something like that - to get going with the J5 stuff)
    why not joining of the justice for mj campaign publiclally

    i refer you back again to stephen lawrence and what about who got stolen maddy - no stone unturned.

    if your child or siblings got murdered you would do more -surely - time would stop - all your plans would stop to set this in motion
  • i feel if your in a celebrity family and very well connected that you would do more to voice this

    on the show - mr majestic - said dont sue the joe jackson sue me - why take a backseat - is it the julian company selling the pic of prince?

    if he was murdered and the family all know and say that cm is a scapegoat- it seems that they are towing the line
  • but if that is the case

    then why no crying
    why no photo of him in the coffin to embed the reality
    why no unity - why the book, why the magazines, why the reality show, why the self publicity - why did jermaine say on the dynasty show after seeng TII that he was in overdrive (something like that - to get going with the J5 stuff)
    why not joining of the justice for mj campaign publiclally

    i refer you back again to stephen lawrence and what about who got stolen maddy - no stone unturned.

    if your child or siblings got murdered you would do more -surely - time would stop - all your plans would stop to set this in motion

    This is what gives me support and hope to believe the first option thus far, more than the latter:
    Maybe it's the only way to "prove" the conspiracy and corruption. Catch 'em in the act, if you will. This is what I hope for, because if not, the evidence is leaning towards a successful conspiracy of murder. These next few months will be telling with the Murray trial.
  • Yeah, but maybe they don't show their tears on camera. I have an aunt, who, several years ago, lost her son to a diabetic coma. Finally, they shut the life support off. It was terrible. He would just lay there like a vegetable, jerking in his sleep, his facial muscles would make expressions like he was in pain, even though, he may not have been. It was really pitiful.

    She was very very close to him. But every time we would see her, she would just act normal, like nothing happened. Even at the wake and funeral. Like she accepted it to be God's will. I couldn't figure it out. Then, I believe my uncle told us that at home, she was a basket case. Screaming, crying, just carrying on in the privacy of their home.

    So, who knows how they are off camera. You would think having a televised public memorial though, and being a show business family, they would show their emotions more to the public.

    Or perhaps it is the way they were raised? Maybe Joe thought it was weak to cry in public? That you should hold it inside? Just a thought.

    I don't know, nothing makes sense, but it is leaning towards a real conspiracy of murder. And I really hope it is the other, that this is what it takes to bring them down. But like I said, if the will states that those in charge can do whatever, then how is that exposing them? I just don't get it.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What you are all talking about here is a legal kind of entrapment. Here's the thing. Who are we trying to catch out? If we are trying to catch Murray out, did Murray give MJ a lethal dose of propofol? If you wanted to prove that Murray was going to give MJ a lethal dose, exactly how would you set that up without putting MJ at risk?

    So the only other theory could be that Murray is being used to make people think MJ has died, and also as a distraction to make the real culprits behind 'a conspiracy' think he is the only one being investigated. Perhaps Murray was approached to take part in a 'murder', informed authorities of what was being planned and was advised to pretend to have carried it out so the rest of the conspiracy can take place whilst being monitored.

    IMO, given the above arguments, if you are going to talk about setting the whole thing up so people's criminal actions can be caught, Murray has to be cooperating with the operation and is not someone who is being watched. You also have to ask when did the hoax begin? MJ set out to do these concerts. All the tickets were sold. AEG booked up the O2 for 50 dates - i think they planned on him performing. Frank Dileo said he was with him every time he went to rehearsal. So was Karen Faye. Yet Frank is being openly vilified by the family and Karen says MJ was exploited. You would think that if authorities were engaged in a set-up, you would at least instruct people to keep their mouths shut about their suspicions.

    So does it really sound viable? My honest opinion so far is - not likely.
  • What you are all talking about here is a legal kind of entrapment. Here's the thing. Who are we trying to catch out? If we are trying to catch Murray out, did Murray give MJ a lethal dose of propofol? If you wanted to prove that Murray was going to give MJ a lethal dose, exactly how would you set that up without putting MJ at risk?

    So the only other theory could be that Murray is being used to make people think MJ has died, and also as a distraction to make the real culprits behind 'a conspiracy' think he is the only one being investigated. Perhaps Murray was approached to take part in a 'murder', informed authorities of what was being planned and was advised to pretend to have carried it out so the rest of the conspiracy can take place whilst being monitored.

    IMO, given the above arguments, if you are going to talk about setting the whole thing up so people's criminal actions can be caught, Murray has to be cooperating with the operation and is not someone who is being watched. You also have to ask when did the hoax begin? MJ set out to do these concerts. All the tickets were sold. AEG booked up the O2 for 50 dates - i think they planned on him performing. Frank Dileo said he was with him every time he went to rehearsal. So was Karen Faye. Yet Frank is being openly vilified by the family and Karen says MJ was exploited. You would think that if authorities were engaged in a set-up, you would at least instruct people to keep their mouths shut about their suspicions.

    So does it really sound viable? My honest opinion so far is - not likely.

    Your opinion is not likely as to what? A conspiracy murder or the hoax?
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    My opinion at the moment, having gone through the above argument, is that it is not likely that this is a hoax. However, although the family keep stating that there was a conspiracy, we have very little evidence to prove that it was more than an accident.

    For me the big question still is did Murray intentionally harm MJ? What do his actions and behaviour suggest?
  • i myself do not see the point of dying to hoax, losing control to expose pp you hate, that you have put in control whilst your pretending to be dead

    What if those people were so in control of you that you HAD to fake your death? I can absolutely see why Michael did this, he had no other choice it was either fake his own death or be killed.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What if those people were so in control of you that you HAD to fake your death? I can absolutely see why Michael did this, he had no other choice it was either fake his own death or be killed.

    But he did not have to accept medication. He did not have to let the doctor in, if he suspected Murray was going to harm him.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    i thought that all his belongings were taken out by latoya and janet in removal vans within 2 days of mike passing - so who is lying?

    if there was a plot to kill mj and he was aware of why as someone said on the site would he allow himself to be knocked out each night?
    But is there really proof that he allowed it every night? As far as we know they could have occasionally slipped something in his drink to knock him out and have him sign documents in a groggy state (including the Will). In addition, hook him up on an IV the 25th
  • What if those people were so in control of you that you HAD to fake your death? I can absolutely see why Michael did this, he had no other choice it was either fake his own death or be killed.

    But he did not have to accept medication. He did not have to let the doctor in, if he suspected Murray was going to harm him.

    For all we know, Murray could be the hero in this story. Maybe he knew what was going on, and tipped Mike off, which then led to the necessitated fake death. Murray could likely be the scapegoat used for the "escape plan". (Or some variation thereof, like maybe Murray was chosen and used as a scapegoat by Michael from the very beginning in order to help him fake his death for his protection.)

    This is why Murray's trial and the information that comes from it are especially important. It will give us more information to determine what really happened: murder or escape.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    I am freaking out here! Does this mean that Kenny was in on this conspiracy as well? My God, to think of all the shit that Michael went through in his life. Maybe God called him home early to get him away from all the evil that was being done to him.

    I want so much to beLIEve, but it is really difficult with all this coming out about Sony and the executors of the estate.
    Money is the root of all evil and Michael sat on one of the biggest piles of it. From the very start it had all appearance that some scrupulous shady people attempted to murder Michael. However whether they succeeded or if he could get protection in time remains the question. There are only a few people who know whether he is truly dead or alive. The rest can only guess.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    What you are all talking about here is a legal kind of entrapment. Here's the thing. Who are we trying to catch out? If we are trying to catch Murray out, did Murray give MJ a lethal dose of propofol? If you wanted to prove that Murray was going to give MJ a lethal dose, exactly how would you set that up without putting MJ at risk?
    Dilute the propofol or exchange it with a harmless substance and put a tracable marker in it so it can be determined how many of it was administered. Just a suggestion. However: Murray would probably have noticed concerning vital signs. Conclusion: IF it is a hoax, Murray is likely to have acted in favour of Michael (OR UCLA did manage to rescue Michael and THEN the hoax was decided upon). Which supports your following argument:
    So the only other theory could be that Murray is being used to make people think MJ has died, and also as a distraction to make the real culprits behind 'a conspiracy' think he is the only one being investigated. Perhaps Murray was approached to take part in a 'murder', informed authorities of what was being planned and was advised to pretend to have carried it out so the rest of the conspiracy can take place whilst being monitored.

    IMO, given the above arguments, if you are going to talk about setting the whole thing up so people's criminal actions can be caught, Murray has to be cooperating with the operation and is not someone who is being watched. You also have to ask when did the hoax begin? MJ set out to do these concerts. All the tickets were sold. AEG booked up the O2 for 50 dates - i think they planned on him performing. Frank Dileo said he was with him every time he went to rehearsal. So was Karen Faye. Yet Frank is being openly vilified by the family and Karen says MJ was exploited. You would think that if authorities were engaged in a set-up, you would at least instruct people to keep their mouths shut about their suspicions.

    So does it really sound viable? My honest opinion so far is - not likely.
    I don't think people would be instructed to shut their mouths by authorities. They would just let natural communications take their course, the lesser people know about it the better, for they would only pose a risk of blowing the whole operation. Karen Faye was instructed to shut her mouth though, by DiLeo as she claims.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    MJLover1990 wrote;
    What if those people were so in control of you that you HAD to fake your death? I can absolutely see why Michael did this, he had no other choice it was either fake his own death or be killed.

    Okay, I've always thought that theory <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Concerning Joe Jackson's bombshell: it probably has to do with the medical records he obtained from UCLA recently. Regarding the family's suspicions of a murder conspiracy, it likely has to do with that as well in order to consider it a bombshell.
  • Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I have mentioned this before, but if you research all the people suing him for millions and the turmoil that was going on after announcing the comeback at 02, I would presume MJ had had enough. It just proves that his real friends weren't many, and most of his business associates could not be trusted. THEY DIDN'T WANT MJ THE PERSON. THEY WERE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE MONEY HIS NAME GENERATES...
    I always believed MJ was smart enough to see what was happenning around him and tried to get out of it. Maybe faking his death was the only way to catch the corrupt people around him, and catch them in "action." I still think CM is working for MJ. Just too coincidental to die just before a comeback. Why not before???????? This is why I believe he is still alive.
    <!-- m --> ... dChannel=0<!-- m -->

    "Michael Jackson may not perform till 2010 says AllGood Entertainment Inc From:
    The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph

    MICHAEL Jackson is facing hostility over his upcoming tour as a music promoter plans to sue to block him claiming that a contract prevents him from giving a concert until July 2010. "

    New Jersey-based AllGood Entertainment Inc contends it signed an agreement in November with Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, committing the singer to perform in July 2010 along with his brothers from the Jackson Five and sister Janet Jackson.
  • I have mentioned this before, but if you research all the people suing him for millions and the turmoil that was going on after announcing the comeback at 02, I would presume MJ had had enough. It just proves that his real friends weren't many, and most of his business associates could not be trusted. THEY DIDN'T WANT MJ THE PERSON. THEY WERE ONLY INTERESTED IN THE MONEY HIS NAME GENERATES...
    I always believed MJ was smart enough to see what was happenning around him and tried to get out of it. Maybe faking his death was the only way to catch the corrupt people around him, and catch them in "action." I still think CM is working for MJ. Just too coincidental to die just before a comeback. Why not before???????? This is why I believe he is still alive.

    "Michael Jackson may not perform till 2010 says AllGood Entertainment Inc From:
    The Daily Telegraph, The Daily Telegraph

    MICHAEL Jackson is facing hostility over his upcoming tour as a music promoter plans to sue to block him claiming that a contract prevents him from giving a concert until July 2010. "

    New Jersey-based AllGood Entertainment Inc contends it signed an agreement in November with Jackson's manager, Frank DiLeo, committing the singer to perform in July 2010 along with his brothers from the Jackson Five and sister Janet Jackson.
    C:Documents and SettingsUserDesktopMichael Jackson may not perform till 2010 says AllGood Entertainment Inc The Daily Telegraph.htm

    Yeah, but what does that have to do with the hoax? He hoaxed his death because of a previous contract agreement? Meaning, he faked his death to get out of the O2 deal, and he will reappear July 2010? If that be the case, wouldn't AEG then turn around and sue him for skipping out on them?

    One of the things that made me believe in the hoax was just what you said. Why right before the comeback? IF, he was hooked on drugs for years like we are lead to believe, why didn't it happen before now?

    I am so confused. I want to believe the hoax, but this talk show with Joe is looking more believable about it being a real murder. On the other hand, if it were real, WHY is Murray out still practicing medicine?
  • I asked this before but nobody replied. Does anybody know if Twiggy is a beLIEver?
  • I asked this before but nobody replied. Does anybody know if Twiggy is a beLIEver?

    By all accounts, it appears she thinks he was murdered as part of a conspiracy.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Twiggy thinks that Michael was killed, all right, she does a good job, but I do not forget all the reasons why we're here. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    if there was a plot to kill mj and he was aware of why as someone said on the site would he allow himself to be knocked out each night?

    Exactly. Kai Chase started working for MJ in March and was let go in May. She was rehired again in the beginning of June (there was a gap of 3 weeks between being fired and rehired). She said normally CM would come down at 10 or 10.30am to pick up breakfast for MJ. CM would normally arrive in the evening and it was her understanding that he would stay overnight. She would see CM carrying oxygen tanks down in the morning sometimes. Murray was apparently a regular daily fixture at MJ's house in June. She noticed he was thinner and less vibrant in June and she wondered if he had been eating properly. On the 24th June, she said he ate lunch with his children but he was moving a bit slow and seemed not really with it. She also packed his dinner for him to go to rehearsal with.

    So you have to wonder what was Murray needed overnight for if it wasn't medical supervision. MJ must have wanted Murray there that regularly, but it also kind of indicates that MJ did agree to use propofol on a regular basis otherwise why else would Murray be there? So based on this, that injection on June 25th was not a one-off in terms of propofol use. What is in question is whether Murray intended (for whatever reason) to kill MJ with it on that night or if it was just an accident.

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