Latest Lacra speaks out regarding MJ's innocence and justice



  • What's interesting is that one of the Justice4mj members (Mel) said she contacted Al Sharpton's office yesterday, and that he is VERY concerned by what's going on in Michael's case.

    They were reporting that some people were asked by the Jackson camp not to go to the Courthouse on Monday, because it would cause an even greater media/PR circus. They may have asked Sharpton himself not to appear at the Courthouse for that reason.

    Debbie Rowe also called them while they were at the Courthouse, supporting them and sending her regrets that she couldn't be there.

    (They were talking about this during their livestream yesterday. I posted some on the highlights on this thread: <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=8286&start=25<!-- l -->)
  • BTW, they (Justice4mj Fan Coalition) plan to do more livestreams in the future. I am following their Twitter to stay informed. <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    so as i see this.........some people here have definate doubts that micheal is alive.....verses........people who have definate doubts that micheal is it any wonder so many of us are totally confused on a day to day basis.................its driving me nuts...........
  • so as i see this.........some people here have definate doubts that micheal is alive.....verses........people who have definate doubts that micheal is it any wonder so many of us are totally confused on a day to day basis.................its driving me nuts...........

    I think you hit the nail on the head. How can any one of us be absolutely sure of what really happened? That's a little presumptuous and arrogant, IMO. This is why I'm following the facts in this case, and not speculations, theories, or wishful thinking. I am also following the lead of Michael Jackson's parents, and I will continue to lend any support I can to them and Michael's legacy.
  • BTW, they (Justice4mj Fan Coalition) plan to do more livestreams in the future. I am following their Twitter to stay informed. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Yes I am following two, it is interesting as you read down the twitter page they also have interesting information which I found I hadnt read before, articles and press stuff.

    Which everyside you are on its all good information.

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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