Latest Lacra speaks out regarding MJ's innocence and justice



  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????

    Majestic said both Katherine and Joe do not like Frank Dileo. So any suggestions that Frank is in on a hoax has got to be false.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Twiggy thinks that Michael was killed, all right, she does a good job, but I do not forget all the reasons why we're here. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    Twiggy assesses the facts as they happen. She has though pointed out inconsistencies. Her information I think is massively important. She is as up to date as you will get. If you want to know what's going on, follow her.
  • What do you all think of SeeingClues? His (or her) blog is pretty informative IMO. I think they are beLIEvers <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Doesn't Twiggy say from MJ hoax death live???? My thoughts are the same as above. Murray was hired to do the job, but couldn't go through with it and told MJ, and then the escape was planned from there.....Conrad Murray is being protected by the FBI until he goes to trial and while he is at court. The bad guys need to go down before MJ comes back, otherwise he will really be killed!!! xxooxx
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    What do you all think of SeeingClues? His (or her) blog is pretty informative IMO. I think they are beLIEvers <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I debunked the evidence concerning sign language at the memorial saying he was alive. I haven't really looked into the rest so can't comment.
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    IMO Twiggy really is the fact finder and reporter of info on the ground in LA as it happens. She is connected to various people that matter and she does get the scoop - always! Really, she is investigating in a journalistic sense. I have read her stuff. Hardly any of it is theory, it's just plain facts. If you really want to know what is going on day-to-day that isn't being reported on, read her work. It's very interesting and sometimes shocking. If you don't want to be out of loop I think you should observe what she writes and listen to the show on a saturday, it's not nonsense.
  • IMO Twiggy really is the fact finder and reporter of info on the ground in LA as it happens. She is connected to various people that matter and she does get the scoop - always! Really, she is investigating in a journalistic sense. I have read her stuff. Hardly any of it is theory, it's just plain facts. If you really want to know what is going on day-to-day that isn't being reported on, read her work. It's very interesting and sometimes shocking. If you don't want to be out of loop I think you should observe what she writes and listen to the show on a saturday, it's not nonsense.

    any links
  • QuirkyDianaQuirkyDiana Posts: 386
    Arabian nights -

    The show - <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Twiggy's page - <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Just read through the blog archive on the right. Are these the links you wanted?
  • Arabian nights -

    The show - <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Twiggy's page - <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Just read through the blog archive on the right. Are these the links you wanted?

    Here is her Twitter, as well:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    You may want to read the rest of the conversation to put it into context
  • Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    You may want to read the rest of the conversation to put it into context

    Okay, so he threatened her to not speak to fans thru the internet, back in May? I wonder why?
  • was prince the boy king painting at the 02
  • <!-- m --> ... ings_N.htm<!-- m -->

    seems like the estate agreed for the painting to be part of a touring exhibition
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    You may want to read the rest of the conversation to put it into context

    Okay, so he threatened her to not speak to fans thru the internet, back in May? I wonder why?
    Well according to her all of the crew was forbidden to speak as soon as things went bad.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    Raven » Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:18 pm

    MeandMyShadow wrote:
    I am freaking out here! Does this mean that Kenny was in on this conspiracy as well? My God, to think of all the shit that Michael went through in his life. Maybe God called him home early to get him away from all the evil that was being done to him.

    I want so much to beLIEve, but it is really difficult with all this coming out about Sony and the executors of the estate.
    Money is the root of all evil and Michael sat on one of the biggest piles of it.

    Well, actually it is the love of money is the root of all evil. Money in itself is not evil. When you allow a thing(material) to control you.
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    2good2btrue » Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:55 am

    Doesn't Twiggy say from MJ hoax death live???? My thoughts are the same as above. Murray was hired to do the job, but couldn't go through with it and told MJ, and then the escape was planned from there.....Conrad Murray is being protected by the FBI until he goes to trial and while he is at court. The bad guys need to go down before MJ comes back, otherwise he will really be killed!!! xxooxx

    Hmmmm,2good..what an interesting point.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    For God and that is what some human beings for the money .. to kill, and with this I am not saying that Michael is dead. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    You may want to read the rest of the conversation to put it into context

    Okay, so he threatened her to not speak to fans thru the internet, back in May? I wonder why?
    Well according to her all of the crew was forbidden to speak as soon as things went bad.

    But what does she mean as soon as things went bad? What does she say happened that went bad? Is she talking about June 25th or before?
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Karen says she was told by FD to keep quiet? About what????
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    You may want to read the rest of the conversation to put it into context

    Okay, so he threatened her to not speak to fans thru the internet, back in May? I wonder why?
    Well according to her all of the crew was forbidden to speak as soon as things went bad.

    But what does she mean as soon as things went bad? What does she say happened that went bad? Is she talking about June 25th or before?
    It does not become clear from her tweets
  • Here is the speech from Eddie Jones, Jr., President of Los Angeles Civil Rights Association (LACRA), at the courthouse on April 5.

  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    Here is the speech from Eddie Jones, Jr., President of Los Angeles Civil Rights Association (LACRA), at the courthouse on April 5.


    So there's going to be a march on August 29th in Washington DC. I understand that they want the law changed from involuntary manslaughter to murder. Which law are they referring to? Does this law have to do with drugs? Perhaps shady doctors and record company execs drugging their artists? If this is what Eddie Jones Jr. is talking about then this makes sense.
  • Here's more about the March. They are trying to get a million people to march to the White House on August 29.

    Front runners for this event:
    Majestik Magnificent

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  • nynyronynyro Posts: 296
    Here's more about the March. They are trying to get a million people to march to the White House on August 29.

    Front runners for this event:
    Majestik Magnificent

    <!-- m --> ... ?ref=share<!-- m -->

    Why aren't Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton involved? Why would Majestik Magnificent be there? Aren't they friends of the Jackson family? Jesse and Al are the most well known living civil rights activists, so if they were vocal about this cause, people all across the country would pay attention. Why are they silent?
  • InfinityladyInfinitylady Posts: 1,006
    I find that very interesting why they havent said anything either. Maybe they are being threatened, you never know. Just my opinion. But it is odd that they haven't said much about this at all.
  • MDM77MDM77 Posts: 62
    This is all very interesting. Here is what I hope: I hope that MJ got away. He was very intelligent. If there was an autopsy on someone, perhaps that was a double or doppleganger or whatever. The entire thing doesn't make sense, but what does is that people wanted MJ's money. MJ said himself in interviews how he couldn't say more, it was a conspiracy. I can only assume that was really him speaking. I like to think it was. I hope he just got away in the nick of time and if he resurfaces, it won't be til all these corrupt people go down. Perhaps even if that happens he won't come back. I think what everyone wants is closure really and if he was murdered, then justice.
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