
  • This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.
  • I think this thread is important - no matter if you like the "shit" ot not. The title of a show is never not carefully chosen. There could be more to it than we've already discussed.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I think Michael was nervous that is why he repeated this is it but i allways thought it tied in with thriller 2 TII
  • lotus_sutralotus_sutra Posts: 224
    This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.

    ...and that my dear friends sums it up perfectly <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ! Thank you Mo!
  • As you can see clearly i asked your opinion!
    Not to be criticised or judged.
    Or others.
    But the persons who do this are none better than the persons who have criticised Michael all these years.
    I am starting starting to believe that people are loosing their head in this HOAX.
    What is the hell is going on in this world?
    I followed the hoax from the beginning and have seen that people are bashed like as mo and souz and many more for their opinion!
    We do not force our opinion on you, everyone has its own opinion.
    If you like it's ok but if you dont like it just give a normal respectfull reply and if you cant do that keep your mouth shut!
    And do not condemn people.
    Look in your own kitchen and learn to have the respect for the opinion and HARD work that other people do.
    If you call yourself a fan of Michael you would never POST reactions like that.

    This was no april 1 joke!


    And please stop saying like Michael wouldn't say or do this things.

    Sorry, but I think that was also rude and a fast judment of the person. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    My opinion on this issue, is that TII could somehow mean THIS IS SHIT, that´s something that has been said so here. I remember for instance the TIL/TILL thread, TIL meaning This is Lie.
    But I don´t think we´re getting something from here. I wish I´m wrong.
    We can think about the meaning of TII (the words, the letters, the symbolism).
    But exactly from the possibility that this can mean This is Shit... I don´t think so.
    I could have done the thread more general about the meaning of this title.
    Of course anyone open a thread the way that wants.
  • I think Michael was nervous that is why he repeated this is it but i allways thought it tied in with thriller 2 TII

    That´s a very good possibility.
  • general question - where does this take the hoax investigation

    dont bash me all at once - please
  • MJJ1982MJJ1982 Posts: 1,282

    Can you please stop judging people for having an opinion? You can agree or disagree, but there's no need to say "that's quite tragic".

    Then please act the same way when people are convinced that it was Michael at O2 and in This is it.

    Ontopic, maybe it has to say something, but I think he was repeating it to let people know that that 'was it', his last time in front of an audience.
  • Uhhh... here is the ghost of the double again!
  • VenusVenus Posts: 260
    This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.

    So you think that MJ would offer his loyal fans to watch Shit and pay for it - tickets, DVDs, CDs and stuff. This means that MJ doesnt respect his fans by letting them pay a lot of money for shit with doubles. can you think how much money his estate gained from his death or "death"? It was all for shit? You really think so? Then MJ give no shit to his fans at all.
    If he didn't plan to come back there's no meaning for shitty stuff, because this is the last official thing he left as King of Pop. I don't think Mj would like to stay in history of music with shitty exit.
    If he planned to come back than still this shit made too much money. how he's suppose to look in his fans'' eyes after all the shit they payed for?
    P.S. Sorry for my english.
  • i think this thread start badly and can only go one way

    i suggest it is locked

    but i know i will get the freedom of speech lecture .
  • Stop the critism! You may not agree with this thread but you have no right to insult people because of their opinions. Where is the love? Is it SHIT for you? Because it seems so.
    I hate how things like this happen so often around here... We're supposed to be a family, Michael's family.

    Do not forget kindness
    <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
  • May I kindly ask you to remember that "This is it" is connected with "the final curtain call" and MJ even wanted to name the Victory Tour in 1984 this way - but was overruled by his brothers? Therefore he made his surprising announcement at the end of the final show (in L.A.) stating that this has been the last tour of the Jacksons ...

    No "shit" involved at all ... my humble opinion.
    And also my humble opinion: the way he intervened in - truely unfair - ticket sales policy 1984 shows that he in fact cares a lot for his fans.

    And I agree, as a perfectionist he always wanted his fans to see his very best (like spending so much money and effort on his video productions that they were no commercial success at all).

    And yes, TII was far from what we are used to see...
  • This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.

    I'm disgusted at how you named the movie "This is Shit".

    Pathetic, it really is.
  • this thread thats going around now sucks. lets make a better one.
  • May I kindly ask you to remember that "This is it" is connected with "the final curtain call" and MJ even wanted to name the Victory Tour in 1984 this way - but was overruled by his brothers? Therefore he made his surprising announcement at the end of the final show (in L.A.) stating that this has been the last tour of the Jacksons ...

    No "shit" involved at all ... my humble opinion.
    And also my humble opinion: the way he intervened in - truely unfair - ticket sales policy 1984 shows that he in fact cares a lot for his fans.

    And I agree, as a perfectionist he always wanted to see his fans his very best (like spending so much in his video productions that they were no commercial success at all).

    And yes, TII was far from what we are used to see...

    really didnt know that - where did you get that from a book or on the web?
  • May I kindly ask you to remember that "This is it" is connected with "the final curtain call" and MJ even wanted to name the Victory Tour in 1984 this way - but was overruled by his brothers? Therefore he made his surprising announcement at the end of the final show (in L.A.) stating that this has been the last tour of the Jacksons ...

    No "shit" involved at all ... my humble opinion.
    And also my humble opinion: the way he intervened in - truely unfair - ticket sales policy 1984 shows that he in fact cares a lot for his fans.

    And I agree, as a perfectionist he always wanted to see his fans his very best (like spending so much in his video productions that they were no commercial success at all).

    And yes, TII was far from what we are used to see...

    really didnt know that - where did you get that from a book or on the web?

    here is it
  • This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.

    So you think that MJ would offer his loyal fans to watch Shit and pay for it - tickets, DVDs, CDs and stuff. This means that MJ doesnt respect his fans by letting them pay a lot of money for shit with doubles. can you think how much money his estate gained from his death or "death"? It was all for shit? You really think so? Than MJ give no shit to his fans at all.

    Well Venus, that's just you jumping to conclusions, not me. I have always said that in my opinion by hoaxing his death Mike is sending out a Message, he is Teaching. It's up to you to do something with it by making a change, or just live on the way you're used to and comfortable with by believing everything you hear and see.
  • This thread is SHIT!

    I think this thread was started with a good thought, a daring one, by someone who is able to think outside the box. From the day I saw the first footage of that movie I was wondering what on earth it's purpose was. A movie showing rehearsal footage of doubles, and some of them clearly can't dance. After seeing the full movie Souz and I called it "This Is Shit" and our review was titled "Michael Jackson’s This Is It ~ Documentary or Mockumentary?". As time progressed and we found out all the shit that was pulled on Mike we started to understand why TII was made as it was.

    Mike must have known what kind of shit they were going to pull on him after announcing his come back, as they didn't want him to come back, gain popularity and power. Yes, some shit was about to hit the fan, so This Is Shit would have been perfect.

    So you think that MJ would offer his loyal fans to watch Shit and pay for it - tickets, DVDs, CDs and stuff. This means that MJ doesnt respect his fans by letting them pay a lot of money for shit with doubles. can you think how much money his estate gained from his death or "death"? It was all for shit? You really think so? Than MJ give no shit to his fans at all.

    Well Venus, that's just you jumping to conclusions, not me. I have always said that in my opinion by hoaxing his death Mike is sending out a Message, he is Teaching. It's up to you to do something with it by making a change, or just live on the way you're used to and comfortable with by believing everything you hear and see.

    Kebert Xela you are now destroyed go back to the 6th dimention
  • Besides remembering it myself (I was 25 back then) MJ wrote about it in his biography "Moonwalk", as did Joe Jackson in his book "Die Jacksons" (2003, released only in german as far as I know) and Randy Taraborelli in "The Magic and the Madness...".

    I thought it was common knowledge, though. Sorry ...
  • Besides remembering it myself (I was 25 back then) MJ wrote about it in his biography "Moonwalk", as did Joe Jackson in his book "Die Jacksons" (2003, released only in german as far as I know) and Randy Taraborelli in "The Magic and the Madness...".

    I thought it was common knowledge, though. Sorry ...

    This would work. Wrong me prove.
  • why would anyone think the show that was to be, was sh**

    i dont understand this was rehearsal footage.

    the dancers were very good they were sharp, i went to the thriller live and they werent that sharp

    if you think this was designed as a movie - well i can understand some criticism, but i think it wasn't, it looks like a documentary, i think they should have just given it to us, but they wanted the money.

    i dont think what was anticipate was going to be sh**. have you watched the film?

    i think it would have been brilliant if mike had been stronger and had survived (sorry thinking he is gone), but mike had no say if he is dead.

    i think that this one of those controversial threads that springs up as a distraction
  • why would anyone think the show that was to be, was sh**

    i dont understand this was rehearsal footage.

    the dancers were very good they were sharp, i went to the thriller live and they werent that sharp

    if you think this was designed as a movie - well i can understand some criticism, but i think it wasn't, it looks like a documentary, i think they should have just given it to us, but they wanted the money.

    i dont think what was anticipate was going to be sh**. have you watched the film?

    i think it would have been brilliant if mike had been stronger and had survived (sorry thinking he is gone), but mike had no say if he is dead.

    If I wanted to hear a speech, I'd be watching civil rights activists.
  • why would anyone think the show that was to be, was sh**

    i dont understand this was rehearsal footage.

    the dancers were very good they were sharp, i went to the thriller live and they werent that sharp

    if you think this was designed as a movie - well i can understand some criticism, but i think it wasn't, it looks like a documentary, i think they should have just given it to us, but they wanted the money.

    i dont think what was anticipate was going to be sh**. have you watched the film?

    i think it would have been brilliant if mike had been stronger and had survived (sorry thinking he is gone), but mike had no say if he is dead.

    If I wanted to hear a speech, I'd be watching civil rights activists.

    i dont care
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