I Was Afraid of This...Jackson Kids to Possibly Testify

heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
edited January 1970 in News
Michael Jackson's Kids May Be Forced To Testify
By Rob Shuter Posted Apr 7th 2010 02:49AM

Although Dr. Conrad Murray, who faces a manslaughter charge in Michael Jackson's death, will stand by his argument that Jackson himself administered the fatal dose of Propofol, sources close to Jackson's family tell me his three children are preparing to testify against him. More details about the case.

Will Michael Jackson's Kids Be Forced to Testify?

Sources close to Michael Jackson's family are telling me that at least one of his three children -- Paris, Prince or Blanket -- is getting prepared to testify in the case against there father's doctor, Conrad Murray.

"The Jackson family wants to do what's best for Michael's children and understand how traumatic it would be for them to take the stand. However, they honestly believe that Dr. Murray is to be blamed for the Michael's death, and they believe that what the children saw the day he died will prove it," an insider tells me.

The innocence or guilt of Dr. Murray isn't the only thing at stake though. A music insider explains, "Michael's legacy is on the line and millions and millions of dollars. If the choice is between that and upsetting the children, I know which one is going to win."

I fear we do too!


  • I just posted a different article about the trial, and what's likely to come:

    MJ fans: Prepare for the Blame the Victim Defense
    Source: <!-- m -->http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johnny-be ... 26598.html<!-- m -->

    Make no doubt about it. Conrad Murray (I will not do further damage to the profession of medicine by using his disgraced title) and his group of hired guns, otherwise known as defense attorneys, will sink to even lower depths as they try to save his freedom. For the record: I do not disparage all attorneys, only those that like their client will do anything for a buck. Or more correctly a lot of bucks.

    When a perpetrator has no reasonable defense and nearly all hope is gone there is always one last desperate play: blame the victim.

    I raped her cause she wanted it. The child had no loving father figure and wanted me to touch them. I only did it because I love her...She made me hit her. We've all heard it before and the world is very likely to hear it again when the victim, Michael Jackson, is put on trial instead of Conrad Murray.

    The defense will spare no expense, truth or civility in their attempt to paint a very dark portrait of MJ the 'hopelessly addicted junkie' and probably far worse. They will add further spice as they include just a pinch of past troubles and allegations that have little if anything to do with his death. They will do their best to divert the attention away from their client and refocus the trial on the 'deeply troubled life of desperate man' that accidentally killed himself.

    I pray (as a physician) that at the end of the day one question will be answered. Was it the reasonable standard of care in Los Angeles for a doctor to administer a powerful general anesthesia drug to a person in their bedroom that consequently caused the person (an alleged 'hopelessly addicted junkie or not) to die? Or was the doctor practicing sub-standard medicine, outside the scope of his training, in an inappropriate and insufficiently monitored setting?
    <!-- m -->http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johnny-be ... 26598.html<!-- m -->
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    can the kids testify in that type of trial ???

    i really dont think that they would testify in person ..... maybe via video.... but not in person
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    yup. i'm thinking the same. they will do 'anything for money' and chernoff wants to go down in history as the man who got murray off the hook. a white johnnie cochran of sorts, which is the bad part. cuz johnnie cochran sure was a brilliant lawyer. crooked, but brilliant. same smell here.

    i am also highly questioning the medical qualification of conrad murray. he is said to be a 'holistic' doctor, so what is he doing with all those chemicals in the first place, jackson or not. if murray was so convinced of the way he practices medicine, i'm pretty sure that mike (being into health food and all) hired murray for that exact reason - to come off the chemicals! now murray, claiming that he 'lost a friend, too' is going along with these lawyers' outrageous 'defense' strategies? what is he, dumb? can't he object his lawyers when they come up with 'medical' explanations that are total BS?
    they will tear mike to pieces - again - just to create a hung jury. and that's pretty much all they have to do. i hope these kids can do with a written statement under oath and won't have to come to the stand. horrifying...

    i'm not buying anything until any medical official confirms under oath that michael jackson has really died in the ucla on june 25, 2009. last thing i read is that they found some strong caffeine pills in an unmarked container near the bed. oh, really, NOW you come up with that and that was also found with the other drugs, after any joe blow could walk in an out of mike's house for DAYS before the scene was 'secured'...yeah, right...
  • lenalulenalu Posts: 5
    Hey I read in this forum and the old michael jackson hoax death forum since the beginning but normally don't post, but...
    Do you know what that could mean for the entire hoax if one of his children has to testify?
    I mean I believe to 80% that he hoaxed his death and I'm not easy get down on this but I think after the terrible trial michael had to go through, the least thing he would want is one of his kids to experience something like that <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    So IF that should happen I don't know how to think that michael is still alive and it was his plan...?
    Maybe you could say that something went wrong or the kids are not the real kids and actors anyway but I think that makes this whole story nearly unbeLIEveable... don't know, I'm shocked and I hope that it's just BS
  • Hey I read in this forum and the old michael jackson hoax death forum since the beginning but normally don't post, but...
    Do you know what that could mean for the entire hoax if one of his children has to testify?
    I mean I believe to 80% that he hoaxed his death and I'm not easy get down on this but I think after the terrible trial michael had to go through, the least thing he would want is one of his kids to experience something like that <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    So IF that should happen I don't know how to think that michael is still alive and it was his plan...?
    Maybe you could say that something went wrong or the kids are not the real kids and actors anyway but I think that makes this whole story nearly unbeLIEveable... don't know, I'm shocked and I hope that it's just BS

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of things right now that are pointing in the direction of this not being a hoax.
  • But on a positive note, the OP's article is from Pop Eater, not the most reliable of sources.

    <!-- m -->http://www.popeater.com/2010/04/07/mich ... s-testify/<!-- m -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I think we better wait and not rush, over recent months have posted a lot of news from "sources" that nobody knows, and at the end are rubbish, nothing happens for what is published. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I'm going to wait to see if this is true. But I don't remember hearing about the kids even getting interviewed.
  • miss jmiss j Posts: 346
    FORCED to testify? doing thing that they're not willing to?
  • NO WAY
    I dont think it is gonna happen!
  • I know things like this really are upsetting, especially after the 10 long months of research we've all done in support of the hoax.

    However, I believe if there is a hoax, the reasons for it, at least in part, are very much related to everything that is going on in the media.

    Please consider this...

    FOR ALL WE KNOW, none of this could be happening at all. Every article we read, could be a fictional story. Every video we see, could be a staged act.

    How many times did we see videos and articles of Michael Jackson that portrayed him in a way that was not only disgusting, but completely fabricated? MADE UP! FALSE! GARBAGE!

    The media itself is one big show. When we tune in or buy the magazines, we are simply buying tickets to that show.

    IF we believe that Michael Jackson could possibly hoax his death, we MUST also believe that it's possible for a LOT of things we see to be hoaxes as well. And NOT JUST IN THIS CASE!

    We are living in a very strange world. We've been brainwashed and manipulated. Lied to. Popular culture has become a game. There is no way to escape it. The only possible way to make it through and come out on top is to become a player in the game instead of standing back and denying that it is a game.

    That is what Michael Jackson has done.

    And think of this: even if he did kill himself, there's no way it was an accident. I would never believe in that theory. But either way, he has exposed the lies in the media and the corruption in our world. And either way, everything was planned. Dead or alive, I've been awakened by what ever happened or didn't happen on June 25th.

    There's a man, who plays the game of life so well...

    Let's join him.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Remember the family clip of Michael with Prince and Paris when they were little. Paris says, "Daddy can I be in the next Ghost video"? Michael said, "Are you going to practise your lines.?" I beLIEve we're in the real live Ghost drama.
  • Remember the family clip of Michael with Prince and Paris when they were little. Paris says, "Daddy can I be in the next Ghost video"? Michael said, "Are you going to practise your lines.?" I beLIEve we're in the real live Ghost drama.

    I agree!

    Reminds me again of the Liberian Girl video. What in the heck did that video mean? It was the biggest clue ever! Everyone wandering around wondering "Where's Mike?"

    ...and he's behind the camera the whole time, laughing! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    I honestly don't believe that the children are going to testify <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> . The reason I think they won't testify is because sometimes we are told that Prince was there...then he wasn't there. Prince "supposedly" said that he NEVER saw needle marks on his dad (according to Joe Jackson). So how will he testify if that's what he said. That would be contradicting himself. And I don't believe Michael would have his children see him drugging himself. Remember...Michael was up ALL night. He supposedly didn't get a wink of sleep (which I DON'T believe). There would be nothing for the children to witness. The only thing they may have "witnessed" was the ending result (death). You don't just wake up and assume your parent is dead. TMZ is always trying to confuse someone. They do it to have you all messed up in the head and to think you're crazy for following this hoax because they always seem to have the answer to all the questions (but they never answer them fully) <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> . When dealing with this hoax you've got to remember the things that we have learned in the past months. Some things just don't make sense to be done in the way they are done. So...BELIEVERS....hold your head up high and don't let every discouraging story let you loose your faith. We will eventually learn the "troot"! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    There was another article quite a while back that also had said the kids may be forced to testify. People were freaking out about it then too.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    i thought that the courts try to keep children out of the courtroom as much as possible? also, i can't see katherine allowing that to happen. she seems like a fiercely protective mother and grandmother. i know the whole "money number 1" argument, but katherine seems like a very down-to-earth person.if the kids witnessed their father dying, do you honestly think they'd make the kids relive that scene in a courtroom in front of the man who is responsible and the press? i assume they'd have the children's therapist testify on their behalf. sorry, i just don't believe this. as for people saying that things are starting to look more like a murder than a hoax.........are you serious?
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Brilliant comment @jacilovesmichael and I believe this is the message. It goes beyond Hollywood as well. This is a global phenomenon.

    The governments use the media manipulation to shape our minds, and our beliefs. They are fostering a culture of fear. One where we are afraid to eat because who knows what's in our food. Afraid to interact with people because they may harm us. Afraid to breathe for we may catch something like the swine flu. Next step... we are so confused and afraid that we turn to our governments to help us.

    We turn to the very ones who scared the dickens out of us with their blacked-out, censored, biased, manipulative view of the world.

    You wanna know what the world is really like? Go next door and talk to your neighbor. Heck go 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 doors down and talk to that neighbor! <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    You see the kids in the street, with not enough to eat? Feed them!
    You see a man with no home and not a nickle to loan? House him! Give him some money!
    It's called joyful giving!
    We must stop existing and start living!
    We must create a world with no fear
    (man I'm crying happy tears)
    If you care enough for the living
    We'll make a better place for you and for me....

    Hmmmm.... where have I heard this before? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
    Beautiful posts, JaciLovesMichael and LilWendy! Very eloquent! We must stay positive....no matter what....if that article I saw and posted turns out to be true, it's just one more part of the Great Adventure...still keeping Michael and his three beautiful children in my prayers daily...if it comes to this and they have to testify (and I sure as hell hope they don't), they will need our prayers more than ever! Peace to all of you!
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    I totally agree, we are living in a strange world...

    Very strange too is that the post was written today at 2:28 AM !
    I don't know when TIAI was updated there link....it can't be long after this.
    It seems specialy written for TIAI, or are they taking so fast anything they can find ? I am sure they do not !

    Is this scary ? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    The post was in the forum at 2:28 AM UTC time.
    On Twitter was a link to the new update from TIAI around 5:00 AM UTC time.
    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/lilwendymjhd<!-- m -->
    Not much time to be a coincidence....
    I am sure they are not sitting together...oh what will we take today for a link..... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Oh i have it found....someone was written a good post...let us take it and the daily link was saved !
    Never !!!!! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Look, same post, but yesterday written....i don't know in witch timezone...
    <!-- m -->http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/<!-- m -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Good article by the Huffington Post.

    Theoretically, if the children would need to testify it might not have to be traumatising at all. It could well be that they are very eager to tell their version, what they witnessed in a court of law. At least they would have a feeling that they contributed to get justice for their dad. The worst feeling is to have to stand by and not being able to do anything.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    Please don't lose faith. Let's just wait it out & see. I think it's been proven many times that we can't trust "sources" who say this or that. Plus, everytime we are led to believe something is going to happen or we're told what will happen in regards to CM or the investigation/trial it doesn't happen. So just wait it out. I hope & pray NONE of the kids will be forced to testify, they are too young. But I'm not going to believe a word I read, I'll believe it when I see it or I'm sure it happened.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    again...the word SOURCES............dont panic people....xxxxxx
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    again...the word SOURCES............dont panic people....xxxxxx

    agree.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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