I Was Afraid of This...Jackson Kids to Possibly Testify



  • GrazziaGrazzia Posts: 224
    Remember the family clip of Michael with Prince and Paris when they were little. Paris says, "Daddy can I be in the next Ghost video"? Michael said, "Are you going to practise your lines.?" I beLIEve we're in the real live Ghost drama.
    is was prince <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    and no,i don't think they will be "forced" to testify
  • jm1lvmjjm1lvmj Posts: 81
    @jacilovesmichael, very insightful comments. You do read between the lines so well. One Love
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    jacilovesmichael, you just tell the truth, this is how the media work, they are liars and manipulators. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • kel70kel70 Posts: 182
    I know things like this really are upsetting, especially after the 10 long months of research we've all done in support of the hoax.

    However, I believe if there is a hoax, the reasons for it, at least in part, are very much related to everything that is going on in the media.

    Please consider this...

    FOR ALL WE KNOW, none of this could be happening at all. Every article we read, could be a fictional story. Every video we see, could be a staged act.

    How many times did we see videos and articles of Michael Jackson that portrayed him in a way that was not only disgusting, but completely fabricated? MADE UP! FALSE! GARBAGE!

    The media itself is one big show. When we tune in or buy the magazines, we are simply buying tickets to that show.

    IF we believe that Michael Jackson could possibly hoax his death, we MUST also believe that it's possible for a LOT of things we see to be hoaxes as well. And NOT JUST IN THIS CASE!

    We are living in a very strange world. We've been brainwashed and manipulated. Lied to. Popular culture has become a game. There is no way to escape it. The only possible way to make it through and come out on top is to become a player in the game instead of standing back and denying that it is a game.

    That is what Michael Jackson has done.

    And think of this: even if he did kill himself, there's no way it was an accident. I would never believe in that theory. But either way, he has exposed the lies in the media and the corruption in our world. And either way, everything was planned. Dead or alive, I've been awakened by what ever happened or didn't happen on June 25th.

    There's a man, who plays the game of life so well...

    Let's join him.
    thisisalsoit.com just redirected me here <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • CALM DOWN EVERYONE..............We are a long ,long , long way from going to any trial.......if there will eventually be one. ( wink , wink).

    Its a plan. Keep MJ in the media. Tell the chickens something new here and there and watch them run in circles like crazy. Our job is to stand outside the circles and watch.
  • mrbigshotmrbigshot Posts: 456
    We have to take into account, that, Michael, like everyone else on this earth, is a human being, and if a hoax is perpetuating, then he will eventually be found out. Even some of the smartest of people can't stay hidden for long. I mean, come on, you've heard it before, he got tired of the limelight and wanted out ever since the media got the best of him and the public followed. Yet, Michael, for his entire life, all he's ever known, is show business in it's entirety. He wants to live a normal life, but lets face it, he would never even come close to a normal life even IF he was to stage a hoax, because, even doing something of that magnitude in itself is so abnormal that it's hard to make it seem normal. I'm pretty sure, if he did decide to go with the hoax, it'd be constantly on his mind and the feeling of wanting to return would barricade his soul since the media would be all over falsifiable information. It's all myth. I don't care who you are, from time to time, your going to want to know what the television is saying about you, otherwise, how are you going to make a comeback if you aren't aware of whats going on currently? And for Michael to not make a comeback, would be virtually impossible due to the fact he has been an entertainer all his life, and he was beginning to realize that his life would never be as normal as a random citizen. Michael Isn't stupid. He knew that from an early age on, he wasn't going to eb able to have sleep overs or spend quality time with his friends and neighbors, and I refuse to believe that, if a hoax is brewing, that he would just live out his life without any exposure whatsoever. As stated previously, he doesn't know anything but entertainment, so how could we possibly define what is normality for himself? He is an entertainer. Thats why, if he's alive and out there somewhere, theres no way he'd like to retire to some normal life. He thrives on publicity, and thats the cold hard fact. He likes attention, hell, I love attention myself....so wouldn't make sense to want to show yourself and prove to the world just how smart you are? just to rise above everyone and say. YES I AM INTELLIGENT and you guys are the true wackos for believing in this garbage.

    So to all you Michael Jackson fans out there, there is hope. In my opinion, because he will have to return. I have one date in mind, and that's June 25th, exactly a year after his supposed death. If he doesn't return, well...that just means we'll have to put an end to this adventurous tale of media benevolence. Michael is out there somewhere, if alive, and theres no way he's going to live out the rest of his life without a peep. He is the greatest showmen of this era, and have not seen such magic since, should I go on, Harry Houdini himself. Who I personally believe, could have fooled us into believing he died on Halloween October 31st, 1926.

    <!-- m -->http://www.houdinilives.blogspot.com/<!-- m -->

    I wonder if Michael ever read this book...
  • To Mr. Bigshot:

    Interesting .........But..........MJ has been in the news nonstop since 6/25. Does that not disprove your entire thesis?? Its been MJ 24/7 with a ton more to come . I imagine watching each step unfold has kept him busy. You don't have to be performing to be creative. ....." have them watch this over here......while the real thing is happening over there".
    As far as us knowing what is "normal" for MJ. He has not been on stage for over 13 years. Do you do the same thing you did 13 years ago??? I don't. When MJ says "this is an adventure, an incredible adventure"......think he meant doing concerts and singing the same old songs??? How adventuresom could that be to him?? He did that for 40 years.

    Maybe just producing music on his own and hanging with the kids is his new "normal". After all he was off the front page pretty much after 2005 until he returned to LA. Maybe he likes living without insane people at his gates screaming his name or chasing his car? Always worried if someone is plotting some heinous thing against his kids for money? We recently have been told he has 3 full albums coming out, so he has been working under the radar for a long time already. Look at credits for Invincible. He did alot of the album on his own.

    This hoax is about much more than just MJ. Think you have changed a little in how you see things presented by the media??
  • I know things like this really are upsetting, especially after the 10 long months of research we've all done in support of the hoax.

    However, I believe if there is a hoax, the reasons for it, at least in part, are very much related to everything that is going on in the media.

    Please consider this...

    FOR ALL WE KNOW, none of this could be happening at all. Every article we read, could be a fictional story. Every video we see, could be a staged act.

    How many times did we see videos and articles of Michael Jackson that portrayed him in a way that was not only disgusting, but completely fabricated? MADE UP! FALSE! GARBAGE!

    The media itself is one big show. When we tune in or buy the magazines, we are simply buying tickets to that show.

    IF we believe that Michael Jackson could possibly hoax his death, we MUST also believe that it's possible for a LOT of things we see to be hoaxes as well. And NOT JUST IN THIS CASE!

    We are living in a very strange world. We've been brainwashed and manipulated. Lied to. Popular culture has become a game. There is no way to escape it. The only possible way to make it through and come out on top is to become a player in the game instead of standing back and denying that it is a game.

    That is what Michael Jackson has done.

    And think of this: even if he did kill himself, there's no way it was an accident. I would never believe in that theory. But either way, he has exposed the lies in the media and the corruption in our world. And either way, everything was planned. Dead or alive, I've been awakened by what ever happened or didn't happen on June 25th.

    There's a man, who plays the game of life so well...

    Let's join him.
    thisisalsoit.com just redirected me here <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    It's kind of exciting to have my post as the redirect! lol! Never thought that would happen. But I'm very glad because I think it's VERY important that we remember these things.
  • Brilliant comment @jacilovesmichael and I believe this is the message. It goes beyond Hollywood as well. This is a global phenomenon.

    The governments use the media manipulation to shape our minds, and our beliefs. They are fostering a culture of fear. One where we are afraid to eat because who knows what's in our food. Afraid to interact with people because they may harm us. Afraid to breathe for we may catch something like the swine flu. Next step... we are so confused and afraid that we turn to our governments to help us.

    We turn to the very ones who scared the dickens out of us with their blacked-out, censored, biased, manipulative view of the world.

    You wanna know what the world is really like? Go next door and talk to your neighbor. Heck go 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 doors down and talk to that neighbor! <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    You see the kids in the street, with not enough to eat? Feed them!
    You see a man with no home and not a nickle to loan? House him! Give him some money!
    It's called joyful giving!
    We must stop existing and start living!
    We must create a world with no fear
    (man I'm crying happy tears)
    If you care enough for the living
    We'll make a better place for you and for me....

    Hmmmm.... where have I heard this before? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I'm also reading this post from my friend Lilwendy:
    <!-- m -->http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/2010/04/0 ... m-to-date/<!-- m -->
    It's very important....but I hope anything will happen before Michael Jackson's Kids Be Forced to Testify!
    Don't forget guys, we're talking about MICHAEL JACKSON - He loves his children & I BELIEVE anything will happen...KEEP THE FAITH & BELIEVE PLEASE!
    L.O.V.E. & HOPE for all my friends & entire human race!
    To finish,I remember words of my great friend MJalive999 in previous post:
    "Some men see things as they are and say, why?
    I see things that never were and say, why not?"
  • Re: I Was Afraid of This...Jackson Kids to Possibly Testify
    by lenalu » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:33 am

    Hey I read in this forum and the old michael jackson hoax death forum since the beginning but normally don't post, but...
    Do you know what that could mean for the entire hoax if one of his children has to testify?
    I mean I believe to 80% that he hoaxed his death and I'm not easy get down on this but I think after the terrible trial michael had to go through, the least thing he would want is one of his kids to experience something like that
    So IF that should happen I don't know how to think that michael is still alive and it was his plan...?
    Maybe you could say that something went wrong or the kids are not the real kids and actors anyway but I think that makes this whole story nearly unbeLIEveable... don't know, I'm shocked and I hope that it's just BS
    REPLY - TIAI had a redirect saying happy birthday. i knew his daughter's birthday is in april so i googled paris jackson to find exact date. while searching at the end of the page it had google bio- in the bio for p. jackson it stated ACTRESS for sony, and she WORKS for MJ ?? i don't know who put this there or if it's true. it's just something that stuck in my mind.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    To Mr. Bigshot:

    Interesting .........But..........MJ has been in the news nonstop since 6/25. Does that not disprove your entire thesis?? Its been MJ 24/7 with a ton more to come . I imagine watching each step unfold has kept him busy. You don't have to be performing to be creative. ....." have them watch this over here......while the real thing is happening over there".
    As far as us knowing what is "normal" for MJ. He has not been on stage for over 13 years. Do you do the same thing you did 13 years ago??? I don't. When MJ says "this is an adventure, an incredible adventure"......think he meant doing concerts and singing the same old songs??? How adventuresom could that be to him?? He did that for 40 years.

    Maybe just producing music on his own and hanging with the kids is his new "normal". After all he was off the front page pretty much after 2005 until he returned to LA. Maybe he likes living without insane people at his gates screaming his name or chasing his car? Always worried if someone is plotting some heinous thing against his kids for money? We recently have been told he has 3 full albums coming out, so he has been working under the radar for a long time already. Look at credits for Invincible. He did alot of the album on his own.

    This hoax is about much more than just MJ. Think you have changed a little in how you see things presented by the media??
    Well said
  • Re: I Was Afraid of This...Jackson Kids to Possibly Testify
    by lenalu » Thu Apr 08, 2010 12:33 am

    Hey I read in this forum and the old michael jackson hoax death forum since the beginning but normally don't post, but...
    Do you know what that could mean for the entire hoax if one of his children has to testify?
    I mean I believe to 80% that he hoaxed his death and I'm not easy get down on this but I think after the terrible trial michael had to go through, the least thing he would want is one of his kids to experience something like that
    So IF that should happen I don't know how to think that michael is still alive and it was his plan...?
    Maybe you could say that something went wrong or the kids are not the real kids and actors anyway but I think that makes this whole story nearly unbeLIEveable... don't know, I'm shocked and I hope that it's just BS
    REPLY - TIAI had a redirect saying happy birthday. i knew his daughter's birthday is in april so i googled paris jackson to find exact date. while searching at the end of the page it had google bio- in the bio for p. jackson it stated ACTRESS for sony, and she WORKS for MJ ?? i don't know who put this there or if it's true. it's just something that stuck in my mind.

    Just wondering where you found that bio for Paris and if you could please post a link? Thank you!
  • Well in a normal case if the children are witnesses it would be normal for them to testify, maybe not in the actual courtroom but via video. It's not necessarily about the money. There was a case he in youngstown where a 5yr old testified that they seen their mother's death. so yes, this is normal.
  • When a perpetrator has no reasonable defense and nearly all hope is gone there is always one last desperate play: blame the victim.

  • When a perpetrator has no reasonable defense and nearly all hope is gone there is always one last desperate play: blame the victim.


    Those are the words that rang true with me, as well. If this goes to trial, be prepared for them to find and use anything negative about MJ for their defense. It's the ammunition they need to win this case. MJ will be on trial, once again...
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    I was reading an article today, it was posted last summer but again I was drawn to it.

    <!-- m -->http://windimoto.com/scorpeze-blog/?p=223<!-- m -->

    It concerns the media in this paragraph. The entire page is from the heart but this paragraph rang true for the media.
    We have to remember to step back, take a breath and remember what Michael has been telling us all these years.
    "Willful ignorance" is easy to catch!! Even a "believer" can get it, so beware, be real.
    I often think of the doves that were released with each "not guilty" announced at the trial...Peace, LOVE!!
    Keep the Faith!!! I love you Michael!!

    ..."Over the years, I have defended him against unfair and false criticism…the thing that angers me the most about his life is the willful ignorance of those who hate him…

    I’ve never seen anyone be hated with the fervor I’ve seen some people hate Michael Jackson…

    I’ve heard people call for his death…and now that it has happened, I’ve heard people say that they are glad…

    and they base these feelings on what exactly?

    Because he was eccentric? I bet you there are weirder people in your family…

    this didn’t start with the allegations, this hatred of Michael Jackson has been building steadily since 1987….I’ve watched it with my own eyes…

    I watched the press start going out of their way to make it seem like everything he did was cat shit crazy…

    “Bizarre singer Michael Jackson flew a kite in his yard today…the famously weird singer for some odd reason flew a kite for about an hour this afternoon ….some found the scene disturbing…”

    Silly shit like that…"
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Look, same post, but yesterday written....i don't know in witch timezone...
    <!-- m -->http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/<!-- m -->
    Hey hey don't bring me into this! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I just saw the redirect and posted a link to it on my twitter around 10:20pm
    Then I actually read the post and thought it was fantastic so I commented on it here.
    Then I thought it was so great that I copied the whole post and my comment onto my blog for my readers to read around 10:30pm

    I guess I just happened to catch the redirect quite soon after it happened. I don't know when it ACTUALLY switched.

    By the way, my timezone is PST.

    Just wanted to clear that up... I am not in ANY WAY connected with TIAI! I'm just like you... following along... trying to learn the lessons... doing my own independent research... thinking for myself... blogging about it... and anxiously awaiting MJ's return.
  • IntegrityIntegrity Posts: 449
  • Remember the family clip of Michael with Prince and Paris when they were little. Paris says, "Daddy can I be in the next Ghost video"? Michael said, "Are you going to practise your lines.?" I beLIEve we're in the real live Ghost drama.

    I agree!

    Reminds me again of the Liberian Girl video. What in the heck did that video mean? It was the biggest clue ever! Everyone wandering around wondering "Where's Mike?"

    ...and he's behind the camera the whole time, laughing! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    That is a fabulous reference and very good point. When i saw that video many years ago for the first time i was confused by it but as i got older i understood. Michael was the magic behind and in front of the camera!!!
  • Look, same post, but yesterday written....i don't know in witch timezone...
    <!-- m -->http://lilwendy.wordpress.com/<!-- m -->
    Hey hey don't bring me into this! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I just saw the redirect and posted a link to it on my twitter around 10:20pm
    Then I actually read the post and thought it was fantastic so I commented on it here.
    Then I thought it was so great that I copied the whole post and my comment onto my blog for my readers to read around 10:30pm

    I guess I just happened to catch the redirect quite soon after it happened. I don't know when it ACTUALLY switched.

    By the way, my timezone is PST.

    Just wanted to clear that up... I am not in ANY WAY connected with TIAI! I'm just like you... following along... trying to learn the lessons... doing my own independent research... thinking for myself... blogging about it... and anxiously awaiting MJ's return.

    Yeah, I wrote the original post last night and found it as the redirect this morning. lilwendy just copied and pasted to her blog after the fact, that's all. I'm not associated with TIAI either. Kind of wish I was, that would be cool <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    This hits on what I have been trying to suggest to ppl...
    What the media did to Michael has not only been cruel & defaming; it's corrupt for purposes of greed at Michael's expense. Michael was proven innocent a few years ago; not only in court...
    In "Michael Jackson Conspiracy" where Ms. Jones not only divulges more highly investigated facts exonerating him, she sights media for what they did to him.

    Also, book "Redemption" by Geraldine Hughes, which explains how MJ did not pay out
    20 million to an accuser.
    Also video series "The Untold Story of Neverland" by Larry Nimmer.

    This aspect is not a game part of the adventure. This is serious.
    Michael needs us to stand up for his truth...
    Media will not show humility, "it's up to us".

    please always blog to articles that defame Michael !!!

    Spread the word of Aphrodite Jones new True Crime series, on the Discovery Channel;
    special 2 hour episode about Michael's innocence on April 29th.

    He's done enough..."can't do it by myself".
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Remember the family clip of Michael with Prince and Paris when they were little. Paris says, "Daddy can I be in the next Ghost video"? Michael said, "Are you going to practise your lines.?" I beLIEve we're in the real live Ghost drama.

    I couldn't agree more, thank you!!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I don't get how people still can lose their hope after all of the clues we have found! And I can see that some certain people are very negative here about the hoax and I do wish them left this place since they don't believe in the hoax no more. I tottaly believe that this is a real time Thriller! And maybe kids wanted to take more part in this movie of their dad's <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Let me tell you something. I WON'T BELIEVE THAT MICHAEL IS DEAD EVEN IF MURRAY GETS INTO PRISON, I'M THAT SURE and WE ALL SHOULD! REMEMBER ALL OF THE CLUES WE HAVE FOUND. THEY ARE NOT COINCIDENCES and ONLY A GENIUS LIKE MICHAEL COULD GIVE THOSE KIND OF CLUES TO US! So let's have fun and enjoy your adventure <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Hey I read in this forum and the old michael jackson hoax death forum since the beginning but normally don't post, but...
    Do you know what that could mean for the entire hoax if one of his children has to testify?
    I mean I believe to 80% that he hoaxed his death and I'm not easy get down on this but I think after the terrible trial michael had to go through, the least thing he would want is one of his kids to experience something like that <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    So IF that should happen I don't know how to think that michael is still alive and it was his plan...?
    Maybe you could say that something went wrong or the kids are not the real kids and actors anyway but I think that makes this whole story nearly unbeLIEveable... don't know, I'm shocked and I hope that it's just BS

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of things right now that are pointing in the direction of this not being a hoax.

    unless michael has to stay 'officially dead' for some unidentified time. then what's happening now is inevitable to keep the hoax going.
    or did you mean in terms of 'evidence'? i'm not buying much of it, honestly. and i won't, as long as there is not an ucla-official declaring under oath that michael joe jackson actually died there on june 25, 2009. i haven't read or heard anything like that yet. the documents so far are highly questionable and inconsistent, to say the least and other evidence was either proven fake or could have been planted at the scene.

    if mike has to 'stay dead', the whole machinery has to work as usual. and if that includes the kids on the stand, there is not much to be done about it if it is regarded as required to help the case. that's my take.

    oh, and let's not forget: these kids are trained! they know how to act, how to keep their posture and how to behave. michael jackson raised them! i am convinced that they would be able to 'play their parts' very well.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    PureLove wrote; couldn't agree more, thank you!!! I don't get how people still can lose their hope after all of the clues we have found! And I can see that some certain people are very negative here about the hoax and I do wish them left this place since they don't believe in the hoax no more. I tottaly believe that this is a real time Thriller! And maybe kids wanted to take more part in this movie of their dad's Let me tell you something. I WON'T BELIEVE THAT MICHAEL IS DEAD EVEN IF MURRAY GETS INTO PRISON, I'M THAT SURE and WE ALL SHOULD! REMEMBER ALL OF THE CLUES WE HAVE FOUND. THEY ARE NOT COINCIDENCES and ONLY A GENIUS LIKE MICHAEL COULD GIVE THOSE KIND OF CLUES TO US! So let's have fun and enjoy your adventure

    Misunderstood, I mean go?,. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Do not go I agree with you, and others also <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mjj29081958mjj29081958 Posts: 451
    oh, and let's not forget: these kids are trained! they know how to act, how to keep their posture and how to behave. michael jackson raised them! i am convinced that they would be able to 'play their parts' very well.

    'Trained', 'Act', 'Keep their postures', 'Play their parts'... God guys, they are just kids...
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