TMZ Live 04/19



  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Guys don't lose faith over this latest redirect by TIAI.

    Consider this TMZ video and what Mike said in it in relation to the previous 4 redirects by TIAI.

    ( lilwendy's blog gives a great overview and summary of the redirects since the very beginning in case you haven't been following them: <!-- m --> ... m-to-date/<!-- m --> )

    The immediate previous 4 redirects by TIAI are all about how the media LIES and how they cover their ar*es to get away with it, or to just cover absolute cr*p up!!!!!!

    Mike could have said this about MJ being "100% not alive" FULLY knowing that in fact MJ is alive...but the TMZ Warranties cover them for their BS and cover them for us in beLIEving it!!!!!! I reckon Mike said this to fully exemplify this fact. You know, the same goes for June 25th 2009 and what TMZ reported then!!!!

    It must be all part of the plan to show us how manipulating the media are and how gullible we can be in believing it. Go back and read the redirect to TMZ covers TMZ for basically writing or saying whatever they want (almost)....and from this I would not be doubting that TMZ are fully aware of what is going on with Michael's "death".....and that they are a big player in it ( at least at the more senior levels).
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378

    I agree, Suzy. It's not like TMZ can go around saying MJ is alive when it has posted so many articles about his death. I also think most, if not all, of TMZ staff are on the hoax. Also because I think the trial will take place entirely, it won't be fun if everyone believed in the hoax and not take the trial seriously. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • jm1lvmjjm1lvmj Posts: 81
    Shouldn't MJ be 100% alive. The poll has been stuck on 86% for a little bit. Let's get back to work on MJ people. The goal is 100% alive, nothing less. I leave here to do my part. To those who haven't, please vote. It will cost you little. One love.
  • I can't say that I'm happy to see they're laughing at us. And I wonder why some people keep on saying us not to focus on the return day but to focus on the message. Is this because they already know that Michael is NOT coming back never? Are they trying to divert us for some other reason? Maybe they're people against illuminati and NWO only and they're trying us to learn more about illuminati thing but that's all. I don't know. I feel lost sometimes. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I agree, Suzy. It's not like TMZ can go around saying MJ is alive when it has posted so many articles about his death. I also think most, if not all, of TMZ staff are on the hoax. Also because I think the trial will take place entirely, it won't be fun if everyone believed in the hoax and not take the trial seriously. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I don't expect them to say Michael is alive at the moment BUT I wouldn't expect them to have fun with the result either. That's what disappointed me.
  • MissinMJMissinMJ Posts: 73
    The thing I don't get is that if all they were gonna do was make fun of us for our opinion why ask it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> They didn't have a poll to see how many people think he's dead...they did a poll to see how many people think he's alive! Most people believe he is dead!! So that poll would be pointless if everyone thinks he is supposed to be dead. But that's why they put the poll there...because they know that MJ is alive...they know that beLIEvers follow the site and they are trying to get our opinion out there...but in the mean time they try steer you to think that nothing is going to happen and try to make you think you're crazy...and I see some beLIEvers fall for their silly tricks. You have to believe what you believe. There are ALWAYS going to be people telling you something is not true! That doesn't make it a truth! We all know that MJ didn't molest those children. So what if someone came up to you and said "MJ molested those boys, I'm 100% sure of it."? I'm pretty sure that you would not believe them just because they said that because you know in your heart how MJ is towards children. With all the evidence that has been gathered over the months pointing to MJ being alive you have to KNOW not just TRY to convince yourself. To believe is to put faith in...not to be a fairweather believer. Following this hoax is not for the meek at heart!! You have to stand firm in your beliefs...because when the day comes when he comes back you will be glad that you stood through the times and believed in something that most people didn't and it was true!!!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378

    I agree, Suzy. It's not like TMZ can go around saying MJ is alive when it has posted so many articles about his death. I also think most, if not all, of TMZ staff are on the hoax. Also because I think the trial will take place entirely, it won't be fun if everyone believed in the hoax and not take the trial seriously. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    I don't expect them to say Michael is alive at the moment BUT I wouldn't expect them to have fun with the result either. That's what disappointed me.

    I understand what u mean... Well maybe Mike didn't mean to make fun of the results, since it doesn't make sense for him to mock people believing MJ's alive if he knows he's alive as well. Maybe he had to put on a show for the non-believers & act like a non-believer himself to look convincing...?

  • I don't expect them to say Michael is alive at the moment BUT I wouldn't expect them to have fun with the result either. That's what disappointed me.

    I understand what u mean... Well maybe Mike didn't mean to make fun of the results, since it doesn't make sense for him to mock people believing MJ's alive if he knows he's alive as well. Maybe he had to put on a show for the non-believers & act like a non-believer himself to look convincing...?

    If Michael is deciding to come back "piece by piece" why would he or why would his media source try to convince non-belivers that he is really gone? Wouldn't it suppose to be the opposite?
  • cawobethcawobeth Posts: 135
    whatever <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ...a far cry from what Harvey has said <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Is there anything new in news besides inconsistency <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378

    I don't expect them to say Michael is alive at the moment BUT I wouldn't expect them to have fun with the result either. That's what disappointed me.

    I understand what u mean... Well maybe Mike didn't mean to make fun of the results, since it doesn't make sense for him to mock people believing MJ's alive if he knows he's alive as well. Maybe he had to put on a show for the non-believers & act like a non-believer himself to look convincing...?

    If Michael is deciding to come back "piece by piece" why would he or why would his media source try to convince non-belivers that he is really gone? Wouldn't it suppose to be the opposite?

    on the contrary i think they're indirectly selling the hoax idea using reverse psychology or something, since posting that weird alive or dead poll & mentioning the results draw more attention to the hoax. but bcos TMZ is the source that's churning out all the news related to MJ & especially the trial that's coming up they have to look like they consider everything to be real. TMZ is already doing their part by posting all the ridiculous(ly hilarious) stories surrounding the case & it's up to people to interpret these 'piece by piece' clues. at least that's how i see it... it's almost becomin a mind game but imo tmz staff is definitely on our side.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I think we should email Harvey a piece of our minds and then totally disassociate ourselves from TMZ. I am starting to feel that they are well aware (of course now we know that they are well aware of the believers) and are now making fun of us by making a game out of it! I do believe that it is sooooo totally disrespectful of TMZ toward MJ and his family, and his kids! I wonder what the Jacksons feel when and if they watch TMZ. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I mean let Harvey and his wack crew just have it!

    But if MJ is in on it well.....never mind. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • lotte4lotte4 Posts: 1
    tout TMZ ne peut pas être au courant quand même !
  • domdom Posts: 30
    I think we should email Harvey a piece of our minds and then totally disassociate ourselves from TMZ. I am starting to feel that they are well aware (of course now we know that they are well aware of the believers) and are now making fun of us by making a game out of it! I do believe that it is sooooo totally disrespectful of TMZ toward MJ and his family, and his kids! I wonder what the Jacksons feel when and if they watch TMZ. <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> I mean let Harvey and his wack crew just have it!

    But if MJ is in on it well.....never mind. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    lets leave open threats to do something about them if it turns out he really is gone & that they are making fun of us! because if this is the case then its just not right for both us& Michael's family!

    but for now im still not convinced- it seems all too strange to me that TMZ of all tabloid sites are holding this poll, given that they allegedly owned by MJ.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    I have a different opinion on TMZ. Since June 25,2009, they have been reporting on Michaels death. Instantly, all of us that believe Michael to be alive (and even one's that dont believe he is alive), have tuned into their show all hours of every day to see what they are going to say next. That means their ratings have skyrocketed since June 25. They will do anything and everything and say anything and everything to keep Michaels name out there to keep the ratings up. Tell me, before June 25th, how many of us ever watched TMZ? I feel like they "mock us" only because we keep falling for it. I dont know if Michael has anything to do with TMZ, but I can say that I dont think Michael would put his fans through all the garbage we have been fed from them. I have seen them not only mock us, but Michael as well. IF Michael is indeed gone, then we are allowing them to mock him and his memory. As long as the hoax is still active, TMZ will feed into it, and create the most amazing headlines and stories for us just to keep our hopes up and their ratings soaring. Sorry if I have offended anyone, that is not my intention. I am only stating my opinion.
  • Guys don't lose faith over this latest redirect by TIAI.

    Consider this TMZ video and what Mike said in it in relation to the previous 4 redirects by TIAI.

    ( lilwendy's blog gives a great overview and summary of the redirects since the very beginning in case you haven't been following them: <!-- m --> ... m-to-date/<!-- m --> )

    The immediate previous 4 redirects by TIAI are all about how the media LIES and how they cover their ar*es to get away with it, or to just cover absolute cr*p up!!!!!!

    Mike could have said this about MJ being "100% not alive" FULLY knowing that in fact MJ is alive...but the TMZ Warranties cover them for their BS and cover them for us in beLIEving it!!!!!! I reckon Mike said this to fully exemplify this fact. You know, the same goes for June 25th 2009 and what TMZ reported then!!!!

    It must be all part of the plan to show us how manipulating the media are and how gullible we can be in believing it. Go back and read the redirect to TMZ covers TMZ for basically writing or saying whatever they want (almost)....and from this I would not be doubting that TMZ are fully aware of what is going on with Michael's "death".....and that they are a big player in it ( at least at the more senior levels).

    YES surely my dear friend & BELIEVERS DON'T LOSE FAITH...This is part of the plan to show us how manipulating the media..... This is part of HOAX....WE BELIEVE MICHAEL IS 100% ALIVE & this is really IMPORTANT!!
    Please remember MICHAEL previous words about media:

    1."Thank you for your compliment, I appreciate it.I BELIEVE in my work, like I said, I have great confidence in my dreams. When I have a great idea I have an iron will, Even though the media creates such negative stories they do it just to sell more papers. If you look throughout history, and I'm not trying to put my name with the names of the past it's been pretty much the same. Ghandi, Christ and I'm not saying I'm Christ, I don't want to hear the press saying that. Some of the worst attentions had to do with ignorance on the part of the people because of the press. If it happened to them, it can happen to me."

    2."...NEVER BELIEVE the TABLOID GARBAGE. Don't waste your time, don't waste your money. No, IT'S NOT TRUE. If you hear it from my lips, then you can BELIEVE it. But no, IT'S NOT TRUE."

    3."That is a great question! The press creates all of these negative stories so that people will buy their magazines or read their columns and you must not believe everything you read or see on television. Most of it is false and it is tabloid garbage and I want everyone to be aware of what the tabloid media is like..."

    4."You DON'T PAY ATTENTION to it. YOU BECOME STRONG, you move ahead. The best advice I can give is to BELIEVE in yourself, know there's a tomorrow, walk tall...don't pay attention to the's complete IGNORANCE..."

    5."...If you see a tabloid, BURN IT... all the MEDIA LIES..."

    YES THIS IS IT...They aint't seen nothing yet and THE BEST IS YET TO COME! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    Do you remember??That is the message:
    "Everybody doing a great job.Let's continue and BELIEVE and HAVE FAITH. Give me your all, your patience, your endurance and your UNDERSTANDING. But it's an ADVENTURE, IT'S A GREAT ADVENTURE. IT'S NOTHING TO BE NERVOUS ABOUT...We wanna show them talent like THEY'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE...and I LOVE YOU ALL AND WE'RE A FAMILY, JUST KNOW THAT WE'RE A FAMILY. That's RIGHT We're putting LOVE back into the WORLD.......!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I LOVE MICHAEL AND YOU ALL....God is blessing Michael, his family and us to BELIEVE more and more....
    L.O.V.E. & FAITH & BELIEF !!!!!
  • The thing I don't get is that if all they were gonna do was make fun of us for our opinion why ask it? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> They didn't have a poll to see how many people think he's dead...they did a poll to see how many people think he's alive! Most people believe he is dead!! So that poll would be pointless if everyone thinks he is supposed to be dead. But that's why they put the poll there...because they know that MJ is alive...they know that beLIEvers follow the site and they are trying to get our opinion out there...but in the mean time they try steer you to think that nothing is going to happen and try to make you think you're crazy...and I see some beLIEvers fall for their silly tricks. You have to believe what you believe. There are ALWAYS going to be people telling you something is not true! That doesn't make it a truth! We all know that MJ didn't molest those children. So what if someone came up to you and said "MJ molested those boys, I'm 100% sure of it."? I'm pretty sure that you would not believe them just because they said that because you know in your heart how MJ is towards children. With all the evidence that has been gathered over the months pointing to MJ being alive you have to KNOW not just TRY to convince yourself. To believe is to put faith in...not to be a fairweather believer. Following this hoax is not for the meek at heart!! You have to stand firm in your beliefs...because when the day comes when he comes back you will be glad that you stood through the times and believed in something that most people didn't and it was true!!!!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Beautiful, MissinMJ, and very true. There is so much into this that we can't even imagine. Mike didn't comment on the pole... a normal comment would have contained his opinions on the possible reasons why so many people believe Michael is still alive! It is absurd to comment to your own site's poll by dismissing the opinion of the majority and claiming "100%" the contrary. Why was the pole there than if the reality is so well known? Usually media polls are used when the facts are unclear or suspicions are high and plausible, offering possible and legitimate answer options (not surreal or 100% false). But destroying one the two possible answers you offered, which also happens to be the opinion of the majority, is clearly meant to be obvious and meaningful.

    Moreover, what *hope* just said crossed the mind of every single realistic beLIEver. We live in a cruel world and we are afraid to believe in something, in anything until the end.. we are always afraid there may be a hidden interest into that belief or "truth"... When we are offered help we fear that obscure interests and harmful goals are backing the salvation, we are even able to discover plausible reasons and shameful benefits behind the apparently innocent helping hand... whether they are real or not. It is human nature, to deceit and be deceived, to climb by using the others as your ladder..

    I am afraid too that TMZ may have special rating interests in maintining the hoax alive. But what they've just done makes me think we should accept the helping hand. If they really wanted to take advantage of us, the beLIEvers, and this hoax idea, they wouldn't have provoked us like that! They wouldn't claim Michael is "100% not alive", they wouldn't laugh at us and create irritation, inconvenient theories, inner battles, frustrations, possible losses of precious faith... They would have openly fueled the hoax concept, without dismissing it. Afterall, they are covered by the disclaimer, they could have even said he was alive without any consequence but rating from beLIEvers and many more... But they didn't do it! Think about it!

    Let's try to see things and think outside the box, eliberated from both fear to be fooled/taken advantage of and blind belief into anything/what we want to believe in. If this hoax has a ground it is because of the real facts and cool analysis of the clues, of the reality. Let's try to focus on the truth, whatever that is. But keeping the faith is important, this is what brought us all together and through faith and L.O.V.E we can fulfill Michael's dreams and goals.

  • LSKLSK Posts: 97
    I think its obvious that's why they set the poll up, they knew we'd be on to it in a flash. How about we just don't go on TMZ anymore?
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    i agree with what tinkerbell_777 and missin mj wrote. very well written guys!

    also, i was's true michael isn't 100% alive. i mean, if you want to talk numbers, the poll is only at 86%, not 100%. but, in general terms, i was thinking about the news articles we've been faced with these past few months. from going from "he died at his home" to "he died at ucla" to now "he was breathing at his home" to "he was alive at ucla"....well, if i had to put that into a percentage, i'd say michael is 86% alive. he was reported to have good breathing and a heartbeat. we constitute alive as up and walking around, at present we only have stories that state he had a heartbeat and breathing. who knows? we just might get more articles over the next 2 months to fill in that 14% gap.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Why are they makin the poll id they're (or this big guy there) is so sure, that Michael is 100% not alive ??? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • raluralu Posts: 97
    Guys, just remember: TMZ plays the tabloid role. They are trying to make a demonstration here: Tabloids=Lies, so "class", what conclusion can we pull out? Which is the right answer of this exercise?
    THAT'S RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MJalive999MJalive999 Posts: 316
    Dear TS... what are you doing?
  • What about another post ?
    It would be great , TS... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • melodymelody Posts: 196
    This is how I see it:

    On 4/18, TIAI linked us to Souza's post:
    "In other words: [TMZ] post stuff but don't be mad if it's all not true (Like: 'Michael Jackson dies' for example)"

    On 4/19, just one day later, what does TMZ post? A video saying he's dead, 100% not alive.

    On 4/20, TIAI redirects us to TMZ's video almost as if to say "I told you so".

    edit: the things written in "[ ]" are what I edited.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    This is how I see it:

    On 4/18, TIAI linked us to Souza's post:
    "In other words: [TMZ] post stuff but don't be mad if it's all not true (Like: 'Michael Jackson dies' for example)"

    On 4/19, just one day later, what does TMZ post? A video saying he's dead, 100% not alive.

    On 4/20, TIAI redirects us to TMZ's video almost as if to say "I told you so".

    edit: the things written in "[ ]" are what I edited.

    thanks for this. i was a tad confused about the direction of the redirects. i guess my next question is why they even mention that he's "100% not alive." to further prove the point that the media is an illusion?
  • If I'm not mistaken, in the video where he responds to the poll..
    He laughs at the 86% of us belIEving that Michael's alive..and then scans through the rest of the papers and says "no good questions here" and tosses the paper..and then he says "trying to find a good one".

    If you're looking for a "good one" or an interesting question to answer, why are you going to respond to Michael Jackson''s poll with 86% believing he's alive? If it's so OBVIOUS he's "dead" and so easy to laugh at, why would you bring that to anyone's attention? If it was going to be ridiculed, you didn't have to mention it. Especially with that brief of a response, why even bring it up at all?

    TMZ, you have some issues.
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