The Wylie Factor

nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I am new here and I did not want to get anyone upset at me for jumping right in and starting something but I believe with all of my heart that this thread needs to be here, needs to be seen by you all. I'm not sure who all here is familiar with the TV movie "The Jacksons an American Dream" but if you have seen it and know about the infamous little known actor named Wylie Hughes Draper Jr. that plays older Michael in this movie then you will have also heard of young Wylie's tragic death from Leukemia years ago. I hesitated long and hard about bringing Wylie into this because I love him with all of my heart and I am just someone who has been a fan a long time and I live a short driving distance from where he is laid to rest. I tend his flowers if they are old or out of place and I pray near him often for peace, for some sort of sign or absolution, anything. But my point is this: There is very little to nothing hard and factual known about Wylie and before I started tending his flowers this past year, no one had been to visit him for years, not since he was laid to rest in 1993 which brings me to the drama of this. Wylie Hughs Draper supposedly passed away on December 20th 1993, the same month, day and year that Neverland was ascended upon by all of the cops and nut balls hounding Michael. Wylie Hughes Draper Jr. was a dead ringer for Michael Jackson and sang and danced well enough to fool the masses and with little to no trouble could have had his face altered to be even more of a look a like:

<!-- m --> ... anner1.jpg<!-- m -->

<!-- m --> ... er44n1.jpg<!-- m -->

Also there has for some reason been efforts by someone to keep Wylie's resting place a secret and I went through hell finding it. It is listed on the Find a Grave site at the WRONG cemetery and people continue to think that site is correct but it is not. Trust me I leave flowers for Wylie all the time. Every time you try and search info on Wylie or his family there comes a dead end with nothing more than the fact that he worked on a cruise ship, is a Draper Jr., Went to High School in Macon Georgia and that he had leukemia and worked on the Remember The Time video with Michael. He is in fact very visible in the Dangerous Short films DVD in that video and of course in the Jacksons American Dream movie. There are photos of him posing with the Jackson family including Katherine and Joseph and Jermaine but never Michael, never near or beside Michael. Something stinks about this, I just feel it. The fact that he is said to have died on that scary day December 20th 1993 is just to much of a coincidence for me because that day is the day that Michael Jackson's life took a horrible turn. Any other imput on this matter will highly interest me and I think others as well.


  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    so what exactly are you saying....????
  • That's all very interesting.

    It could be nothing, but it could be something too.

    He could have given up his life as he knew it to be a full-time MJ "Doppleganger".

    Or, maybe he really was sick, but just didn't die...yet.

    Could have been him that died on June 25th.

    That would support the theory that SOMEONE died that day, just not Michael.

    IMO, Wylie was the only one who has ever come close to portraying Michael in a believable way. And especially if he had surgery...
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    to loyalfan:
    All I am saying is that it is soooo odd the death date of Wylie being the exact same as the Neverland Invasion and the fact that it's so obvious there is mystery behind Wylie's death as well as Michael's. If Wylie in fact had no real family to answer to or for and was someone who lived his whole life wanting to be like Michael *Yes he even walked the halls of his High School drama dept. wearing "The Glove"* then how far would Wylie have gone for Michael? It's all a bit fascinating and strange.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    There is like no way the kid died literally right after that movie came out, he had too much spunk in him, that's the same thing that happened to Michael, except it was the following day. But i'm not jumping to any 'conclusions.' The picture of him at Hayvenhurst withholds a lot of mystery.
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    That's all very interesting.

    It could be nothing, but it could be something too.

    He could have given up his life as he knew it to be a full-time MJ "Doppleganger".

    Or, maybe he really was sick, but just didn't die...yet.

    Could have been him that died on June 25th.

    That would support the theory that SOMEONE died that day, just not Michael.

    IMO, Wylie was the only one who has ever come close to portraying Michael in a believable way. And especially if he had surgery... you think that he did the promo tours etc, or better it was him when he worn the mask? So maybe the Amb pic IS real, but it is not Michael? hmm...IDK..I mean it could explain why it looked like it was made in the 90s, but I don't know. I believe that he really died on that day...Maybe this was reallly just a coincedence.
  • wasnt he shorter than mike?
  • That's all very interesting.

    It could be nothing, but it could be something too.

    He could have given up his life as he knew it to be a full-time MJ "Doppleganger".

    Or, maybe he really was sick, but just didn't die...yet.

    Could have been him that died on June 25th.

    That would support the theory that SOMEONE died that day, just not Michael.

    IMO, Wylie was the only one who has ever come close to portraying Michael in a believable way. And especially if he had surgery...

    Very, very interesting. I wonder how we can investigate this further. Any ideas? you think that he did the promo tours etc, or better it was him when he worn the mask? So maybe the Amb pic IS real, but it is not Michael? hmm...IDK..I mean it could explain why it looked like it was made in the 90s, but I don't know. I believe that he really died on that day...Maybe this was reallly just a coincedence.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    There is so little info about Wylie especially family. I keep coming up with the same old same old info over and over again. Disney, the Cruise ship, his High School, but nothing really involving. His death was more like just a "poof" off the face of the earth and I swear to you all, those flowers I replaced when I started tending his crypt last year had cob webs on them and smelled ancient!!!! And this is a well kept sparkling clean mausoleum. No one is visiting Wylie at all because I check on him all the time.
  • Strange.

    Is that supposed to be him in that Motown 25 photo because I believe that's the real Michael.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    No that's Wylie. The glove was only worn on one hand at the Motown performance, never switched around by Michael, and Wylie always wore his glove on the opposite hand from MJs during this performance. Wylie was heavier in the face than Michael and somewhat more boyish looking, more of a pout in a cutesy way than Michael. I'll see if I can dig up Michael's photo from the Motown gig and post it in this thread.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Here is Michael's Motown photo pose like the Wylie one I posted earlier, note the glove on opposite hand and MJ is thinner

    <!-- m --> ... ewylie.jpg<!-- m -->
  • dmovie27:
    No that's Wylie. The glove was only worn on one hand at the Motown performance, never switched around by Michael, and Wylie always wore his glove on the opposite hand from MJs during this performance. Wylie was heavier in the face than Michael and somewhat more boyish looking, more of a pout in a cutesy way than Michael. I'll see if I can dig up Michael's photo from the Motown gig and post it in this thread.

    So youre saying that its Wylie performing at Motown 25 and NOT MJ?
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    No!!! LOL!!! Wylie performed the movie version of the Motown show and that is where the Wylie photo came from. Michael did the real Motown show. But Wylie took a photo shot pose as close to MJs as he could.
  • No!!! LOL!!! Wylie performed the movie version of the Motown show and that is where the Wylie photo came from. Michael did the real Motown show. But Wylie took a photo shot pose as close to MJs as he could.

    Ok...I was confused there for a sec!! I was gonna kindly tell you that it WAS MJ at Motown 25!! LOL
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378
    hi. i promise i mean no offense, but the 2nd 'Wylie' photo looks like a laterally inverted pic of Michael, judging from the direction the hair is swept and everything. do you happen to have more pictures of Wylie? I do think that this is potentially a good area to investigate
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I assure you the 2 Motown performance photos are different people. One is Wylie from the Jacksons movie and one is MJ from the real live Motown show, not inverted at all because Wylie always wore that glove on that one hand. Photos of Wylie are hard to come by but I will see what I can find. I have Wylie's High School photo. Let me dig around my photobucket.
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378
    I assure you the 2 Motown performance photos are different people. One is Wylie from the Jacksons movie and one is MJ from the real live Motown show, not inverted at all because Wylie always wore that glove on that one hand. Photos of Wylie are hard to come by but I will see what I can find. I have Wylie's High School photo. Let me dig around my photobucket.

    ok thank you! I'm going to watch the American Dream movie now. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    You have given some very interesting information thankyou for putting the flowers there on the grave does he not have any family to do this for him it all seems odd that there is no information about him and his early death just maybe this another priece of the puzzle maybe he had more to do. Thanks for letting us know I wonder if Anybody can find anymore information on him
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Here are 2 photos I threw together moments ago because I find them STRIKING, the factor of them being like doppleganger close. Wylie was so close with his face structure and eyes, doubt that his face could have served as a canvas for another Michael.
    I did no altering of these photos. One is a poster of MJ from my wall and the other is Wylies Highschool photo.

    <!-- m --> ... photo1.jpg<!-- m -->
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    did joe jackson know wylie mum..????
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Wylie as far as I can tell had no one, even though it was said he had a Brother or some relative that worked on the Jacksons movie. I can find no info on this "brother" or anyone else related to Wylie. Wylie's crypt is high on the mausoleum wall and yes it is a chore to get flowers up and down to him but I'm a perfect stranger and it is not impossible for someone who cares enough and I do it because if he in fact is in that crypt, then he deserves to be cared for as everyone else is. But I have found no solid proof or anyone to speak up and say I knew Wylie, yes he was deathly ill and yes he died. I wouldn't even care if someone yelled at me, took my head off if it meant they would show themselves and say Hey yeah I knew Wylie and went to his funeral etc....because Wylie gave his whole heart to portraying Michael in a wonderful way and I want to know that he had or has someone close in this world. But I care for his flowers because of only love.
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