The Wylie Factor



  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Some info I found about family of Wylie. He did have a brother according to this article, named Al Desmond.

    <!-- m --> ... aning.html<!-- m -->

    and below a link to facebook where Al Desmond is talking about the participation of the Wylie Draper Foundation in Keeping the Dream Alive, a tribute to Michael Jackson which is taking place in London at june 25th

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  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Hi Do:
    Thanks for a great effort but
    I have seen all of that stuff before and on that one site link you posted I notice they are giving the wrong cemetery once again as Wylie's resting place. I understand maybe wanting to keep it like secret but Wylie is hardly in a position where just anyone without a 14 foot ladder can get to his crypt to vandalize it or hurt it and by that time I think someone would be at the mausoleum arresting someone lol. But yeah I have seen that Desmond guy's name around before and I dont know if he is a half brother or what, maybe adopted or renamed in the industry. So not really anything new and a lot of those are old posts on that one site.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Wylie as far as I can tell had no one, even though it was said he had a Brother or some relative that worked on the Jacksons movie. I can find no info on this "brother" or anyone else related to Wylie. Wylie's crypt is high on the mausoleum wall and yes it is a chore to get flowers up and down to him but I'm a perfect stranger and it is not impossible for someone who cares enough and I do it because if he in fact is in that crypt, then he deserves to be cared for as everyone else is. But I have found no solid proof or anyone to speak up and say I knew Wylie, yes he was deathly ill and yes he died. I wouldn't even care if someone yelled at me, took my head off if it meant they would show themselves and say Hey yeah I knew Wylie and went to his funeral etc....because Wylie gave his whole heart to portraying Michael in a wonderful way and I want to know that he had or has someone close in this world. But I care for his flowers because of only love.
    I am glad you do go it seems strange that he acted and knew the jackson family and nothing much has been mentioned about him, i did hear that he had passed away but nothing else and it is very odd that they give the wrong info on the tomb site, you would have thought other michael fans would have done something for him or the jacksons themselves you might be on too something here, what a shame to die at that young age and nobody comes to the tomb apart form you if it did happen.
  • ZenZen Posts: 341
    When you mention the date and peculiar timing, I also think
    of the date of Michael Jackson's "death" and the peculiar timing.
    Not only the TTI, but the fact that Farrah Fawcett had passed
    away earlier in the same morning I believe.
    Like each event may have been factored in under the cover
    of another event in hopes of some confusion.
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I have wondered about this from the time I heard about Wylie's death as well. Wylie died on December 20th 1993 as Nefari mentioned and this was the exact same day that Micheal Jackson was strip searched at Neverland. Given that this was likely the most traumatic event he ever had to endure it is very coincidental. I could definitely understand why at that moment in time he wanted to disappear from the world and let someone else take over for awhile. We might be going down the wrong path but everything is on the table in this investigation. That is nice of you to visit the grave but very strange that no one visits???
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I have seen said movie for 3 times fully, and 3 more times half. I remember the boy who plays Michael.
    Let me get this straight; did Wylie die in 1993 or did not?
    What has this to do with Michael hoax? Maybe he died las June?
  • Here are 2 photos I threw together moments ago because I find them STRIKING, the factor of them being like doppleganger close. Wylie was so close with his face structure and eyes, doubt that his face could have served as a canvas for another Michael.
    I did no altering of these photos. One is a poster of MJ from my wall and the other is Wylies Highschool photo.

    <!-- m --> ... photo1.jpg<!-- m -->

    Just my opinion.....wylies eyes are more round where Michaels eyes are more almond shaped. but both very simular. I loved that movie by the way. Very good. Ive watched it twice.
  • did joe jackson know wylie mum..????

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  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I think wylie's hands and teeth are very similar to Mikes.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    That's what we don't know for sure. It is posted everywhere in any info that comes up that Wylie died on the exact date in Dec. 93 that Michael was invaded by the police and yes it's on his crypt that exact date but nobody visits his crypt or at least it appears that way and nobody that anyone can really trace or prove *or that is trustworthy* will come forth and say "Yes I knew Wylie and yes he died that day in 1993 from leukemia". I want hard proof not just some dude on the net saying he's a brother or whatever. Anyone can say anything online and unless I see some photos or something of people with Wylie then it is still a mystery. It is so odd how few photos there are of Wylie on the net, just stuff from that one movie about the Jacksons. Come on!! I'm a small town girl from Georgia and I have more photos on the net right now than a guy who played the part of Michael Jackson better than anyone in History. It makes no sense.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Take 15lbs off that kid and give him a little face work, he's perfect double material.

    Weight loss drugs. Skin lightening cream. Recent ever present mask use. Frequent trips to plastic surgeon. Like someone trying to be Michael Jackson who isn't Michael Jackson.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    There is just one contradiction to this though and of this I am 100 percent certain and I would stake my life on it. The Michael that appears in his Ghost short film is the exact same Michael from the J5 days on the Jacksons TV show and the same Michael that was on the Ed Sullivan show. You just cannot mimic a facial expression that has been done for that many years to a T and the same way each time. It's a goofy face that Michael has been making since his childhood and he did it in the Ghost movie when he was playing Maestro....and miraculously it still looked the same all these years after facial surgeries and alterations. This is still not to say though that there were not doubles being swapped in and out throughout his life or one definate double that died or took his place at some point.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    There is just one contradiction to this though and of this I am 100 percent certain and I would stake my life on it. The Michael that appears in his Ghost short film is the exact same Michael from the J5 days on the Jacksons TV show and the same Michael that was on the Ed Sullivan show. You just cannot mimic a facial expression that has been done for that many years to a T and the same way each time. It's a goofy face that Michael has been making since his childhood and he did it in the Ghost movie when he was playing Maestro....and miraculously it still looked the same all these years after facial surgeries and alterations. This is still not to say though that there were not doubles being swapped in and out throughout his life or one definate double that died or took his place at some point.

    Agreed completely. At least at some points we have been seeing the same original Michael Jackson we've always known all throughout the last 25 years.
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    The one guy who played MJ better than anyone else, dies on one of the darkest days in MJ's life and no other information about Wylie can be found outside of his short show business life.
    If I've learned one thing for the past 10 months is that nothing is a coincidence.
  • Have you noticed that Wylie has a cleft ..... it just keeps me wonder was it the reason Michel had have one done too to make them look alike more like one another ? just a thought! <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: --> <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: --> <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    Wylie's brothers twitter account

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    Check out what he said when Michael died, do you think Wylie would not tell his family, or do we have another hoax on our hands?

    Please do not harass him, i know we're trying to investigate, but we don't want to drive anyone away.
    5:41 PM Jun 28th, 2009 via web

    i dont understand what does he mean?
  • JukeBoxJukeBox Posts: 378
    5:41 PM Jun 28th, 2009 via web

    i dont understand what does he mean?

    I think he means, assuming Wylie passed, that he's reliving his bro's death. or it could mean, if Wylie didn't pass & he knows it, that he is reliving a hoax experience.

    This is a tricky area I think... There's so much potential in Wylie being a double but if his passing was true I feel so guilty about even thinking of digging deeper...
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I feel guilty too and I am very protective of Wylie but that one oddity just stands out and that is that death date being the date of the Neverland Raid on Michael. Very very odd. I wish there was a way of finding out more without causing a big ruckus about it because one way or another Wylie Draper was or is a gift given to MJ fans around the world.
  • Maybe this is the twin brother everyone is talking about. Who knows.
    I am just saying. They do look alike
  • KirscheKirsche Posts: 2,082
    Maybe this is the twin brother everyone is talking about. Who knows.
    I am just saying. They do look alike

    yeah they do look alike but they do not look like Twins IMO
  • DutchDutch Posts: 13
    The two images as posted from both Michael and Wylie in the same pose are not two different people, but 100% sure represent the same person. One image is mirrored and one of the images got a treatment in Photoshop (or any other editor). It appears the sharpness and exposure have been altered which create the idea of thinner/thicker as the difference between highlights and shadows get less when blowing the exposure.

    Other evidence for this being the same image? Yes, there is. Look at other things besides the main character in the images. The background is absolutely the same. In the foreground there's audience, which are in both images the same.

    Although small, in image <!-- m --> ... er44n1.jpg<!-- m -->, in front of the right foot, there's a small part of the balding head of the person who appears more clear in image <!-- m --> ... ewylie.jpg<!-- m -->

    Conclusion: Same person.
  • Ive been thinking about this whole thread all night last night and I am just amazed.
  • frogh777frogh777 Posts: 711
    The two images as posted from both Michael and Wylie in the same pose are not two different people, but 100% sure represent the same person. One image is mirrored and one of the images got a treatment in Photoshop (or any other editor). It appears the sharpness and exposure have been altered which create the idea of thinner/thicker as the difference between highlights and shadows get less when blowing the exposure.

    Other evidence for this being the same image? Yes, there is. Look at other things besides the main character in the images. The background is absolutely the same. In the foreground there's audience, which are in both images the same.

    Although small, in image <!-- m --> ... er44n1.jpg<!-- m -->, in front of the right foot, there's a small part of the balding head of the person who appears more clear in image <!-- m --> ... ewylie.jpg<!-- m -->

    Conclusion: Same person.

    nice! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    No i don't think he's the twin, he's younger than Michael, in 1992 Michael had already went through Vitiligo and Wylie looked like Michael in the 80's. He looks a lot like him, but he's like him in the past. Unless he changed up his look, may have been the case.
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