The SUN UK... 11/05/2010..,. HUGE ARTICLE! BACKO JACKO



  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Ive just come back from work and my colleague was talking to me about this.. no one knows at work that i follow the hoax, just that i am a Mj fan.
    My colleague heard this on the RADIO!!
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Ive just come back from work and my colleague was talking to me about this.. no one knows at work that i follow the hoax, just that i am a Mj fan.
    My colleague heard this on the RADIO!!

    That is wild that your co-worker heard about this article on the radio. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->


    God bless you all for your hard work. MJ, baby, we will always keep looking for you. There is no need to hide, baby. I love you, MJ! xxxxxx
  • The 28-year-old, from the Netherlands, runs the site, which gets around a million hits per day

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ROFL
    I guess that means clicks (not visits)... I do a LOT a day! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What can we wait from the tabloid that first or second started to call him Wacko Jacko?
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Mo/Souza, We have so many other facts, more reasonable, proving that Michael is alive.
    Why you talked about and pointed on Dave Dave version as a belief in hoax???? Michael is not a clown.
    I personally do not accept that Dave is disguised Michael. But I do believe Michael is alive based on many other factors. Why you did not discuss those?

    P.S. I wonder if any family member or bodyguards will get frustrated on these articles, as normally they should if Michael is really dead. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Mo/Souza, We have so many other facts, more reasonable, proving that Michael is alive.
    Why you talked about and pointed on Dave Dave version as a belief in hoax???? Michael is not a clown.

    Read before jumping to conclusions scorpionchik: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • dear admin
    why not do your right of reply on the site if you think they misrepresented your view point or that of the members of the site
  • dear admin
    why not do your right of reply on the site if you think they misrepresented your view point or that of the members of the site

    The Sun is NOT approving hoax supporting comments, nor comments explaining what The Sun did with the information we gave them. I have called The Sun yesterday morning and filed a complaint about them only approving comments ridiculing the hoax and believers, and they said they were going to sort it out and call me back about it. Of course, they never called me back.
  • british press complaints assoc.

    and you could do a reply to their online article

    and do a reply on the site as you may get more traffic

    maybe have a media pack
  • just thinking about this further,

    to convince a non believer, you need to put up your best say three arguments. one leading person in the legal profession told me this and i think it has legs.

    the dd on lkl is flawed as dd says its him
    the doubles theory is flawed - eg look how we have dealt with it on this site

    i think that you have to choose your best arguments if you want to be taken seriously and you want he site to be credible and for the members to have faith in the site

    the ambulance pix is a hoax pix, but does not prove that he is alive all it proves is that ben and his crew hoaxed the pix

    now what are the best 3 arguments, they would have to be the ones that we ourselves cant pour doubt on
    1. the helicopter - nothing anywhere - it is either part of the hoax or it is a decoy

    i think you have to think long and hard to find the other two flawless points, putting up controversial arguments will be shot down and weaken your arguments to the extent that you will lose all credibility and the whole thing becomes fantasy or meaningless supposition.
  • 2.All the Michael´s documents we have (FBI files included) speak about Michael Joe Jackson except those leaked by TMZ (the "proofs" of death) that say Michael Joseph Jackson.
    3.The funeral aereal footage does not fit with the floor footage.
  • 2. i dont believe the slight variation of a middle name makes any difference - it can be explained away it is not sound proof - in law this can be explained away - so it is not flawless
    3. film footage - regarding the funeral is not irrefutable evidence -pointly to mike being alive

    but thanks for your suggestions - why is this so difficult

    [because if we cant find 3 flawless facts/arguments - then there can be no hoax surely]
  • Then it could be:
    3. The autopsy report physical description does not match Michael´s.
  • but an argument against this [i havent read it] is that we have not seen mikes medical records - and thus that argument loses power
  • arabian we don´t have any no refutable proof... we would be calling media if we had... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    We can gather evidences, but no proof.
    I think that a little list with the more convincing arguments to doubt on his death could be enough to show that we have reasons to think so... Most of us only believe or think so... none of us know <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Anyway, I don´t know if we have to convince anybody at all.
    I see many people thinks that we have to, or that Michael is going to come back when we find him, or we solve something, as if this is a game, and BAM is the price...

    Fortunatelly, nothing of this depend on us.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Michael wanted to make it look credible or nobody would have believed that he really died but the amount of inconsistencies is enough to raise doubt. We could argue proove me that Michael Jackson is really dead.

    "You tell me I'm wrong
    then you better proove you're right"
  • always the most respect to you

    but i am only thinking that if you are going to court the press you really need to come up with the strongest arguments, arguments that arent going to the shot down in one sentence

    thats all

    we have no proof and i am thinking he is dead as you guys can probably tell from my posts

    but i want to believe and to keep the faith
    We have no proof indeed.
    But we have a lot of clues.
    It would be interesting to vote for the first three more convincing ones.
    For me the first place goes to Gilda.
  • yes what a good idea
    And the second one goes to the Halloween shot with Paris and Liz
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    always the most respect to you

    but i am only thinking that if you are going to court the press you really need to come up with the strongest arguments, arguments that arent going to the shot down in one sentence

    thats all

    we have no proof and i am thinking he is dead as you guys can probably tell from my posts

    but i want to believe and to keep the faith

    The problem is that the press twisted what Mo and Souza wrote and turned things to ridicule the subject. But in a way it's not bad news because when Michael will be back this will just proove how corrupted are the tabloids and medias in general. Now people are reading this stuff and are surely laughing at it calling us names but just imagine for one second Michael's return and the shock it will cause into the minds of those who were laughing at us not that long. I hope that after that "shock' people will take a new look at things.
    Keep the faith arabian nights I'm sure it's worth it.
  • The possible sighting behind Carolwood´s fence is also interesting.
    And the fact that he was warning about fearing for his life (and all the bizarre surrounding) also shows a strong motive to hoax his death. It also points to the possibility of a elaborated murder, which is not bad for our cause, whatever happened.

    And one question...

    Why TMZ doesn´t say anything not even sarcastically?
    The possible sighting behind Carolwood´s fence is also interesting.
    And the fact that he was warning about fearing for his life (and all the bizarre surrounding) also shows a strong motive to hoax his death. It also points to the possibility of a elaborated murder, which is not bad for our cause, whatever happened.

    And one question...

    Why TMZ doesn´t say anything not even sarcastically?

    I agree.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Yes I also wonder why TMZ does not mention anything about it. Harvey please any comment ?
  • I wouldn´t support that the admin released anything on the future, for instance, because we can´t fill that blanks. Even if we could. If this is a hoax, Michael has his own plans, and if he wanted us to provide proof to the press he would have said so somehow... some argument that saying that if he didn´t want this investigation of us, he would have said so.
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