Important videos: Info about Mind Control & Illuminati



  • whisper9396whisper9396 Posts: 149
    Thank you very much for this theme. About global control of thought of people for us also began to talk more frequent. I can say that many things, events, which took place and take place in Russia (To Ukraine) until now related to those, who try to press down under itself the whole world and to manage them. Tactic of these people - to sow dissension, conflicts, intolerance, cruelty and violence. A few generations of humanity grew in this dirt. Kindness, peace, tolerance, mercy and reason, grew into nothing, their role was understated. am a soviet, that is people which think also, as I, in the whole world. MJ was one of us. He screamed about it for the whole world. We hear him. Popularity of MJ would mean that for him there would be many supporters, razdeyaschikh his point of view. And it disliked THEM. He was destroyed long and mercilessly. How many forces is it necessary to have, that all of it to undergo? I hope that my ideas are clear you. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • [youtube:2jtc05pm]
  • [youtube:2dxllkhx]
  • Thank You TheyDontCareAboutUs2, I would like to share those two YouTube videos on my Facebook, but I don't know how to at this point! I only see two problems with what those videos promote, one is that Micheal is dead, which he isn't! Second, which is related the "ghost" is not Micheal!! I did learn about lyrics in songs I would of never listened to on my own! Thanks!
  • Thanks for video!
  • Your welcome! I absolutly agree with you GodhaschosenMJ! I just wanted to show the videos, because of the main message.And your right, he's not dead (i really hope <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> ) and not that "ghost".

  • The cache of my computer could hardly digest all the information contained in the videos, so how should I be able to?
    Very hard stuff to digest, indeed.

    The music-industry- bosses know exactly how to get us in line.
    Suddenly people follow an artist, the texts are very simply fabricated, if we take 'Umbrella, eeh..." for example, stupid in a way. But we / the masses are - subconsciously influenced - by the sound, the rhythm, the "sexy" outfit, the images, and all do, what the industry's aim is: they buy the records. Money keeps flowing in. The machine has got to be kept rolling. Watching the masses, blindly acting like robots, is scary. They don't realize, they are being manipulated into functioning.

    If the singer can't produce anymore, be it of age, stature, health, he is no longer needed.
    Michael and Elvis might have been both at at ime in their lives, where they were fed up with the dirty games and tricks behind the scenes.
    They were no longer willing to be the prey of mindgamers, a dangerous adventure for them, surrounded by sharks.
    Their songs didn't fit into the pattern of the big bosses anyway, with Michael even sending hidden messages out himself, exposing them and their foul play.
    The more I think about it, the more I am aware of the trouble they were in.
    A lot of their hard-earned money disappeared in dark channels elsewhere, without their control.

    Elvis had to do simple-minded movies, he didn't like to, but was forced to in some way, with his music in the films, so they could sell his singles and press even more $$$ out of him.
    This was not what his aim in life was. He wanted to perform his best for his fans and live a good life, but not at any cost. Not for such a price he had to pay.
    When he started to be really good again, on his own with a comeback, he soon after changed (had to change?) his style from black rebel leather suit to white glittering Vegas jump suit, and in only some years he was hardly the same anymore. He was used imo for very bad purposes.

    Michael was in a similar situation, trapped.

    It would be nice if my assumption proved to be wrong in the end, but I am not so optimistic about that at the moment, but of course hope for a good and safe ending, otherwise I wouldn't be here.
    They had to "die" to escape, and hopefully succeeded in doing so, very sad if necessary, but at least they would be alive and if at a safe place, live a life they can determine more or less.

    We still don't know where he /they are, what their fate has been / or - worst case scenario - was, as in some videos spoken of (murder).

    We shouldn't give up trying to find answers to the long list of unanswerable questions, until the truth has been found out, not making it too comfortable for those responsible for the mess.
  • Have been watching videos on NWO i never knew these videos excisted, interesting. After spending since yesterday watching the above videos all i can say is i believe EVERY video here!

    mind control illuminati - They have our minds, (so we don't see the other side, the hidden forces, like the stars in the videos the hidden forces have them all) and they are taking our children's minds...WE are letting them, via bringing them up to watch the exact same movies we watched as a child...Hanna Montana! My oldest child loves her, personally i have never watched it, but i suddenly see a whole new meaning to 'Becareful what you let your children watch'!

    Ok so you guys have my mind <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> what can we do to help the others out there see this??? Or can we all not help, is it too late?

    It's NEVER too late!!!..., We have to think W.W.M.D? only right now i cannot think of an answer.
  • Actual testimony from 2 survivors of the US Government funded MKULTRA mind control program. This testimony was given on March 15, 1995 before a Presidential Advisory Committee in Washington DC.


  • Wow Serenity Dreams, that was horrible to listen to and just terrible to think about what has happened to all those children. This was brought out back in 1995? I wonder if anything was investigated or changed because of it or if these two have mysteriously "died" or what? Thanks for posting, just wish I knew what happened, so brave of them to speak out and expose this evil. CHEERS <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    The Evolution of Consciousness ~ Parts 1 & 2



    With L.O.V.E. always.
  • which is related the "ghost" is not Micheal!
    It was just a shadow.
  • I apologize if this has been posted before. This video is extremely graphic at the end- its JFK's assassination and the speech that caused it. He exposed the CIA and Illuminati, and was killed because of it. As most of us know, some of the most harmless television shows and commercials are in fact subliminally endoctrinating us. Please Wake Up and break the cycle! Spread the word:<br />Again, the end is very graphic:<br /> <br />
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    6pn9zq.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />The bottom of this letter of the  "Gordo Remora" says: the next time in fat: "People who believe in conspiracy theories." "They are crazy or just very stupid to live?"<br /><br /><br />This letter refers to the propaganda of the system that is focused on crushing anyone that can endanger the established order. It follows that any conspiracy theory should be, in the first round, necessarily compromised and discredited, and if that does not pay the desired effect, crushed by the structural violence of the system itself. The ridicule, manipulating, lying, are very powerful weapons of disinformation. "Gordo Remora" is, for example, any "means of communication" of the "fat".
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