Some of the odd things at trial & outside courthouse so far



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1318183984:
    <br />About Michael and his relationship to elephants:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thanks for sharing Grace, that's a pretty BIG gift! Michael just can't believe it.  :lol: <br /><br />...............................elephant1.gif......................................
  • Thank you for sharing this once again. The elephant is worth looking at because it has become a constant theme through these last two years.<br /><br />Off topic: Michael - if you read this, you really should write children's books. You have an amazing way with words. Oh, and do your own graphics too. Your artistic skills are awesome :) <br /><br />Okay, so if the elephant has meaning, (in the story it said the elephant made a pact to stand as an example of patience and wisdom and the ones that fall because of their weight usually die because they can't get back up) what is he saying by the one elephant in the courtroom that is lying down? <br /><br />Clearly the bigger elephant is standing facing the courtroom, which if taken in reference to this story means that he is patiently facing adversity with wisdom and understanding even when others are making fun???<br /><br />Blessings.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Another strange thingie is the fact that the TMZ stream in comparison to the HLN stream runs the following features:<br /><br />- much clearer images than HLN - more focus?<br />- no commercial breaks<br />- outside coverage of the family when leaving the courthouse<br />- several minutes of retardation vs. HLN<br /><br />Interesting that HLN claims to be "live" streaming.<br />All reporters are hanging around in the same 12th floor - presumably using the same cable connectors to get the stream from downstairs (or elsewhere).<br /><br />
    <br /><br /><br />If you look really close, there are a lot of different scenes on the laptops - meaning that there are different sequences being broadcasted - not only one stream.<br /><br />Is HLN using much older, outdated, inefficient technique for distribution compared to TMZ? <br />I wouldn't think of this possibility. Both belong to CNN.<br /><br />So is HLN meant to be the blurrier distributor for the deaf and sleeping masses and TMZ the sharp one for the few awake? Provoking if yes.<br /><br />Now why is TMZ not claiming to be "live-streaming" and is some minutes late?<br />Are they the originators of the stream and want to make sure everybody has it before they themselves go distribute it?<br />I really have no idea. I just noticed this: <br />TMZ on the left, HLN on the right side. <br />TMZ giving the full picture, HLN cutting half of it off with comments and other "news".<br /><br /><br />Could it be that TMZ are the spoonfeeders once again, sitting comfortably on their easter egg and sharing only what they want to / are told to with other channels?
  • Hey applehead250609, <br /><br />After viewing all the photos of MJ with the police from all over the world, I wonder if the man we never knew is someone who was working undercover for a big sting or someone who is a FBI agent in some secret section. I know other people have questioned this before. It would make sense then how he would be able to pull it off. I also know LaToya is a police officer from that reality show she did and she even said that she sometimes goes back and do her police duties from time to time so if LaToya can be a police officer, then MJ could be a part of the police too or even the FBI perhaps. I also remember reading that Michael was working undercover to catch REAL child molesters in the entertainment industry but I am not sure how true that is at all. IF it is true, then it would make a lot of sense why certain people would want to stop that and turn the tables and make him out to be a child molester because they do not want to be exposed. Anyway, I'm just throwing ideas out there.
  • on 1318185442:
    <br />Thank you for sharing this once again. The elephant is worth looking at because it has become a constant theme through these last two years.<br /><br />Off topic: Michael - if you read this, you really should write children's books. You have an amazing way with words. Oh, and do your own graphics too. Your artistic skills are awesome :) <br /><br />Okay, so if the elephant has meaning, (in the story it said the elephant made a pact to stand as an example of patience and wisdom and the ones that fall because of their weight usually die because they can't get back up) what is he saying by the one elephant in the courtroom that is lying down? <br /><br />Clearly the bigger elephant is standing facing the courtroom, which if taken in reference to this story means that he is patiently facing adversity with wisdom and understanding even when others are making fun???<br /><br />Blessings.<br />
    <br /><br />Sorry if I am repeating but was the story of the Elephant Man mentioned? I know Michael featured the Elephant Man in the Leave Me Alone video, which was again, during the Bad era. Here's a summary of the movie plot:<br /><br />
    Frederick Treves (Anthony Hopkins), a surgeon at the London Hospital, discovers John Merrick (John Hurt) in a Victorian freak show in London's East End, where he is managed by the brutish Bytes (Freddie Jones). Merrick is so deformed that he must wear a hood and cap when in public, and Bytes claims he is an imbecile. Treves is professionally intrigued by Merrick's condition and pays Bytes to bring him to the Hospital so that he can examine him. There, Treves presents Merrick to his colleagues in a lecture theatre, displaying him as a physiological curiosity. Treves draws attention to Merrick's most life-threatening deformity, his oversized skull, which compels him to sleep with his head resting upon his knees, as the weight of his skull would asphyxiate him if he were to ever lie down. On Merrick's return, Bytes beats him so severely that a sympathetic apprentice (Dexter Fletcher) alerts Treves, who returns him to the hospital. Bytes accuses Treves of likewise exploiting Merrick for his own ends, leading the surgeon to resolve to do what he can to help the unfortunate man.<br />The ward nurses are horrified by Merrick's appearance, so Treves places him in a quarantine room under the watchful care of the formidable matron, Mrs. Mothershead (Wendy Hiller). Mr. Carr Gomm (John Gielgud), the hospital's Governor, is reluctant to house Merrick (who has thus far remained mute), as the hospital is not designed as a residence for "incurables". To persuade Carr Gomm that Merrick has potential, Treves coaches him to recite a few polite phrases. Carr Gomm sees through the ruse, but as he walks away, both men are astonished to hear Merrick recite the 23rd Psalm. Shocked by this display of intelligence, Carr Gomm allows Merrick to remain.<br />Merrick is gradually revealed to be sophisticated and articulate. Gomm arranges a suite of rooms for him to reside in at the hospital, and Merrick passes his days reading, drawing and making a model of a church visible through his window. One day, Treves brings him to take afternoon tea at home together with his wife, Ann (Hannah Gordon). Merrick, overwhelmed by the familial love he perceives in the domesticity about him, shows them his most treasured possession, a picture of his mother, and expresses his wish that she would love him if she could only see what "lovely friends" he now has. Later, Merrick begins to receive society visitors in his rooms, including the celebrated actress Madge Kendal (Anne Bancroft). He becomes a popular object of curiosity and charity to high society. As these connections and visits increase, Mrs. Mothershead (who has charge of Merrick's daily care) complains to Treves that he is still being treated as a freak show attraction, albeit in a more upper class, celebrated style. For Treves' part, this observation (and his role in this situation) deeply trouble him, and he begins to question whether or not he has done the right thing. And while Merrick is treated well during the daytime, the Night Porter (Michael Elphick) secretly makes money by bringing punters from nearby pubs to gawp at Merrick.<br />Threatened dissent at a board meeting toward the decision to keep Merrick indefinitely is overturned when the hospital's Royal Patron — HRH The Princess of Wales — pays a surprise visit with a message from Queen Victoria, stating that Merrick will receive permanent care at the hospital and the necessary funds have been arranged. But Merrick is then returned to his old life when Bytes gains access to his room during one of the Night Porter's late-night "viewings". Bytes abducts Merrick to continental Europe, where he is once again put on show and subjected to cruelty and neglect. Treves, consumed with guilt over Merrick's plight, takes action against the night porter with the help of Mrs. Mothershead.<br />Merrick escapes with the help of his fellow freak show attractions, and makes it back to London. However, he is harassed by a group of boys at Liverpool Street station, and accidentally knocks down a young girl. He is chased, unmasked, and cornered by an angry mob, at which point he cries out: "I am not an elephant! I am not an animal! I am a human being! I ... am ... a ... man!", before collapsing. When the police return Merrick to the hospital, he is reinstated to his rooms. He recovers a little but it is soon clear he is dying from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. As a treat, Mrs. Kendal arranges an evening at the musical theatre. Resplendent in white tie, he rises in the Royal Box to an ovation, having had the performance dedicated to him from Mrs Kendal. That night, back at the hospital, Merrick thanks Treves for all he has done and finishes his model of the nearby church. Imitating one of his sketches on the wall—a sleeping child—he removes the pillows that have allowed him to sleep in an upright position, lies down on his bed and dies, consoled by a vision of his mother, Mary Jane Merrick, quoting Alfred Lord Tennyson's "Nothing will Die".<br />Source:
    <br /><br />Here is a snippet of an interview where he talks about the Elephant Man:<br /><br />
  • on 1318178916:
    <br />
    on 1317834127:
    <br />Two elephants in the room - the b.s. one on the desk and the new big one at right<br />
    <br /> <br />The connection between Michael and Elephants is in his book DANCING THE DREAM, it's one of his poems;<br /> <br />read carefully  :D <br /> <br /> <br />So the Elephants March <br /><br /><br />A curious fact about elephants is this: In order to survive, they mustn't fall down. Every other animal can stumble and get back up again. But an elephant always stands up, even to sleep. If one of the herd slips and falls, it is helpless. It lies on its side, a prisoner of its own weight. Although the other elephants will press close around it in distress and try to lift it up again, there isn't usually much they can do. With slow heaving breaths, the fallen elephant dies. The others stand vigil, then slowly move on. <br /><br />This is what I learned from nature books, but I wonder if they are right. Isn't there another reason why elephants can't fall down? Perhaps they have decided not to. Not to fall down is their mission. As the wisest and most patient of the animals, they made a pact, I imagine it was eons ago, when the ice ages were ending. Moving in great herds across the face of the earth, the elephants first spied tiny men prowling the tall grasses with their flint spears.<br /><br /> "What fear and anger this creature has," the elephants thought. "But he is going to inherit the earth. We are wise enough to see that. Let us set an example for him."<br /><br /> Then the elephants put their grizzled heads together and pondered. What kind of example could they show to man? They could show him that their power was much greater that his, for that was certainly true. They could display their anger before him, which was terrible enough to uproot whole forests. Or they could lord it over man through fear, trampling his fields and crushing his huts. <br /><br />In moments of great frustration, wild elephants will do all of these things, but as a group, putting their heads together, they decided that man would learn best from a kinder message. <br /><br />"Let us show him our reverence for life," they said. And from that day on, elephants have been silent, patient, peaceful creatures. They let men ride them and harness them like slaves. They permit children to laugh at their tricks in the circus, exiled from the great African plains where they once lived as lords. <br /><br />But the elephants' most important message is in their movement. For they know that to live is to move. Dawn after dawn, age after age, the herds march on, one great mass of life that never falls down, an unstoppable force of peace. <br /><br />Innocent animals, they do not suspect that after all this time, they will fall from a bullet by the thousands. They will lie in the dust, mutilated by our shameless greed. The great males fall first, so that their tusks can be made into trinkets. Then the females fall, so that men may have trophies. The babies run screaming from the smell of their own mothers' blood, but it does them no good to run from the guns. Silently, with no one to nurse them, they will die, too, and all their bones bleach in the sun. <br /><br />In the midst of so much death, the elephants could just give up. All they have to do is drop to the ground. That is enough. They don't need a bullet: Nature has given them the dignity to lie down and find their rest. But they remember their ancient pact and their pledge to us, which is sacred. <br /><br />So the elephants march on, and every tread beats out words in the dust: "Watch, learn, love. Watch, learn, love." Can you hear them? One day in shame, the ghosts of ten thousand lords of the plains will say, "We do not hate you. Don't you see at last? We were willing to fall, so that you, dear small ones, will never fall again." <br /> <br /> - Michael Jackson<br />
    <br /><br /> [size=10pt]/bravo/ Snoopy71,Grace,Looking4truth,Voiceforthesilent,Sarahli ,wow you all are awesome!!!What a great investigators are here on this forum  respect/!!!The connection are many,are everywere,in songs,poems,videos,photos and court also.Michael LOVES elephants very much ,you can see that  :-*.Much LOVE to all!!![/size]<br /><br />tumblr_kwionmibCb1qa26dno1_500.jpg
  • on 1318186832:
    <br />Hey applehead250609, <br /><br />After viewing all the photos of MJ with the police from all over the world, I wonder if the man we never knew is someone who was working undercover for a big sting or someone who is a FBI agent in some secret section. I know other people have questioned this before. It would make sense then how he would be able to pull it off. I also know LaToya is a police officer from that reality show she did and she even said that she sometimes goes back and do her police duties from time to time so if LaToya can be a police officer, then MJ could be a part of the police too or even the FBI perhaps. I also remember reading that Michael was working undercover to catch REAL child molesters in the entertainment industry but I am not sure how true that is at all. IF it is true, then it would make a lot of sense why certain people would want to stop that and turn the tables and make him out to be a child molester because they do not want to be exposed. Anyway, I'm just throwing ideas out there. <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Looking4truth thank you for your observation.I think the same like you.I have this feeling for a long time now.For pulling such a BIG HOAX ,Michael needs to have some connection,don't you agree??You know some KEY people in KEY places.Who knows,maybe he is A POWERFULL man ,and when I say powerfull ,that's in any way you want.I always wondered myself how come he has so many police and guards around him.He is better guarded than,the PRESIDENT OBAMA HIMSELF afraid/.The first time I saw this videos I was like  OMG! WTF??!!!!Is this real?????<br />If this is real than the BIG question is how powerfull MICHAEL is????? :mrgreen:[/size]<br /><br />Michael Jackson in Korea 1999<br />
    <br /><br />Michael Jackson visit in Korea, Seoul 1999<br />
    <br />[size=12pt]<br />LOVE[/size]
  • Applehead...I think Michael is more powerful than most people realize. His friends are world leaders...not just one or two but several. one of his Japanese friends who is also a powerful man in his own right said as much in a fascinating interview.<br /><br />On to the trial....I read a comment on youtube that sent me in search of an article (I have yet to find it). In the search I found this article from April 22, 2011 where it talks about the death pics. We've already seen one (fake) but according to this there will be another one. I don't want us to lose hope when we see it so let's focus on the inconsistencies just like we did the gurney picture.<br /><br />Blessings :)<br /><br /><br /><br />
    Michael Jackson death pics used in Murray trial Published Friday, Apr 22 2011, 8:01am EDT | By Rebecca Davies | 10 comments      emaillogo.png showbiz_main_michael_jackson_generic.jpg© Rex Features / Startraks Photo Photographs of Michael Jackson's dead body will be shown in court.<br /><br />A judge ruled that the two images, which were taken at the late singer's autopsy, can be used by prosecutors as evidence in the involuntary manslaughter trial of his doctor Conrad Murray. <br /><br />According to TMZ, one of the images shows Jackson fully clothed and laid out on a gurney, while the other shows his naked body. The judge said that "certain parts" will be "blocked out" when the pictures are presented in court.<br /><br />He insisted that the photos are relevant to the case and are "not gruesome, graphic or inflammatory".<br /><br />Earlier this month, Murray's defence attorney Edward Chernoff described Jackson as a "desperate man" and claimed that he was so worried over his financial situation that he committed suicide.<br /><br />Murray has always maintained that he is "an innocent man", but he could serve up to four years in prison if found guilty.
    <br /><br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Okay, so there is no press actually IN the courtroom? So who are in the courtroom? Defense, prosecution, jury, judge, witnesses and Jacksons only? In that case it could very well be pre-recorded, which would explain why I see cuts in the footage sometimes.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • msgitmmsgitm Posts: 186
    No reporters in the courtroom? CNN reporters comment everyday on what's going on inside.  How they sit behind the Jackson family and their reactions to things.  Are they all in on it?<br />One thing I need to ask... when the defence cross-examined the toxicologist, did I hear him agree that the Propofol levels in MJ's body were in therapeutic range? How can they say he died from acute Propofol intoxication if it was in therapeutic range?<br />
  • I think the trial is LIVE because on the day the judge said that it was raining in LA, it really was.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Sorry, I've not been around much this weekend - when/where did 'no media in the courtroom' come to light?
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1318223998:
    <br />Okay, so there is no press actually IN the courtroom? So who are in the courtroom? Defense, prosecution, jury, judge, witnesses and Jacksons only? In that case it could very well be pre-recorded, which would explain why I see cuts in the footage sometimes.<br />
    <br /><br />Actually they are filming from the jury box if I understand the room right.<br />That wall is the only possible position where they can place cameras getting both the scenes with the witnesses and Doc Murray / the lawyers (faces) without showing the public and / or the jury.<br /><br />There are at least two cameras filming.<br />I wonder how big the tech equipment is (remembering the small camera Michael loved to discover when being in the studio with in Ireland in Nov 2006). <br /><br /><br />If the cameras have that size, they are pretty "handy" and may serve well in that courtroom while the jury is present. <br />If they are larger, the jury most likely will have some issues in following the trial / evidences without any optical disturbances.<br /><br />So to make it a movie: <br />- small cameras with jury in the box;<br />- large cameras without a jury (that would make it also plausible why we don't hear any aa, aha, rrrrrhmmmmm, cough, clearing of a throat from the backside);<br />in both cases: prerecording feasible.<br /><br /><br />I do NOT count on CNN as real reporters for three reasons:<br />- LKL with Dave Dave - he would have known instantly<br />- LKL online blog was VERY favourable to a person posting as Michael (deleting fakers' entries upon request)<br />- TMZ as well as HLN belong to CNN - both are playing their roles in publishing what needs to be published regarding this journey.
  • I found this press inside the courtroom. The courtroom is on the 9Th floor, the press on the 12 th floor, the only floor where pics and filming is allowed.<br />That means they could have always filmed it all and send it at that day to the waiting little actuall little thinks like the weather, that give it a live touch could they put in...that's not the problem and ...rearly, why mentioned a judge a little rain ???? only when it will make this all a live illusion... /toldya/ <br /> <br />Here is the link :<br /><br /> <br />Blessings !<br />
  • on 1318256604:
    <br />I found this press inside the courtroom. The courtroom is on the 9Th floor, the press on the 12 th floor, the only floor where pics and filming is allowed.<br />That means they could have always filmed it all and send it at that day to the waiting little actuall little thinks like the weather, that give it a live touch could they put in...that's not the problem and ...rearly, why mentioned a judge a little rain ???? only when it will make this all a live illusion... /toldya/ <br /> <br />Here is the link :<br /><br /> <br />Blessings !<br /> <br />
    <br /><br />This just keeps getting better and better. If there are no press inside of the courtroom, there has to be camera's in the courtroom in order to film what is going on. Who is manning those cameras?<br /><br />Thanks for finding this, and thanks Grace for you continued excellent posts.<br /><br />9+12=21 (777)<br /><br />Blessings :)
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    on 1318256604:
    <br />I found this press inside the courtroom. The courtroom is on the 9Th floor, the press on the 12 th floor, the only floor where pics and filming is allowed.<br />That means they could have always filmed it all and send it at that day to the waiting little actuall little thinks like the weather, that give it a live touch could they put in...that's not the problem and ...rearly, why mentioned a judge a little rain ???? only when it will make this all a live illusion... /toldya/ <br /> <br />Here is the link :<br /><br /> <br />Blessings !<br /> <br />
    <br /><br />Thank you for this additional source.<br />It is remarkable that what they are saying may 100% be taken as a pure ironic statement.<br /><br />
    “I believe in transparency,” said CNN Anchor Don Lemon. “I think that’s what America is all about.  Americans should be in on the process,” Lemon said. “Visual media is part of the media. It helps when people see how the process works. Without transparency, there is room to conceal things,” he said.Ethan Smith, a senior special writer with the Wall Street Journal’s Los Angeles bureau, was in court every day during week one. “We have to be the eyes and ears of the people to keep the process accountable,” Smith said.  The television coverage, ironically, keeps the press more accountable. “It turns the mirror back on us and keeps us accountable even as we are keeping the courts accountable,” Smith said. Each day, I lined up with Smith, Lemon, Seib and dozens of others to wait for deputies to waive us into the courtroom.  You were on time, through two security checks, wearing your press badge, or you didn’t get in the courtroom.  Court public information officer Mary Hearn, working with her staff and court deputies, ensured that no pictures were taken on the ninth floor, cleared the hallway of press as trial participants walked in each day, and generally kept order. That’s why if Murray is convicted, his chances of arguing that the press ruined his case appear to be nil, as was the case when disgraced Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling made that failed argument in a case that reached the Supreme Court in 2010.Has the argument ever worked? Well, yes.The seminal example of a defendant successfully arguing that the press violated his Sixth Amendment rights came in the 1966 U.S. Supreme Court case Sheppard v. Maxwell. In Sheppard the U.S. Supreme Court said that the trial judge and the press allowed a “Roman circus” atmosphere to prevail.Dr. Sam Shepherd, convicted of killing his pregnant wife, was granted a new trial as a result and eventually walked away a free man. The Shepherd case is widely believed to be the inspiration for the Harrison Ford film “The Fugitive.”<br />But getting back to “these arts” and their evolution, it is remarkable that so many broadcasters—all local Los Angeles television stations, plus AP Broadcast, Reuters, Univision, MetroNetworks, CBS Radio, Fox Radio News, UniSat, CNN/HLN and a host of others—are all able to transmit the trial without creating the same circus atmosphere that soiled Shepherd v. Maxwell. They do it with three quiet video cameras and a single coordinator. They do it with cooperation between the courts and the media.<br />
    <br /><br /> smiley_spider /cook/ afraid/ <br /><br /><br />The circus is being operated now by somebody in control.<br /><br /><br />This is potential for a: <br /><br />scorpion.s600x600.jpg<br /><br /><br />Did you smile today?<br />smiley_camera.gif0001.gif
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Another oddity is this.<br /><br />ktla published on their blog the following information:<br /><br />
    <br />Anesthesiologist Puts Focus on Safety at Conrad Murray Trial <br />11:10 AM  September 28, 2011<br /><br /><br />6a00d8341c0d2753ef014e8be23b01970d-700wi<br /><br />One of the stranger sights you'll see outside the Conrad Murray trial is a guy wearing surgical scrubs and a doctor's white coat.  He's got an IV drip attached to a bag of white liquid, just like you'd see in a hospital. That guy is Newport Beach anesthesiologist Dr. Barry Friedberg, who's written a book on anesthesia safety called "Getting Over Going Under".<br />Friedberg has real propofol to show you... It's the white liquid in the IV.  He's also got bottles of the drug.<br />Propofol is the powerful anesthetic that Michael Jackson used to refer to as his "milk."<br />Friedberg says hospital patients need to ask tougher questions to their anesthesiologists.<br /><br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />This is falsifying facts?<br />Dr. Friedberg was outside the courthouse on occasion of the hearing on January 4, 2011.<br />Anybody saw him later than this date?<br />
  • I don't know if somebody talked about Alvarez phone record...But i had some time to spend (YESS!!) and i look at it a little and it doesn't match!<br /><br />12:17 Pm Michael Amir William call Alvarez  21 seconds<br />12:17 Pm Michael Amir William call Alvarez 20 seconds<br />12:18 PM Alvarez call Michael Amir William 6 seconds<br />12:18 Pm Alvarez call Michael Amir William 5 seconds<br />12:18 Pm Alvarez call Michael Amir William 88 seconds<br />12:18 Pm Alvarez call Michael Amir William 0 seconds<br />12: 20 Pm Alvarez call 911 163 seconds <br /><br />Ok but for 12:18:<br />Assuming that the call start at 12:18:00<br /><br />12:18:00 Alvarez call Michael Amir William 6 seconds<br />12:18:06 (if he dial reeeeeeeeeeally fast) Alvarez call Michael Amir William 5 seconds<br />12:18:11 (again with a dial speed :lol:)Alvarez call Michael Amir William 88 seconds<br />So it made the call end at my world a minute is 60 seconds right??<br />HOW Alvarez could have made another call after that ''long'' one to Michael Amir William for 0 second at 12:18??????<br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    The photos of August 25, 2009:<br /><br /><br />
  • Katooooooo - thank you for sharing this with us. It will be interesting to see if those who are number minded connect any dots with this info.<br /><br />Grace...thanks for the photo...I am glad I found the information stating there would be a picture shown. It was much less shocking when it happened today.<br /><br />Okay - this is definitely not the same body as the EMT's described they found. This is not the body of someone who has Vitiligo. This is not someone who is "frail" as has been pointed out several times by people "close to MJ". Some on Twitter say the belly button does not match (where is it, by the way). I don't think the shoulder's are broad enough. From first glance the hair doesn't match. In my humble opinion, this is not Michael. Thank God!<br /><br />For those of you who might become shaky looking at the picture, hugs to you.<br /><br />Blessings.<br />
  • And....doesn't it seem odd that the fingernails are not showing? Perhaps because that would be a give away? And why cover the other arm? Wouldn't they want the whole body showing?<br /><br />The wrong date? Give me a break...every person has had problems with their story.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    It seems like every video I see outside the courtroom, the MJ supporters keep up a steady stream of "Justice for Michael!".  It drives me crazy just hearing that for a minute, how can they tolerate hours of that every day? Is it meant to demoralize and intimidate, influence the jury somehow? I don't get it. :?<br /><br />How can this Deputee Medical examiner say this is the MJ autopsy photo with a straight face, when it is obvious it is a different person that the hospital photo. One has curly hair with curved eyebrows, and the other straight hair with smaller straight eyebrows.<br /><br />Plus dated Aug. 25, and no belly button like Adam, first man created by God out of dust. Adam is compared to the Christ in the Bible, but Jesus would have had one--being born of Mary.<br />"“For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive. . . . The first man Adam became a living being, the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. The first man was of the dust of the earth, the second man from heaven.” (1 Corinthians 15:21–22; 15:45–47).<br /><br />There is also a yellow oval circle over the whole abdomen area. :? Why in both photos are the sheets so crumpled, so unprofessional, disrespectful and messy?
  • pepperpepper Posts: 558
    So, some interesting things have happened in history on August 25...<br /><br />
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Thank you pepper, that's what jumps into my eyes:<br />the same day the U.S. deficit reach highest ever level, Ben Bernanke is getting reaffirmed in his job.<br />
      <br /> [li]
    August 25, 2009 The United States budget deficit for 2009 will reach $1.6 trillion, the highest ever recorded. <br />[/li]<br />
      <br /> [li]
    August 25, 2009 U.S. President Barack Obama nominates Ben Bernanke for his second term as chairman of the Federal Reserve.[/li]<br />
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1318363098:
    <br />[size=14pt]And....doesn't it seem odd that the fingernails are not showing?[/size] Perhaps because that would be a give away? And why cover the other arm? Wouldn't they want the whole body showing?<br /><br />The wrong date? Give me a break...every person has had problems with their story.<br />
    <br /><br />That's where I was going to check out. Hands and fingernails. But we can not see the fingers and nails. And why would there be a wrong date on it?  geek/
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