Posted yesterday on YouTube (re: Sneddon)!



  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    What did this man D.S have soo badly against Michael, i cant think of anything other than him being racist otherwise why was he so desperate to get MJ locked away even goin to the extent of making false evidence <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    Strange you should say that he could be racist! I recall seeing a documentary on MJ sometime last year. I don't recall who said it but someone stated that Michael Jackson was the most well known and richest man on the planet. He said Michael Jackson was a Black man and he knew that pissed alot of people off. I am sorry to say but there is evil in the world that would see nothing better than bringing people down anyway they can. Think about it TS would never reach the pinnicle in life that Michael had no matter how hard he tried. Think about MJ coming from humble beginnings and the life that he had amassed over the the decades? I am sure it pissed TS off so bad that when that boy's father (1993) brought up those charges he saw an an opportunity to railroad MJ. Then in 2003 when that second allegation arose because that greedy family saw an opportunity to exploit MJ for money TS jumped on board again and said now I got him. Well! who's laughing now Sneddon ( creep!)? I just love God's word. Unjust never prospers no matter who you are and what office you hold. I am thankful to see justice sweep out those dirty rats that tried to destroy our beloved MJ. I hope and pray to see more justice in the near future! Keep the Faith!
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    He was obssessed with the idea of putting MJ in jail!, can u imagine since 1993 when he was not able to destroy MJ he haunted Mike until 2005, he and his team had even a special website gathering info about MJ's activites until they came across to Bashit's documentary and thought that it was a perfect chance to put him in jail, this man is really sick
  • sweet1sweet1 Posts: 312
    He was obssessed with the idea of putting MJ in jail!, can u imagine since 1993 when he was not able to destroy MJ he haunted Mike until 2005, he and his team had even a special website gathering info about MJ's activites until they came across to Bashit's documentary and thought that it was a perfect chance to put him in jail, this man is really sick

    The man is beyond sick sweetie! But the God I serve is always taking care of his children. He said vengeance was his and his only. Do you remember Bashir coming down with brain tumor? Sneddon had better be careful because God is going to pour out his wrath on him as well. I just love it when the wicked crumble. Evil just doesn't prosper. Keep the Faith!
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    sweet 1 i agree with u, God sees everything and i do believe in God's justice, one day those who have hurt MJ will be punished by the highest power, i do believe in it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> thank u
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