I found THE clue !!! This makes everything clear !!! TII !!!



  • Something really strange was said by Michael...LOVE last night on LKL. He said he is currently in the Temple of Ascension.

    WHAT does that mean? I really believe MJ posts on that blog, but even so,,, what does that mean???

    Some of you may have seen BCorns post in this thread, that has since been deleted by me. He has a habit of using the F word in the same sentence as Jesus Christ, which I find inexcusable and disgusting. I posted on another thread concerning his actions a few days ago and he did it again just now on this thread. If ANY of you see him using this word in the same sentence as God, Jesus Christ...PLEASE PM me with a link, as I cannot read everytihing on here.

    Thank you.
  • I posted a thread a few days ago about how Michael sees our world from a distance. Like the view of an archangel, I now think... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Making history...

    Postby Believe 777 » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:29 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I have recently come to you since MJHD shutdown and I have to say I really like it here. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I would like to look at all this from a distance and say how profound this really is. Never before in history has an event like this ever taken place. I feel honoured to be a part of it. A large group of people who have two things in common which is of course is, our love for Michael and we all have questioning minds.This is quite a powerful combination. We are a select group of people who have felt something about Michaels 'death' that does not fit and have come together to make history.

    Michael's message is so powerful and full of truth. He has knowledge that he needs to pass on to us and this way he has been able to stop a section of the world who look beyond what we are told and he has our undivided attention from our hearts. Pure brilliance!!!

    He is not just telling us, he is showing us. This is unavoidably bringing emotion and vulnerabilities to the surface which can cause confusion, fear and doubt. I believe in my heart that whoever is behind the tiai redirects is showing us that there is a bigger truth and we only need to see it for ourselves. I also believe that there will be a gradual global awakening that is so desperately needed, to heal our world. Humanity needs to develope emotional maturity and responsibilty for ourselves and eachother, resulting in a much more united, happier world.

    I know this is a very idealistic view, but it is acheivable and and therefore believable.
    Michael knows far more than any of us know. He has always seen our world from a distance and he sees how we have kind of lost ourselves. Lost the connection with love. If Michael can guide us towards love then he will have created a beautiful world to return to and feel a part of. All we have to do is see through all the garbage and discover that the only truth that is completely unbreakable and solid is love.

    There could not have been a better way for this to happen and there is no-one that could achieve this but Michael and I would trust no-one else. The only words I can find to describe him are a 'true hero'. He truly is an unbelievably, amazing person.

    He's done Past and present, he is now onto future. Book one is blank for the creating...

    Believe 777

    Posts: 11
    Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:47 pm
  • tiida11tiida11 Posts: 248
    Something really strange was said by Michael...LOVE last night on LKL. He said he is currently in the Temple of Ascension.

    WHAT does that mean? I really believe MJ posts on that blog, but even so,,, what does that mean???

    Something very interesting about the Temple of Ascension. read please:

    The Sirius Temple of Ascension

    It is a place of healing, initiation and contemplation. The Temple is very real and has many parts that exist on many dimensions. It is where the Sirian Masters work within higher dimensions. You could call it the Temples of ascension and yet there is one key Temple that we agree on for initiation and ceremonies. I facilitate the externalisation of the Temple in this dimension. I act as a portal for others to enter the Temple which shows how it can operate on different dimensions at once.

    The Temple is essentially there to help individuals with ascension. An individual understanding of what ascension is, will be very much based on the current consciousness of that individual. You can say that is the growth and refinement of consciousness in an individual. You can say that it is the perfect grounding of spirit into our four -body system. You could say that it is the passing of spiritual tests and the receiving of initiations. It is all of these things and more and so the scope of the activities of the Temple is vast.

    The Temple is also a state of being and a state of mind whereby a soul has arrived at a point where they are ready to evolve more, accept more and expand more. The consciousness of a soul is initially attracted to a part of the activities of the Temple and then can move around within the Temple according to its requirements and consciousness. There are many groups that work within the Temple and there is definitely a core place where ceremonies and initiations are taken and this is the holiest of places at the centre. It is set in the hills and beautiful lakes and forests surround it. It is a place where people in their deepest moment of self -realisation and gratitude are initiated into the next level of learning and opportunity for their lives. This is not limited to Sirians as this is a spiritual centre to those souls in this part of the Universe. There is a council attached to the Temple and yet it is that initiations are given by three Guardians of the Temple. These three are the holy keepers of the Temple. They are known by many by their beauty and importance. Their work is collectively known by many for they remember their initiations at this level.

    Arriving at the Temple

    Those in other dimensions who are ready to travel in mediation to the Temple may come to a meeting place where new arrivals are greeted. It is from here that it is decided how best to meet their requirements. There is a guide assigned to them to take them through the many levels of healing, enlightenment and education. The Temple is not a "conveyer belt" process as different aspects of the journey within the Temple can be taking place at once. There are guides that can assist with healing, spiritual education and initiation all at once. The Temple acts as a meeting point of service to others in the larger Galactic and Universal spheres.


    There comes a time within the life of a soul that the stirrings and motivations to spiritually evolve are felt strongly. It is an important time when much needs to be integrated and a clear understanding is sought of what comes next. A period of contemplation is entered into within the Temple. Here we examine the motives in our lives to make sure that they are clear, pure and focused. It is a time to align to the will of God and understand this at all levels. It is a place to bring about a single focus across all lives, time and space. There is a review process and the chance to understand the consequences of our choices.

    Experiencing Divine Energies

    It is also an energetic experience. Through the absorption of Divine energies, a remembrance comes about of our original blueprint. We are re-united with our reason for being created. The opportunity to reunite with such high level energies whilst having existence in this dimension is rare and is felt as a release from all that is negative and a re-birth of our pure, unique and original God / Goddess self within our present consciousness.

    Who uses the Temple?

    There are many reasons why an individual soul may approach the Temple. There are certain individuals from the earth plane that have used the Temple and will continue to do so and this is in no way a comparison with the similar facilities offered by the wonderful masters of the spiritual hierarchy of earth. It is complementary to the activities of the masters of Shamballa. There are those whose spiritual evolution will be rapid and far reaching and so for them the Sirius Temple of Ascension would be a natural route to take. There are those who require the specialist services that the Temple can offer.

    The benefits of receiving the attunements and the use of the Temple are different. The approach to the Temple comes about when there is a recognition that an individual soul is ready to embrace a new and higher level of spiritual awareness and being. Whereas to receive an attunement is to receive help with what an individual is working with now which ultimately may very well lead to a visit to the Temple. There is much more information and clarification to come through regarding the Temple and how to use it. I will be working on specific meditations to help those who are ready to go there in meditation. Please re-visit this site for further information regarding these meditations and for further general information.
  • tiida11tiida11 Posts: 248
    Link :

    <!-- m -->http://www.siriusascension.com/temple.htm<!-- m -->
  • Something really strange was said by Michael...LOVE last night on LKL. He said he is currently in the Temple of Ascension.

    WHAT does that mean? I really believe MJ posts on that blog, but even so,,, what does that mean???

    I can't find much on this:

    Ascension (mystical), the belief in some religions that there are certain rare individuals that have ascended into Heaven directly without dying first
    Ascension of Jesus refers to both the bodily ascension of Jesus into heaven and an annual feast commemorating that event.
    Ascension to heaven of Enoch (ancestor of Noah)
    Spiritual enlightenment
    * Ascended master
    * Ishayas' Ascension
    * in some New Age teachings the spiritual transformation of the Earth
    Right ascension, in astronomy, a term used to describe positions in the sky

    2. THE TEMPLE OF ASCENSION TESTS AND ASSESSMENT This temple is where each goes to take their tests for ascension or to be assessed for the next phase of work. Sometimes when one is unsure of what is wrong, a visit to this temple shall suffice at putting one back on track. It is also from this temple that one's soul can assess one's karmic issues

    7. TEMPLE OF ASCENSION GRID WORK This temple holds all records for constructing ascension grid work in each phase of ascension. In essence, this temple holds information for transcribing the genetic blueprint for ascension and anchoring it around the physical form. Ascension grid work changes from level to level in initiation, and therefore one's own level can be compared to what should be in place given the knowledge held in the temple.

    16. TEMPLE OF ASCENSION This temple holds records of all human ascensions that have occurred within the new consensus thus far. This includes successful and non-successful ascensions. One may review such records for the purposes of their own evolution.

    To me it sounds like a place like where the "Book of Life' may be kept?
    The Bible mentions various books, Num. 14, the Book of the Wars of the Lord, Ps 69:28 and Isa. 4:3 Book of the Living; Mal 3:16, Book of Remembrance, Rev. 20-12, Lamb's Book of Life. There are also many books in keeping the record of an individuals life.
  • [/quote]If you look at the blog it says that their communications come from Mikael. Wasn't it said in the media that Michael changed his name to Mikael????? This could very well be for real!!![/quote]

    ahhhhhhh...so MICHAEL JOSEPH JACKSON is dead
    but MIKAEL JOE JACKSON is alive, healthy, happy and hopefully is smiling now whilst reading this thread.
  • 010jacksonpainting300x4.jpg

    I think this is the painting from the Opus <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yay you found the picture. I could not find it when I tried googling it.
  • This is brilliant! I agree 1000%! This is it! I thought I had a few things figured out, especially about his resurrection. I started a thread about when I think his resurrection will be and I do still think it will be Easter weekend. BUT, putting this all together, is truly fascinating. Kudos to you! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • wildswilds Posts: 198

    I think this is the painting from the Opus <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    That painting is so beautiful. I believe there will be a resurrection, one way or the other.
  • Great postings everyone, figure all things out. I love you all for sharing the same thoughts.

    The gum issue... not everyone understood what i ment with the gum issue. The gum is also a clue in this is ist... In the movie you see Michael chewing his gum (never seen his chewing a gum that way)... and all over a sudden i saw at the 02 conference people chewing gum, all the fans...

    Michael is a great director..(best singer, dancer, entertainer) he is the best in all of it.

    There was never a movie discussed, issued and thought about as TII. Michael you are brilliant.

    What a great feeling to know he is alive and wel L.O.V.E
  • I believe this too! I love that picture! Too bad Opus costs so much...I would like to get it. I am just so glad there are others here that are attuned to this! I have felt so different these last few weeks... good feeling! Thanks for the Temple of Ascension info.
  • This has been an interesting thread - thanks for all the research. I have to say I have major doubts MJ would reveal himself on Easter. It is a high holy day for so many and I think over and over MJ tried to serve and spread God's message of love and service but he never likened himself to God or any higher being. I don't think he would impede on this day to make a grand reveal. JMO.
  • This is just the beginning. We are all feed now with clues to prepare us for the final.
    It is also no coincidence for me that the movie LEGION will be released at januari 22nd.
    Look at the poster (angel with a sword)... there is really more to come..
    Look at the light, look at the blue, look at the marks on his body (they reminds me on the marking at the stagefloor at the last rehearsel)
  • WAUW i just watched the trailer with my mouth wide open <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Look at the simularities with THRILLER... wauw wauw wauw

    <!-- m -->http://www.moviesonline.ca/TheFeed/inde ... on-trailer<!-- m -->
  • I posted a thread a few days ago about how Michael sees our world from a distance. Like the view of an archangel, I now think... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Making history...

    Postby Believe 777 » Mon Dec 07, 2009 10:29 pm

    Hi everyone,

    I have recently come to you since MJHD shutdown and I have to say I really like it here. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I would like to look at all this from a distance and say how profound this really is. Never before in history has an event like this ever taken place. I feel honoured to be a part of it. A large group of people who have two things in common which is of course is, our love for Michael and we all have questioning minds.This is quite a powerful combination. We are a select group of people who have felt something about Michaels 'death' that does not fit and have come together to make history.

    Michael's message is so powerful and full of truth. He has knowledge that he needs to pass on to us and this way he has been able to stop a section of the world who look beyond what we are told and he has our undivided attention from our hearts. Pure brilliance!!!

    He is not just telling us, he is showing us. This is unavoidably bringing emotion and vulnerabilities to the surface which can cause confusion, fear and doubt. I believe in my heart that whoever is behind the tiai redirects is showing us that there is a bigger truth and we only need to see it for ourselves. I also believe that there will be a gradual global awakening that is so desperately needed, to heal our world. Humanity needs to develope emotional maturity and responsibilty for ourselves and eachother, resulting in a much more united, happier world.

    I know this is a very idealistic view, but it is acheivable and and therefore believable.
    Michael knows far more than any of us know. He has always seen our world from a distance and he sees how we have kind of lost ourselves. Lost the connection with love. If Michael can guide us towards love then he will have created a beautiful world to return to and feel a part of. All we have to do is see through all the garbage and discover that the only truth that is completely unbreakable and solid is love.

    There could not have been a better way for this to happen and there is no-one that could achieve this but Michael and I would trust no-one else. The only words I can find to describe him are a 'true hero'. He truly is an unbelievably, amazing person.

    He's done Past and present, he is now onto future. Book one is blank for the creating...

    Believe 777

    Posts: 11
    Joined: Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:47 pm

    I couldn't agree more Believe777! This amazing journey we have embarked upon has had many twists and turns but we are learning, day by day, to trust in Michael more and allow him show us the things he has been longing to share with us no doubt for years now. To begin with we expected Michael to return within a short space of time, but I believe since the film 'This Is It' was released many of us have realised that Michael had a much higher purpose for hoaxing his death than just getting back at the media. We have had to leave some of our preconceived ideas behind to go further along the path of understanding. For some this is quite a challenging experience because it means leaving one's comfort zone and taking a leap of faith. Michael understands this and is patient. That's why I think he will take all the time he needs before returning because he wants us to be fully ready to go to the next level. We need to grow, to learn, to shake off the negativity that has held us in its sway for so long and embrace positive energy, allowing love to flow through us, to energise us and make us whole. This is a spiritual experience but one that is positive and full of light and promise. Too many tend to put the word spiritual in the same basket as "religious" and give it a negative connotation. But to fully embrace spirituality is to come fully into the light and allow healing to take place. The soul longs to dance, to embrace, to love, to learn, to be truly free. We are now going into a period in history when the soul will be given all the opportunities it needs to do these things. I believe Michael has been giving us glimpses into these beautiful truths through his songs and by the way he lived his life. Watching Michael dance and sing sometimes took us to a spiritual level. We could SEE he had a connection with some Divine Source: it just shone through every performance. Now, through hoaxing his death, and taking us on this journey, Michael is finally able to share his long-held secrets with us. And as he said in 'This Is It' - "there's nothing to be nervous about." Nor should we be fearful. since perfect love casts out fear. Thank you Believe777 for your beautiful post. I'm sure Michael is smiling now, knowing there are people on this forum who can truly SEE THE LIGHT and want to follow it to its journey's end.
  • Thank you so much dear Emerald city....You have given some lovely insights into Archangels.

    We have certainly come to an interesting point at an interesting time!!!

    It's so heartwarming to see many others coming together in the light. We are truly on the next level now and ever closer to seeing our true selves. This is a journey of discovery and wonderment. Inner and outer beauty is what lies ahead for us. This is the meaning of "Your just another part of me". <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I have registered for the newsletter from <!-- w -->www.archangelmichaelconclave.com<!-- w --> but I can't find how to become a member. Am I being blind, has anyone else managed to join. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • I am no expert, so trying to sound somewhat intellegent here. I am a christian and I have always been interested in revelations and end times. Right after michael died I found somewhere on the Internet a passage from the Bible that said in the end times, the archangel Michael will stand up for the children... or something like that; I wish I had saved it. That, along with all of the things Michael said in his interviews, and the paintings in his home; and his poems... show that he was very spiritual and very knowledgeable about the end times, and I believe showed that he thought he was something more.... He grew up as a Jehovah witness, so he really knew it and believed it... so the question remains, is he really something more or did he just believe he was something more? That is what I struggle with; because I am having a hard time seeing a rock pop singer as a possible messenger from God... especially after looking at the gold pants thread, LOL.

    Not trying to get negative here, but sharing my feelings. I am really scared sometimes that we are in fact in the end times... I read the Left Behind series... and I know alot is interpretation, but so many things in those books I am noticing and it makes me scared. Not long ago at one of those conferences that Obama attended, the Russian leader brought out a sample "one world currency" - which is a sign of end times, according to that series, so they say anyway. I have so much more to learn, and I wish I knew more what I was talking about. If Michael is an angel, and a messenger, and something is coming... I hate to say it, but it scares me! I'm the kind of person that likes to be in control and know everything...

    I'm glad to see this thread; I have been having thoughts about this for a while and had a feeling that most of mj's clues and messages were religious based and he was trying to show us something, but I wasn't sure what it meant or how to interpret it...

    sorry for rambling!
  • I am no expert, so trying to sound somewhat intellegent here. I am a christian and I have always been interested in revelations and end times. Right after michael died I found somewhere on the Internet a passage from the Bible that said in the end times, the archangel Michael will stand up for the children... or something like that; I wish I had saved it. That, along with all of the things Michael said in his interviews, and the paintings in his home; and his poems... show that he was very spiritual and very knowledgeable about the end times, and I believe showed that he thought he was something more.... He grew up as a Jehovah witness, so he really knew it and believed it... so the question remains, is he really something more or did he just believe he was something more? That is what I struggle with; because I am having a hard time seeing a rock pop singer as a possible messenger from God... especially after looking at the gold pants thread, LOL.

    Not trying to get negative here, but sharing my feelings. I am really scared sometimes that we are in fact in the end times... I read the Left Behind series... and I know alot is interpretation, but so many things in those books I am noticing and it makes me scared. Not long ago at one of those conferences that Obama attended, the Russian leader brought out a sample "one world currency" - which is a sign of end times, according to that series, so they say anyway. I have so much more to learn, and I wish I knew more what I was talking about. If Michael is an angel, and a messenger, and something is coming... I hate to say it, but it scares me! I'm the kind of person that likes to be in control and know everything...

    I'm glad to see this thread; I have been having thoughts about this for a while and had a feeling that most of mj's clues and messages were religious based and he was trying to show us something, but I wasn't sure what it meant or how to interpret it...

    sorry for rambling!

    For me I am not sure if there is a difference between actually being the archangel Michael or just believing. Nature doesn't put a label on anything. Nature doesn't use words. All I know is Michael is about the only person in existence who has this global connection and can really do this. Whether or not he is "the archangel Michael" is down to personal belief.
    Don't be afraid, this is a wonderful time. This is not about end days but new beginnings.
    Lets trust in nature to do what it does best,to live and learn, in love.
  • mattiemattie Posts: 296
    I am no expert, so trying to sound somewhat intellegent here. I am a christian and I have always been interested in revelations and end times. Right after michael died I found somewhere on the Internet a passage from the Bible that said in the end times, the archangel Michael will stand up for the children... or something like that; I wish I had saved it. That, along with all of the things Michael said in his interviews, and the paintings in his home; and his poems... show that he was very spiritual and very knowledgeable about the end times, and I believe showed that he thought he was something more.... He grew up as a Jehovah witness, so he really knew it and believed it... so the question remains, is he really something more or did he just believe he was something more? That is what I struggle with; because I am having a hard time seeing a rock pop singer as a possible messenger from God... especially after looking at the gold pants thread, LOL.

    Not trying to get negative here, but sharing my feelings. I am really scared sometimes that we are in fact in the end times... I read the Left Behind series... and I know alot is interpretation, but so many things in those books I am noticing and it makes me scared. Not long ago at one of those conferences that Obama attended, the Russian leader brought out a sample "one world currency" - which is a sign of end times, according to that series, so they say anyway. I have so much more to learn, and I wish I knew more what I was talking about. If Michael is an angel, and a messenger, and something is coming... I hate to say it, but it scares me! I'm the kind of person that likes to be in control and know everything...

    I'm glad to see this thread; I have been having thoughts about this for a while and had a feeling that most of mj's clues and messages were religious based and he was trying to show us something, but I wasn't sure what it meant or how to interpret it...

    sorry for rambling!

    O..so difficult to put in Englisch what i want to say!

    But looke at history.
    Not saying that Michael is a real angel..like from god.
    But a person with a deep mission.
    Like a messenger to spread love.
    We have seen people like that before.
    People who had normal lives and normal parents who have so much love in there harts to give(but are also only human)
    These people make a change.
    Maby i am far of..but i think of the story of Robin Hood..Steel from the rich(nasty people) to give to the poor..and fight for them.
    But he also liked the lady's..Does make him a less good person?? He did not wear gold pants..but tights..also good <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    I dont know how true this story is??
    But i can think of a lot other storys until now were people made that change for other people.
    A leader with the good message(but stil human) I sometimes think..who would have stayed this loving after everything he went trough,like he is..and how nasty people treat him..and stil believe in people..that must come from a deep goodnes and believe!
    Does this make sence?
    I believe he can and did do this!! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Greetings Mattie
  • WAUW i just watched the trailer with my mouth wide open <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Look at the simularities with THRILLER... wauw wauw wauw

    <!-- m -->http://www.moviesonline.ca/TheFeed/inde ... on-trailer<!-- m -->

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • Maybe we have to follow Scott Stewart on tweet <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • yipee <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> im moonwalking now because i finally get it , <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> phew
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Me too

    Predictions from people who studied archangel michael said he'll be back at july 11 or 12

    (hmmm i remember a "see you all in july 2010-picture")

    And why does the statue of Liberty comes through my head... i don't know
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