I found THE clue !!! This makes everything clear !!! TII !!!



  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    on page 8 of this thread a wonderful post by Touched by an angel
    a small part i'd like to pay attention to :
    WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! Michael is the catalyst, let us all follow his lead and help to accomplish what he started! God knows we all need to start loving each other and the planet we live on, so he blessed us with Michael and the messages we so desperately needed to hear

    ok what was it that Kenny Ortega said in TII ? Something about may we continue with Michael leading the way <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • on page 8 of this thread a wonderful post by Touched by an angel
    a small part i'd like to pay attention to :
    WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! Michael is the catalyst, let us all follow his lead and help to accomplish what he started! God knows we all need to start loving each other and the planet we live on, so he blessed us with Michael and the messages we so desperately needed to hear

    ok what was it that Kenny Ortega said in TII ? Something about may we continue with Michael leading the way <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Yes Kenny did say that ;D
    this is funny 'cause I just watched the TII-trailer again <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    soo, this is what our dear Kenny says :
    'We're all here because of him. May that continue with him leading the way.'
    well, I think this sounds religious, BUT ofcourse Kenny could really mean 'the concert' but I believe he didn't mean the concert though.

    I just wanted to say one thing ...that we shouldn't go too far with those 'signs' I do believe there really are alot of clues.. But someone posted in another topic that he/she finds it awkward that ( I think Marlon? Well it was some of the Jackson brothers..) said ' I pray for him' well.... My uncle died recently and my family also prays for him.
    I don't want to be rude to anyone, 'cause I really appreciate your opinions. Without all those members we would be nowhere . It's just... Don't look too far. Just look <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Oh and to make one thing clear: I'm a believer <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    with love
  • Numer 6 is the number for archangel Michael..
    Wow interesting... James Brown (his inspiration) died exactly 6 months before (and changed clothing..google immages..james brown funural)
    The way James Brown looked was making me think... he was dressed as MJ in the final rehearsels.. See the blue jacket and the grey and red suit.
    December 25 could be it
  • Michael's birthday:-
    4+2=6 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • "The Archangel Michael was considered to be God's right hand man/angel in the battle against Satan. Both St Michael (& St George) are the patron saints of chivalry. There is an Chivalric Order of France, the Order of St Michael, that was established in 1469. Traditionally St Michael is the patron saint of policemen and soldiers ( & PI's?). St Michael also has other titles within the catholic church as the Angel of Death"

    "In Daniel we find that Michael is one of the chief princes and that He is our prince. That might mean He is in line for the Throne. We also find Him working behind the scenes with Gabriel to ensure that God's will for nations actually occurs.

    And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
    And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. "
  • NinaninaNinanina Posts: 439
    on page 8 of this thread a wonderful post by Touched by an angel
    a small part i'd like to pay attention to :
    WE WILL CHANGE THE WORLD! Michael is the catalyst, let us all follow his lead and help to accomplish what he started! God knows we all need to start loving each other and the planet we live on, so he blessed us with Michael and the messages we so desperately needed to hear

    ok what was it that Kenny Ortega said in TII ? Something about may we continue with Michael leading the way <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Yes Kenny did say that ;D
    this is funny 'cause I just watched the TII-trailer again <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    soo, this is what our dear Kenny says :
    'We're all here because of him. May that continue with him leading the way.'
    well, I think this sounds religious, BUT ofcourse Kenny could really mean 'the concert' but I believe he didn't mean the concert though.

    I think he said this, after they heard of Michael's "death".
    So, he's not speaking about the concert, but about everything that followed the rehearsal.
    Something even BIGGER <!-- s;-) -->;-)<!-- s;-) -->
  • Michael's birthday:-
    4+2=6 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    This is no coincidence <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    So many chances???? If I barely believe .... yeah <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Thank you
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Wow, When I first posted on the first page of this thread, I was confused. Now one year later I have re-read this thread and it now makes perfect sense! This is the thread that started me on my journey to Enlightenment and truth and I think that now is a good time for others to re-read this thread. There are a lot of great posts here with some valuable information in them.

    This "hoax" has proved that MJ is the greatest entertainer ever, but there is another part of this hoax that is even more important...the L.O.V.E part. Michael said "It's all for Love" what does that mean to you guys?

    I hope that more will take the time to follow the Love path and search out the answer to why Michael said "its all for Love" There is a much bigger picture here and we need to investigate this.

    Just curious...How do you think this whole hoax is going to end? I'm really curious what you think, so please post your answer! Thanks
    Blessings Love and Light to you all <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <3
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I have to jump in here, not to be rude or anything, but many of us in the forum have discussed this more than many times......and also because we all have seen visions from Michael.<br /><br />Just recently, I posted a similar finding, and everyone thought I was "off track and that it was not believable"....<br /><br />Well if I can now add to this thread with some of my findings, and most of it is very recent, thanks to SERENITYSDreams...just look at the video clip of HOLD MY HAND..  <br /><!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=21&t=15987&p=276222&hilit=is+michael+an+earth+angel#p276222<!-- l --><br /><br />Michael is or was an angel, but the understanding of scripture is being made more clear and more defined then ever before. Why now, for when the generation is the last generation understanding will be come very clear, and man will know, the antichrist will only be known when he stands in the temple and claims to be GOD end of. Anyone who thinks he can point to the Antichrist now is a fool, and anyone who seeks shall not find him until its time.On the other hand GOD has made it clear who is come, and who will be seen, but believed only be the true church of GOD, and we will then know who are false, including religious leaders, and false prophets and all who claim to be, for they simply have there false words to back them.<br />Michael will be born human, how, why, Scripture gives the answers and the Key is in the person to come. Put the two together, and you see living prophecy being fulfilled.<br />Same as it happen to Jesus.<br /><br />The greatest gift to that GOD can give an angel is to be born human. Only GOD the father has that power to do so, and let no one deceive you other wise.GOD has showed us how to test, how to know who is, and who is not of GOD, and GOD is making sure we will know 100% the real Michael will be, for only GOD can make it so, and place all signs, symbols, numbers, ancestry, and hints from the bible into one person just like Jesus was given, there can be no mistake this time, for the whole true church of GOD will believe it, of course the false churches will be in a panic to denote it, but the facts are facts. No matter the weeds must be separated from the wheat, to which this will happen, and the evil that Governments and leaders will not change, but get worse, for they will know that have but a little time left, and know that the fruits of evil commented by them will condemn them, they now have nothing to lose.God is brilliant, perfect in his plans, which will not change for they were set in stone from the very beginning of our time.<br /><br /><!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=50&t=16276<!-- l --><br /><br />[youtube:2unsqmkk]
  • I believe there is a bigger picture and I hope I can make sense here.

    "It's all about love" plays over and over in my mind and now that I have learned more Bible truth, I truly believe this hoax when it comes down to it, is about God. His love for all mankind and what he promises us, a paradise earth, if only we will listen and do God's will.

    "this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth"
    (see Mathew 24: 3 and 14).

    Crazy as it may sound but how do we know that Michael isn't a messenger, no one knows.

    Michael is able to reach millions and maybe God is involved, maybe not but I feel that this hoax is headed towards seeking knowledge, seeking the truth and keeping that shield of faith to avoid Satan's missiles. Satan has a short time left, yes human governments as well.

    There are so many parallels to this hoax and the bible, this has been discussed before but if we are so bound and determined to stand up for Michael, why can't we stand up for God and prove Satan a liar.

    It's all for L.O.V.E.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I found this web-site last year and it was way so much interesting to me like you guys said. I know that it was such a dumb question to ask them but I emailed and asked them if this page has anything to do with Michael Jackson. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And they were polite enough to write back and tell me it has nothing to do with the singer MJ but it is only about the Archangel Michael. But we couldn't expect them to tell me the page is about Michael Jackson, could we? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I found this web-site last year and it was way so much interesting to me like you guys said. I know that it was such a dumb question to ask them but I emailed and asked them if this page has anything to do with Michael Jackson. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And they were polite enough to write back and tell me it has nothing to do with the singer MJ but it is only about the Archangel Michael. But we couldn't expect them to tell me the page is about Michael Jackson, could we? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thankyou PureLove.....of course they would say that.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    But we just have to trust in ourselves, and follow your own heart.

    Everyone who has met MJ personally, all have said the same thing..when they touch him, they felt "overwhelmed by his presence" almost like a spiritual awakening. Now not many people will believe he is an earth archangel...but, he is the closest thing to it..we just have to think for ourselves...

    This image was seen outside of the courthouse...and captured on film.

    Another image captured on film, was during a mob performance...and suddenly experienced a strange image or phenomenon...and you can see in these images..
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I found this web-site last year and it was way so much interesting to me like you guys said. I know that it was such a dumb question to ask them but I emailed and asked them if this page has anything to do with Michael Jackson. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And they were polite enough to write back and tell me it has nothing to do with the singer MJ but it is only about the Archangel Michael. But we couldn't expect them to tell me the page is about Michael Jackson, could we? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thankyou PureLove.....of course they would say that.. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    But we just have to trust in ourselves, and follow your own heart.

    Everyone who has met MJ personally, all have said the same thing..when they touch him, they felt "overwhelmed by his presence" almost like a spiritual awakening. Now not many people will believe he is an earth archangel...but, he is the closest thing to it..we just have to think for ourselves...

    This image was seen outside of the courthouse...and captured on film.

    Another image captured on film, was during a mob performance...and suddenly experienced a strange image or phenomenon...and you can see in these images..

    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    WOW!!! I saw that heart shaped cloud somewhere before and thought that it was a photoshop but it was real? WOW!!! And what's that smoke look thing in the last picture? That looks like a spirit to me. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    And I do agree with you about the things you wrote about Michael. I feel like it is despising Michael when we say "MJ is just a human". He is human but I do feel that he's someone VERY special. If all humans were like MJ, there would be no war or anything bad in this world. You know what I'm saying? And I do believe that there're some special people that were sent to this world to show the humanity the right way and to help them. Whatever you call them; angels, fairies, superhumans whatever. I do believe their existence and I call them angels in human bodies. I do believe Michael is one of those very rare humans. God bless his beautiful heart and soul.
  • OLD ARTICLE about Mike seen as the archangel

    - courtesy to a fan, Pompous Git, from Maximus Jackson fan page

    <!-- m -->http://www.maximum-jackson.com/discussi ... php?t=5855<!-- m --> -

    Archangel Michael puts Jehovah's Witnesses in turmoil

    Split as star's Thriller fans form the MJ Cult

    From PHILIP FINN in New York

    POP superstar Michael Jackson has been pronounced the Archangel Michael by adoring young members of his religious sect, the Jehovah Witnesses.

    But it has bitterly divided the two and a half million Witnesses world-wide and upset the clean-living singer. Older Church members far from putting Jackson on a pedestal, cannot forgive him for appearing as a devilish werewolf in his smash-hit video, Thriller.
    Young Witnesses, hooked on the Prince of Pop's music, his dress and his shadow dancing have formed the MJ Cult. They believe the 26-year old multi-millionaire is the Archangel Michael as described in the Book of Daniel, Chapter 12. Verse 1, and "will deliver his people" Part of the passage reads: "And at that time, shall Michael stand up, the Great Prince which standeth for the Children of God."

    But more fundamental witnesses feel Jackson represents an unhealthy and decadent faction which is damaging the Church's image. James Penton, a professor of religious studies in Alberta, Canada, said yesterday that Jackson had even been threatened with disfellowship, excommunication from the Church because of his "worldly activities." Professor Penton who says he was himself excommunicated in 1981 that Jackson subsequently renounced the Thriller video in an issue of Awake, a sect publication which has a circulation of nine million. In the article, Jackson says: "I realise now it was not a good idea…I'll never do a video like that again." The row is expected to explode next month with a week-long series of protests by young dissidents outside the Witnesses' headquarters in Brooklyn, New York. One of the protest Organisers. Mr David Riccobini, of Connecticut, said "It is the first time Witness kids have had someone to look up to. Otherwise they lead a very drab life." Jackson, who often disguises himself to do missionary work for the Church, was touring last night and unavailable But friends say he is "deeply troubled" by the row.

    (Daily Express 30/8/84).
    Reply With Quote
  • A very good place to learn more about Michael is in the lost book of Enoch that used to be in the Holy Bible but was torn out by a roman pope way in the past. Once again MJ will and is freeing the mj. That resin he left behind in his room which trumps all of them nasty man made drugs. Michael according to Enoch is all about that sweet smelling tree and revealing its full potential to the world over. I have said for a year and half Michael Jackson has to be archangel Michael. People for years have thought "Michael" in the Bible was really Jesus. But that is not true. We all know the comparisons though, persecutions, his L.O.V.E for children and helping them beat cancer and other diseases. THIS IS IT!!! Michael is the official trumpet blower to wake the world up during this horrible time of greed and hate.
  • A very good place to learn more about Michael is in the lost book of Enoch that used to be in the Holy Bible but was torn out by a roman pope way in the past. Once again MJ will and is freeing the mj. That resin he left behind in his room which trumps all of them nasty man made drugs. Michael according to Enoch is all about that sweet smelling tree and revealing its full potential to the world over. I have said for a year and half Michael Jackson has to be archangel Michael. People for years have thought "Michael" in the Bible was really Jesus. But that is not true. We all know the comparisons though, persecutions, his L.O.V.E for children and helping them beat cancer and other diseases. THIS IS IT!!! Michael is the official trumpet blower to wake the world up during this horrible time of greed and hate.

    I don't think this is far off. I think we've discussed it before on the marijuana thread. I think Michael's job is to expose all the lies, and the lies about marijuana are definitely some of the biggest.

    But yes, I do feel Michael is special and has a special job here on Earth. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of us would care so much and be so deeply drawn to him if this weren't the case...
  • julia142julia142 Posts: 195
    For those who understand French I did 2 videos that I released yesterday on archangel Michael and Gabriel vs. Michael, there are clues I haven't seen anywhere... See the cover of album "Michael" with a picture of archangel Michael!
    If you don't understand french some of the images will make you understand some points...

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfkFBOYoV_s<!-- m --> (part A)
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOOrFgyHXf4<!-- m --> Part B


    Julie xxx
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    A very good place to learn more about Michael is in the lost book of Enoch that used to be in the Holy Bible but was torn out by a roman pope way in the past. Once again MJ will and is freeing the mj. That resin he left behind in his room which trumps all of them nasty man made drugs. Michael according to Enoch is all about that sweet smelling tree and revealing its full potential to the world over. I have said for a year and half Michael Jackson has to be archangel Michael. People for years have thought "Michael" in the Bible was really Jesus. But that is not true. We all know the comparisons though, persecutions, his L.O.V.E for children and helping them beat cancer and other diseases. THIS IS IT!!! Michael is the official trumpet blower to wake the world up during this horrible time of greed and hate.

    I don't think this is far off. I think we've discussed it before on the marijuana thread. I think Michael's job is to expose all the lies, and the lies about marijuana are definitely some of the biggest.

    But yes, I do feel Michael is special and has a special job here on Earth. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of us would care so much and be so deeply drawn to him if this weren't the case...

    Another thing to add about marijuana - doesn't TMZ seem very pro pot? Any celebrity, doesn't matter who it is, will get a write up on TMZ if they are busted for pot or "sticky icky" as TMZ likes to call it. A lot of us think Michael and TMZ are working together, I know I do. Marijuana is obviously not the reason for the hoax, but there are so many reasons. And isn't it interesting you cannot be influenced through mind control when you're "high"? And don't forget this gem that TMZ posted:

  • A very good place to learn more about Michael is in the lost book of Enoch that used to be in the Holy Bible but was torn out by a roman pope way in the past. Once again MJ will and is freeing the mj. That resin he left behind in his room which trumps all of them nasty man made drugs. Michael according to Enoch is all about that sweet smelling tree and revealing its full potential to the world over. I have said for a year and half Michael Jackson has to be archangel Michael. People for years have thought "Michael" in the Bible was really Jesus. But that is not true. We all know the comparisons though, persecutions, his L.O.V.E for children and helping them beat cancer and other diseases. THIS IS IT!!! Michael is the official trumpet blower to wake the world up during this horrible time of greed and hate.

    I don't think this is far off. I think we've discussed it before on the marijuana thread. I think Michael's job is to expose all the lies, and the lies about marijuana are definitely some of the biggest.

    But yes, I do feel Michael is special and has a special job here on Earth. As a matter of fact, I don't think any of us would care so much and be so deeply drawn to him if this weren't the case...

    Another thing to add about marijuana - doesn't TMZ seem very pro pot? Any celebrity, doesn't matter who it is, will get a write up on TMZ if they are busted for pot or "sticky icky" as TMZ likes to call it. A lot of us think Michael and TMZ are working together, I know I do. Marijuana is obviously not the reason for the hoax, but there are so many reasons. And isn't it interesting you cannot be influenced through mind control when you're "high"? And don't forget this gem that TMZ posted:


    Yes! That's a great point. They do seem very pro-pot. And the mind control influence thing is undenyable for anyone who's experienced it.
  • Could someone please help me out- just wanting to understand where the belief comes from that Michael the Archangel is NOT Jesus himself? If this belief is from bible, can you direct me to the scriptures?
  • isn't the archangel Michael supposed to be the one to slay Lucifer during Armageddon? Michael's sword is supposed to be what kills him right? I am not overly religious (well not religious at all), but for some reason I remember this.

    If that is true, maybe this has something to do with the Illuminati and 2012.

    I will say this once here, and probably never again because it's really a bit far fetched but I kinda think it could happen. <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    If the conspiracy theorists are right about the Illuminati and 2012, and the music industry had Michael working for the illuminati for a short period of time until he said *NO MORE* and released songs like TDRCAU and Heal the World, then MJ would know fully about what is going to happen in 2012. Tommy (big card in the illuminati) Motolla tried to bring him down during the trial. Maybe MJ planned this so the world would stop being prejudice towards him and listen. I dont know of anybody that thinks poorly of MJ when before there was. Isn't it a little odd that TDRCAU was the first thing released after his death. Not Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal? Maybe he is planning this to expose the New World Order.

    Thereeee we go. There's one of my theories <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think you are right, I believe one of the reasons for all of this is to expose the New World Order, and yes the first clip of film I saw on the TV was the one of TDRCAU it was the first clip that was released! Coincidence I dont think so. So there we are that makes two of us. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • I hope the following text is ok to post under all your postings...i thought maybe you are all interested to read about "how to work with archangel michael".....
    How to Work With Archangel Michael
    (By Alice Landry, eHow Contributor)


    Archangel Michael is a powerful angel that can help release fears.

    Archangel Michael can be called upon to assist you in daily endeavors as well as during major life events. Michael is an archangel prevalent in numerous religious traditions and needs no specific affiliation in order to provide help. According to the spiritual law of free will, angelic guides are not allowed to interfere in your life without permission unless you are involved in a life-threatening situation before it is your time to die. Believers can invoke Archangel Michael for overall protection or for help with certain tasks related to his specialty areas, such as life purpose and mechanical tasks.

    Start with one problem. Decide upon one life area or situation in which you would like Archangel Michael to assist. Michael's attributes and associations include personal, family, and global protection; increase in strength and courage; removal of negative energetic attachments and fixing technical, mechanical or electrical problems.
    Ask Archangel Michael for help. You can verbally call upon Michael, use a journal to write an invocation or set an intention to receive divine guidance through dreams or synchronicity in waking life.
    Observe for signs from Archangel Michael. Michael has an impressive, often palpable, spiritual presence. He may indicate that he is listening and is available as a guide through physical, psychic or mental and emotional means. For example, you may see the name Michael on a billboard, hear the word "angel" loudly in one ear or feel a strong sense of overall peace.
    Open yourself to receiving Archangel Michael's guidance. Michael may send messages in the form of repetitive or consecutive signs. Pay extra attention to those that occur as three similar coincidences in a short time span, such as overhearing a conversation that seems to speak directly to you, suddenly realizing the next best step to take and seeing an actual sign that reads "Go for it!"
    Follow through with angelic guidance. Archangel Michael may encourage you through intuitive wisdom or a gut feeling to seek relationships that are of integrity, to overcome your fears by making lifestyle changes and to stand up for what you believe is healthy and honorable for your situation. Express gratitude for Michael's assistance and use his direction to improve your life.
    Divine guidance can be received through clairvoyant (seeing), clairaudient (hearing), clairsentient (feeling) or claircognizant (knowing) means. You can ask Archangel Michael to live with you and each of your loved ones. Use Archangel Michael's mighty sword in a visualization exercise to cut away negative, energetic attachments to unhealthy people, places or situations.

    Though angels and archangels may guide you to change your life and rise above challenges, divinely inspired messages are always loving and supportive and will never suggest harm to yourself or others.

    It is just my own believe that there is so much more behind " the final curtan call".....behind the real meaning of this text from Alice Landry
    but think about it yourself for a moment....

    L.O.V.E. - emmy
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4JPx0eZ ... re=related<!-- m -->
  • The History Channel has a show about Angels and Aliens. They are saying they are messengers. Now they are talking about the Book of Enoch. It is on now EST and I am sure will repeat. It shud be online too.

    <!-- m -->http://www.history.com/schedule/12/9<!-- m -->
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